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Im an Earth Angel

I knew there was something special about me.

By KeyanaPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

One day back in 2017 on this sunny afternoon I was folding my clothes, when suddenly I felt that there was something special about me. And I kept thinking of the word, “Angel”. And I felt as if God was telling me to look up Earth Angel. So I got my phone and looked up Earth Angel. So I started reading the article and there it is. The article stated that if you’re an Earth Angel many people will say you look so young like way younger than your age. And I was like wow many people do tell me that I was shocked. Another thing is Earth Angels are very shy for no reason at all and that also defined me. So I just kept reading and reading getting more interested. And I read that Earth Angels need time and silence for it lifts their energy and makes them feel calmed like you’re in paradise. And I knew exactly what it meant. Like when I’m surrounded by a lot of people I go somewhere quiet because I feel so uncomfortable with so much negative energy around me so when I go somewhere quiet it restores and calms me. And there are many times when I feel very emotional because I’m sensative that’s another thing about us, we are very sensitive. Like I hear others say you sensative and I be like ok. I also read that we Earth Angels do not and i mean do not like crowds. I absolutely hate crowds. I don’t even see why people love being in them. But whatever lol. My point is no one actually knew that I’m an Earth Angel. People just look at me as this stuck up shy introvert. And they’re aren’t many Earth Angels out here. We are here to make the world a better place and help others as best as we can. And I’ve learned that when us Earth Angels give we don’t really receive anything back in return because we are to help others. But don’t get it twisted we are very blessed and I say that because I could’ve been dead or hurt by now but look im still here to this day. I have a mission to do on this Earth and that is to help others and make the world a better place and I truly want that. I pray that this world gets rained down with love and peace. I feel for others truly. And I love helping others. I even have a lot of people saying that I’m an angel for helping a lot of people. And I really am! But that day when i found out that Im one I kept saying to myself that I knew there was some special about me seriously and the whole time there is! I felt like a new person because I seen myself in a different perspective. But if you want to find out if you’re an Earth Angel too just look up this website and find out you’ll be amazed maybe we’ll be Earth Angel friends lol.



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