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The Search

We are not In Kansas - right?

By Catherine GarciaPublished 4 years ago 42 min read

Chapter 1 - Starting again?

“How many times are you going to wash that plate?” Maria asked me. I look at the white plain dish I have in my hand while I was cleaning it in the sink after dinner. Then I look back at Maria and it’s like I’m in a dream. I’m looking to this 4’9 beautiful Latina with short blond hair and nothing comes out of my mouth. I don’t know what’s going on. Here I am standing next to the sink and dirty dishes in my kitchen. Perfectly normal task of a regular day and everything is not the way it should be. How did I allow my life to get to this point?

“Are you listening to me?” Maria raised her tanned hand and touched gently my arm. I looked at her hand placed close to the end of my gray sleeve and looked at her eyes again.

“Maria, I don’t know why I feel my life needs to change right now. Something is coming and I need to change or I’m going to fall behind.” Of course she looks at me like I’m nuts but this is not the first time I have premonitions that I can’t barely understand myself. I turn back to the plate I was watching and place the white dish in the drying area. Maria retrieves her hand and tells me, “come here and tell me what you are seeing. I came all the way to this crazy weather to be with you in this crazy life you chose but you can’t keep moving like you’ve been doing the last five years. Kate, he is dead. He can’t hurt you anymore. You heard the police, he killed himself.”

My light brown eyes look back at Maria and I can’t believe what she is saying. Yes, yes I’m almost a foot taller than her but right now I feel like she is a giant and I’m an ant. That she knows everything and I don’t know shit.

“I know he is dead but I feel like its not over,” I said to Maria “and he is hunting me.” Maria takes my hand and pull me away from the sink in which we were supposedly washing the last plates of our really simple dinner.

Maria is my best friend in many levels. She is more like my sister and protector. If I need Maria, Maria will come without hesitation. She arrived as soon as I called her and took the first plane to Philadelphia and arrived here to South Jersey as soon as I knew my strength was leaving my soul. I was married to Kevin for almost 5 years. We had a beautiful 4 year old boy and I had my 14 year old son from my previous marriage. Both of my kids are in the living room right now watching a Disney movie (Cars from Pixar, I think).

Maria kept pushing me to the office next to the living room. We both sit down, she sits on the small piano chair and I sit in the executive chair that Kevin loved so much.

“Kevin was a lesson to learn. We are witches Kate, and you can’t let this take over your life like you did with Kevin. You forgot who you are and why are you here in this world. The order never forgot you and I will not let anything happen to you.” Maria quietly said and took a long breath before stating: “I think he is not here. Not in the spirit world yet but I’ve been wrong before.”

My tears started flowing again. This is something that was happening too often lately especially since I returned to the house Kevin and I shared for three years before he decided he didn’t wanted to live any more. The months prior to his tragedy, I took a room at one of my new friend’s house. Her husband and her family received me with open arms. They took us in: my two boys and I. They never wanted to talk about me paying for rent or any other utility because they knew Kevin and I were having serious issues. I was really a mess when I went to live with them but good friendship goes a long way. I have been blessed with this gift all my life. Letting me grab my kids and hold to my job while helping me without pushing was a way of putting all of our pieces together.

I sighted. Maria was right. Kevin was gone. At least from the physical world... Another sight. I needed to get back to my life in order to get everything in order. I had two kids I needed to think of and this constant jumping every time someone talked to me, was not the right way. But, what? Where? Do I want to stay here? Where do I have to go? Should I start a new job? What the hell? Do I want to move?

“You don’t have to.” Maria says to me. I keep forgetting she is very good at reading your thoughts; specially mine since she knows me for so long. “I know this is Kevin’s house but it was also yours. He got it when you guys were separated before coming back together but this is still your house and your kid’s home.” Maria move uncomfortable still sitting in the piano chair and I keep looking at her and her smiling face. I know what she is doing since I did it with her so many years ago when her parents died one after the other. She is giving me her energy and courage to go forward. I feel that I really don’t deserve her.

I stand up and give her a big bear hug. She hugs me back and says: “There, now let’s get some Kalua and milk to celebrate any decision you just made. Also, call that young babysitter, we are going out shopping. Your hair looks horrible and you need new jeans and shirts. No more $2.99 specials on your hair. You need new coloring too. You suck right now.” She smiled and start laughing.

“Great, last time you gave me a makeover, I ended up meeting Kevin.” I said smiling and kind of joking.

