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Under a lucky star: Jupiter in Pisces

Here’s what to expect from Jupiter’s year stay in the romantic Pisces ♓️

By Alyissa M. LorePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 18 min read
Under a lucky star: Jupiter in Pisces
Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

On December 29th the expansive planet of Jupiter will move into the spiritual sign of Pisces where it will stay for majority of 2022. Jupiter is the planet of luck and is especially lucky in this particular placement, which is good news for 2022. Jupiter enjoys being in this star sign and that means it is willing to open new doors of pleasure, inspiration, and wisdom in your life.

So what does it all mean? In astrology Jupiter is the planet that tells us how we earn our luck and how we can best grow in life. Jupiter is always encouraging you to look at ways to improve your life, ways to stretch and strengthen yourself for the better. Meanwhile, Pisces is a creative and dreamy sign, which encourages self discovery and emotional awareness. When the two team up together you will be pushed to reimagine yourself and your life as the best version it can possibly be. While not all of these imaginings will stick, just this act of dreaming alone will help you get some air under your wings as you yearn, getting as close as possible to that ideal daydream. You may find yourself deeply motivated to aim for the moon as you set your goals, and with the help of Jupiter, you’re likely to land on a lucky star.

On top of that, get ready turn up the romance. This placement dissolves boundaries making it a great time to form a love connection or to add some sensuality to already existing relationships. Be ready to explore your partners deepest desires as we expand the limit of what we are willing to ask for and what we are willing to try. However, be wary Pisces is a romantic sign, which means that the connections you form during this period may be based in idealism. Make sure to double check you are seeing your partner and potential partners as what they truly are and not just what you want them to be or else disappointment will be inevitable.

With Jupiter in Pisces the world becomes a kaleidoscope of sensation. Everywhere you look is something new to explore, to enjoy, as you touch, taste, listen and look, finding new forms of pleasure and beauty. Expect to be seduced by new concepts of joy as you find new music, new games, new stories, and new flavors of food that jump to the top of your favorites list. The universe wants to play and it is using you as the vessel it gets to experience these concepts with so if you go looking for fun, love, or inspiration, don’t be surprised if it falls into your lap through acts of brilliant serendipity.

With Jupiter ruling abundance you may need to ask yourself: How much is too much? If you are a person sensitive to addictions or emotional outbursts it may be a good idea to put your guardrails up in preparation for this latest Jupiter transition. If you are a person prone to flights of fancy you might find it easier during this time to ignore reality for the sake of fantasy, so make sure to keep yourself grounded during this period.

With Pisces as a sign of the subconscious, this placement may start to unearth the things you previously fought to repress during your waking life. If you buried a lot of ugly emotions these last few years be ready for them to start coming out as you project your feelings onto the world around you and experience them through vivid dreams while you sleep. Jupiter in Pisces is a healing and compassionate placement and it’s not doing this to make your life more difficult, but rather it’s giving you an opportunity to explore the things that live inside your shadows so you can come to understand them, heal them, and take charge of how they affect you. As a result, you might find your self awareness expanding as different emotional patterns get louder and louder until you can’t ignore them anymore. If you choose to reject these experiences, this will be a difficult time for you and you might swing towards extremes of addiction to block them out, but if you dive in head first with the help of lucky Jupiter there to celebrate and honor you on your emotional growth you will find creative ways to cope with these situations.

Jupiter stays in each star sign for roughly one year which means that it will another twelve years before you see this advantageous occurrence again. It is highly encouraged that you take steps to consciously use this energy in your everyday life, as it won’t be back around for quite awhile. If you choose to dream too much and act too little you might hit 2023 with an uncomfortable jolt back to reality and the overwhelming need to play catch-up. The last time Jupiter was in Pisces was in 2010, so reflecting on what themes were most prevalent in your life during that time and how they influenced who you are today will help give you an idea what to expect going forward.

All in all, Jupiter in Pisces is a lucky placement, that will guide you to hone in on your natural instincts and intuition, helping you to easily discern situations that aren’t right for you and giving you the boost you need to act in situations that are. This year you may feel naturally guided to situations that serve your higher purpose, bringing moments of beauty and inspiration into your life.

If you truly want to know what Jupiter in Pisces has in store for you, I recommend looking up what star sign Jupiter was in when you were born and then reading how this next year will influence down below. Because of how long Jupiter stays in each sign, you should be able to find your Jupiter natal sign even if you don’t know your time of birth simply by plugging your birth date into an online birthchart calculator.

How Jupiter in Pisces will affect your natal sign: (Read for Sun, Moon, and Jupiter Placements)

Aries ♈️ : This year will slow you down giving you a chance to discover untapped resources in your life and urging you to take a full look at what else you may have missed while running by. You might find yourself aggravated at the leisurely pace life is traveling at during this time but if you slow down you just might find a way to work smarter towards your goals. As an Aries it’s only natural feel the urge to fight against the current and wish you could control the flow of life, but this year Jupiter encourages you to take a deeper look at those emotions and figure out why you are in such a hurry. Pisces will push you to learn lessons of tolerance and patience. You feel most valuable when you are winning, but this placement will challenge you to find your value internally instead of pushing for external validation. The only person you are in competition with this year is who you were yesterday.

