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Know The Tarot Cards for Healing?

Tarot Cards for Healing

By Radhika KashyapPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

As we navigate ourselves through our life, we face many types of experiences. Amongst them, some experiences shake us to our very core and leave us suffering deep sorrow. Whether it’s a breaking of a relationship, a loss of a job, a death of a loved one, or the end of a crucial phase of life, an irrevocable loss can take over your life at any time. In moments of darkness like these, you might feel that things will never go back to how they were, and a general feeling of hopelessness can take over your life, but you should know that these times will always pass.

Everything in nature is a cycle. It might take time and active participation on your part, but you can always overcome these feelings through a process of renewal and healing. And that’s where tarot cards and a tarot card reader can be your greatest guide.

Which Tarot Cards Indicate Healing?

The whole Tarot deck is filled with cards that each has its own symbolism and meanings. Every card holds important messages that can help you gain perspective in times of grief so that you heal in an enlightened way. In reality, the entire Cups and Swords suits of the Minor Arcana can offer guidance that can help you deal with all the challenges and distressing emotions in your life. Moreover, they can provide insight that can help you move forward and heal.

Given below are some of the tarot cards that can offer you hope and healing.


The Star card is one of the most positive and hope-filled cards you can receive in a tarot reading. The Star card is the symbol of healing. This card has transformational and empowering energy. This card is a reminder that, even though there are ups and downs now, there are better times ahead. All you are required to do is have faith and persevere. In difficult times, it is quite easy to wallow in sadness, but this card urges you to be open and have the willingness to heal so that you can feel positive again.

Five of Cups

This specific card is the card that is the most closely related to the feeling of ‘loss’. This card gives the message that you must not forget about the good things that are still in your life when you are struggling with grief. You should realise that all is not lost, and if you realise the good things in your life, it will give you a new perspective. Forgiveness is also a crucial part of this card. To heal properly, you need to forgive yourself so that you can release yourself from the disappointment and forgive someone else for their wrong-doings. Once you forgive, you can heal and, thus, move ahead in your life.


While the name might seem ominous, the Death card is not literally about death. In tarot cards, the Death card is about cycles and ultimately rejuvenation. If this card comes during a reading, it means that you have experienced loss. But, the message that this card wants to convey is that you must deal with the loss with understanding. It tells you that you must acknowledge the loss and the end. It gives you the perspective to understand what has happened, accept it, and then prepare to move forward to a new beginning. This will help you in your healing process.


Temperance is a very peaceful card, and it shows that the balance is being restored. This card reminds you that even though the journey towards healing is a lengthy process, every initiative taken by you helps you to heal more. This card conveys the message that balance and moderation in life will cause healing to occur. This card says that the Universe is with you, and it is helping everything come back to a more centred place and helping you reconnect with yourself.


When you get the Hermit card in a reading session, it means that you should pull away from the outside world and turn your attention inwards for wisdom and understanding. As per this card, healing can happen when in solitude, you connect with your feelings, introspect, and reflect to develop the insight to understand the meaning of the difficult times you are facing. Only then will you be able to overcome your feelings of sorrow and heal. This card encourages a personal journey of introspection, away from outside noise for healing.

These are some of the tarot cards that can offer healing and hope in difficult times. In a tarot card session, along with the cards, the tarot card reader also plays a crucial role. The tarot reader interprets the cards’ messages with their intuition and relays the information to the querent. Hence, a tarot reader should be knowledgeable, experienced, and reliable.

Looking for an expert tarot card reader to consult? Then choose Astroyogi. Astroyogi can help you connect with the best tarot card readers instantly.


About the Creator

Radhika Kashyap

Radhika Kashyap is a professional blogger who loves to create content and add value to the readers.

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