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Time of the Sixth Sun

Living from the Heart

By Katherine Thompson Published 3 years ago 13 min read

The most magnificent love story of all time is brewing.

Do you remember Avatar? Maybe you are too young!

Now there's a good love story!

If Avatar appealed to you, dive deeper into Time of the Sixth Sun.

A documentary style movie for OUR time.

THE love story of our time. For these times.

Truly, we have SO much to learn from the ancestral native people of our lands.

And indeed from ourselves, if we can only tune inward, and connect to that eternal art of ourselves, who knows there is something more than the way we are acting and living presently. Especially, if you are living from a place of fear. It is time to return to living from the heart - to living with LOVE. To take back your sovereignty and love your life.

What I am hoping, at least, to get you thinking outside of your daily thoughts.

To ignite a spark within.

This IS THE time. Humans all over our brilliant planet are striving to create a new way. Love is rising, you only to become conscious and search in different places to find a community overflowing with love, compassion and inspiration.

In relation to Avatar, quite honestly, I can't recall much of this plot at all! I do remember the love story between the two 'beings' and the land which contributed in the end to the battle. And I loved that! The power of the land energetically to rise and aid in love.

How have we allowed ourselves to become SO disconnected from the beauty and magic of our planet?

She is always there. if you are searching for anything positive in your life, notice wellbeing is dominant on our planet, and indeed universe, if you only look around and immerse yourself into nature.

I must have watched Avatar decades ago. I no longer watch TV or movies. Although I have watched Time of the Sixth Sun.

Maybe that is what happens as you get older? You only follow inspiration and move away from what you are being told to watch!!

Hence I love this challenge from Vocal - as I would love to see younger generations learning from the past, listening to those wise souls, and feeling their way into what feels good and right, as well as standing up for themselves and being a part of creating this exceptional new way on our planet. It is time for the generations to come together and hold each other in respect and love moving forward.

These days, we possible, I prefer to be creative, as my creativity has been bound within for so many decades.

I would much rather create or be in nature.

I would choose time with my daughter or with friends sharing a meal over looking at a screen any day.

However, once upon a time I was into watching movies, just as you may be.

I digress.

I have some questions for you. To ponder.

The answers or musings, are only for yourself.

Or not.

Feel free to share. Or even better start a conversation. A real conversation, dive deep. Step out of the ego and into what truly is. These conversations are of our time. And they are incredible. This truly is a stellar time to be on our planet, if you can tune into the evolution occuring in human souls as more of us step into our true selves and true purpose.

If any of these words inspire you to think of something, well, bigger than yourself, fantastic. If not, that's cool too.

I wouldn't have thought about it too much either, back in the day. Or perhaps I did. Having my father pass when I was a teenager actually activated my spirituality.

However, my mainstream living soon pushed spirituality to the side for some time. This is what has been the biggest brain-washing, in my mind, of our previous generations - stepping away, or really being steered away, from our spirituality and allowing ourselves to be in an ego-based world driven by self rather than the collective.

This is the most transformational occurence that I observe happening right now. People are reconnecting to themselves - million and millions all over the world. Reclaiming their sovereignty and, possibly without realising it, coming back to their true selves and their own unique, innate beliefs - connecting to their spirituality.

What comes with this growth and change, is a connection with other human beings very profoundly and authentically on a very deep level of love. From here, what is only natural is an extension of this (deep) love to Mother Earth.

As for Mother Earth, I have always however, had a deep sense of self-knowing and indeed, love for our planet. Perhaps, this is a natural progression from being brought up with parents who provided food from their garden and took joy in the wonders of nature. From spending time as a child more outdoors than indoors, hence this connection with magical energy that is there for all to explore.

These days, I am underway going back to living my life from the heart.

I am SO inspired to aid others in stepping into this life as it brings SO much JOY!

We are ALL deserving of feeling this joy every day of our lives.

We are born as blobs of love or God, or whatever you want to call that pure eternal divine part of yourself. That inner part of you you can feel and may not be able to explain, that is simple love, pure positive energy. The inner knowing.

We are simply pulled away from our true being, this inner knowing, slowly but surely over time.

I was always a lover of love.

I used to draw and doodle love hearts ever since I can remember.

And I felt a deep love in some obscure and inexplicable way, in amidst the chaos and confusion of outer life.

I just did not know how to connect to that part of me being from an aetheist, albeit generally loving, home.

