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The difference between good and evil Pt 14

Enjoy! Written by: CR Cole posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

By CR ColePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

"Ahhhhhh!!" My screams ring through the forest as the bat Ray gave me hits the tree I'm swinging at. I swing again and again screaming my head off in frustration, all the work, all the dreams, shattered in one day and now a little girl doesn't have a father because of my stupidity.

I go more, hitting the tree harder and harder until the metal bat dents and becomes useless. Throwing it too the side I fall to the ground and find myself speaking. "Why God, how are you here, how are you real, and now that I know your real why don't you help."

"How do you know he hasn't?" A deep heavily accented voice sounds behind me. Turning around I see the same dark man who struck Theo with electricity in the chest.

I try to be surprised but it doesn't work, instead tears come to my eyes. In a moment he wraps his arms around me as I cry. "It's ok child." He whispers in my ear. "I've always been here, you only needed to call out to God."

Pulling back I ask the question that has been burning me since everything happened. "How is he real? All the research I ever did about him never led me too him."

He stands up and holds out his hand, pulling me up he motions with his hand around me. "All of this nature here can be explained away by science, but what can't be explained is your ability to describe it as such, your problem Kelsie isn't that you aren't smart enough.

the opposite actually, your as smart as Solomon was, but you have been looking through the wrong lens. You left out variables, you found the evidence that best suited you and forgot the rest, not because it was intellectually, but because you hated God for making you smart, you hated him for not being able to be a kid, for intimidating every guy you ever met, but now that knowledge is going to save this planet and everyone on it."

I look inside myself and realize what he says is true. How many nights did I spend researching God? I spent 80 hours looking into his existence and made my conclusion, anything else I would have spent at least two weeks time to find an answer. "How can I do that?" I ask him.

He turns to me, in his eyes holds generations worth of wisdom, his head is bald and his clothes remind me of what an Egyptian Pharaohs clothes are supposed to look like. "Tartarus has the ability to destroy this earth in three punches, the only thing stopping him is his human master, but his injuries will kill him soon, when that happens Tartarus will destroy the earth without hesitation. Only you can give Ray and Brie the abilities to defeat them. You need to finish their evolution process in order for them to win." He says.

My mind whirs as I think if his words, Tartarus, a Greek god. Evolving Ray and Brie, then it hits me as well that if I hadn't suffered growing up as I did than I wouldn't know how to fix them, but because of all the time I spent studying my mind already starts formulating ideas and theories.

I immediately start walking back to our little cave in a mountain, but then I stop and ask. "Who are you?" But when I turn around, no ones there, it's only an empty clearing, and a beat up bat.

When I get back to the camp Ray greets me, he is in front of our large cave placed into the mountain putting up wood barricades.

"Do you really think those will keep Goliath out." I ask as I walk inside.

He grunts and shrugs his shoulders. "It's worth a try."

When I get inside I stop dead in my tracks, Brie is standing up and laughing, Veronica is cooking something and their chatter fills up the whole cave.

I step forward into the light of their fire and Brie notices me, her large eyes bore into me and I feel the back of my eyes prick with tears. "Brie I'm so so-"

She holds her little hand up and says. "It's ok Kelsie, I forgive you, just please help me stop that monster."

For eight years old I'm impressed by her, and her ability to forgive, I walk up and hug her and make a promise.

"I promise that Goliath will be destroyed."


About the Creator

CR Cole

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