“I don’t know in which world you live since I was trying for you to date the cute doctor who lives next to my summer house in the Island. You are so dyslexic you can barely understand when a cute, intelligent and handsome guy is interested in you.” She says smiling with her eyebrows up.

“Hey, Mr. Doctorsito was for you and don’t play the stupid game of matchmaker." I catch brief pause and looked at the painting next to Maria. "I can’t go over this again. Maria,” I take a deep breath. “I have two kids. Divorce once; I’m 34 years old and now a widow. Who would like to be with me?” “Yeah, you are so right.” She smiles with a wicked and her signature you are not getting out of this one so fast standing. “Let’s work to get you a Sugar daddy then.” She starts laughing again with a conspiracy smirk.

Chapter 2. The Box

Once Maria and I start standing up to go to the kitchen, my two boys come running and the little one start crying. “Mommy, mommy.” He kind of asked and screamed at the same time.

“There’s a man at the door, Mom! Stupid head here opened the front door without permission” Says my eldest son, Cameron looking at his younger brother and hugging Maria at the same time, even though he is twice her height. “Maria this dude is scary.” Cameron said really shaky.

Maria pushed him gently and made him turn to look at his face. “Cameron, where is this man?” She asked.

“In the living room. He knocked at the door and said he needed to talk to mom.” Cameron announced looking at me. “His voice is so deep he scared the crap out of my brother.”

I move and slightly pushed little Matt to Maria. Slowly, I started walking to the living room. Open the double doors that divides the two rooms.

There he is. I can’t understand why the boys would let someone come in just like that. I clear my thoughts since I don't want to show that I'm afraid before this huge guy. I cross my hands in front of me. I stretched up, put chin out (just like grandma used to tell me to stand in difficult situations) and manage to talk with strength that I don’t feel at the moment: “Who are you and why are you here?”

I looked at him again. This man is huge. He must be at least seven feet tall. Dark long hair elegantly tied in a ponytail. He removes his “Ray Band” style sunglasses since he is standing next to the street exit door. We barely used this door and it’s very close to where I am standing. I can feel Cameron and Matt getting very close to me and Maria just moving towards the second door to see what it’s going on and if she has to apply any of her secret magic tricks to defeat the newcomer.

“I didn’t mean to scare your boys MAM. I have a message and I have to deliver it today at this specific time to a Kathleen Field. Is that you?” He asked while looking at me (eye to eye) with those dark black eyes at the same time. I swear I’ve never seen eyes like that. It’s like predators checking if the animal they have in front of them is friend or food. All his body screams "be afraid" to me. He surely had to lower his head just to get into the living room. I shook my head side to side and tried to clear the fog of my surprise.

“I’m sorry; you said you needed to deliver a letter to this specific time and date?” My answer sounded stronger than I felt. My hands were shaking like I knew what was all this about and I knew he had something I needed to do or follow. It was really weird. “Is that what you just said? Sorry but its kind of strange statement. ” I took a step further before he answered. What the hell is wrong with me? I thought. I should be heading backwards, not going towards this giant menacing person. Memo to me!!! Tell Maria to call a shrink for me.

“Yes, that’s what I’ve said.” He smiled. “Are you Kathleen?”

“Yes, she is and who are you?” Maria loudly answered with a “don't have time for your shit right now” attitude right next I love about her while moving next to me.

I don’t know where this little woman gets her strength but let me tell you; even that seven feet tall man did a step back when she asked.

“My name is Russell Skyward and I have a message I need to deliver to Ms. Field.” He answered directly to Maria. “May I do what it was asked from me in order to comply my commitment?” He smiled again still looking at Maria and then re-directed his sight to me. “If your bodyguard here doesn’t mind of course” he stated looking back at Maria with a half-smile on his face.

She gave him a smirk. I look between Maria and the stranger and then nod to Russell.

He took the que and proceeded to open a small black executive bag, which I didn’t notice before. Then extracted a white rectangular box. Since he was standing next to the door, he gesture to my rectangular light wooden coffee table in the middle of the living room. I nodded in agreement for him to proceed.

He walked the four steps between the door and my living room furniture and set the box down in the coffee table. I thought he was going to leave but he just stands there waiting. What the hell he was waiting for? I asked to myself.

Of course, my kids got really enthusiastic about a new present and they started pushing me towards the coffee table. They forgot about their fear or their inability to defend themselves from strangers. Give it to kids to be happy in a weird situation just for presents. Yup! Even my teenager with his past “I don’t care” attitude was acting like it was Christmas morning.

