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Slips of Reality

The Domestication of Humans

By daddyp17Published 2 years ago 5 min read

I awoke in the middle of the night.

It was the cat…

It was always the cat.

Afflicted by a phenomenon known as the “Night Crazies,”

Cats tend to go absolutely bat shit nuts around 3am/in the middle of the night.

Apparently it has something to do with their being of "Crepuscular", which is just a fancy word for meaning that they are active during night.

He is staring at me as I write this.

I don’t trust this little fucker.

There are also the myths that cats try to kill ppl in their sleep, or try to suffocate you by sitting on ur face, but I think it’s just hyperbole based off of the aforementioned diagnosis.

Realistically, it’s just their circadian rhythm.

I would even go out on a limb to say they’re damn near nocturnal; but, it’s understood that they get these fits of hyperactivity due to their tendencies of: (1) sleeping throughout the day & (2) subconsciously wanting to hunt or kill prey during twilight hours.

This, in turn, led me down a rabbit hole of studies about cats & their character traits, where I then found myself questioning their brains themselves.

There is a lot of unknown information about brain research in general, simply because it obviously would stand to seem both, immoral & procedurally difficult to garner results for brain research.


It's actually quite the conundrum, in my honest opinion, how the brain is literally the reason for why we do ANYTHING we do, yet it is the most unknown out of any other bodily organ or function.


I dug further.

Also, the cat is chill now,

I let it be known that he isn’t going to win in a war against me.

WE are the apex predator for a reason.

But an important thing to note,

Brain size isn’t an accurate measure of intelligence despite maybe some misnomers, but rather, it’s dependent upon the actual brain structure - i.e. the folds in the brain tissue.

However, I think this comes with a caveat.

The Big Brain VS Small Brain debate I think holds some weight in the fact that it’s acts as a ceiling.

Historically, human brains continue to grow and develop (fold) not only throughout a persons lifetime, but also through our human history. We had extra space in our skull, so our brains were allowed to get bigger & more complex overtime, thus allowing us to get more intelligent over time as well.

Regardless, even though it is suggested that a cats brain structure and folding is about 90% similar to that of a human being, they are also only about as smart as the equivalent of a 2 year old toddler.

(Hey, room for improvement I suppose 🐈👍🏼)

Fucking stupid ass cat,

This is why we domesticated you and all of ur ancestors.

^^ This is what led me to my actual reason for writing this.

I pontificated upon the idea of us domesticating pretty much every animal that is out there.

No matter the size, the ferocity, or the brain structure, we have found a way to capture and control just about every single animal in some sense.


I thought about humans.

Are we also not animals?

If so, then who domesticates us?

At first, I took the more pragmatic & depressing approach & just chalked up our domestication to ourselves.

Both in a sense of voluntarily capacity, but also in a more political sense as well.

What I mean is,

That some of us are okay with domesticating ourselves & we even do it on purpose because it allows us to live easier lives.

If we had to live in the wild & hunt for food and find shelter every single day, we wouldn’t be able to live in our cul-de-sac suburban neighborhoods and order food delivered to us through our mobile devices.

Now in a political sense, the domestication of humans allows a small group of people in power to control the outcome of a lot of other things in our societies.

Look to, "The Few vs The Many."

While this may seem like the most plausible and rational sense of explanation, this writing could have just ended here…

But what if there is more?

The cat is lying on the floor next to me, while I’m lying down writing this,

I think we’ve come to a mutual understanding now which is good (:

If the smartest creature domesticates all of the other creatures, then what happens if we ARE'NT the smartest creature?

I suppose the only other explanation for that would be aliens I presume.

But it’s little more precarious than that.

If a household cat has only ever grown up & lived indoors, then how do they know that they are necessarily domesticated?

If a fish has only ever grown up and lived inside of a fish tank, how would they ever know about the ocean?

I supposed one could argue that they don’t.

But, why wouldn’t that same logic be applied to us?

The human being.


”Apex Predator”

I know what I know,

But I don’t know, what I don’t know.

So then how would I know??

I don’t know...


Honestly, I don’t.

But I know my intuition.

And something tells me that there is a lot more to this reality than we can either comprehend or perceive.

Its just a feeling I can’t shake.

Its like that feeling you get, when you know something bad is about to happen,

Or even something a little less dark,

That feeling you get when you know you are forgetting something.

Just a feeling...

But if we perchance WERE domesticated, by something other than ourselves,

Then would we ever truly know it?

Do you think the Lion in the Zoo knows that he is supposed to be in the Serengeti??

Or do you think he gets a feeling about it?

That something isn’t quite the way it’s supposed to be??

I wonder.

A lot of things, naturally,

& the truth I shall seek.

Pay attention to the signs & energy around you.



About the Creator


Musician. Athlete. Everything.😇

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