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New Earth

Love wins

By Heather May O'Neil Published 3 years ago 6 min read

Saturday December 12th 2055

Damn it had happened. The end to it all. My mom had been preparing me for this since I was born, I grew up on stories of what was to come. She prepared me so I wouldn't be afraid and could not only survive but create a New Earth. This was it. It had finally happened. Here I was standing on the edge of a new world. I could sense the fear in the air but there was excitement too. For those of us that had mothers that were part of the Secret Sect of The Heart we weren't raised with the stories of doom and gloom but of fearlessness and conquering. We are The Heart of the new world. We are the beat of the new world. We had prepared our whole lives for this moment.

Each one from The Secret Sect of The Heart were given a Heart shaped locket necklace with a key. It was to remind us we are the only ones who could unlock a whole new world full of love. It was the way we identified who was part of the Sect. Where society failed before we were trained to not fail. Society had created hate. We were here to create love. It was destiny written in the stars. Our job was to stop any future uprising that would try to stop this new world of love. We were ready.

My name is Ariella and I am from The Secret Sect of The Heart. I was trained with three close friends Landon, Margaret and Andrei. We are the best of friends raised together since we were in diapers. Each one of us carry a Heart necklace with a key. Our goal to get to the New Earth headquarters Hightower were it is said that towers are the place of communication between us and The Creator. Right at this moment all over the new Earth The Secret Sect of The Heart were going through dangerous places to get to headquarters. There were still evil forces at play that wanted to stop the new world and we were to stop this. The prophecy already said we had won but it didnt mean there wouldn't be a fight. We needed to group together make assignments and conquer as we were trained to do. Destiny had finally come and we were excited.

We packed our bags in preparation for the journey sleeping bags, water, food, clothes and weapons. For me I had an extra bag as inside the Sect I had the call of Mystic Healer. Some thought I had magical powers. I carried oils, herbs, poultice and many other things. Landon was protector he excelled at hand to hand combat. He was a master at his gift. Margaret was in charge of communication with others in our Sect and had a gift for languages with all Sects. Andrei was incharge of maps and supplies he could find anything. We trusted each other completely. We had each worked hard in preparation because if one failed we all failed. Failure was not an option. Together we all cooked cleaned and took care of setting up camp. Unity was important. For us to get the calling we have we had to go through rigorous tests to make sure we could carry our calling.

Tomorrow we would leave for Hightower.

Sunday December 13th 2055

It was time.  We said our goodbyes to our village and left. Yes there were some tears but only briefly because we were more excited to get on with destiny no more waiting,  testing, dreaming.

The Earth had been destroyed it was a desert land. The people before had not cared to protect it and had wasted it away.  Since the rebot there were no more chemicals pollution vehicles gone just pure air, we had figured out how to create a world without destroying it. The New Earth was just being birthed and we would lead the way.  We would eat of the herbs and fruits, we would honor the animals and creation. Our children and children's children's through out the generations would be about to live in a pure clean New Earth full of honor to all, love and unity would abound.

Yes it looked desert right now but it's a blank slate to create. It's a beautiful new earth. Spectacular in each new day.

We journeyed through towns were we had to be careful as the Earth was new but there were still evil people to watch for. They had a evil seed in thier soul that wanted to rule. They couldn't understand love and unity. Each village we passed through housed us in homes took care of us. They were proud of us and what we were doing for the New Earth. We were heroes to them. But to us we considered all heroes that walk in thier calling. Because to walk in whatever calling they were given required sacrifice and testing. We had all sacrificed and needed each other. It was how we would build together something so pure and beautiful.

Monday December 20th we made it to Hightower. It was built of Earth it looked like a mound of dirt with trees herbs and grass all over it. It was simple but beautiful. We walked up to the doors and the guard recognized who we were by the Heart Necklaces. He bowed down and said he was honored to finally meet us. He had been raised on stories of us and was in awe. We told him please do not bow we are just humans with a call the great creator should be the only one we bow to. His name was Ragen. He had been a guard at Hightower since he was fourteen. He loved his call and took it seriously. We were honored to meet him.

He opened the door and we went in. It had a earthy smell the floor was shiny brown marble the walls vines mixed with flowers it was exotic and intoxicating. We were lead into the inner sanctuary where we met Admiral Gorge who was in charge of Hightower. He said he had seen us coming he had the gift of sight. He said our rooms were ready for us. That tomorrow we could start out mission at Hightower but tonight we would eat and rest.

Tuesday December 21st 2055

The day our assignments finally started.  No more training but actually walking in our call. We had a big job ahead of us but we were ready prepared. Today the New Earth had its Love protectors in place The Secret Sect of The Heart. Love wins.


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