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I met a fairy once.... I called her twin.

But her story is no fairytale....

By rachel ellisPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
I met a fairy once.... I called her twin.
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

There’s a small town off the mountaintop, where the townsmen and women scurry about their day; in preparation for visitors of their town to join in on sheer delight. The land is known as Pisgah, named after the mountain in which it resides. Visitors of the town feast on bountiful meals, partake in local folklore, and retreat to their whimsical cottages aligned along the mountainside in which the townspeople cater to the visitors of their town.

There’s a wise tale about the town of Pisgah, where it is believed that when a beast is among the townsmen and women, a fairy will travel into town, keeping her presence unknown. The fairy must be extra cautious as not to reveal her true identity to the wicked beast that preys on the land, for surely there will be a great uproar of the beast where his anger would cause quarrel among the town and lead to the extinction of their humankind.

Only once before did the beast prevail in the mere extinction of the towns people where he burned the town down with his fury. If it was not for the king of the fairy creatures, the ancestors of the town people would not have survived. The king of the fairy creatures protected the towns people by providing them with a cave within his enchanted forest that was used as shelter until the ambers of molten ash dissolved the pre-existing land from before.

But the cunning beast had convinced the trolls that he was the one whom saved the lands and the towns people, by warning them of the fire ahead and telling them to seek shelter. The beast claims that if it wasn’t for him, no human would have survived. For this, the trolls owed their loyalty.

The towns people, naïve in their ways, believed the trolls in that it was a natural disaster that caused the fire. The beast gloated in his success of carrying out his plan without any evidence held against him. However, one small fairy saw what the beast did that day. For just before the beast scurried away from the fire he blazed, he locked eyes with the fairy in the distance. Under the protection of the shield to some unknown creature, the young fairy was able to resist the fire and make his way through the smoke by returning to the enchanted forest, where he soon told the fairy king what he saw. In receiving the news, the fairy king has made it his mission to protect the townspeople from the cunning beast. For this reason, the beast has set out to destroy all fairies of the land.

Several thousand years have passed since that catastrophic event, and the townspeople have only just begun to truly adapt, thrive, and flourish among the town of Pisgah. But they continue to live with the forewarning of their ancestor of the fires that would soon wipe out their land.

Peace has reigned on the town of Pisgah, but word has been floating that a beast may be present among them. Through stories of their ancestors, the towns people were told that when danger is present, the king of the fairy creatures would send out his best fairy to emerge from the enchanted forest to protect the towns people. The enchanted forest’s entrance was paved in secret to adjoin the paths of the town. After the fire, the fairies migrated to new lands away from the cave, in fear that their existence would be discovered by the beast. The towns people were told by the fairies that they must flee the cave and establish new ground to flourish within. It was only shortly after the towns people left, that the young fairy had made his way back to tell the news to the fairy king that it was the beast who set the land on fire.

The beast, still infuriated with his failure to eradicate the towns people from his fire and fury, has since been on a mission to rid the town of all fairies in fear that they may reveal his truth which would turn the trolls against him. Because of this, the new entrance to the enchanted forest must not be known, for one slip of the tongue and the beast would try to destroy the enchanted forest.

Fear among the fairies is escalating in news of the presence of the beast. The king has ordered his best fairy to prepare for her mission in revealing the beasts truth. Cloaked in the local shawl and attire of the towns people, the fairy’s wings are bound underneath as not to reveal her identity when entering town. For if the beast finds out a fairy is among them, he will prey upon the fairy to diminish her presence in any way that he can.

In the forest above what is left of the old cave, the trolls live within the hollows of the trees. It’s the trolls who secretly own the lands of Pisgah, but the towns people remain naïve to their control. Instead of protecting the fairies, the trolls have been brainwashed by the charm of the beast and unknowingly work to preserve his protection.

There’s a motto among the trolls, that, “what wasn’t heard by the masses, wasn’t said at all; and what wasn’t seen by the masses, never really happened”. Since the beast approached the trolls in warning of the fire that they saw with their own eyes, the trolls believed him to be true. It is this mindset that has caused injustices among the fairies who risk their lives to save the lands and all who reside in them.

There are crows that rest atop the branches of the trees in which the trolls live. The crows observe and speculate the daily activities of the town from afar. When catastrophic events break out in town, the crows have the ability to fly into town and morph into townspeople so that they may mingle among the crowd to gain information used to persuade the political environment.

