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The Portal

Journey to Everenheim

By Matthew DawsonPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
The Everenheim Keep

Adrianna Del’Lorian was sailing seconds ahead of the biggest storm this side of the Narrow Sea. She was headed directly towards a narrow strip of water between the two cliffs of Hun’ray on the Shadow Coast of East Valenia. There were whispers, of a portal between worlds existing between the famed cliffs. As she approached the chasm, her elvish eyesight pierced the shadows and saw a faint cerulean ripple in between the cliffs. The storm raged around her, then abruptly she was sailing down a clear turquoise river in the famed land of the Everinheim where all kinds of wondrous creatures existed. Up ahead was a white jetty made of what appeared to be a single piece of granite, magic she thought. As she tied up her boat she realised a gentleman was waiting on her arrival. On closer inspection it was a half-man, half-troll wearing a back brace and dressed like a 1920’s English manservant.

He intoned, “pleased to make your acquaintance Adrianna, we’ve been expecting you, my name is Lawrence of Atai”. She recovered quickly and said, “what is my purpose here Lawrence of Atai?” He said, “it is good that you have the composure not to ask the obvious questions. Was it due to the whispers let slip at certain ports along the Shadow Coast? Or was it pre-ordained that you should be here at this exact time, when your long lost skills are sorely needed to defeat the Rising Darkness in the Everinheim?”

“What talents could an Elvish Ranger from the Shadow Coast possibly offer to the wise Mages of the Everinheim, Lawrence of Atai?’ “Well he said grimacing slightly with a pained expression, I shall let them tell you that themselves, you have an audience with them this evening on your vessel.”

Lawrence of Atai hailed a fantastical creature to transport Adrianna to the Keep of the Mages. It had purple and pink scales like a dragon, but a soft landing seat on its back where a rider or riders would sit. It had a long elongated neck that sloped up like a giraffe and a wingspan to rival any dragon. Lawrence clicked his fingers and she was immediately sitting comfortably in place on top of the Dra’akari. He said don’t worry about falling off, you have been protected magically. She thanked him and the Dra’akari lumbered off down the jetty and taking flight, soared up into the deep blue sky, flecked with only a few clouds. The view was simply stunning from up high on the back of such a magnificent creature. A small dot in the distance slowly started to resolve into what had to be the most incredible bastion of hope and prosperity she had ever seen in her 248 years of existence.

It was simply beyond words but the thoughts tumbling through her over-active mind were phenomenal, awe-inspiring, mountainous, flawless, sparkling. It gave her the impression that the entirety of the Everinheim relied solely on this Bastion of Hope for its survival, which wasn’t far from the truth.

Upon her gradual descent into what could only be described as an airfield for the giant Dra’akari, she noticed a welcoming committee. Very tall, very elegant people, that looked like distant cousins to the elves but stretched and then made luminescent with skin that ranged from bluish silvers, to pale greens and purples, but all of it with what appeared to be an inner glow. They welcomed her like a long-lost Queen, or at least that was the impression she got from the High Mage himself. She was escorted to the Keep, along lightly glowing halls that seemed to give off their own light from within the stonework, which was of course so flawless it couldn’t have been made without magic. She was shown to her chambers and told she could avail herself of the extensive wardrobe and bathing facilities after which she would be flown back to her boat for the meeting later that night with the High Council of Mages to explain why she was vital to their and all of the Everinheim’s survival.

Her room was palatial, fit for royalty, but she wasn’t royalty. She found many beautiful garments in a wardrobe the size of her old room back home and found a hand-maiden waiting to advise her on the dress etiquette for the evening ahead. Evidently there was one dress code for the meeting and another for the celebration after that. Shortly after dressing she was whisked away by she thought a young student mage based on the manner in which he bore himself and interacted with her.

She was taken back to the airfield and transported onto another Dra’akari for her return flight. When she arrived, she immediately realised that her sailing boat had been modified by some sort of intricate magic, for it seemed to have grown in size and now accommodated a ball room and a massive dining area. Around the table within, the Council were seated waiting. Her presence was noticed and she was asked to take a seat. The Head Mage Augustus Tabitha Greythorn said to her, “you are probably wondering what all the fuss is about I imagine. Well, let me start by saying you are the result of the coupling of an Elven King and one of the last known High Priestesses. Unfortunately, you have a half-brother born of the High Priestess and her until a few months ago, unknown lover, a vile, self-serving dark magic user previously banished from the Order of Mages here on Everinheim. He has made himself known, your half-brother, as the Prince of Darkness and is causing destruction and mayhem in the Northern most reaches of the Everinheim. You are therefore, granted the automatic status by birth of a Priestess of the Order and we have come to think of you as the Princess of Light. Naturally, you will undergo intensive training to augment your natural talents. Will you accept this greatest of challenges?”


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