Maria, who didn’t trust anyone, was not that easily trilled. “Go ahead, I’m right here and I can kick his ass if he doesn’t behave”. She said without taking her sights of Russell. It is kind of funny thinking of her kicking his ass when he is double her size and height.

I walked to the box, kneel and touch the top. The messenger didn’t move. He is still there, standing next to the table looking at me while I touch the box very calmly. My kids just came around and started leaning on me to get a better view. I opened the box and inside there are couple of things.

One is a hundred dollar bill;

A key,

another little white box

and a pack of new playing cards.

“Is that a joke?” Maria kind of scream at him behind me. The kids and I startled because I didn’t notice she was so close to me.

“Could you stop giving me heart attacks every time you want to say something? This is the third time this evening.” I said to Maria and Cameron started chucking. Russell didn’t move or looked away from the box. You could see he really meant to complete his messenger’ task. I look at him and asked “why are you still here?”

“Because you need to choose.” He answered.

“I need to choose?” I reply back like a parrot.

“Do you want to help me on this one? Is this a game?” My voice starting to raise a little bit with each word. “IF this is a game is stupid since I don’t know the rules and right now…”

“No” he interrupted me. “It’s not a game. I’ve been send here with a purpose but I can’t show you your way until you decide which one will be your future path. This house will be taken from you and you send me here to give you this. Depending on what your soul desire, it’s what your path will be.”

“What my soul desires? I sent you here? What the frick is going on????” My answer seems like I am repeating his words without a purpose.

“Yes” he answered very calm and bored like. “Go ahead. Choose”

“Mom, Money!” Cameron tries to whisper right behind me. I never thought that ugly coffee table will hold my life fork in it. Yes, forks since I could decide my future by just picking one object. At least that is what I felt looking at the content of the box. Cameron puts a hand in my shoulder trying to get a closer look to the box. The man looks at him and make a signal of “DON’T TOUCH” by making the "tsk, tsk, tsk" sound.

Matt decides he is getting bored with all this and run around Cameron and sits on my bend legs. Due to this movement, I lose my balance forward and we almost (like a funny movie) fall like pins in a bowling alley. I grab Matt and juggle his weight into a better and most comfortable position. Maria stands opposite of Cameron also having her and in my shoulder.

“Money? Really, Cameron? Don’t you watch all those movies that if you choose Money you are doomed?” Maria scolds Cameron. Cameron laughed but then says, “Ok, ok. How about the key? Maybe it is a property.”

“You know what Maria; I think you might be right.” I said. I took the key and look at it.

“Old and ugly.” Matt said. I keep looking at the key and notice an inscription in it


“Ok now I know I don’t know any ancient language and I’m not an ancient language translator.” I said still looking at the key. Then I look towards my kids and Maria. They are all with their mouth open not looking at me or the key anymore. They are looking up front.

“Kat, I think we are not in Kansas anymore” Maria says sounding without a breath.

Chapter 2 the Pathway

When I looked up, it looked like we are in the swamps of New Orleans. Are you kidding me? Note to self – no more alcohol after dinner. Oh! Wait! I didn’t have any!!!!

That was the first thought that came into my mind when I looked up. My tea table was still there, my carpet also and the creepy Russell too.

What the hell is going on? My kids were still with me so it was Maria. Same position, we all were too scared to move an inch. I closed my eyes and open them again. I did look again. Nope, not a dream!

“My lady, I will suggest you follow the trail to your house and leave your kids here. I promise I will take good care of my charge.” Russell comment in a very light, amused tone.

“The hell you are!” Maria basically screamed at him, making me jump at the same time. “You are not going to stay here with the kids without any supervision. We don’t know you. You could be creepy Adams Family version of the cousin IT and eat them for fun. NO FUCKING WAY.”

Russell turned and look at Maria with an expressionless face. “It’s a road she has to take and the kids” Russell said pointing to Matt who was still in my lap. “Will be too much of a distraction for her to find the first clue.”

“The first clue? Is this a game?” I asked completely confused. “May I remind you, I just picked up a key?”

“I know. It was also your first item when you set this up” Russell answered.

“OK creepy messenger. What the FREAKING HELL is going on here?” Maria intervenes again.

Russell showed a quarter of a smile and took a deep breath. He puts his hands together and looked at Maria with an amused face.

“I’m glad I’m entertaining you but we are not going anywhere and you will take us back.” Maria demanded.

“No, I need to know what’s going on Maria!” I gave Matt to Maria and he basically hugged her like a Koala. Which was kind of funny since he seemed to be only a couple of inches shorter than Maria? “I’m going to try the pathway next to us and you will stay with the kids.” I said with conviction.