Taurus ♉️ : This year you will explore both your body and goals to find out what you are really made of. You have big ideas for yourself and this placement will give you the freedom to pursue the goals that make you happy opposed to superficial ideas of what society tells you to do. This year you might find you have a certain magnetism about you, attracting partners of all variety as they try to get closer to your earthly energy. Make sure you are prioritizing the things you truly value, and not getting caught up in creating the ideal appearance. If you make an effort to match what you feel on the inside with how you are expressing on the outside, you will feel more confident and be more likely to achieve your long term goals. Paint the most ideal image of your life, and then whittle it down to only the most important details of that image, asking yourself what you can’t live without. Those key points are the ones you should be planting seeds for.

Gemini ♊️ : Integration is the name of the game this year. If your sign falls in gemini then that means you will have the most luck with this placement if you focus on developing your emotional intelligence. With Gemini, the sign of the twins, one twin is meant to symbolizes mind and spirit while the other twin represents your emotion and body. This year is all about learning to use both of those assets together, rather then switching back and forth. This will help you to gain an clearer understanding of your emotional and spiritual needs then guide you to translate that into a clearer more logical format. You should use this opportunity to take your rational logical mind and finding the emotional roots that create these intellectual values, so you can start consciously sculpting your life experiences. Gemini is a very social sign, and this year you are ready to throw yourself into any late night conversations you can find. Be ready to explore what the word “relationship” means to you, as you discern what exactly you are looking for in emotional connections. Gemini is a flirty playful sign and combined with the romantic Pisces you might find yourself moving from one intense fling to the next. It’s good to have fun just make sure you are taking care of yourself by paying careful attention to red flags and not over investing yourself into something that will only be short term.

Cancer ♋️ : This transition will mature you by helping you see the bigger picture in life and making it easier for you to move past small inconveniences. Your perspective and the way you approach your emotional self will start to change through scoping out your true values and decide that something just aren’t worth reacting to. During this time you may be looking at the world with rose colored glasses viewing everything as a chance to explore. Because of this positive outlook you may run the risk of turning a blind eye to problems you experience in your life. If you find yourself denying that problems exist it will leave you vulnerable to developing toxic habits so try to be honest with yourself about what’s really happening. You may find yourself with an innate desire to care for other people during this time, but be cautious not to share yourself with people who would try to use or take advantage of you during this time. Life is about balance, whether it’s balancing your happiness with your effort to resolve conflicts, or your relationships. Not everyone deserves access to you and not everyone deserves access to you in the same ways.

Leo ♌️ : This is a year of self expression, opening up to the world around you from a place of honesty. You will start to evolve your talents and your sense of self to reflect greater authenticity. You might find yourself wearing your heart on your sleeve as you throw yourself into projects and emotions pursuits that inspire your soul. Opportunities aligning with your sense of purpose will begin to fall in your lap as you learn to present yourself based on your true values, instead of based on a false image of what you believe others would value you for. This year get ready to go big, with big ideas, big dreams, and big displays of emotions…just be careful not to take up so much space there’s none left for the people you love. I know that what you have to share is important and you will be excited to share it, but building close relationships is about being reciprocal. You like to display your love with grand gestures and paired with romantic Pisces your loved ones can expect you to really sweep them off their feet this year…but try to make sure you are loving them on their terms, showing appreciation through what make them feel special, and by giving them their time to be heard and express themselves as well.

Virgo ♍️: This year gives you a chances to get clear about what you want and allows for some additional fluidity in achieving it. Typically carrying yourself with ever so careful practicality, this placement gives you the chance set that cynicism aside and dream big. This year you should aim for the moon, then come up with creative methods to reach it. This placement will shine a light on partnerships, as you search for ways to make yourself useful and express your devotion to loved ones. Learn to recognize and respect the difference between a loved one who is asking for help, and a loved one that just wants you to listen and support. With your ideals running wild you might find yourself more critical of others and yourself than usual. When you or a loved one makes a mistake be sure to remember that a little compassion goes a long way. Your close relationships will help keep you stable this year. I know you are used to doing all the helping, but if you feel yourself being particularly mean and judgmental, it’s a sign you are out of balance and you need to be open to leaning on your loved ones for support. Your self esteem may get called into question this year as you ask yourself why you aren’t as perfect as your most dreamy imaginings. Remember: it’s human to make mistakes. This year will improve your ability to compromise and relate to others helping you to deepen existing connections and grow your inner circle. Close relationships will increase your sense of security and emotional support will be a big theme with this Jupiter Pisces pairing.

