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The Blackbook of Cleo

Magic of the blacklight

By Whitney MullingsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
femme fatale

Another late night at work.

Feeling flat but Sam promised her college girls she'd be there.

On her way to the pub is a different type of sameness in exhaustion, boredom, and nagging in her mind.

A tug about there's more to life. Then she comes to the senses or the nag that she needs to do the hard work now and it will come later.

But when does life start then?

A life of freedom, travel, experiences, and helping humanity. Again, it all comes down to making more money first. Overcoming a wave of emptiness and despair for more ... Sam needed to sit down on this bench she sees to settle this tugging in her heart. She begins thinking of her perfect life on paper, a high-paid job, a leader of a team, homeowner, designer label wardrobe, and above average for her age group.

It's a wonder of this unshakable sadness.

What is she to do? The stress from work will mount if she doesn't put in the time and effort. It's a men's world, meaning she needs to work extra hard. Often leaving her feeling anxious in not know enough, not as good as her colleagues. The worst nightmare is being caught as not deserving of her position, let alone chances in moving up on the ladder.

As if a whisper in her ear, so she looks down and sees this black book on the bench. It's ordinary but curiosity overtook her hands. Sam picked it up and opened it to take a look.

And as the book opens, a vortex pulled Sam into it!

A thing you only read about from fairytales. Naturally scared with any fall and such as this one where there's no sight of where she'll land. It's darkness but swirling.

Sam saw flashbacks of her life in front of her eyes inside this vortex in swirling. That time her mom had the talk with her about a woman's independence financially is most important. Then the time her dad was upset with mom when she didn't have dinner ready after a long day at work. Grandma too showed when she had to leave her in the backyard to get lunch ready for grandpa. Also that time she was too busy with chores to play with her.

What's next is a flash into Egypt in ancient times inside the palace left her in awe and forgetting she was scared of what's happening.

She sees Cleopatra in all her beauty and glory taking a milk bath. She was magnificent in every sense. Surprisingly a vibe of love and care from her even with people serving her literally at her feet. She holds this power of ownership, leadership, and compassion in her essence without a single word in exchange.

It is as unreal of a dream as your mind can believe.

The swirling stops and it's become a visceral scene where Sam is now physically inside this golden palace. She looks down at her own arms drenched in gold jewels, dressed in this gorgeous golden embroidered white gown. She's sitting on the throne. Before she is a man kneeling down on his knees asking for her command.

She then realized she is Cleopatra in the flesh. At that moment, she can feel empowered as a queen. More importantly this sense of passion over her people. And it's reciprocated by everyone in the room being adored, loved, and supported.

The man asked again, how can he support her?

The words just came out of her not even cognizant of the situation. So she speaks instructing this man to take $20,000 from the vault as the people need it now. The man in shock attempted to reason with her as that's everything she has. So she speaks again, love will always come back ten folds wherever you send it. Trust it. As the man turned around to leave, so does the energy of this palace. In a swirl, Sam finds herself back on the bench at the park on her way to the pub.

What just happened?

Before her mind can make sense of it all, her phone dings a notification. It reads you've won $20,000 from Dream Life Lotto. Still in shock, and how does anyone come back to the real world from a fairytale? In this trance, Sam sees Cleo before her. She told her to trust. And the universe returns it ten folds where she sends love in work, relationships, and most importantly herself.

At that moment, Sam knows there's no need to understand logically. She felt the message in her being. Instantly feeling lighter with pressures off her chest, breathing love into her soul, and expanded of her mind appreciating the life she has. Her mind started to churn with ideas, creativity, and an indescribable feeling of possibilities opened up for her. It's exciting, invigorating, and liberating.

Freedom is an emotion. You can choose to love your life before changes happen. Now, that's exciting!


About the Creator

Whitney Mullings

Whitney Mullings, a Soul Brand Shaman. She sparks your soul's passion, unlocks your divine magnetism in the vibration of who you are as a brand. While finding deep compassion for yourself in speaking your voice unfiltered and unedited.

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