“No Mom” Cameron immediately answered. “I’ll go with you. You always said to me that two minds think well than one, right?” He sighted. He turned to Russell. “Well, Maria needs to stay with Matt so you can go forward. You cannot be all by yourself. Also, it’s daytime. No creepy stuff like zombies will jump anywhere right?” His kind of asked Russell the last question but mostly as a reassurance that it wasn’t a horror movie the road we were going to take. Russell nods and Cameron hugged me. “Let’s go Mom!”

“Maria, I don’t have my cell phone so IF something happens, take them out of here.” I told Maria ignoring Cameron’s request.

“Mom, I’m going with you” Cameron stated in a firm and almost screaming kind of way. Knowing that I would never allow him to go with me I can see in his eyes how convince he is as he takes a step out of the carpet? Immediately he disappears out of thin air.

“CAMERON, NOOOOOOOO” Maria and I screamed at the same time. Matt started crying.

“He is fine.” Russell calmly and unimpressed stated while we looked at him with surprise. “You will see him once you step out of the carpet.”

Almost crying I kind of screamed at Russell. “What have you done? How can you be so sure about that?”

“Because I’m looking at him” Russell stated and pointed to my right.

“Go now, you’ll need all the time to get the first clue. They will have my protection Mam.” Russell finished in a slight bow.

“What am I looking for?’ I asked almost desperate to go and to stay at the same time. Tears are still coming out of my eyes due to the fright of seeing my oldest disappeared in front of my eyes.

“You’ll know when you see it.” He answers and he seemed to think a little bit before he takes a deep breath and said “You chose well. The path will take you to a house. Look for the door for that key then you’ll know what you are looking for. I cannot say anything else because it’s not my place. As I said before, I’m just the messenger.”

I turned and quickly kissed Matt who was a little bit calmer now and give him and Maria a quick bear hug. I turned around and step outside the carpet.

Russell was right. Cameron what right there. I could see Maria, Matt and Russell clearly but I couldn’t hear anything that Maria was apparently yelling at Russell. Matt seemed to be in a better shape and decided to get down from the Koala’s all body grip to a one leg grip.

Cameron was standing right next to me and we both looked to our surroundings. “Did I go to purgatory?” Cameron started to say while looking all over and killing a bug who dare to stand on his forearm. “Mom, this is just like Wrong Turn movie”.

“Cameron, shut up” I signal the unseemly road ahead. “Let’s start walking. We don’t know where we are going, how long it would take to get there and come back. Also, I would like to be here before it’s too dark to find our way back.”

“K Mom” with that answer we started walking on the almost hidden road. It was interesting to see the weeds almost to our navel. I was having a worst time than Cameron since he was so tall it didn’t bother him other than longer steps he had to take when there was a puddle or a mud area.

“Mom, I was thinking… Maybe these people are aliens and we are related to them”

“Aliens, Cameron???? Really??? From all the crazy ideas you might have!” I rolled my eyes to him.

“Mom, I never have crazy ideas. I just say what I think” He said smiling and offering me his hand.

I sighted again. “Yeah, I know baby. That makes you special but right now I need to keep my breath since it’s too hot to walk even though these trees provides some shadows, its very humid. Feels like the Island we visited with Mary last year, remember?”

“Moooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm, pleaseeeeeeeee." He rolled his eyes. "Why you bring that up? It’s not my fault that girl didn’t know what she wanted. All I wanted was her phone number” He rolled his eyes at me. “Please, don’t remind me how stupid I can be with girls.”

“Hey, I forgot about that. What on earths made you think to go and ask a twenty something year old women for her phone number????” I asked almost laughing out loud.

“Nothing MOM!” He released my hand and started walking a little bit faster than me. "She was staring at me all the time. Then I found out she was staring at Louis not me. Nice friend Mary has that every woman looks at him and doesn’t give this friend a chance to hit on any of them” He stated like talking to himself.

While talking, we were heading for a clearing. Seems the pathway was getting cleaner and it was a little bit easier to walk. By now the insects were already satisfied with our blood, enough to let us keep walking without any additional biting. Maybe because there was no other places to bite that wasn’t covered anymore. Next time, if I have any mysterious visitors in the house, I’ll make sure to wear sneakers. My blue open sandals are not a match for this kind of terrain.

