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Using the sand on the ground to compare the number of stars in the universe?

There are about two trillion galaxies in the universe

By Monu EllaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Whenever we look up at the night sky, we always feel that the number of stars that our eyes see is far more than we can imagine.

At night we can use the naked eye to observe the scope of this piece, according to scientists estimate that there are about 127 billion galaxies similar to the Milky Way.

So here, have you ever thought about this question?

How many galaxies are there in the universe we live in? How many celestial bodies are there? And how many stars are similar to our Sun?

Is there more sand on Earth or more stars in the universe?

At first glance, this seems to be a question that can never be explained clearly, but scientists did pass a rough estimate and finally came up with a surprising result.

The scientist who made a concrete estimate of this problem is the American scientist David Blather, whom we have mentioned before.

His final rough estimate came out with a result that shocked all scientists.

If we all think about it carefully, trying to calculate the number of sand on Earth is far more difficult than calculating the number of stars in the universe.


Although the number of sand on our planet is fixed. We are confident of this, but until now, we do not seem to have a clear standard for the volume of sand, how much volume of sand can be defined as sand?

If we analyze it from another point of view, the structure of geology on earth is also different.

It is because of this complex geological structure that many variables arise. This leads to the possibility that after a lot of calculations, we may end up with a result that is different from the real value.

However, scientists did not succumb to these difficulties.

They can still come up with some ways to calculate the number of sand on Earth. One of the simplest ways is to calculate the amount of sand in the Sahara desert.

Scientists observed the earth through remote sensing satellites and found that the number of sand in the Sahara desert is likely to occupy more than half of the number of sand on earth, or even more.

So this means that as long as we calculate the number of sand in this desert, and then multiply it by two, we can roughly get the total number of sand on the earth.

This calculation method seems to be relatively reliable.

Finally, after careful discussion, scientists gave a standard for defining the volume of sand, and they agreed that the volume of sand is about 0.0368 cubic millimeters.

Then the number of sand particles contained in the 1³ of sand we mentioned in this calculation is roughly equal to 27.1 billion.

The overall size of the Sahara Desert and the scientific measurement data we have now can be roughly 1359m³.

Finally, scientists through calculations roughly get the total number of sand on our planet, which is 736 billion billion billion.

Then we analyze the observable universe range, so far we can observe the universe range diameter is about 93 billion light years.

Let's take our galaxy first, in the interior of the galaxy, astronomers speculate that there are about 200 to 400 billion stars similar to our sun.

And there are about two trillion galaxies in the entire observable universe.

Of course, these two trillion galaxies, contain more or fewer stars than our Milky Way, so let's take an average of about 300 billion stars per galaxy as an example.

According to the Hubble telescope data, we can get that by multiplying the two trillion galaxies of the entire observable universe by 300 billion stars, the final number of stars is about 600 trillion billion stars.

Using this number to compare the amount of sand on our planet seems to be less than a fraction of the amount of sand.

But let's not forget that the number of stars in the universe we are estimating is only estimated within the scope of our observable universe.

Astronomers speculate that the range beyond our observable universe can be extended to 23 trillion light years.

But why can we only observe galaxies within 46.5 billion light-years from us?

One of the most fundamental reasons is that these galaxies or objects are too far away from our Earth, and they are still moving away from our Earth at super speed of light, so the light they emit cannot reach our Earth, and our Earth has no way to detect them.

So, according to our current level of technological development to speculate, we humans are not capable of speculating the number of stars in the entire universe.

But the only thing we can be sure of is that the number of sands above the Earth remains constant, and indeed there is a clear value. But for the entire universe, the number of stars must be far more than the number of sand and can be described without exaggeration with the word infinite.


About the Creator

Monu Ella

And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do

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