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There’s no such thing as Time

A moment to explore a very unpopular opinion

By Sally HPublished 4 years ago 10 min read
Image by annca from Pixabay

Time, what is it? One foot after the other, the clock ticking. Turning the pages on the calendar.

Tick Tock, the Seasons pass. Of course time is real.

Earth spins on its axis, creating 24 hours and the lunar months, as Earth and our Moon both rotate around our Sun.

This is “time”.

So when I say that there’s no such thing as time, my opinion is blasted out into the stratosphere.

Image by Onur Ömer Yavuz from Pixabay

LINEAR TIME is a social construct or an idea, I tell people, and my unpopular opinion puts a pained look on their faces that says “Quick, lock her up in the funny farm.”

Hey dudes, it’s time for a metaphysical lesson!

One of the most revolutionary concepts that we learned in the 20th century is that time is not a universal measurement.

The above is a statement from Science Alert - read the full article HERE.

Time is relative to other things. Picture this:

You are standing in New Jersey, U.S.A. and I am in Western Australia. At exactly 11:11 am my time, I wave at you, and you wave at me.

The only thing is that as New Jersey and W.A. are 12 hours apart according to the human-made time zones, it would be today 11.11 am that I wave but it would be 12 hours earlier or 11.11 pm the day before when you wave.

Or if you wave to me at your 11.11 am, it would actually be 11.11 pm at night in W.A. ….. and I would be soundly asleep in bed, waving in my dreams.

Aaah, the vexations of "Time!"

How are we supposed to meet up for a coffee when we live 12 hours apart?

The answer to the question above is:

By mutual agreement we can chat online at any "time" we agree upon, for a virtual Espresso and an online doughnut.

If we want to meet physically, then all we have to do is decide whose place one of us will go to, and whether we will meet for morning tea or afternoon tea!

The video below shows "time" in terms of the Earth's rotation with respect to the sun.

There are many movies which also show that time is not what we think it is. For example:

Interstellar, 2014.

A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain. Directed by Christopher Nolan.

Time ( !! ) magazine writes about this movie, titling it:

Interstellar, Where No Movie Has Gone Before

Since time moves slower for a space traveller than it does for people on Earth, what of the commander (McConaughey) when he takes off on his humanity-saving mission? To him it’s an extended business trip, but by the time he gets home, his 10-year-old daughter could be middle-aged.

Interstellar will unavoidably help us look at the cosmos more as cathedral than void–a place to contemplate the riddles of space and time.

You can think of space and you can think of time, but if you think of them together as the horizontal and vertical threads in a weave, you realize that you can’t stretch one without stretching the other.

Extracts from Time Magazine at: https://time.com/3547827/the-art-of-science

Graphic created by Sally H

“Time” is really an infinite moment as an expansion within space-time.

If we switch off our ways of thinking about calendar months and years and clock time, we can think about our EXPERIENCES or Moments in space-time as:






When the leaves fall

When it's hot

There are Moments or Experiences within the Infinite Moment, or everything occurring at once in Space-time, i.e. in the 4th Dimension.

Think about it. Did cave-man wear a Rolex?

No, the early human beings lived naturally in synchronicity with the seasons. As an example, the indigenous of Australia carried out cool mosaic harvesting to prevent un-wanted fires (during the cooler season), and harvesting when the crops had ripened, and sowing during the sowing moments.

According to Einstein's work:

Space and time, as physical constructs, have to be combined into a mathematical/physical entity called 'space-time', because the equations of relativity show that both the space and time coordinates of any event must get mixed together by the mathematics, in order to accurately describe what we see.

Because space consists of 3 dimensions, and time is 1-dimensional, space-time must, therefore, be a 4-dimensional object.

It is believed to be a 'continuum' because so far as we know, there are no missing points in space or instants in time, and both can be subdivided without any apparent limit in size or duration.

So, physicists now routinely consider our world to be embedded in this 4-dimensional Space-Time continuum, and all events, places, moments in history, actions and so on are described in terms of their location in Space-Time.

Space-time does not evolve, it simply exists. When we examine a particular object from the stand point of its space-time representation, every particle is located along its world-line.

This is a spaghetti-like line that stretches from the "past" to the " future", showing the spatial location of the particle at every instant in time.

This world-line does not change with time, but simply exists as a timeless object.

An excerpt from Stanford University's website about Special Relativity.

Picture credited to Stanford University with permission


To draw your own Space-time, and see lots of space-time cones, click here


And now for that egg-sellent Puzzle:

Which Came First, the Chicken or The Egg?

Both came first. From the dawn of Life on Earth, the organism and its means of replicating itself both happened simultaneously.

Photo by Rebekah Howell on Unsplash

People may quote biological processes as evidence that "time" exists, and say, "We age over time" haha.

But I say that our idea of linear time is the context or backdrop we use in order to make sense of things. The Encyclopedia Britannica states:

Biological development is the progressive change in size, shape, and function during the life of an organism by which its genetic potentials are translated into functioning mature systems.

Yes, we go from being born to being toddlers, teenagers, adults and older people, over space-time (or over 4th dimensional space-time, which manifests, to us, as happenings over linear moments).

But biological growth is a matter of "moments" of change in the space-time continuum, or a change of atoms and energy and space and frequency throughout space-time, in alignment with the current templates or blue-prints for biological processes.