Just a couple of more laughs and remembering some vacations stories, Cameron looked up and stopped. “Mom, look!” He kind of screamed at me while stopping abruptly. “An old creepy house. Looks like the house Louy has at the beginning of the movie “Interview with the Vampire”. It even has the four columns upfront! Mom this is so cool!” He turned to me and hold my face until I saw the once white and grandeurs house at the end of the clearing. Vegetation had decided to welcome themselves in the house like a permanent unwelcome guest that leaves walkway path all over. The house was a very typical two stories plantation house from the civil war ages. A very grand and deteriorated plantation house. But what is this house? And, what I was supposed to do here?

“Mom, wake up! Let see what’s inside” Cameron said reading my mind and tugging me towards the house.

“OK, but let me lead the way. We don’t know what kind of animals we might find here.” I started walking ahead of him without letting go of his hand. Once we got in front of the house, we stopped at the base of the stairs and we’ve notice the house door was very clean. Like it was recently painted. There was no vegetation on the path to the main door so we decided to go straight to it. “Seems like someone is working on this house but still don’t let go of my hand Cam. I don’t know what we can find here. Or maybe, you should stay out here just in case.” As I said this, I turned around to face Cameron when we heard steps inside the house. I turn around again and looked at the door which was still.

“Mom? Maybe there is someone there. Just knock.” Cameron mentioned while getting closer to my back. I got to the first step. Took a deep breath. Second step. Closed my eyes and I raised my hand to knock on the door (few steps away) when someone screamed just behind Cameron.

“DON’T DO THAT!!!!” We both jumped and turned around to see this little girl black girl, dressed in a light blue dress and with a small turban on her head.

Cameron and I jumped scared. “WHY YOU SCREAMED AT US?” Cameron screamed back at her. “You almost gave us a heart attack! Don’t you know you can kill people ….” He stopped and gasped as the little girl came running the two steps forward towards the house and went right thru us….

“ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. MOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!” Cameron kept screaming but didn’t move from his initial position. Equally scared, I tried to get a hold of myself and hold him. He started hyperventilating a little until he calmed down.

“Sweetie, we are together. Remember ghost cannot hurt us.” I kind of told that more to myself at the same time I was trying to give some courage to Cameron while hugging him from. I was also trying to keep my grownup speech as calm as possible although that wasn't how I felt inside. My hands shake like crazy. My skin was cold and crawling with fear. It’s like you know this just happened but your logical mind can’t registered it.

“You are so right Kate” A male voice answered just behind me. I jumped and screamed again. I didn't notice that Cameron turned around at the same time I did. I looked up and saw the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever met in my life.

“CAN ANYONE STOP FUCKING SCARING US LIKE THAT?” Cameron screamed almost next to my ear to the man making me jump again.

“Cameron STOP Screaming!!!!!!! If there were some dead people sleeping you already woke the whole universe!” I closed my eyes and took a long gasp of air. “And stop swearing! That is not what I have teach you to behave!” I open my eyes towards the male voice and the eyes.

He was just standing there. He was looking at us with an amused face. His arms were crossed and he was leaning against the white door. All I could notice was his face. Great! Here I am without a notion of what's going on and I’m looking into the most amazing face I've ever saw before. Gerald Butler style!!! I shake my head.

Get a grip woman! He will think you are crazy. Just like that I blink. Close my eyes and open them again. Then I notice, one more step and he could touch me. And of course I had to ask the first question in my mind: “Are you a ghost?”

Cameron laugh sarcastically. "Yeah Mom, He will actually answer that with a yes even if he actually is!" They guy actually smile even more. God he is gorgeous!!!!

Closed my eyes again and decided to check who he was since he was just standing there without answering our question. Then I notice he had a horrible Coca Cola old add tee and faded blue jeans. I've never been the kind of woman who likes this kind of style in a man but he did look good in it. Hormones!

“No, I’m not.” He responded still smiling. “But if he keeps screaming like that, I might be.” Again, another smile. He had his arms crossed on his chest the whole time resting his body to the old white door. His black hair seemed to be all over. Short but with light coloring on his side. Does he has highlights? Oh, great Kat, another stupid question.

He took a deep breath and unwrapped his arms and added: “I’m Elliott.” He stopped and looked at me like this will mean anything special. (Sight!!!) “Russell asked me to show you the house. He thought you might need protection and the way I see it, you do. I do apologize about my ensemble. Russell got me off guard with his request. I had to come directly here from... a place.”

“Why would I need protection? I don’t even know what’s going on!” I exclaimed desperate while trying to get a hold of myself again. This guy made me feel really nervous and self-conscious. At the same time, my exasperation was going to the roof at this moment.

