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Twin Flames

Do you know how the galaxies were formed?

By TvVPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

This is a secret few know. Even the souls involved have been sworn to such spiritual enchantment they themselves have chosen to forget. Each time they reincarnate, they experience the glory of finding each other and consummating their love.

This bond is not soul mates. This is not only a deep understanding of each other, not just being drawn to each other. This captivation is not being complete without your other half. This is, by choice, a decision by one soul to split and learn, to achieve spiritual awakening. The soul is halved… they are nothing without each other. They dream of each other. Except, they are not dreaming, no, they are memories. Shared memories of the exquisite times they shared before. For they have loved since the beginning, each past life, they will be consumed by each other in every lifetime. This is not love as the average person perceives it, this is Truth. Connected through the Tree of Life to journey towards their ultimate, universal and spiritual reality.

This magnetic resonance is not always beautiful. They flee from each other many times, attempting to escape this powerful force. It is so commanding, the vulnerability of having another knowing their every thought and sensation, they are shards of a mirror that fit together. Some lifetimes they are so damaged, so wounded, they cannot face the terror of devotion with so much depth and the intense dread of being abandoned. They cannot always surrender to the energy of this magnitude. No, they probably will run. Some lifetimes their magnetic poles are too similar, they are pushed away from each other. Having someone reflect their weakness is not for the untried truth warrior. Having someone feel their pain at such an intimate level is overwhelming. Other lifetimes, they are stronger, seeking each other. Craving each other, their very essence blending. Knowing their other half is out there. Their truth is out there. It is a quest, a journey that no other adventure can compare to. A soul expedition.

They are souls of fire, burning so incandescently that even in this murky world, they can recognize each other, for they are part of one soul. They are drawn to each other with such ardor, nothing else exists when their eyes meet. Nothing exists but the electricity of their fingertips entwining. When he plunges into her depths, both their fire-souls burn with such reverence, their joining ignites the very atoms around them. Stars explode into being where before nothing existed. This seductive clamor implodes when they unite as one, like the butterfly effect, the mystical swells of their unification rip into the fabric of space.

So, in the lifetimes that they do meet when they submit to their destiny, they create new galaxies. If you look carefully, you will see them in the stars above. The very universe tells their story. Their story of laughter, sorrow, dancing, tears of losing each other, delight in finding each other, That is why they chose to forget, when they are reborn, this magic is experienced repeatedly. Each time though, their pledge is intensified, and so, eventually, they will meet when they are both still young and vibrant. There will come a time when they will remember everything, they will run through the forest chasing each other with peals of laughter, collapsing in a frenzied bundle of burning passion. They will finally be complete, the lessons of existence, the spiritual plane achieved, the ultimate gift of truth, will be theirs. Will they choose to stay in their nirvana, or will they come back to once again find each other?


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