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Is it Possible to Deceive Fate

Do not be afraid; our fate

By Sahina BanoPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
what's meant to be will always find a way

Even those with a materialistic mindset consider the foreboding nature of certain events. Is it possible to rewrite what was meant and thereby transform your life? We'll consult a psychotherapist, an astrologer, and a tarologist.

An astrologer's suggestion on how to defy fate

By Manik Roy on Unsplash

Natal astrology is in charge of everything related to a person and his fate. The natal chart reflects a person's personality and temperament, talents and abilities, hobbies and inclinations, and professional and social preferences. "One may assess the success of a person's realisation in a certain activity, the peculiarities of his connection with the opposite sex, and the choice of his location of residence based on the natal chart," says Natalya Filonova, an astrologer-An astrologer's major role is to familiarise a person with his inclinations and the predicted repercussions of actions based on current talents and capacities. The so-called "moments of fate" are generated as a result of this. "Anyone who has studied his particular horoscope, to a greater or lesser extent, may freely dispose of the qualities and potential entrusted to him, realising his capabilities as much as possible and not pretending to be unachievable." In the view of the general public, such persons appear to be fate's favourites. And it is this that explains why, on the one hand, persons born in the same location and at the same time have fates that are similar but not identical.

By Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash

“Based on the natal chart, you can view the probability of events for a certain period of time,” says Natalya Filonova. - And based on this, we can recommend a person such a style of behavior that will either soften the critical tendencies of fate, or enhance favorable moments. For example, there is a possibility of a car accident, which means that it is better not to drive at this time. According to the forecast, you can meet a life partner with whom you will live happily ever after - it's time to be more in sight, in those places where there is a chance to get to know such a person. "

From the point of view of astrology, from what stars a person was born, what will be his fate largely depends. But the person himself becomes its co-author when, thanks to this knowledge, he avoids sharp corners and timely lays down straws for himself on steep bends.

A psychologist's suggestion on how to defy fate

By Sigmund on Unsplash

Are you familiar with the notion of self-fulfilling prophecy? It has nothing to do with mysticism. It was coined by American sociologist Robert K. Merton. According to him, this is a false definition of a circumstance, resulting in new conduct that converts the initial erroneous concept into reality. In other words, if individuals characterise a situation as already realised, then its repercussions are likewise realised.

"We can programme certain circumstances in the future," says Irina Bystritskaya, a family psychologist. "And the more emotional force that is poured into this programme, the more likely it is that it will be realised."

If you are certain that this or that occurrence is unavoidable, you will unconsciously act in such a manner that it will be confirmed. In fact, this clarifies the idea that thoughts are material. We tend to alter our conduct unconsciously to fit their route. "This also explains the application of programmes that have been instilled in us since infancy," Irina Bystritskaya explains. - Mom is the child's most authoritative figure. Her prayers, blessings, or curses, on the other hand, initiate the same "fateful programming" that influence the conduct of a kid, and later the behaviour of an adult. As a consequence, he obtains an acceptable response from his surroundings.

Basically, the algorithm for positive self-fulfilling prophecies is simple. First, a thought appears, then it is experienced emotionally from the position that I already have it, the feeling is remembered and forms behavior that helps to bring what I want to life.

Advice from a tarot reading on how to defy fate

By Edz Norton on Unsplash

In most cases, such professionals come to tell fortunes for the future. For what purpose? Most of the time, you just discover your fate and accept it. Of course, certain tarologists believe in fatalism, which holds that the life scenario is predetermined and cannot be modified. "There is another view of fate - a causal one," explains tarologist Daria Prodan. "And in this situation, we may argue that what we select and how we act every day builds the conditions for future happenings in life."

In this instance, you can not only predict the future, but also calculate the probability vector of event development, orient yourself, and understand how to respond in this circumstance. How can this opportunity be taken advantage of? To approach the tarot reader with specific queries, rather than just asking, "What awaits me there in general?" In this scenario, the Tarot layout will assist you in making the correct decision, determining if it is worthwhile to accept any offer, and advising you on how to behave in a certain circumstance in order to get the best results while conserving your resources. Knowing the overall road map of this or that occurrence, you may "cheat fate" and reap the most advantage for yourself.


About the Creator

Sahina Bano

Freelance Blogger and Content Writer. I owe a website and write for my clients.

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