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The Galaxy's Edge

A children's story by Natalie Marie Stefani-Rice.

By Natalie Marie Stefani-RicePublished 6 years ago 8 min read
Larry Lackey Pinterest

The Galaxy's Edge was a vast green countryside filled with the universe's tallest and oldest oak trees. These old oak trees touch the bluest of skies and fluffiest clouds. This magical place is positioned right off the center of the Earth and Northeast of the focus of your telescope. So in your greatest imagination, with no outer limits, you may begin to create the space that will become for you The Galaxy's Edge.

Now with this in mind, on this particular day and at this present hour, we happen upon the place on The Galaxy's Edge where all the little new moons go to rest and where all the Galaxy's wise old owls retire.

It's the middle of the evening, right past supper time, the time when almost all the inhabitants of The Galaxy's Edge make their way to the places they prefer to take refuge. Sir Owl, a wise old owl, takes his refuge on a very heavy branch in an old oak tree. A tree so tall that it creates the shade for the bed upon which the little new moons slumber.

The blue birds were chirping their good night song while the crickets were just waking up and beginning to perform their morning rituals. The little new moons were just drawing in to their fluffy slumberland and must have had an extra exhilarating day for they seemed restless this particular evening; chattering feverishly in spite of the present hour.

Sir Owl lit his big mahogany pipe, took a long draw and closed his eyes while he listened to them begin to settle in. He didn't seem a bit surprised when a special little new moon popped up and shone some of his light on the wise old owl's tree branch.

"Good evening, Sir Owl." Little New Moon said respectively. "I'm hoping my visit doesn't seem intrusive. I had only hoped for a moment of your time."

"Come, come now, my friends are always welcome." Sir Owl replied and moved closer to the end of the branch so he could see Little New Moon hanging on a lower branch. "Now how may I assist you this evening Little New Moon?"

"Sir Owl, do you know when I may see the big beautiful sun again?" Little New Moon asked the wise old owl.

"I'm not sure if that will ever be possible again," answered Sir Owl reluctantly, wanting to spare the little new moon of any unnecessary sorrow.

"But why, Sir Owl?" The little new moon asked softly. "I've been extra super good in night school and I have been doing all my chores without complaining. I even have been going to bed on time!"

"Well my special little friend, let me explain if I may," the wise old owl said. "As you proceed in life you will see that sometimes opportunities come and go no matter what we have done in our lives; whether good or bad. Or no matter what we have going on currently in life. These opportunities come only once in a while and must be seized, or you may waste your chances and have to be patient until another opportunity presents itself."

Little New Moon shook itself sitting on the lower tree branch looking even more confused as ever. The wise old owl recognized the frustration and continued on. "Allow me to explain." It took several minutes but he was able to fly down from his tree branch, and out and around to settle down next to the little new moon on the lower branch. Flight from branch to branch can be quite awkward for some here on The Galaxy's Edge, it takes many years of practice to get the launching just right.

After settling in the wise old owl turned the little new moon around so they would be able to see each other's eyes when they spoke. Little New Moon's eyes grew twice the size as he peered into Sir Owl's eyes, for they were filled with knowledge and history. Anxiously Little New Moon shifted in his seat and hung on every word Sir Owl then spoke.

"My dear Little New Moon, lessons in life can be sometimes harsh, but they are all so very necessary. Some lessons go unanswered; those are opportunities missed. And some opportunities are answered in hopes that we may learn from them. And unfortunately some opportunities that we may even fail at. All of these lessons are important as we grow and age. They are what what gives us wisdom. Wisdom allows us the freedom to make the choices we need to make in order for survival. To live freely in this great big Galaxy." As the wise old owl said this he spread his mighty wings. And they were mighty indeed. His great wing span was filled with feathers of every color and of every size. Bright bold colors accompanied the warm tones of brown and gold, and the ice colors of silver and grey.

Now referring to the colors in his wings and swirling them all about so the bright colors zigged and zagged, the wise old owl said, "I will present you with a story my forefathers taught to me when I was just little like you. Now listen closely. Can you see all the brilliant colors in my wings from the rainbow, Little New Moon?"

Little New Moon sat with widened eyes waiting for the wise old owl to continue, "Yes, yes sir, I can see them."

"These feathers of fantastic colors are the opportunities that I have been granted and I've taken and from each of these a lessened learned. You can see that there are many, many of which I am proud of, there is much history here." He continued. "The brown feathers make up what is me and the gold ones you see are of opportunities yet to come. The silver and grey feathers are of opportunities that I may have missed and the opportunities that I have lost." Said the wise old owl shaking his head softly, but not losing eye contact with Little New Moon. "I seem to find more and more silver and grey feathers every morning when I clean."

He gently brought his wing span in and with a quiet little shake he looked like Sir Owl again. His brows were heavy and his eyes were now watery as time and events passed through his mind.

Little New Moon's eyes glistened for sadness he understood. He saw the trials and tribulations of this wise old owl's life pass before him. But he also saw his joy, and at this he spoke out in curiosity. "Sir Owl, I am able to see the events that cause your sadness, and I am also able to see the events that have brought you joy. Your eyes fill with tears when remembering the hard times, why don't you feel happiness when recalling the joyous times?"

Sir Owl thought about this question for a lengthy amount of time and began to answer Little New Moon, when he looked over and saw the little one sleeping so peacefully on the lower branch. The wise old owl smiled and out loud he said, "the reason would be that the great times don't last forever and this does sadden me indeed. But one must remember that the hard times don't last forever either. And that in itself is a lesson learned my dear special friend. Now rest easy, Little New Moon, for tomorrow is another day and there will be many more memories to create."

Sir Owl flew up to his branch to take solace for the evening, settled in and began to dream.

While on the lower branch, at the same time, Little New Moon began to dream. And in his dream he was talking to Sir Owl again but together they were in-flight following a shooting star. They smiled and laughed together and without a care in the world they followed the shooting star and were able to see all sorts of new things.

They had a delightful flight and were beginning to head back to The Galaxy's Edge when over the horizon something beautiful was rising. Little New Moon was in awe for it was the big beautiful sun he talked so often about. Sir Owl nudge him closer and the little new moon laughed as he swirled up and down in the sun's radiant beams. Sir Owl was pleased with Little New Moon's laughter and knew it was well past the time they needed to return. Together the resumed flight and Little New Moon thanked Sir Owl for he was so very grateful, for now he knew how to appreciate the things in life that some may take for granted. Now Little New Moon understands what opportunity is and that lessons can be learned from everything in life you do.

And another day begins on The Galaxy's Edge, Little New Moon and Sir Owl both woke up refreshed from the evening's rest. Sir Owl noticed yet another brilliant color added to his wing span, smiling he knew it was one he earned from his flight with Little New Moon. And Little New Moon woke up excited about a brand new day and from this day forward, because of Sir Owl's teachings, Little New Moon decided to try to seize every opportunity that's granted to him.

The End


About the Creator

Natalie Marie Stefani-Rice

So please grant me peace from the demons I see. They crowd me and stalk me and won't let me be.

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