I digress again.

I wonder how many people on our planet realise how precious Mother Earth is?

I wonder if people, especially young people, are disconnected from their hearts?

Do you live your life from your heart?

Or do you live your life from your head?

Do you love your planet?

Do you respect your planet and her resources?

Do you even consider such things?

Do you have a feeling it is time for change?

Feel being the operative word - try and get out of your head. Yes I know, sometimes it can be difficult, that ego can feel overpowering. However, this is KEY.

Sit still, turn everything off and just BE.

We actually need to practice being Human BEINGS more!

Being rather than doing!

We have become so brain-washed and programmed into the doing - achieving goals and reaching some obscure milestone.

We all eventually learn that it's about the journey. About living and flourishing in your life, in our own unique way in the now. Feeling the pure joy of life. And sharing in others joys and also woes.

The singular way to connect to your true inner self is to just BE.

Sit still, get comfortable, close your eyes and listen to your breathe, without judging. Or the birds.

Or do a plant study (comes from Anthropolosophy), sit with a plant everyday. Choose a plant, and at the same time everyday try and be available to be with your plant. Eventually describe your plant and draw your plant. Write or draw. Repeat. I am trying this with guidance. Seven days.

Again, I digress. Fun though isn't it to think of what you thought might be a bit crazy!! It's actually not!!

Do you feel it is time to start honouring and respecting firstly, yourself and secondly, our beautiful planet?

This may all seem rather heavy.

I guess it is. However, it also isn't. It's just what is.

This is the awakening of human consciousness - to who we are and how we live.

How we live our everyday lives.

Who tells us what to do?

How we should live?

Where do you get your guidance from? Yourself? Or someone outside of you?

Do you love and trust yourself?

If you are connected to your true self, the answer is always yes.

In our society where we have been brain-washed to be disconnected from our true selves many of us feel, or have felt, that somehow we are not enough as we are.

Exploration of your true inner everlasting self, your spirituality, is required by us all.

It's not scary. It's fun.

It's sometimes challenging. Just as life can be.

Just as sitting with your plant may be. Or not.

Everyday it becomes more satisfying. And you will find this connection will aid you times of difficulty. Will actually become your medicine. Naturally, and easily, from self and the universe.

Be ready to feel the love of the divine.

We indeed, are this love.

We are surrounded by this love.

Every single one of us.

We have just forgotten.

When we start to connect to our inner true selves, even remotely, we connect to our beautiful home, Mother Earth energetically, and we know it is time for change.

Deep down, intuitively, I believe we all know it is time for change. Particularly, those of my generations.

Don’t you?

This revelation will come if it has not already.

And look at all the changes that have come over the past year.

Why not more change?

Accept change for the better.

Not a coerced or forced change.

A chosen change.

A chosen exploration.

An evolutionary change.

To create a world that we truly would like to be a part of.

A loving and compassionate world.

This is possible.

The light is SO strong.

I wonder if any of you feel some beautiful changes are in the air?

I can.

Deep true change, indeed human evolution is here and unfolding all around us.

We are amidst this.

Believe it or not.

Even if you can't feel it - yet.

Once you start to explore within and allow change and expansion - you will feel it. Dive in. I dare you too!

Change is good.

Change is the only constant.

Human consciousness is rising as part of our evolution and it's absolutely awe inspiring!

We as humans are in an evolutionary process.

Right now.

What???? You may think this is madness!!

That’s ok. It’s not.

It is the most exciting time to be alive.

I would say turn off your movie and TV. After you've watched Time of the Sixth Sun!

Start to feel your life.

Tune inward.

Tune in to your heart.

To your love.

Feel your pain too.

Allow it and let it pass.

Just like a wave.

It will be replaced with love.

You will then tune into and feel, or even be guided by, the spirits of our ancestors.

Do you think the native ancestral people of our lands have wisdom to share and teach us?

Do you feel inspired to start change from within?

If you are a lover of your planet and recognise, or indeed feel your intuition sparked from these words, deep down knowing or having an inkling, this is a time for change - check out the movie Time of the Sixth Sun.

This is the biggest and best love story of ALL time - the love story of us evolving as a species together with our planet.

Love to you all my fellow blessed human BEINGs in evolution.

And enjoy your movie!

PS. Or your Plant Study.

PPS. Dare you to just try it.

