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The Positive Impacts of the Newly Born Space Tourism Industry on the Planet Earth

Successful flights of high speedy space vehicles will certainly put a positive impact on the overall transportation system of the planet earth, resulting in the possibility of another industrial revolution and greater well-being for the whole human race.

By Moshiur RahmanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The newly born space tourism industry will open up lots of opportunities

Birth of a New Industry

SpaceX Capsule for Tourists

Although the phrase " Space Tourism" was first coined almost a half-century back, It has started to be a living reality only recently. The world is observing with open eyes that it is no more a science fiction movie and in quick succession, a number of space companies like the Blue Origin, the Virgin Galactic, the SpaceX have started to conduct flights to space. Various Tour packages are offered. Tickets price ranges from hundred thousand to millions of dollars. Billionaires around the world have started to confirm their schedules at the earliest. A new industry has been born. Billions of dollars are poured in as state or private funding rapidly. Along with the superpowers, the middle-income and lower-income countries are no exceptions. There are also a lot of criticisms against it. However, the world will observe the positive sides of space tourism very quickly. Let's explore some of the few below,

Spontaneous Funding is the Lifeblood of Any Industry

Blue Origin Capsule for Tourists

Humankind knows that how much effort it has put and how long it has waited for inventing the first flying vehicle that can carry humans. A few centuries back, Leonardo the Vinci first painted a sketch of the airplane. Nobody probably thought then to invest to make his imagination a reality. Almost 150 years later, the Wright brothers with their technical expertise from making bi-cycles dreamt and tried to invent their first flying objects. Although they had been struggling with their family bicycle business, they put some of their income to make parts and particles to make the flying jet of their dream, which is today known as a modern-day aeroplane. If there was enough funding for the research earlier, the aeroplane could have been invented earlier. As we see a huge interest regarding space tourism among the citizens of the world, It could be expected that something more positive in nature is going to evolve in near future in the transport industry.

Possible Transformation in the Design of the Flying and other types of Vehicles

Virgin Galactic Capsule for Tourists

We know that different types of space vehicles are needed to travel space. These are much faster than commercial airbuses. lots of money is spent to make these vehicles more updated and speedy. There have been a number of success stories as well. Space flights are continuously becoming fully automated, more convenient and safer. This technological advancement will have a positive impact on the traditional transportation system of the world. For example, Virgin Galactic is developing a Hyperloop Transportation system, which will make it possible to travel around 835 miles per hour. Another example is the Maglev technology, which will move a train at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour.

Change in Transportation Form and Impact on Other Industries

A Space cargo: Is that the future of international Trade?

Any development in transportation technology will directly impact international trade and commerce, making the import and export of goods faster at a cheap price anywhere in the world. The well-being of all types of people will go up across the world if the technology behind the advanced transportation system is made available across the world cheaply by the developed nations.

The Impact on the Poorer Nations of the World

Ethiopia to launch its first-ever satellite

Most of the people in the world still live below the poverty line. What do these technological developments mean to them? If the rich nations or a few companies monopolize the space tourism industry and modern vehicular technology especially, it will be difficult for the poor nations to advance because they will hardly be able to pay for those. As a result, most of the portion of the planet will remain undeveloped or undeveloped as these nations will not be able to afford the costliest faster transportation system because of the monopoly of developed nations.

Can a Company be the superpower that can lead a few countries altogether?

Capitalism has reached such a height that the above-mentioned title can really be a reality in fifty years. A few companies are growing at an astounding rate each year. These are also the monopolies in their respective industries. The net worth is crossing beyond the estimated boundaries each year. A valid question has been looming behind the curtain; Will these companies be mightier than any country and take over the responsibility to rule it, making the role of running a nation-state a private job.

Easier Space Tourism means the ability to create more opportunities to explore the space

China's Model of 1km long space city

The International Space Station was built in 1998, weighing around 430000 tons, orbiting around the earth at a speed of 400 miles per second. This is obviously a man-made modern-day wonder. Many space companies have emerged nowadays which are showing the rays of hope regarding building much more energy-efficient, resilient, cheap and sustainable structures around the orbit of the planet earth almost 500 miles above sea level. These space establishments will be able to do many types of activities ranging from research to manufacturing operations.

Space tourism has opened up the door of opportunity to transform the global transportation system completely. As every single sector is directly or indirectly linked to the transport means, the whole world is closely monitoring the silent revolution which is approaching very quickly to take the human civilization to the next level.

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Moshiur Rahman

My mother tongue is not English. But I like to imagine, think and write in English just because it is my passion and I love to do that.

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