The trolls maintain control over the town of Pisgah by making the towns people believe that they know the truth about the lands. In fear, the towns people abide by the trolls and the laws that they are placed under. The towns people don’t want to risk facing extinction once again, which the trolls promise to protect them from.

The crows, when morphed into towns people, are capable of crafting stories that are contrary to the truth. Their objective is to further instill fear among the townspeople by using tactics such as fallacy, manipulation, deception, rhetoric, suppression of information, and propaganda. By sowing doubt and confusing the truth, the crows are secretly able to gain their own sense of power over the towns people by making the towns people believe that they are exposing the truth. Because the trolls have indoctrinated the motto that the truth must be seen and heard by the masses, the crows’ belief is that they must be the first to expose the unfolding of the town in order to gain the trust of the townspeople. This urgency creates misinformation through gossips of the town.

Watch closely, and the towns people will find that fairies tend to reveal certain characteristics that might give their identity away. Known only through the stories of their ancestors, towns people have been told that fairies have trouble understanding the town people’s local language. Only those whose lips beat to the same rhythm of the fairy’s internal being are lucky enough to connect with the fairy’s soul. Because of this language barrier, fairies tend to watch the movements of the locales’ lips that dance to the tune of the internal strings within the fairy’s soul. When the hums of the rhythm off the towns peoples’ lips aligns to the tune of the fairy’s internal soul, the vibrations resonate along the strings of the fairy’s bound wings and vibrations are sent through the internal chains draped across her clavicles, entangled in her ribcage where a heart shaped locket resides. The heart shaped locket contains the soul of the fairy, and the truth of the land that was revealed that day. Once rhythmically struck through the lips of the towns people, the heart shaped locket will activate a ruby like glimmer from within the fairy’s soul, followed by a faint sparkling that is revealed in the fairy’s eyes. It was this same sparkling of the eyes that the beast saw right before he turned to scurry away from his fire.

The towns people were told through the stories of their ancestors, that they will know a fairy is among them through the ruby twinkle in her eye. A trust is formed. But the townspeople musn’t chatter or gossip amongst each other for the fairy’s presence must not be known to the beast. The townspeople must protect the vulnerability of the fairy at all cost, for the trolls have betrayed her and will favor the beast against her protection.

Due to the nature in confusion of language, the fairy tends to come across as hesitant and shy, only engaging with the local town people when there’s sunlight. Her presence is pale and translucent, which gives her a unique glistening glow, but in the moonlight her glow becomes ever more present which could further reveal her identity. For this reason, when moonlight falls, the fairy must retreat to her shared cottage among the local towns people, for staying out too late just before moonlight could reveal her identity to the preying beast.

No one knows who or what exactly the beast is: not the townspeople, not the trolls nor crows, not even the fairies. Only the fairies have heard stories of that brief encounter just before the catastrophic event, and since, the young fairy has vanished.

The mission of the fairy is to reveal the beast before the beast can identify her presence and try do away with her in revealing his truth. For if the towns people and trolls know of the truth in the beast’s betrayal of the lands, then surely the world will revolt against him.

On trial day, the beast and fairy will cross paths once again and become in the presence of one another. There is an exchange that occurs, but no one else is there to witness. “What wasn’t heard by the masses, wasn’t said at all; and what wasn’t seen by the masses, never really happened”. So how is the fairy able to reveal the truth?

While the beast might be cunning in his ways and foolish in the lies that her consistently tells; he is too ignorant to understand that he cannot run from the truth.

The truth is carried in our souls, our physical beings only exist to be seen and heard.

Remember, it is truth that was locked in the fairy’s soul that catastrophic day. But how can the truth still be revealed when physical beings no longer exist?

Look towards the trees….. not for the ones full of trolls, nor crows….. but the tree that stands alone… for there you will find, dangling in the branches, a locked ruby red heart shaped locket sparkling in the mist.

For trickery might keep the towns people naïve to the truth, but fairies are smart enough to know that by sacrificing our physical being, the soul can draw attention to revealing the truth. And with hope that one day… someone will cross that same path and be curious enough to open that heart shaped locket dangling in the trees…… where our truth is held. Only then, will our people be set free: from the fire of the beast, the political control of the trolls, and the lies told by the crows.


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