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The Robo-witch 3


By Vincent CarrePublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Osman Rana

I run from out of the camp. While doing so, I notice various lights surrounding the near dark area. They seem like they’re trying their hardest to light up the easiest of areas...they’re trying hard, but their efforts are unnoticed. Everyone is now inside with their houses, using the diamond of a rock. Pieces of the rock flow around the area with the snow, changing the way I operate slightly. I progress over the hill, at a casual rate. The witch gave up after she saw me leave. I have a feeling she knows I'll be back....

As I begin climbing the hill, I hear rock music vibrations throughout the camp. I believe it's somehow linked to the witch, because she seems like the alpha-woman within the complex, after knowing her for some time. She is a strong opponent. Her knowledge lifts books, and her eyes read them with ease and the grasp within her mind. As the shadowy claws hold the novel, her quick mind tears apart the book...her mind pulsates, and at this point, she has a smile of her face—of her educational quickness and a deadly, informative mind.

I look around, and the rock music is on... nobody's around... it's playing... but whose playing it? My brain begins to think of the event. My reality starts to shift again, instead of stars I see flames coming from my spots within the eyes. Unusual...where’s the stars? I wonder to myself.

As I’m going towards the shore —listening to the awful rock music blaring, thinking to myself it's propaganda of some sort. I hear the same words being said hundreds of times with few breaks. To further brainwash the zombie-likes within this community. It begins to control my neck. I have a small nod when I’m listening... it's attaching its grip towards my mind. It feels like it's slowly destroying my brain. Immense hurt throughout, pulses shooting. As the electric guitar is played hard... I feel a slight shift in my thinking, but nothing too terrible. Still very worrisome, but I'll survive, I think...

I finally reach the shore and see my small boat. I slowly put it in the water, and I head to my destination....

I head to the opposite direction of the area I once inhabited—hopefully I’ll return with my soulmate one day...I head to the one person I can trust…I dock my little boat on her wooden dock nearby her beautiful forested home; another island to appreciate. It’s warm in this one, rather than nipple-heightening chill. I go through her white, castled doorway. I knock with the knocker on the door. She answers right away—predictable. "Greetings," I tell her.

She responds, "No, come in, you need an energetic potion? You look tired."

I reply, "I do. Thanks."

"Why so do you look like you’re running on empty?"

I then tell her about my day. She looks out the window of one of her large castle windows, contemplating everything she’s hearing.

She responds, "I did not see this coming. This is very unusual…How did you figure out that the witch has the woman within?"

I tell the woman before me that she gives me clues.

The woman chuckles, "That’s crazy. I’ve seen that place you’ve been to… you’re looking too deep, you’re seeing too much. Those are beautiful 'condos.' No deadly potions and an evil woman tormenting the others. That’s insane…the woman is of beauty from within."

I tell the person standing in front that "she’s only beautiful because you saw the illusion she presented. You went along with art work she gave. But the pieces often abstract…"

science fiction

About the Creator

Vincent Carre

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