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What can an individual with a Gemini zodiac sign expect in the year ahead?

Gemini Horoscope

By Anthony ChanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Gemini can expect fewer psychological scars from the effects of the global pandemic but will have to rebuild the personal relationships that they damaged over the last 12 months.

While many individuals saw their life upended by the effects of the global pandemic, Gemini’s have often adapted better than others to changes in their environment. As a member of the Gemini community, I looked forward to using virtual media outlets to communicate with others and conduct business. To be sure, I convinced myself that this would be an exciting opportunity to add some spice to my life.

Although Gemini's are assumed to be intelligent, I prefer to interpret this trait as one that grants me an unbiased perspective on most of the issues, I encounter each day. So, in a year where polarization led many to interpret news on the virus based on one’s political leanings, I chose to combine the views of those on the political right with those on the political left. I then balanced those views with the information provided by medical experts. Although I would never suggest that anyone should adopt my strategy, I feel that using as much information as possible will result in better decisions compared to one that uses less.

To be fair, however, being a Gemini has many disadvantages as well.

We tend to be indecisive at times. That means that by using more data, we often take too long to make a decision. This can be a problem when a quick decision is needed.

We also tend to be impulsive which on the surface may appear as being somewhat contradictory. Perhaps this is part of the two sides that Gemini possesses. Nonetheless, we all know that impulsive actions often result in bad decisions that we end up regretting over time.

Another large negative trait associated with Gemini’s is that they tend to be unreliable in relationships. This is a serious flaw that will come to haunt Gemini’s because, during the pandemic, other individuals often relied on their relationships to survive the ravages of the pandemic. As a result, it will take time and serious effort to repair these relationship missteps.

Summary of Gemini Horoscope Forecast for the Next 12 Months

After a meticulous review of all Gemini traits, my prediction for these individuals is that they will have a head start coming out of this global pandemic when it comes to minimizing the psychological scars that many encountered during our period of isolation. Fortunately, the outgoing personalities of Geminis allowed them to adjust much quicker to our new way of life.

Against this backdrop, I expect Gemini’s will fare well when it comes to their career prospects in the coming year. Their outgoing personality gave this group an edge during the early days of the global pandemic as many were starting to adjust to the newer forms of communication.

On the other side of the ledger, the impulsive nature and unreliable trait of Geminis may have damaged some of their relationships. The pandemic negatively impacted others who relied on friendships to get them through this terrible ordeal.

Unfortunately, Geminis tend to be relatively self-centered and do not always focus their energies on meeting the expectations embedded within their relationships.

As a result, Geminis will have to devote a lot more time in the coming year towards repairing the damage they created in those relationships. Relationships require a huge amount of empathy and lots of time which may serve as a rude awakening to Geminis who will undoubtedly continue to struggle on this front.


About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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