Libra ♎️: With this placement you will create the most luck in your life when you apply your natural intellect and creativity to your partnerships. Your ability to easily see multiple sides in a situation will bring about many financial opportunities this year as long as you don’t spend too much time analyzing the minor details. While libra’s instinct is to hold out as long as possible before making a decision, Pisces thrives on leaps of faith and Jupiter is here to push you to expand. Between those three factors, you might find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone, taking risks that are out of character, but because of the lucky energy, that just might work in your favor. This year you will search for deeper meaning. With Pisces spiritual nature and Libras detail oriented nature, you will look for layers of divine meaning and synchronicity hidden in the mundane. This year you won’t have patients for shallow emotions and will push for deeper connections in your relationships. Pisces dissolves boundaries, and Libra will want to take full advantage of this looking for intimacy and sensuality at every opportunity. Usually the people pleaser this year you will expect some extra effort from those in your life or you may not be so quick to please. The people you form connections with this year will be important and have a lasting impact in your life.

Scorpio ♏️: This year will benefit you the most if you look within giving you opportunities for deep emotional transformation. This will be a year of self discovery and expansion, as emotions, both good and bad are brought out in surprising ways. Your instincts will be very strong with this placement, if you are well balanced you might find yourself easily intuiting peoples motives and emotions. If you are unbalanced you may find yourself insecure and anxious. Keep a close eye on paranoid thoughts this year, Scorpio tends to look at the glass as half empty and will be suspicious of the idealism Pisces in Jupiter will bring. If you aren’t careful, you could end up isolating loved ones with your due to anxiety and a desire to withdrawal. If you find yourself getting anxious or angry address your emotional reaction FIRST and the trigger SECOND. Be wary of swinging to extremes. Pisces is a romantic sign while Scorpio is an obsessive one. If you put people on pedestals you take away their right to be human and flawed; if you damn them to hell for every mistake, you forget that everyone comes from different circumstances. If you find yourself feeling like nothing is going your way, it would be wise take a step back and reserve your judgment to see the bigger picture without the lens of personal biases.

Sagittarius ♐️: This year is going to bring out your sense of wonder as you feel urged to explore the world around you with a childlike curiosity. You will feel pushed to learn more, grow more, while experimenting with the way things are and the way you want them to be. You may feel urged to try on different places and people just for the thrill of it with no particular interest in settling down. You might find yourself feeling especially excited this year, pursuing mysteries and unanswered questions with a vengeance. With Pisces idealism you won’t stop to ask yourself what could go wrong on your next adventure, and that might you into some trouble this year. No matter what you decide to do, make sure you have a safety net to drop into, otherwise things could get messy. In contrast be careful of disposing people and things that have long term value to you, with Pisces avoidance is second nature and you will flee at the first sign of threat, even if what you are fleeing is actually in your best interest. Finally, with Sagittarius being a sign of medicine and Pisces being a sign of emotional healing and creativity, this year might be the breath of fresh air you need to mend old wounds, looking at past pain in ways you hadn’t previously considered.

Capricorn ♑️: With Capricorn sign being half fish adaptability is the name of the game. We know your ambition pushes you to control the variables in each situation, but surprising things can happen this year when you let go. Things will start to happen for when you aren’t trying to force it. Usually you like to tell yourself no, to keep your expectations realistic by rattling off the statistics of why something isn’t possible, but this year you can swim with the dreamiest of the Pisces fish if you let yourself. Dream big and put away your limiting thoughts so that you don’t sell yourself short or put yourself down when rationalizing about the future. This is the year for you to pursue those dreams you have that touch your soul, those dreams you have always been too scared to pursue because you told yourself it wasn’t possible. If you try, you might get closer then you would expect.

Aquarius ♒️: With this placement you see the bigger picture and you are ready to conquer it. Your innovation knows no boundaries this year and you will feel motivated to burn the whole system down with no qualms about the destruction and complete faith that you will be able to build something even better in it’s place. Everywhere you look, you see how things could be fairer, better, more beautiful, more just, and you’re idealism knowing no boundaries. You will want to push as hard as you can to try and force the people and things around you to reach their potential. This energy is best spent on things that fall within your control. If you dump that motivation onto something you have no sway over you might find yourself feeling very helpless, angry, and overwhelmed. If you those feelings do arise, take a step back and get realistic about controlling the things you can and leaving the rest up to fate…Pisces in Jupiter is a lucky placement so you might be surprised.

Pisces ♓️: This year can be easily overwhelming as the boundaries between you and the people around you start to blur. You may have always been sensitive to other peoples motives and emotions but this year it will be especially easy for you to get swept up in people’s projection of you, feeling a strong desire to heal those around you…to heal those that may not want to heal. It will be especially important to ground yourself, to take time to yourself so that you can more easily recognize what anxieties are yours and what anxieties you are taking on from those around you. Be wary of using other peoples problems as a way of avoiding your own. This year will move in your favor…as long as you don’t run from it. If you avoid problems that arise you won’t be able to see the chance opportunities to resolve those issues. When things seem scary or you feel in over your head instead of running away, take a chance on yourself, you might be surprised how well things work out. You have the chance to explore deep intimate relationships both with those around you but also on a personal level as you learn better how to connect with yourself.


About the Creator

Alyissa M. Lore

I can be found manifesting in the moonlight with fairies, growing wishes in my garden of dreams, & deep sea diving in the human psyche ready to capture & study the creatures lurking in it’s depths. Enjoy the read.

Twitter: @Alyissa_M_Lore

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