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Two Beings Of One

A Star Wars Thought

By JCAPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Darth Revan (The Knight of Light and Dark)

The Force is the everlasting, overarching entity and energy that flows throughout everything in the galaxy. The Jedi users of the “Light side” of the force and self-appointed protectors of the galaxy, of peace and of the republic, led by their undying justice and thirst for knowledge. The Sith users of the “Dark side” of the force each have their own personal drive toward something and the ways to achieve those goals is with hotter emotions. Hate, Grief, Vengefulness etc. passion is the power of the Sith, power is their underlying goal, and to control is their motive. Even though the Force is connected to all, and can be used by few. Although these descriptions are true of the Sith and Jedi, they both still preserve the mentality that they are using different sides of the force. Without a doubt one thing is clear and always true, there is only one all connected. All powerful force.

The Jedi began as regular people like you and I but with one difference they have powers like no other. “There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force” (Dark Disciple- Christie Golden). The Jedi believe in feelings comparable to serenity, not in emotions of love since in correspondence to peace you must outweigh the needs of the many from the few. On the other hand, if the Jedi do let themselves love, their judgment will be clouded by putting all priority to said loved one moreover fear will overcome the Jedi, and fear is a Jedi’s worst enemy. “Fear is the path of the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering”-(Yoda)

The Sith order began by one Jedi attempting to expand their knowledge and use of the Force believing that the dark side is the true way to utilize the force. “Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me” (Star Wars: TOR). The Sith regard their source to manipulate the force from their hot emotions equivalent to hate, anger and fear. In consequence to this nature of strength the Sith are regarded by themselves to be the true seekers of peace by overruling the republic and Jedi and becoming a sole totalitarian rule for the sake of peace and control. This thought process might seem a bit extremist but so was the attempted eradication of said Sith by the Jedi during their beginnings as orders.

Are there only good or bad people in this world? Or is it all just a cesspool of he said, she said, walking on that fine moral line between good and bad, as well as of course the gray area that we all live in. The Jedi being self-appointed peace keepers believe in justice, and the guardianship of serenity throughout all worlds and yet in their foundation they must detach themselves from said world and keep their emotions under wraps especially Love. In contrast the Sith having only their personal motive and the accomplishment of said motive be the only thing on their minds they seem to be self-centered and pathetic for their conquest. Nevertheless these qualities the Sith are widely known for all also ones that we have as well, in life we only do what we ourselves as individuals think we should do, and do so as wanted, comparable to only focusing your time on homework and studying to pass that exam, to achieve the grades necessary to be accepted in the college/university of your choosing and so on and so forth. You just went through a huge part of your life to achieve your ultimate goal and yet you don't call yourself self-centered.

Both the Jedi and Sith are two sides of the same coin neither budging from their position in their respective lives yet they clash. In life a person has two sides to themselves a person that thinks for themselves and another that is selfless. Having one or the other neither makes you good nor evil.

“You lose passion which arguably makes life worth living. You lose creativity“(Sarah Unruh).

star wars

About the Creator


I silently listen with an active imagination. So many moments I find myself deep In thought about so many things, I consider this to be a place to happily display them for all to see and use as inspiration.

Insta @Jos.0

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