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Temporary Escape

The real world is already seeping through

By Andrew Spencer, Sterling HowePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Temporary Escape
Photo by Matthew Sichkaruk on Unsplash

Dorian, a programmer looking for a temporary escape, has left for his late grandfather’s homestead. It's a warm summer’s evening in a peaceful valley shadowed by mountains overlooking a calm almost glass-like body of water. Dorian is sitting next to a small fire, with a fishing line in the lake, hoping to catch some breakfast for the next morning. His attention trails from his rod when he follows the fiery smoke up into a beautiful aurora that illuminates the night sky. Before he can acknowledge the natural spectacle, his line jerks bringing his attention away from the colors and back to his world. He quickly reels in the fish, securing his next meal.

Packing the fish in his cooler, Dorian begins to make his way back to his cabin. He stops in the doorway to take one last look at the glorious green and blue lights streaking across the sky. He goes inside and sets down his cooler and fishing rod. Before he can get in bed, he hears a long, drawn out screech followed by an unsettling commotion. Dorian quickly rushes back outside to see that he neglected to put out his campfire. The violent flames have now spread to nearby brush. He frantically dashes to the shore of the lake where he picks up a bucket from within a row boat. He fills it with water and extinguishes the fire right before it can spread to devastating proportions. Dorian drops the bucket completely enervated, and looks out onto the water. He notices the silhouette of a man rowing a boat across the lake. He pays no attention to the man, then lethargically walks back to his cabin. He can finally sign off for the night.


Now sporting a pair of aviators, Dorian walks out to the lake on a fine calm morning. With him, he brought a fresh plate of fish and eggs. Before he can sit down to enjoy the first meal of the day, he notices another boat next to his. Confused, he turns around and scans the tree line looking for the owner of the vessel. His eyes land on the roof of his cabin where a small barn owl is perched. The owl lets out the same screech Dorian heard the night before. His attention is immediately brought to a man emerging from the forest. The man doesn’t break from the tree line, and recedes back into the densely wooded area. Dorian leaves his breakfast for the ants, and hesitantly follows the man. He has never had a visitor before, so each step is filled with caution. Letting out another screech, the owl takes off from the roof of the cabin and follows the two men.

As soon as Dorian crosses into the forest, he’s struck with an uneasy familiarity. He doesn’t recognize it as the forest next to his cabin, but he knows he’s been here before. The fallen trees and rotting logs trailing behind the mysterious man remind Dorian of something he’s tried to forget. He looks deep through the decaying woods and sees a lonely girl. She appears as if she was ripped from a warzone. She slowly turns around and fades into the trees. Dorian, now appearing as lost as the girl, is brought back to his world when the owl swoops by screeching. He turns back towards the man, and tentatively follows.

Dorian notices a break in the forest, and it quickly opens up to a lake and cabin. It’s Dorian’s homestead, but something feels different. He is again left with an unfamiliar familiarity. He notices the man standing next to the campfire. An army of ants can be seen trailing off from the now finished plate of fish and eggs. Dorian, with no concept of space and time, is now lost and distrait. He once again trails the smoke up into the sky where he can see the colors from the previous night have shifted their hue. Dorian, snapping back to his reality, marches towards the man demanding an explanation.

“Who are you?”

“I’m someone who’s here to offer you a trade,” The owl drops in and lands on the man’s shoulder. It lets out a violent cry. “I’m Hermes and this is my owl Athena. I like this world you’ve built around you and I’m looking for a temporary escape of my own.”

Dorian, frustrated, connects Hermes to the man in the boat. “You won’t take this place from me.”

“I’m not here to take it from you. I’m here to help you face your real world. Let me stay here, and you take Athena as a parting gift.”

Dorian, confused, doesn’t know how to answer.

Hermes continues, “You don’t know how you’re hurting yourself by staying in here. You can’t continue to escape what haunts you.”

“Everyone needs to escape what haunts them. I’m safe in here,” Dorian rebuked.

“You need to know when the healing stops, and the delaying begins. The real world is already seeping through.” With that, Dorian realizes Hermes is right. “It’s time to go.”

Dorian reluctantly nods, ready to take on his new responsibility. He reaches his hand out and Hermes reciprocates. Athena uses their met hands to bridge from Hermes’s shoulder to Dorian’s. Hermes stokes the fire and picks up a fishing rod. He turns away from Dorian and casts his line into the lake, beginning his escape.

Dorian slowly takes off his sunglasses leaving the world he built around himself. His eyes adjust to the natural light.


Dorian walks over to his desk and places his VR headset down. He looks over and sees something that reminds him of what he’s tried to forget: his Purple Heart medal which he earned for being the sole survivor of a battle of devastating proportions. He picks up a picture that was placed face down on his desk, revealing him with a group of friends dressed in their military fatigues. The battle has never really ended. He carries the photo over to his windowsill and places it next to a frame displaying a picture of a little girl lost in a decaying forest. Looking through the window, out at the real world, he notices a familiar face. Perched on his porch, a barn owl, staring directly into him.

Dorian, with a grin, retrieves the owl and walks down the patio steps, leaving his late grandfather’s cabin for the first time in awhile. He makes his way to the water and rests next to a quiet campfire with his new found friend. His attention trails when he follows the fiery smoke up into a beautiful aurora that illuminates the sky, finally being able to acknowledge the natural spectacle.


About the Creator

Andrew Spencer, Sterling Howe

We’re Lost in a Crowd and no one can find us.

We are an international music duo producing unique electronic prog rock soundscapes with modern Lo-Fi influence.

This page serves as one of our many creative outlets. We hope you enjoy.

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