He kept smiling at the same time he looked intensely directly to my eyes – like trying to find something in mine. Searching. For a second, I thought he could read my mind.

Cameron moved again and looked at Elliott with a curious sight. He holds his hand out like wanting to shake Elliott’s hand over my shoulder. Elliott moved and shocked Cameron’s hand.

“See, I’m not a ghost”. He said smiling and looking at Cameron for the first time. “Nice to meet you, Cameron.”

“Again, why would I need protection?” I interrupted. “Who are you? Why are we here? What am I looking for? And, was that little girl a ghost?” I requested.

The situation was kind of funny. Me being Cameron's wall of protection and facing Elliot at the same time who rocked my walls of security 100%. I was right there, in the middle!!!

I venture again to look at his green eyes. His smiled kind of evaporated for a second. Was that regret I read in his eyes? With a sight, he looked at me.

“You need protection because you don’t know what you are facing. I told you my name is Elliott and Russell sent me. You are here because you need to be here. You are looking for pieces of your future and yes, that little girl was a ghost. Any additional questions you need me answer?” Elliott, again showing a smile and stood before me and crossing his hands again against his chest.

"What are you? Why I feel like I know you?” Softly I asked with fear in my eyes. Cameron got my hand and had it with a strong hold like he wanted to crush it.

“I’m your protector and was sent to help you. Look, I know this is all new to you but I need you to trust me.” Elliott answered half smiling and half annoyed. "Deal?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"You do, but I don't think you would like to face this alone. And now this is what you need: there is a room in this house you’ll find the story of your life. Bring it with you. All I know is that you need it. Now, are you ready to go in?”

Chapter 3 The Waiting Area

“I can’t believe this is happening” Maria says to herself while waiting for Kate and Cameron to return. Matt was getting bored and it was getting hard for her to keep him within the carpet area.

“Don’t worry, I send help to Lady Kate” Russell casually commented.

“Lady Kate? Ok Mr. Giant MIB, its time for you to start explaining what the hell is going on and why are we here?” Maria stand in a menacing statue pointing a finger to Russell who was still standing next to the coffee table in the same place Kate and Cameron left him. He took his sunglasses off and sighted again. “Ok Mary, here’s the deal. You will stay here with Matt. The kid cannot go over the boundaries of the carpet due to Lady Kate’s wishes to keep both of you safe. I made a promise I will keep you both safe and I will keep it. You are testing my patience but, I must say this is the first time someone so small has such a great and strong spirit. It’s been a while since I’m amused.” Suddenly he smiled and sits on the little and fragile coffee table. “Tell me, what made you select Kate as your friend?”

“Oh, no, no, no. I see what you are doing and ain't going to happen! You are answering my questions before you can start asking yours!” She took a step closer to Russell now closer to her head since he sat down. Matt, getting bored again, saw the opportunity of a new entertainment and got in the space between Maria and Russell. “First question, what’s going on here and who send you to deliver this message to my friend Kate?” There she stood with her pointing finger directly to the middle of Russell's eyes. Amused, Russell crossed his arms against his chest and showed a half smile.

Maria looked again to his face trying to keep her angry posture towards Russell. She admitted to herself that this guy (whomever he was) was very handsome. His dark brown eyes with a hint of green where perfect for his defined face. “It was not my decision. I was assigned to this mission by Lady Kate.” He admitted while showing now the smile in his eyes as well.

Mary lowered her pointing finger and helped Matt to sit next to Russell. At least there she can watch both of them. “Are you saying she, I mean Kate herself, gave you this mission? And what is that mission?”

“That’s more than one question and I believe it’s my time to ask a question. One you, one me, right Amazonian lady?” He asked.

“Where’s Mommy Maria?” Matt asked showing signs of tiredness.

“She’ll be back soon, Papi. She went to look for something with Cameron.” Mary talked back to Matt in the sweatiest way she could.

Russell looked at Maria again. He was completely puzzled. How a small and flighty lady can be, so sweet and gentle at the same time? He wanted to know her more. Maybe he was too bored lately and needed a better entertainment when a family amused him more than the dumb blonde he had this morning who was willingly still waiting for him at her apartment. Maybe it was time to re-think what to do with his time than just live between missions and duty. He heard a lot of his kind who gave up everything to be with a mortal woman or man for that matter.

“OK, one question per person. Sounds fair.” Maria interrupted his train of thoughts. "Your turn."

"Have you been with a man who an control you?" Russell's direct question was completely a surprise to Maria but she had played this game before. This wasn't the time to play.