For those who haven't seen Avatar - the plot from sorry, Wikipedia (you can scroll past the plot if you want to get to the good stuff!!) :

In 2154, humans have depleted earth's natural resources, leading to a severe energy crisis. The Resources Development Administration (RDA) mines a valuable mineral unobtanium on Pandora, a densely forested habitable moon orbiting Polyphemus, a fictional gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. Pandora, whose atmosphere is poisonous to humans, is inhabited by the Na'vi, a species of 10-foot tall (3.0 m), blue-skinned, sapient humanoids that live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess named Eywa.

To explore Pandora's biosphere, scientists use Na'vi-human hybrids called "avatars", operated by genetically matched humans. Jake Sully, a paraplegic former Marine, replaces his deceased identical twin brother as an operator of one. Dr. Grace Augustine, head of the Avatar Program, considers Sully an inadequate replacement but accepts his assignment as a bodyguard. While escorting the avatars of Grace and fellow scientist Dr. Norm Spellman, Jake's avatar is attacked by a thanator and flees into the forest, where he is rescued by Neytiri, a female Na'vi. Witnessing an auspicious sign, she takes him to her clan. Neytiri's mother Mo'at, the clan's spiritual leader, orders her daughter to initiate Jake into their society.

Colonel Miles Quaritch, head of RDA's private security force, promises Jake that the company will restore his legs if he gathers information about the Na'vi and the clan's gathering place, a giant tree called Hometree, which stands above the richest deposit of unobtanium in the area. When Grace learns of this, she transfers herself, Jake, and Norm to an outpost. Over the following three months, Jake and Neytiri fall in love as Jake grows to sympathize with the natives. After Jake is initiated into the tribe, he and Neytiri choose each other as mates. Soon afterward, Jake reveals his change of allegiance when he attempts to disable a bulldozer that threatens to destroy a sacred Na'vi site. When Quaritch shows a video recording of Jake's attack on the bulldozer to Administrator Parker Selfridge, and another in which Jake admits that the Na'vi will never abandon Hometree, Selfridge orders Hometree destroyed.

Despite Grace's argument that destroying Hometree could damage the biological neural network native to Pandora, Selfridge gives Jake and Grace one hour to convince the Na'vi to evacuate before commencing the attack. Jake confesses to the Na'vi that he was a spy, and they take him and Grace captive. Quaritch's men destroy Hometree, killing Neytiri's father (the clan chief) and many others. Mo'at frees Jake and Grace, but they are detached from their avatars and imprisoned by Quaritch's forces. Pilot Trudy Chacón, disgusted by Quaritch's brutality, frees Jake, Grace, and Norm, and airlifts them to Grace's outpost, but Grace is shot by Quaritch during the escape.

(NOTE : If you haven't watched this movie DO NOT read any further, SCROLL past the larger paragraphs)

To regain the Na'vi's trust, Jake connects his mind to that of Toruk, a dragon-like predator feared and honored by the Na'vi. Jake finds the refugees at the sacred Tree of Souls and pleads with Mo'at to heal Grace. The clan attempts to transfer Grace from her human body into her avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls, but she dies before the process can be completed. Supported by the new chief Tsu'tey, Jake unites the clan and tells them to gather all of the clans to battle the RDA. Quaritch organizes a pre-emptive strike against the Tree of Souls, believing that its destruction will demoralize the natives. On the eve of battle, Jake prays to Eywa, via a neural connection with the Tree of Souls, to intercede on behalf of the Na'vi.

During the subsequent battle, the Na'vi suffer heavy casualties, including Tsu'tey and Trudy, but are rescued when Pandoran wildlife unexpectedly join the attack and overwhelm the humans, which Neytiri interprets as Eywa's answer to Jake's prayer. Jake destroys a makeshift bomber before it can reach the Tree of Souls; Quaritch, wearing an AMP suit, escapes from his own damaged aircraft and breaks open the avatar link unit containing Jake's human body, exposing it to Pandora's poisonous atmosphere. Quaritch prepares to slit the throat of Jake's avatar, but Neytiri kills Quaritch and saves Jake from suffocation, seeing his human form for the first time.

With the exceptions of Jake, Norm and a select few others, all humans are expelled from Pandora and sent back to Earth. Jake is permanently transferred into his avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls.

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About the Creator

Katherine Thompson

Lover of Life🦋

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