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Ranking the JoBros of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

A list of all the best boys

By SamPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Credit: David Production

It’s essential to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: The JoBro. The best friend of the title Jojo. The wingman, the pal that’ll help him save the world. In a show with over the top personalities and characters, it takes a lot to stand out and make an impression. Luckily, we’ve got plenty of JoBros out there. Ten that I can think of, and ten is the perfect number for a list, don’t you think?

As usual, not everyone has the same opinions, and so my disclaimer is that these are just my thoughts. I love each of these ten JoBros very much, but somebody has to be on the bottom. Another detail, I’ll only be focusing on the anime, and of course, there will be spoilers in here as well. Alright, let’s get to it.

10. Narancia

Please put away the pitchforks. Narancia is definitely one of the sweetest souls on this list, and I adore him so much. However, Narancia’s relationships in feel much more fleshed out with Bucciarati and Fugo than Part 5’s Jojo, Giorno Giovanna. That being said, the two still have a strong bond that makes them fight for each other no matter what. Narancia is one of many excellent JoBros from Golden Wind, and his determination to fight for his friends earns him a spot on the list.

9. Abbacchio

I know, it hurts to put this goth king at number nine, but I hope you’ll see why soon. He has a powerful stand that can replay events, a badass attitude that makes him a terrifying enemy, and a fierce loyalty that makes him a great ally. He may be harsh and mean to Giorno at times, (fine, all the time), but when the going gets tough, the two know they can rely on each other. That’s the key to a good JoBro, and Abbacchio has that quality in spades.

8. Polnareff

Oh this one hurts me personally. I adore Polnareff and all the big dumb energy he carries with him. This Part 3 JoBro will fight to the death for Jotaro and his mission, and nothing can get in his way. What makes Polnareff a great JoBro is his humor and determination. It gives him a larger than life personality that plays really well off of Jotaro’s low key, stoic one. They're opposites, yet they work together well in battle and are always entertaining to watch.

7. Koichi

Koichi really is a reliable guy. It’s why he’s a JoBro recognized by his own Part 4 Jojo, Josuke, and even Jotaro. It’s the way Koichi gravitates more toward Jotaro toward the latter part of Diamond is Unbreakable that lands him a little lower on the list, but he’s one of the most trustworthy and helpful one here. He thinks on his feet and can drop everything on a dime to help his comrades.

6. Mista

Guido Mista, a fan favorite and honestly so damn likeable. He’s a little rough around the edges, but the way his bond grows with Giorno over the course of Golden Wind is really something. By the end of it, Mista is Giorno’s right hand. He has every JoBro quality needed: a drive to fight alongside Giorno no matter what, a hilarious and sometimes goofy personality, and a kickass stand that can always save the day.

5. Caesar

Caesar is one of the most well-known of the JoBros. His combative relationship with Part 2’s Joseph Joestar is the stuff of legend. He’s great in the way that he challenges Joseph to keep getting stronger. Though he teases Joseph and the two have a bit of a rivalry when they first meet, Caesar will always lay it all on the line for his friend. His final moment is one of the most iconic in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure history, and it’s all for Joseph. You really have to love Caesar.

4. Okuyasu

Here he is. My beautiful idiot. Okuyasu is the dumbest JoBro, but easily the most loyal. His relationship with Josuke is one of the strongest bonds the show has. Okuyasu would do anything for Josuke. He fights hard, does his best to help out in whatever way he can, and of course provides comedic relief in almost every scene he’s in. Josuke and Okuyasu are a dynamic duo, and they embody everything a Jojo and his JoBro should be.

3. Speedwagon

The amount of respect the Jojo community has for Speedwagon is astronomical. He’s the OG JoBro, the one that showed us all what a good companion to our main character should be. Speedwagon drops everything to help Jonathan in his quest for justice all because he saw Jonathan as a true gentleman. He pitches in however he can in battle and in cheering Jonathan on. He’s funny at times, serious at others. He even started the Speedwagon Foundation to ensure the Joestar lineage would always be taken care of in life. Speedwagon is good stuff, and one of the most reliable characters in Jojo.

2. Kakyoin

What makes Kakyoin such a fantastic JoBro to me is how he pairs so well with his Jojo. As mentioned before, Jotaro is the quiet type, the opposite of most of the other Joestars. His close bond with Kakyoin is told through subtle gestures and few words, but you still get the sense they have a deep trust for one another. Jotaro never breaks a sweat when he knows Kakyoin is around, because he knows his friend can solve anything. It’s a very understated relationship, and the sheer amount of blind faith the pair put in each other makes them a great duo. Kakyoin, like Caesar, also makes the ultimate sacrifice in order for Jotaro to win, and it’s a moment that solidifies him as one of the best JoBros out there.

1. Bucciarati

Does this make up for me putting two other Golden Wind JoBros at the bottom? Bruno Bucciarati is the epitome of a great JoBro. He starts off as Giorno’s enemy, only to become Giorno’s most supportive friend and companion. Bucciarati gives his all in every problem that arises, and he’s the first character to trust Giorno and help our Jojo achieve his goals. Bucciarati is one of the most powerful and intelligent fighters in all of Jojo. He’s one of the most selfless, and risks his life multiple times to save Giorno and his gang. He never fails, and when he dies during his final battle, it’s one of the most heartbreaking moments of the series. Bucciarati is a one of a kind JoBro, and Giorno’s journey wouldn’t have been nearly as successful without him.

Bucciarati, gazing lovingly at his #1 spot.

And there you have it. My JoBros, ranked. I’m positive there’s room for debate, but overall, we’ve got a list of ten top tier characters here. After all, you can’t have a great Jojo without a great JoBro.


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