So, What Is A Moment?

A "moment" can be defined as a manifestation of Consciousness and of Energy in form and motion.


Think about "time" as being organising rays or experiences or processes radiating from one infinite field or Source.

"Time" is an organising principle or a mental way in which Moments or Experiences within the Infinite Moment are viewed or made sense of.

In fact, everything that happens is occurring at once in space-time, which DOES NOT mean that everything is fixed.

It means that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions collectively determine what happens everywhere else in the World, and can and do change our personal and collective Moments, moment by moment.


When I say that there is "Space-time" but mention the un-popular opinion that there is no such thing as "Time" as most people think it is; and explain my scientific definition above, that's when my audience reaction is either:

OMG let me out of here, she's totally nuts <---- 99 % of my listeners, or

Wow, this is rather interesting, tell me more! <----- 1 % of my listeners

Image by Harish Sharma from Pixabay


The point of my definition is not to make you throw away your diaries or to arrange vague moments in space-time for your collaborations, but is to invite non-believers to delve into the nature of what we call Linear Time.

You may ask:

"Aren't the effects of what popular opinion calls "Linear Time" the same, more or less, as the effects and use of what you call "Moments within the Infinite Moment?"

My answer is Yes and No.

As a tool to help us navigate through Life (to plan and to do what we do optimally) yes, however one looks at TIME, we still do move and act and organise ourselves according to our biological clocks, i.e. according to day and night and to the Seasons (because they govern how our body functions and govern our plant-life which is part of the food-chain for human beings).

There is Space-time or Moments or experiences within a whole infinite field of experiences of matter and energy vibrating and manifesting and changing as it does, simultaneously.


IF our angle or mindset, view, or perspective of "time" is felt or experienced, as I view it (in my un-popular opinion), then it opens up vistas of "time" as malleable or flexible.

As "masters of energy", because everything is energy, we can dip into some moments, whether they are before or after, and we can interact or change our feelings and/or thoughts about them, focusing on the positive and on what is helpful for everyone and everything.

Graphic created by Sally H using images from Clipart Library

Theoretical physicist Julian Babour has said:

Each Now is an arrangement of everything in the universe.

Our illusion of the past arises because each Now contains objects that appear as "records" or evidence in the brain.

"Time" seems to fly when you are engrossed in (arranging) something! Image by Angeles Balaguer from Pixabay

Real-Life Experiences that show we can dip into Moments of Space-time

I am a twin. My non-identical twin and I have moments of ESP or twin extra-sensory perception. One spectacular experience was one day when my sister's car had broken down, when she was due to meet me somewhere, but never got there.

She telephoned me and as she talked to me, I heard a man's voice in the background say, "Turn the wheel to the right." I happily thought, oh that's great, someone is helping her.

When she got home, I told her what I had heard, and she was astonished and said, "But that happened five minutes before I phoned you."

I must have astral travelled, or part of my consciousness travelled "in time" and in "space" to where and when the man was helping her. I can still remember clear as day, his voice. It was like I was there physically.

Another day, I was at my home, happy and in a calm and peaceful spiritual zone or mindset or frequency. I went to get a cookie from our dolphin-shaped Biscuit Jar then froze as I lifted the lid.

I felt something. I felt a shape, and it was a human shape, standing where I was. At that moment, I didn't know what to make of it, so I shrugged and went about my business.

The next day after work I came home to find our place had been burgled.

The robbers had left the freezer open, having looked in there to see if we had hidden the crown jewels, and had lifted the lid of the Dolphin jar and left it raised.

Interestingly, something had startled them amid packing up my little printer and they had abandoned my printer in a bag in my room.

Could it have been that I had travelled into the "Future" and sensed the energy field of the burglar?

Graphic created by Sally H using free clip-art

An un-popular opinion:

There's no such thing as Time, as we think it is.

My un-popular opinion is un-popular because human beings love certainty and absolutes and the known.

My un-popular opinion that there's no such thing as linear time, as we like to think it is, may not be as fun as other un-popular opinions, but it is interesting and educational.

Realising that there are moments in a 4th dimensional space-time continuum can be freeing.


If we think about time as "timing" or running with the seasons and aligning with our needs and with our feelings and intuition, in order to achieve goals, then we may actually free ourselves from tying ourselves to unrealistic man-made timelines or time-frames.

If we understand that there is a vast field of possibilities within 4-dimensional space-time to act and thus achieve what we want personally and collectively, we can feel "free" to consciously choose positive and collaborative thoughts and actions to create the best version of our world for all. We have all the time in the world!

We each "follow" a world-line or a Timeline, and our timelines intersect at some nodes or points, so what we view or believe at any moment appears the same to some of us.

With my un-popular definition of what "Time" is, comes my opinion that with Consciousness and the power of using energy wisely, we can, in a way, change some things that have happened (because what our mind focuses on does not have to be "real" or to have happened and the mind can be re-trained), and we can change things that are happening, and that will happen.

Now, that's another Un-popular Opinion!!


About the Creator

Sally H

I love reading, writing, researching, and supporting others. I run several WordPress blogs and have an academic background in the Biological Sciences and in Social Research. I also review non-fiction books.

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