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Understanding Your Moon Sign Meaning

Understand how your emotions are affected by your moon sign.

By Silena Le BeauPublished 4 years ago 11 min read

Did you know that we are born with three astrological signs or placements?This is because everyone has a sun sign, ascendant sign and a moon sign.

Looking at the compatibility of your Sun, Ascendant and Moon signs can also help you troubleshoot any internal conflicts you might have or encounter. Your Sun sign is reflective of your personality and how you present yourself, while the Moon sign meaning varies slightly and shows who you become as an adult.

The Moon is one of the most important planets to consider when using astrology as a tool for self-discovery as well as for instantly creating more happiness within your life.

What is a moon sign? A moon sign is...

Many people are probably familiar with their Sun sign in astrology, but have you ever wondered "what is my Moon sign?" most likely not. Your Moon sign can actually tell you just as much about your personality and who you truly are. The moon sign is the second most important influence in our horoscope chart after the Sun. It represents our emotions, and our inner mood.

How do I figure out my moon sign?

Your moon sign is determined by calculating your full date, place and time of birth and finding your position around the moon. It moves quickly around the zodiac, visiting each sign for around two to two and a half days which equals one month in rotation through all the signs. Calculating our sun sign is much easier and widely known. Your Sun sign is easy to determine, through your day and month of birth.

What does your moon sign reflect?

The moon sign reflects the vessel of emotions, fears, longings and obsessions brewing beneath the surface of your sun sign-driven persona. It's about the motivations and anxieties of the private self. It impacts heavily upon your relationships and bonds with others, and how you organically feel about stuff.

Moon Meanings in Each Sign

Moon in Aries : A moon in Aries is spontaneous and enthusiastic. Ruled by strong-minded planet Mars, and the energy can either be motivating and assertive or determined and aggressive. Emotionally, you can be fiery with a short temper. The first ones to follow a crazy idea. They're optimistic and impatient, and have no problem sharing how they feel; with their heart ruling their head. May have outbursts of emotions; telling off those who have sighted them.

At their best, the Aries moon can be positive, inspiring, and sympathetic; with their eyes and heart tirelessly aiming for a cause. The amazing thing about Aries from an emotional point of view is you don't hold a grudge—once you get something off your chest, you quickly forgive and forget.At their worst, overconfident, aggressive, and over-indulgent.

Moon in Taurus : A moon in Taurus likes the familiar. They are set in their ways and will do anything to keep their life safe and secure. Ruled by Love goddess Venus, lover of all things beautiful making you a sensitive and caring person, which means you are well liked but can be taken advantage of.

They can be quite conservative, and make those around them feel comfortable, calm, and secure. But when their routine is interrupted, they can be as stubborn as a bull; easily becoming slaves to their routine.

They enjoy companionship, don’t enjoy messiness, and like to finish one project before they move onto another. Your emotions are soothed by your surroundings and you cope better with life if those surroundings provide security and comfort. Taurus moons have been known to test their relationship to see if it can last.

Moon in Gemini : The Gemini moon is extremely sociable, intellectual, and slightly finicky. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you can become bored quickly if there is not enough action to stimulate your mind.The Gemini moon is usually more comfortable when analyzing feelings, as opposed to actually feeling them within.

A Gemini with a decision to make or a problem, is a wildfire of questions, “talking it out,” and analysis; trying to get the bottom of their baffling emotions. As soon as your emotions are challenged you can put on your rose colored glasses, preferring to see things the way you want, rather than how they are. Though they may not take advice well, they are happy to give it to others, and are quick to share their good fortune.

Moon in Cancer : Moon in Cancer is a sensitive creature. In touch with their feelings and those of others, they have both the ability to be self-absorbed and sympathetic; unable to accept an “I’m fine” as an answer. Ruled by the Moon, this makes you a highly sensitive and emotional being.You operate by your feelings, making decisions based purely on instincts. This brings about hurt easily, but have an outer protection (ex. crab's shell) and will instinctively shut down to protect yourself.

A tendency to cling to family, friends, possessions and even a relationship that has fizzled out. They appreciate peace and quiet, and will set up their possessions around them as comfort. Cancer moons are likely to feel misunderstood, or taken for granted; but the dislike of confrontation leads them to their unhappiness instead of saying anything straight out.

Moon in Leo : Naturally enthusiastic, and prone to outbursts of spontaneous joy. Ruled by the Sun, being our most powerful force, it brings you the confidence and stamina to take charge of your life as well as your emotions. When you are emotionally out of whack, your natural bossiness can take over, with you being petty and conceited. You strive on being the leader, and excel when your talents are recognized and admired. Your emotions are closely linked and associated with your pride and as you love to be the center of attention, your emotions are heightened when you are out front and proud of whom you are and what you do.

Moon in Virgo : Moon in Virgo likes the little things in life. Ruled by Mercury, the thinking planet, you tend to be emotionally reserved. You tend to be critical and nit picky, but you are only this way with those you love and care about, otherwise, they wouldn't even rate on your radar. A tendency to over analyze and get too caught up in petty details that can distract your attention from the big picture and how you feel on a heart level. They may be prone to low self esteem and stress, and feel best and content in their comfort zone.

