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The Locket for Power

A dystopian short story

By Ada ZubaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The Locket for Power
Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

Trevor Geddis sprinted through the woods, his heart pounding in his chest, his breathing was heavy, but he knew he could not stop running or they would find him. Beads of sweat trickled down his red face as he gasped for air. He only had to keep going a little bit more...just over the fence and he would be safe. Trevor looked at his cracked watch, he had ten minutes before the shields went up. He picked up the pace as he darted through the dark, foreboding forest. Footsteps were not far from him, he took a deep breath in and continued to run. The fence was not too far from him now, he could see it in the distance. He pushed himself even harder, his shirt was soaked with his own sweat. Trevor reached the fence, this would be the hard part, he lunged himself off the ground and grabbed onto the fence, he still had three minutes, he quickly scrambled a shot was fired at him he lost his footing, but found it again and he continued up the wall faster this time. His legs were starting to ache from running so much. Another shot was fired this time it grazed his side. Trevor let out a small noise that was barely audible, he gritted his teeth and he finally jumped down as a third shot was fired. He landed in the heap of hay that the base had laid out.

"Lift the shields!" he shouted at the guards by the wall.

"We still have thirty seconds!" shouted the guard back.

"No, shut them!" Trevor barked. "I was the last one out of there!" he yelled.

The guard nodded at him and almost immediately a blue light surfaced around the wall creating a bulb around the entire base. Trevor got up from the hay and dusted himself off. He lifted up his shirt to inspect the wound, he was bleeding a bit.

A man in a moustache and a cowboy hat stared at him, Tucker.

"How did you do?" asked Tucker.

"I got it. I got the locket," said Trevor as he panted. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver chain with a golden heart locket. Tucker grabbed at it and Trevor pulled it back.

"What makes you think I will just hand it over?" asked Trevor.

"Because I requested it," said Tucker.

"I nearly died, getting this thing for you, clearly it is more than just a locket," replied Trevor.

"Move Tucker! Trevor is hurt!" said a voice from behind Tucker. It was a young woman about Trevor's age. Her hair done in a tight braid that led down her back, she came rushing over with a pail and a wet cloth.

"Take off your shirt!" she demanded and Trevor smiled at her.

"You just want to see me lose my clothes," he replied with a grin.

"Disgusting," she mumbled as she patted his wound with the wet cloth. Trevor hissed as she pressed the cloth against his side. "You should go lie down," she told him, she grabbed his hand and led him towards the bunks. She dragged him over to his bed and she let him fall onto the bed.

"Hold this here," she instructed. Trevor grabbed the wet cloth from her and pressed it against him. From under the bed she pulled out a first aid kit and she cut the appropriate amount of dressing and replaced it.

"Whatever you do, do not give that locket to Tucker," she whispered.

"What? What is the big deal with this thing anyway?" asked Trevor.

"It belonged to the president once. It holds a lot of power," she said.

"Power? like magic?" laughed Trevor.

"No, idiot! electricity! why do you think everyone wants it? we can get everything back to normal with that thing!" she hissed. "Tucker wants to only save himself and keep the electricity for just for him, we cannot let that happen!"

"How do you know this? and who are you?" demanded Trevor.

"I'm Naomi, the secondary healer here right after Janice," she replied.

"So, you're saying that if I plug whatever this is into the main electrical outlet everything can go back to normal right?"

Naomi nodded.

"That's exactly what I am saying," she said.

"So we just have to find out where the main power source is..." he trailed off.

"Listen, I have a team and we are planning to get to the main power source and turn everything on again," said Naomi.

"I am just missing the runner, someone who can run in switch it on and run out before anyone realizes what has happened," she explained.

"Wait. So explain this to me, if the government had the locket this whole time why don't they use it, to make things go back?" asked Trevor.

"They want power over people and that's one way to do it is to literally get rid of electricity, but it was a really good plan because I heard that they still have electricity, that's how we are getting that shield up every night," she said as she finished the dressing on Trevor.

"So that means there has to be a source right here? right?" asked Trevor.

"Exactly, so we did some digging and we found a basement under us that's where the power has to be plugged into," she said.

Just then Tucker walked in and Naomi back away from Trevor.

"Should be good to go by the morning, by 6 in the morning," she gave Trevor a look and he understood. She then disappeared into the next room.

"We need that locket!" he said.

"Why?" asked Trevor lazily.

"because it holds something dear to me," he said.

"Oh yeah? Would that be power?" challenged Trevor.

"How do you know about that?" asked Tucker.

"I figured it out! while I was running for my life! You sent me in there hoping I would get shot and you would have it for yourself!" Trevor said as he sat up in his bed. "I am not giving it to you!"

"Now is not the time boy! I need it!" said Tucker, then without warning he hit Trevor where his wound is with a powerful punch. Trevor clutched his stomach and toppled forwards from the bed and onto the floor. Tucker then went for Trevor's pocket, who then tried to punch Tucker out of the way, but Tucker was too fast and he grabbed the locket. Trevor then grabbed at Tucker's feet as he started to walk away and he tripped face first into the floor, dropping the locket. Trevor hurled himself forwards and grabbed it. He picked himself off the floor and ran out of the cabin.

"Change of plans!" he yelled and Naomi came running with two other men with her.

Trevor grabbed a nearby bench and blocked the exit. He was still clutching his side when the three of them led him towards the basement of the base. It was a trapdoor covered with dirt, dust rose up as the opened the trapdoor. Trevor and the others climbed down the stairs, they seemed to have practiced this part. One of the men grabbed a torch and lit the way in the hall, another had rope and was leaving a trail.

"Why the rope?" asked Trevor.

"In case we are wrong," said one of the men, who Trevor now recognized as James from cabin 4.

"Okay," said Trevor and they went down until they reached a large sound board.

"Damn you Trevor!" they could hear Tucker shouting.

"Put the locket in there!" said James pointing at the heart shaped space.

"Are you sure?" asked Trevor.

"Yes!" pleaded Naomi and they could hear Tucker's footsteps getting closer.

"Positive?" he asked again.

"Yes!" shouted the other man.

"Okay!" said Trevor and he took a deep breath and placed it in. At first nothing happened and then the place light up. The entire sound board was glowing blue, the room lit up. Then everything started to shake.

"Grab the rope!" shouted Naomi and they all did and they ran along the hall that they just got walked through and running into Tucker.

"You idiot! what did you do!" yelled Tucker.

Then, as if a beam of light hit them, they were pushed outside of the trapdoor. Silence. Trevor lifted his head to see he was outside, it was light, but at the same time it was dark. He looked around and everyone was staring at something. Something amazing. A light post with a flickering light, then all round the lights came on, one by one.

"We have electricity again!" shouted someone.

Trevor smiled. He smiled wide.

"We can go back to normal," he said to himself. "We can go back to normal," he repeated as he stared at the lamp post, he stared at it until everyone was fast asleep. "Back to normal." he said smiling.

The End.


About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello fellow interweb explorers! I am Ada Zuba. I binge the Netflix shows and just recently Disney plus has been my happy place. I am a creative person with a big love for Disney movies. I hope to one day write and publish a fantasy novel.

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