“No." She answered as casually as she could and then continue asking her question crossing her hands in her chest. "So, what’s the purpose of your mission?”

“To help her on her new role.” Russell answers without taking his eyes out of Maria’s eyes. He was really making her nervous inside. She promised herself not to let him know.

"Would you like to?" Russell asked getting her out of her own train of thoughts. "Excuse me?"

"Would you like to be controlled by a man? "

He sighted and got Matt back into the initial position since he kept moving around. He got closer to Maria before speaking again.

"There can be a lot of pleasure between agreeing and consenting couples. Your physical body and soul controlled by a higher and more powerful Master. A big hand moving around your body and caressing the most intimate fires of your soul." She could feel her cheeks getting warm and red. While Russell explained his thoughts, she could vividly see the images of both of them in a sensual embrace. Maria's thoughts were running a thousand miles per hour. She really needed sex…. And a big slap in her face. What the fuck was wrong with my head! Oh crap, this one really knows how to fuck me up. Literally!

She decided to use her humor again.

"Hey MIB, there's a kid in here and by the way, Who are you? Christian Grey? I am not into the 50 shades Mister!"

She sighted while Russell gave her a half smile. She continues in a lower voice.

"To be fair, not happy that a huge alien wants to touch me and, even less, controlling me. No man or alien will EVER control me. Get the picture?"

He stands up slowing while talking. "I see you will like it, Maria.” He took a deep breath and slowly turns around while stating: “The search, the hunting and the expectation makes the surrender even more enjoyable at the end."

Maria looked at Russell with her mouth open. What the hell is wrong with me??? Maria asked herself again. Here I am looking at this guy like he was a fucking chocolate fountain ready to eat. Why this thing happens to me? Maria thought blushing.

She closed her mouth twice before thinking (really thinking) and removing the images he just portrayed in her mind. This guy makes her weak on the knees. That never happened before! She shocked her head to clear the fogginess that suddenly overcame her. She had a mission. She needed to find more information on how to get all this crap over and MIB here had the answers.

"Now it’s my turn MIB. Sit down." Pointing her finger again to him she took a step back. When he didn’t move she stated: "Don't you see you are way taller than I am and my neck is starting to hurt?"

Slowly and without taking his sight out of her eyes, he took a sit. "Pardon, my lady Amazon, I forgot for a second you are a mortal." Russell knew immediately he made a mistake. He adverts

Maria’s triumph’s sight and search for the kid in the room.

Maria's eyes open as big as she could and he realized he gave her more information than she could handle. Her faces switched expressions as quickly as the river runs. He could feel waves of emotions coming from her in fear and apprehension. He knew exactly when the emotion was finally decided to fear (correction, panic). Crap, Prince Drake will never forgive him. Russell thought.

"Mortal?!" Scare was the word she would use to describe the cold water that ran thru her spine. Her motherly protection feelings also came to her in a wave of energy. She picked up Matt and backed up towards the other end of the table.

"Are you death? Why are you here? Who are you picking up? Are you guiding Kate to her grave?" Suddenly she realized that Cameron and Kate were gone by stepping out of the carpet and she didn't know if they still alive. "Are Kate and Cameron in hell? Are they dead?" She was getting a little more than hysterical. Russell stood up again. Matt started whining.

"Please calm down Maria. You are scaring Matt." She looked and Matt who actually was looking at her in his typical koala style hugs requests. "I'm not Death or any other mythical creature. There's a lot you couldn't understand right now. Calm and sit down." Matt moved again grasping her neck and was almost chocking her. Then, he started to cry.

"YOU Sit down big MIB!" Breathing a little bit more to calm herself and Matt. She sat and added: "We will talk later and you will explain the mortal part of the deal. Just don't send anyone to the underworld until you can explain to me what's going on." Maria tried to calm down Matt and sit opposite Russell in the coffee table. Russell sighted. I'm sorry my Prince. I will make it up to you. Have to let Elliott know what's going on but I would have to wait until Lady Kathleen comes back. Meanwhile, I have to figure out a way to keep this Amazon tight! Ummm, that's a great idea!

Chapter 4 The House

"OK, we’ll go in with you." I finally told Elliott after a few minutes trying to control my racing heart and took several deep breaths before I looked at Cameron and answer.

"We are too many people." Elliott signaled Cameron and smiling. "He needs to stay here while we go inside."

"Hell NO!" Cameron screamed. “He is right here and He is not leaving my mom all by herself!” His face was completely red and sweaty. I could’ve swear Cameron was about to throw one of his famous toddler’s fights just like when he was a baby. You could tell it was fear, anger and dread.

