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This is the first chapter of the story

By Kriss HeathPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash

As i clean my lab, i keep finding strange notes. I know I write strange notes when I’m working too much, but some of these are outlandish, even for me. One said warning: subject is becoming self-aware. He realizes getting outside is impossible, as well as other ones in a similar vein. It freaks me out just a little. I mean, i haven’t actually left my lab in about six months. Even worse, I don’t really know... how to get out. Or where I’d go. All i know is here. My heart randomly races as I look around and see these notes. Sometimes i get anxious when i look at... the door. The door over there. The stupid door that doesn’t go anywhere. The room is dark. Too dark. I swear its unnaturally dark. I hate the dark so much. The lights need to stay on. If they turn off... I hear it. The strange vibrating. The strange... sound. I can’t explain it.

As I write my notes for this never ending experiment, i hear it. The sound. My heart could beat out of my chest, it’s petrifying. Why is it happening now? It’s too bright for the sound. I look around, my head going in circles like some sort of madman. Somehow, I’m on the ground, under a table, tears streaming down my face. I don’t remember getting here. How did i get here? What is going on in here?

The longer I’ve been here, the less and less I feel like I’m actually doing something. I feel like maybe I’m just... Being watched by something. Or someone. Someone is out there, in the dark, hiding. Watching me slowly slip into some sort of madness that I don’t understand. I know that’s crazy. Honestly, who would watch some random science prodigy go absolutely crazy? Why would they do it? I have so many questions. So many questions.

The last thing i remember clearly, where there was people, was i was in this lab. I was with... Coraline, and Bennett and Maxie. We were working on a project. A project... Like I’m working on now. That project was about the psychological effects of isolation. I remember Coraline made a joke that i would be the perfect subject because I’m quiet. That’s the last comment i remember.

Did Coraline do this? Did they do this? I thought they were my friends. How could they? Wait, unless they didn’t. Maybe they didn’t do this. That’s also very possible. Gosh i don’t know. I just know it’s been six months. I’ve been locked in this room for six months. I know I don’t remember... Anything. I don’t remember how i got in here, what I’m doing.

I don’t even remember how to get out.

I shake my head, thinking If anyone heard me talking to myself like this they’d definitely think I’m crazy. I just finish cleaning and head to the cot that i sleep on. It’s a safe spot. The darkness and the sound don’t come here. It sounds like... Peace. There’s a little white noise, which makes me calm. I don’t hear the strange sound. It’s so nice. I look in the small fridge in here. It’s only about to my knees, but it always has water and a touch of food. Enough to keep me alive. There’s not much I like anyway. I remember that for sure. It’s always stocked with food I like.

How do they know? It has to be someone I’m friends with. I make a decision. Tonight, I’m going to stay up, but convince them I’m asleep. Maybe I can find out how this happens. I have no idea. But I know something isn’t right. This isn’t right. I don’t know what’s happening anymore.

As I’m laying, pretending to sleep, I hear something open and shut. My heart beats so fast, the whole continent I’m on can hear it I’m sure. Soon, I hear the sound come even closer. It sounds like footprints. I see a figure moving in the dark. It’s small. It’s a woman. She’s loading my refrigerator. As she turns to leave, I leap and tackle her.

“I need to know what’s happening, and I need to know right now.” I hiss.

“Let me go! If you don’t they’ll kill me!” She pleads.

“Kill you?” I whisper.

“Yes. Please.” She’s crying.

I sigh and whisper “You have to promise to find a way to tell me what’s happening here.”

“I will. I promise. You’ll know everything. I swear.” She nods.

I let her go, and return to my cot. I don’t think she’s going to do anything, but I can’t risk her getting hurt. Even if she lied and said they’d kill her and they wouldn’t. Whoever they are. Wait, who are they? What are they?

I wake up, and stretch my back. Something about tackling that woman hurt my back I guess. I’m not used to stupendously strenuous activity. I should start working out while I’m in here. It’s not like I do much anyway. But first, I shower. It’s a routine I’ve gotten into. Something is unsettling about today. I feel like somehow last night I put myself in danger. As I shower, I keep watching out the curtain of my bathtub. I get dried and dressed, and go back to my room. As I dig for breakfast, I find another note. Warning- subject detained scientist temporarily. Subject is becoming more aware. Keep watch. Use C model when necessary.

C model? As in the chemical I started before all of this? Oh my lord.

Okay, so I’ll write down some back story now I guess. I’m Nicolas Cate, a science prodigy specializing in chemistry. I was... Working on a chemical, called Model C. It was suppose to be able to control the mind. But all it does is essentially slowly melt the cognitive abilities in the brain. Basically you become like a zombie. It’s absolutely terrible, and absolutely not ready to be exposed to the world. I have a nasty feeling in my gut that these... People, whoever they are, are doing something they shouldn’t. They’re keeping me in here, keeping me mildly insane, and stealing my research.