They are excellent caretakers for themselves and their loved ones, and will show they care by helping you out. Open affection can make them pull away and put up barriers, but they hope that others will still be willing to stick around and get to know them.

Moon in Libra : Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. One of the ways you keep your emotions balanced is to continually try to keep your environment, as well as the people you deal with, as harmonious as possible. Libra moon do not like to be alone. You aim to get along with people, often putting their needs before yours in an attempt to keep everything agreeable, which may be good for them, but in the long run will unsettle you and upset your equilibrium. If you give up too much of your own needs, you feel taken advantage of and can become irritable.

Both charming and gentle, argumentative and indecisive. They are prone to arguing a point until they win, and must get the last word. The sign of balance; you are encouraging and affectionate, but can easily be swept away in noticing the flaws, and going back and forth on a decision, looking for the right, balanced decision.

Moon in Scorpio : Scorpio moons are emotionally charged. Easily able to sense other people’s emotions, which can make others’ either wary or intrigued. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation you have the power and the desire to probe to the very depths, for truth. They don't like their life to stay still for long, and live for the ups and the downs. Emotional fulfillment lies in honest connections with others that include strong, sensitive and passionate expression.

Known to create drama in their own lives, and those around them, you live for the drama of life, emotional intensity, as it makes you feel alive.

They have a tendency to test relationships, but are deeply loyal when they’ve committed. If you are upset or angered others may never know as you hide your emotions under a cool demeanor choosing to hide your position. This often make others suspicious, while you use it as your secret weapon. They can be fiercely competitive with people of their own sex and very indulgent with their partners.

Moon in Sagittarius : Sagittarius moon love a good adventure. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, you have a thirst for knowledge as a seeker of truth. You feel unsettled if you are required to keep a secret and often bluntly tell others what you feel they need to know.

Naturally upbeat, active and positive. You are mostly positive and optimistic and generally will not stay in a negative mood for long, choosing to live life on a higher vibration. They can be competitive and love the outdoors or big spaces. They may either be athletes, or interested in various athletics. Sagittarius is a non-materialistic sign; choosing the value of experience over possessions. They are impatient, and at times very blunt, even if the truth hurts, it'll relieve inner emotional tension and allow you to feel comfortable once again in your own skin.

They also enjoy leaving an impression on others, and may therefore be prone to boasting or exaggerating. You love to experience life to the fullest, mainly with someone by your side, even if you do shy away from making a commitment.

Moon in Capricorn : Moon in Capricorn are collected, dignified, and calculated. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of reality which influences your inner mood with a no-nonsense, driven and solitary trait. It is important not to stay in solitude for too long. In order to keep your emotions equalized, you need time to decompress between your busy schedule and before mingling with others in the outside world.

They want everything planned and mapped out, and don’t easily get swept up in emotions. They want goals and boundaries and don’t like to take many risks. Capricorn moons are their worst critics and are very aware of their weaknesses; making great pains to compensate for them.

May appear cold, they are just not comfortable letting their emotions free. Can often suffer from illness or depression from holding onto too many emotions. Also hides their sensitivity behind a sarcastic demeanor. They need to learn to show affection to others. You don't give your heart easily, until you find the one.

Moon in Aquarius : Aquarius moon is a very observant sign, as they want to know about human nature. Ruled by Uranus, planet of independence, you're a trailblazer, and can be in your own world. Others think you are standoffish, when really, you are just sorting things out in your mind. You can be unpredictable, and that goes for your emotions, too!

They can seem somewhat aloof and often feeling that they do not fit in, and will not conform to fit the mainstream. Aquarian moons love freedom in every sense, and therefore have a playful and child-like demeanor. They want to feel a sense of independence at every age, and are able to give this in return to their partners. You feel truly balanced emotionally, when you associate with people who allow you the freedom to be who you are without taking your so-called aloofness personally.

Can sometimes be so involved with analyzing others that they can overlook their own feelings and issues. They are loyal friends, and loyal to the causes that they believe in.

Moon in Pisces : Moon in Pisces is a sign with They are natural empaths, compassionate, and full of love. Ruled by Neptune the planet of inspiration and compassion. The symbol of the two fishes (a dual sign), the key to emotional stability is to ensure you have a balance between the mind (analytical) and follow your heart (instincts).

They can be easily lost in other people’s problems because of this. Moons in Pisces need the time to daydream and space out, otherwise they can become overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. Highly sensitive and show your emotional state fairly easily. A balance between escapism and reality is what helps you to be effective in the world.

Pisces moon are very sensitive and often easily walked on. it's very important for them to know when to step back and recharge for a bit. It is essential for them to have meaning in their lives, and they care more for emotions than possessions. A spiritual connection and a practice of meditative silence that allows you to access your dreams and imagination will keep your emotions in check.


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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