"It’s not negotiable.” Elliott strongly stated. “You are a distraction right now." Cameron looked at me and back at Elliot amazed someone actually told him NO. Elliot, then, took a deep breath and continued: "You will be fine. The ghost will follow us inside. You won’t see them again if you stay here."

"MOM, I. DONT. THINK. SO" – Cameron turned waiting on my decision.

I made sure Cameron was behind me, raised my face to Elliot and asked: "Are you sure it’s safe for him????" My heart began racing again. Why he didn't want Cameron there was beyond me but at the same time, I felt it was the right decision. Elliott nodded in agreement.

I turned to Cameron and took a deep breath before starting to talk again in a calm (at least that’s what I thought myself) voice. "Baby, I you have to understand I need you here. If something happens, I need you to go and fetch Maria and the big MIB guy and bring them. Also, you need to take care of your brother if something happens. You will be safe with them and I will feel much better knowing you are safe and you are here to take care of your brother." I grabbed his shoulders and repeated the same phase over again. "I. Need. You. Here. You will be my lifeline."

"We need to go. We need to move and we are losing time on this. Lady Kat." Elliott touched my left arm and the tingling started all over again. I don’t know what it was but his touch was telling me something.

Cameron sighted and nodded. That was all a surprised for me. I was completely amazed I could get him to stay without a big fight but I guess he was more afraid what he would find inside that he could face on plain daylight. "Not happy about it but OK." Finally Cameron accepted. He then turned and sit on the first step looking everywhere at the same time. I knew at that moment he will be destining for a great life and he will be open to advice in the future.

"Let's go" Elliott grabbed my hand and guided it to the doorknob. My hand touched the golden circle and I was expecting it to be hard to move. I looked at Elliott with a silent question, why you didn't open the door yourself?

"It’s your journey. You need to open the doors. I can’t do it for you." Was he a mind reader now? I asked myself again. Elliott smiled.

I hold the doorknob and started turning it to the left. It seemed this was not the right way to get it open so I turned it to the right. The door clicked and the door felt loose. I pushed it with my hand. Strange, this door should be really heavy by its looks but it feels like a feather to my push right now.

"Good. Let’s go". Elliott position himself behind me when I took the first step into the house. Am I going to be everyone's shield? - I thought - yikes!

Chapter 5 – Not in Kansas Anymore

The first thing I notice, how clean everything was. I took another step and slowly raised my sight to the environment opening in front of me. It felt like a movie’s first scene when the lights go up. Just straight in our viewing area there was a foyer. It felt grand with two stairs at the end of the hallway with marble floors and the gold like frames. A receiving table was next to the door and it had an open book with a feather pen right next to it. It seemed the owner of the house wanted everyone's signature before coming into the house.

I walked the few steps needed towards this table. As soon as I reached it, I extended my hand to touch the table and notice I had white lace sleeves on. What the hell?

I turned and notice Elliott's horrible clothing disappeared and he was wearing a tight grey coat, a loose, T-shaped silk, cotton gown over the shirt, waistcoat, and breeches. Are you kidding me? He was wearing an 18th Century clothing. I know because I was just watching a BBC series on Jane Austen (or was she from the 19th Century?).

Noticing my shocked stare, Elliott smiled and pointed to the mirror I haven't even notice above the table with the open book. "Look at your reflection.” He chuckled. “You can clean up pretty quick too."

I turned and looked at the person watching me from the mirror. It was ME! I was amazed my hair was completely curly. I mean, totally from my roots to the end... Oh, oh wait a minute. Since when my hair is completely black? Also, I had laces all over, including my chest (which was all covered including my neck), my arms... The whole dress... A DRESSS????? My head was screaming at the same time I was trying to put audible sentences together. I don’t remember the last time I wore one! Maybe when I got married? I am in a dress!!!! A light green dress filled with laces that ended in white sleeves and the fabric was long enough to cover my knees. No wonder I feel like I am carrying 300 pound on me.

But, wait a minute! Those are my shoes??? They look uncomfortable! Nope, let me rephrase, they are uncomfortable. I wiggle my toes in it. Oh no, I notice the color of my shoes for the first time. White shoes? On me? Oh, Man! Not even in my wildest, Darcy-meets-me-at-the-pond dreams this had happened!

Suddenly, I could hear music. Piano music in an old abandoned house???? A solo piano music, from deep inside the mansion. I turned and looked at Elliott with a wondering and questioning look. Yup!!! We are no in Kansas anymore…..

science fiction

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