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The Quick and Dirty Method for Becoming a Psychic Reader

Divining the Future with a Common 52-Card Deck

By Tom BakerPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

Anyone can become a psychic reader. There are numerous phone services that can be applied to work for as a consultant or representative. You can give readings on the Net, out of your home or even by email. I've done it all, and it's a great way to make money.

Print up a box of business cards. Advertise. Read for friends, and become proficient at it. Meditate to develop the "hidden faculty". Study the meanings of the tarot cards. You can even use standard playing cards if you like. Below is one method for doing so.

Everyone knows that we card readers and seers employ a variety of strange methods for divining your future, usually this involves shuffling the Rider -Waite or some other popular brand of Tarot deck, all the better to have a psychic tool or prop upon which to hang our prognostications.

Tarot decks are a nice item to have handy, of course, for anyone--but, did you know, even a cheap, dollar store deck of common player cards can be used to give excellent readings? It certainly can.

Yes, you too can tell fortunes by playing cards. (You can, of course, tell fortunes by an odd variety of methods, up to and including examining the droppings of various small critters, or the intestines of a freshly killed bird. But, since we are going to assume none of you are medieval peasants or readily into dung-sniffing, we'll stick with the playing cards. Alright by you?)

The easiest thing to rememeber is that, between the tarot arcana of the Minor Suits (Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles) and the regular, 52-card deck of playing cards, correspondences go like this:

Cups = Hearts

Wands = Clubs

Swords = Spades

Pentacles = Diamonds

Following, much as in the tarot deck "minor arcana", the 52-card player deck features a King, Queen, Jack, and an Ace for each suit.

Remember, the Jack equates the Page in the regular tarot deck. The Ace follows the meaning behind each of its suits, as in the regular 52-card deck. And vice versa, of course (Ace of Swords equates Ace of Spades, and so on.)

The Joker equates The Fool, or, alternately, The Devil or The Tower, all three cards of the Major Arcana, and the only correspondence that crosses thusly from the Major Arcana of the Tarot to the 52-card player deck. The Devil card could be associated, through the numbering at the top of the card, to The Moon, (Numbered as "Nine," The Moon is an inverted six. The Devil card is numbered fifteen --1 + 5 = 6. Nine is an inversion of six. ); it corresponds also to The Lovers card (Numbered as "Six" in the Major Tarot Trumps.), and The Tower, insomuch that the Tower itself represents the turbulent trickery of the fickle hand of Fate working in circumstances.

All of these interpretations are up to the intuitive faculty of the individual reader.

Of course, all of this is predicated on the Reader (You) already knowing what the Minor Arcana means--having memorized, say, the meaning behind the Two of Pentacles, and simply transferring the meaning to the Two of Swords. (Likewise Diamonds, Spades, so on and so forth. Also, for the Court Cards of King, Queen, Page...)

Laying out the cards of the reading is as simple as one, two, three.

Literally, shuffle, cut the deck into threes, recombine the three piles until you get that funny feeling that they are, somehow just "correct". Then, take the top card, lay it out to the left of the querent (i.e. person you are reading for) and say, "This is what is behind Him/Her/You". Interpret thusly.

Laying out the next card, say, "This is where he currently lives/is dwelling/is at. This is the NOW." Again, interpret thusly. (Example: Have a Four of Hearts in the position of the NOW, it corresponds to the Four of Cups. Which indicates dissatisfaction, generally. Thus, right now, the Querent is experiencing a period of disatisfaction, wanting something more from a situation, or just life generally.)

Now, laying out the third card, say "This is where he is going/is the Final Outcome." Interpret thusly. This will be interpreted as the resolution of the situation. Or, more generally, where the Querent is headed. That's it.

Additional cards can be added, specifically two: One, right after the second, or "Now" card, and representing "Influences Both for and Against in the Environment." Or, put it more succinctly, just "Influences."

A card can be added preceding the Final Outcome: A position of "Hopes and Fears." Interpret thusly. A positive-feeling card will equate "hopes," obviously; a negative "fears" or anxieties for the situation as the past recedes into the future.

Of course, readings can get elaborate (using a Celtic Cross spread, a tradition), and cards can be laid out in a circle representing each House of the Zodiac. Numerological correspondences can even be incorporated; however, most readings are "short and dirty," taking less than half an hour's time. So, this will depend on the discretion of the reader and what the questioner/querent will sit for.

And that's really all there is to it. Armed with such knowledge, an aspiring reader NEVER need be caught out in the rain without the indispensible fortune teller's deck. All he/she/they/you have to do is make it to the local filling station, where they always sell an average pack of affordable cards, which can be used for divination purposes just as easily.

Happy forecasting my pretties!

how to

About the Creator

Tom Baker

Author of Haunted Indianapolis, Indiana Ghost Folklore, Midwest Maniacs, Midwest UFOs and Beyond, Scary Urban Legends, 50 Famous Fables and Folk Tales, and Notorious Crimes of the Upper Midwest.: http://tombakerbooks.weebly.com

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