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"Strucken" Scenes - Playwright Rendition

~Zap Aura~

By ~Awakened~Published 3 years ago 8 min read
(Image/gif does not belong to me, needless to say)


Zapora Watts (AKA Zap Aura) – Zap possesses elemental lightning powers and has the ability to physically see the auras of others

> Zap wears a blue leather jacket, goggles (raised to his forehead), and has blue hair

Jade Thunder (AKA Dr. Thunder) – Jade is a sonic-tech expert

> Jade wears a denim jacket, headphones to help him hear, and has spiked black hair

Mariah Randall (AKA Forecast) – Mariah is a soothsayer from the time of the antagonist > Mariah wears dark coloured clothing, an amethyst amulet, and has long brown hair

James Fillip (AKA Jolt) – James is a young recruit who can transform his body into a bolt of golden lightning of baffling proportions and ridiculous power

> James wears a bright red shirt with a superhero logo and has wavy blonde hair

Blazon Hunter (AKA Siphon) – A trained combatant, Blazon is extremely fit and frequently wears military style clothes; he also has superhuman powers that provide him with additional strength when exposed to nuclear radiation and atomic decay

> Blazon wears a shredded grey t-shirt, torn green jeans, and has red auburn-streaked hair

Act ꟾ:

Scene 1

[ZAP, JADE, and MARIAH are huddled around a circular table in the lobby of their headquarters (an underground storm shelter). JAMES sits in a corner sobbing.]


How are we supposed to stop someone who’s unkillable?


I said that he is immortal, not unkillable. He cannot die by the hand of time, but he may be slain by mortal means.


Right. Still though, from what you’ve told us, he pretty freaking tough. And his armor. It’s impenetrable.


Maybe I could rig some sonic equipment to shatter his suit. Would you happen to know the resonate frequency of the metal?


Do I know the what?


No weaponry of this time has the potential to damage the alloy’s composition. The vibrations of your sonic assault would simple bounce off.


Then my lightning won’t do anything against him?


Not necessarily. If enough energy were to be composed in one blow, it could weaken the alloy. However, you have never conducted such measures of electricity in all your many months of training.



Well then what are we supposed to do? Aren’t you supposed to be psychic or something?


I know much more than many, but I do not know everything. I can only say what must be said.


I wish Analog were here.

(ZAP turns away from the group. JAMES approaches from the corner, his eyes bloodshot from tears)




Yeah J?


Is he going to kill you?


Hey now, let’s not think like that. We’re gonna beat him, okay? As a team.


Yeah, a team.

(Exit JADE and JAMES to nearby room. MARIAH follows)

Zap (to himself):

How we stop him, I have no idea.

(Enter BLAZON HUNTER through the shelter door. ZAP is faced away and doesn’t take notice)


Long time no see.

(ZAP spins around and strikes a fighting pose, willing blue electricity to surround his fists)


Whoa, ease up yuppie. I’m here to help, not to hurt.


Who’s talking: my friend… or a traitor?


Look, I’m sorry for storming off like that. Heh, no pun intended. I was angry and confused and…

(BLAZON glances over ZAP’s shoulder into the room where the others reside)

…In love.

(ZAP relaxes his arms to a small degree. The electricity fades)


I understand that. But nothing gives you an excuse to turn against us like that.


Like I said kid, I’m sorry. Now are we going to kill an evil time-traveling knight or what?


I hate you… Welcome back.

(ZAP drops his pose. ZAP and BLAZON move to the center of the room around the table. Enter JADE, smirking)


Well look who finally decided to turn up. Mariah’s in the other room. She’d rather not speak to you right now.


I figured. I don’t blame her.


So, since you here, might as well make yourself useful. Any ideas how to stop Absolu?


Woah, slow down. He just got here. I doubt he has a–


I have a plan.


Well that was quick.

Scene 2

(ZAP, JADE, and BLAZON gather in the lab, facing a standard chalkboard displaying a map of Overon Valley. BLAZON, who has changed into a military-green uniform, is making motions to the map)


According to Thunder here, Mariah says that Absolu is going to appear here, in this artificial pond. Assuming his fire powers will be dampened in the water, he will be most vulnerable in this location. Jade and Mari… that is, Forecast, will cover the boundaries of the pond, making sure he doesn’t leave that spot. Yuppie, you wouldn’t happen to have a rubber suit lying around, would you?


Uh, actually, there is that diving suit we got from Teardrop.


Good, you’ll need that when you fight Absolu.


You’re kidding, right? Teardrop looked dumb enough, can you imagine me wearing that? Besides, I doubt it’ll fit.


I mean, if you would rather zap yourself with three hundred fifty volts, be my guest.



That’s what I thought. Now, Forecast also said that he’s got some sort of mystical axe?




That’s gonna be a problem. I’ll try to disarm him while you beat him down, but wait ‘til I’m clear of the water before you start with the actually zapping, got it yuppie?


Got it. And don’t call me yuppie. It got old way long ago.


Gotcha, yuppie.


Also, how am I supposed to “beat him down” with his armor. Mariah said… Sorry, Forecast said that to get past his armor, I would need to blast him with more energy than I’ve ever conducted.


Exactly. Doctor, I think it’s time.


Oh my word, I thought you’d never say that.

(JADE, with a look of pure joy and excitement, exits the room. He reenters carrying a pair of clunky looking gauntlets, which are attached by a hose to a X-shaped chest strap bearing a large, blue circular plate on the front)


This should help you yank more energy from the Aura and focus it into concentrated blasts. Pretty neat, eh?


Try it on, try it on!

(JADE dumps the gear into ZAP’s arms. ZAP equips it as the others wait and anticipate. After a moment of struggle, ZAP has equipped the gear)


It’s a bit heavy.


Turn it on!

(JADE points to the plate in the center. ZAP rotates it and hears a click. The device begins to hum as sparks flicker over ZAP’s jacket)




You feel that? That sensation is your synapses being zapped with three times the hertz you’re used to.


Sorry we couldn’t tell you about this before. We thought you might… you know, go “Blazon” on us.


I thought we were past that? Anyway, remember, no zapping until I’ve gotten out of the pond.


I heard you the first time. Blazon? One more thing before we fight this dude.


What’s that?


Stop making puns on my name! They’re not even clever!

Blazon (chuckling):

Whoops, sorry. Old habits.

Hi guys! Zap the Protogen here. I just want to apologize if the formatting for this act is all wrong. I am not sure if the Vocal moderators are able to keep the formatting rules I already have in place. If not, perhaps somehow I can submit the original document. Anyway, if you would like to read more go check out my other works. If you don't have much time on your hands but you still want some interesting concepts, I highly recommend you check out my flash fiction compilation, which can be found here. Enjoy!

science fiction

About the Creator


Silence. Ego can be one's downfall, as well as a wall that must be broken down to breach the fifth dimension. This, you must remember in the times to come.

(In case there is any confusion, this is Zap Aura's updated page)

Twitter: @ZapAura

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