I could be wrong. But something tells me I’m not. Now that I’ve potentially found it out... I need to get out of here. That’s the problem though. I don’t know how. And someone is definitely watching me, so whoever they are, they’ll be able to stop me. I’m not a big guy; I’m 5’11 and a stinking bean pole. I swear I weigh like 120 or so. Anyway, they’ll somehow kill me. So I have to figure it out subtly.

I decide to begin my workout. I remember how to do crunches, pull ups, push ups, some Pilates. Once I’m done, I go to my desk. I hear the sound, and I feel myself begin shaking again. No, no, no no no no no no no no not now! Please. I can’t freak out and lose time now.

I’m under my desk, rocking back and forth. No. Why? Why! This is asinine. I need to figure this out. I need to get out of here! I need help. Something tells me I’m not going to get it.

Okay, okay calm down Nick. Breathe. Okay, I have to get up. Shake it off. Breathe. Okay, I’m back. I go back to my desk, and find a folded sheet of paper. I raise an eyebrow. Usually the notes are small post it notes. Looking around, I confirm I’m alone. So I slide the paper off my desk, and go into my bathroom. Hopefully they follow guidelines and let me use the bathroom in peace. Anyway, this is the note:

Dear Dr. Cate,

I am Dr. Mai Ly Zhou. I was assigned to your case six months ago. The project we are working on is called Model C. They want to turn it into a biological weapon, capable of destroying the enemies around us. Before you were locked in this place, you decided to terminate Model C after finding out how dangerous it will inevitably mutate to become. Your partner, Coraline, did not like that. She was able to delete your memory of the past several months, leading up to when you terminated the project and Coraline’s job. She took over your lab, your research, your mind. I’ve been working under cover since to help you escape. Unfortunately, she found out, and now if I spend too much time in here with you, she will implant Model C into me, and it will surely kill me. I’m going to keep writing to you until I cannot anymore. The dark room you’re scared of has a false back. If you can stand the sound and darkness, you’ll be free.

I will continue to update you, as I’m very aware that escaping through the dark room will be impossible right away. The laboratory you’re locked in is filled with very bad people, who knew you very well. You’ll have to find a way to slip under their noses. I’ll help as I can. But too much, and we’ll both be dead, or Model C zombies. Whichever these criminals decide.

If I find any more ways of helping you, I promise I will.

I sigh and nod. I know what I have to do. I have to face that darkness. I just know that’s the way out. Maybe it’ll unlock more for me. I don’t know yet. But if I don’t go through... I’ll be a lab rat for the rest of my life, however much time that may be. I flush the note down the toilet, and leave the bathroom, going back to my desk.

The idiot in me decides I shouldn’t do any more work for this. All I want to do is get up and scream at these lunatics. But I know if I act this way, I’m putting myself and that kind doctor that’s helping me at risk. So I take in a deep breath, and continue my work. But I begin writing myself notes, such as what I’m currently doing, what time it seems to be, how long I’ve been working and so on. I know I’m missing time; I don’t know exactly how long I’ve been here, if it’s night or day, what the season is. I haven’t even seen the sun in God knows how long. You can tell too; my usually tan skin tone is very light right now.

I feel hungry, so I get up and go to my fridge. As I walk toward it, I glance into the dark room. That dark that’s been so intimidating is almost appealing to me right now. I just want to dash at it. Right now, in broad daylight. Let them know I won’t be their slave anymore. I feel myself staring at it. The noise begins, and I feel tears running down my face. But I don’t stop staring at that room. As I fight so hard to push past that noise, I see a group of heavily suited military level men run at me. The noise shuts off to a halt, and they just look at me. I drop my sandwich and put my arms up.

“Dr. Nick Cate?” One asks.

“Yes sir.” I nod.

“I’m Colonel Asher Smith. We’re here to get you out.” He extends his hand towards me.

“Get me out?” I ask, “What’s really going on?”

“I’ll tell you when you’re not in this God-forsaken building.” Colonel Smith says.

I’m whisked into a very large sports utility vehicle of one kind or another, and I find Dr. Zhou in there as well. I nod at her, and ask “Is this all because of you?”

She just nods, and I thank her. I don’t think I would’ve done it by myself. Or could have, for that matter. We get to a military base, and I’m practically dragged through the base to a bunker where four soldiers are standing. The Colonel that I’ve been with sits down, and invites me to sit across from him.

“So, Dr. Cate, I’m sure this is all very overwhelming for you. I want to issue my personal condolences. We knew you had shut that project down, but should’ve been more suspicious when your colleague said it wasn’t shut down after all. You’ve always been a young man of your word.” He states.

“I’m just glad to be out of there. What... Exactly happened?” I ask.

science fiction

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    KHWritten by Kriss Heath

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