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I have a problem with Evolution:

It’s just not working anymore

By Joe LucaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Image from Pixabay

I’m thinking it’s broken. Overwhelmed by the need for change and with the simple notion that Mother Nature will eventually take care of her own errors and put things back on track.

Mankind seems to have overwhelmed her softer, more compassionate side and replaced it with GMOs, Non-Fungible Tokens, and hands-free transactions. Man is from Nature. But has Man outgrown it?

In terms of where we’ve been and where we are going, think, the Dodo.

Too big, too trusting, too small wings with which to afford a getaway. And now – all gone. Shot for food. Shot for fun. Shot because it was in the way, while walking out with its lady friend.

I’m sorry, but I can’t help but think, what if it were still alive? What impact would it have on our fast-food industry? Imagine the buffalo wings and McNuggets.

But returning to Mother Nature – she’s careful, critical and consumed by the idea of logical progression. A Humming Bird is still tiny, because it works. It’s frenetic and quite obsessive in its actions; frantically hovering from flower to flower, its tongue ever flicking in an overtly sensual manner while it survives and reproduces. If it were the size of a toaster, it would be gone.

Elephants, on the other end of the spectrum, are majestic ancient, and smart beyond their size, but with one major flaw that Nature has yet to remedy. Their continuing struggle with Man’s sexual fascination for long slender objects.

Mankind grows and evolves and turns its many forms towards survival – but then messes with Nature’s inherent algorithms in an effort to alter its own trajectory.

By vainly making its own parts smoother, smaller and less visible, while creating devices intended to reduce stress and work-times, while in actual fact, simply retooling Man’s image into something quite unnatural.

Take Politicians for example.

Like the Woolly Mammoth, the Great Auk or Stellers Sea Cow, or any number of other creatures now extinct, Politicians tend to over reproduce within their own ecosystem and become destructively influenced by factors within this environment that they apparently have no awareness of.

As a result, they’ve artificially created new strains of themselves, bypassing Mother Nature’s innate desire to improve through natural selection and instead rely on imperfect mating rituals to create offspring ill-suited to our modern political landscape.

New generations of this sub-species thus spring forth, with smaller frontal lobes and overendowed limbic systems (lizard brains) that inadvertently create lateral stress on the amygdala (thus reducing emotional capacity and empathy).

While otherwise becoming well-suited to the everyday fights and flights essential to their inevitable migration away from real-world matters, reasonable conversations, comparative analysis, and accountability.

Man, in his ill-conceived effort to appear dominant, frequently chide animals for being inferior. For living in squalor (hastily crafted nests and caves), having no real language and for not feeling any emotions with regards to what they do or to their own passing.

And yet they only kill to survive. They mate to reproduce and continue the species and consume only what is required for their current needs.

They have no books and yet spend most of their lives learning and teaching their young. They have no movies or television and still, their music is advanced and they spend a large part of every day singing and communicating and commenting on the wonders of their world.

Lacking formal governments or parliamentary procedures, they’ve consistently worked out peaceful means of co-existence with neighboring species and have left behind, generation after generation, a land well-suited to the continuation of their own kind.

Politicians, like their greater kindred, Mankind, have conversely fallen into habits and routines that defy the practical use for the eyes, ears, noses and brains that Mother Nature has endowed them with.

For they tend to not see or hear or smell what most animals do, and indeed step into all manner of problems that they then cannot get themselves out of.

And as for the use of brains in general – Mother Nature seems to have turned a blind eye towards its evolution or may otherwise be excused simply for being exhausted – for Man’s brain seems to be on the decline.

On average, IQs across the board are dropping, while technological advances continue to march forward, replacing many of the functions we have become inept at.

Pandemics rise up seemingly out of nowhere and are known about and yet denied – not unlike the man who has strayed often, denies the many trysts he inadvertently became involved in.

Rewards are secured and given for not doing. Penalties are administered for getting things right. And expressions of honesty, diligence and perseverance in the struggle for justice and personal freedoms are recompensed with further restrictions and denial of access.

In recent times, trillions of dollars have been spent on wars to resolve problems that were not ours to fix. Regarding well-documented and attested to issues that in fact did not exist.

And yet, at the end of years and even decades of fighting and posturing and political turmoil, we return those areas to their rightful owners, with greater problems, less security and a profound sense of déjà vu.

No, I have a problem with Evolution. It’s just taking too damn long to change what Mother Nature used to remedy, time and time again in the past.

Man, left up to its own devices, always forgives Man’s foibles and eloquently speaks to their continuation as an act of God. I don’t think God or Nature has had a say in what’s been going on for quite some time.

With due deference to the Tasmanian Devil, the Carrier Pigeon or the Great Honking Toad, I would prefer that Mankind remain for a while longer. But with our recent opposition to masks, voting rights, women’s bodies, and anything dealing with the truth, I do worry that we may be on our way out.

Perhaps there are lessons to be learned from the passing of other species. Moments to reflect upon as all orders of creatures are dispatched. The Dodo and Stellers Sea Cow were hunted into extinction. The American Bison was systemically reduced from 40 million to 14 in less than half a century, mostly for sport, fashion and an existential need to be dominant.

The great whales were reduced by 95% so that lamps could be lit and great novels and books like the Bible, Qur’an and Moby Dick, could be read day and night.

And yet, at the same time, Man has created some amazing things like, television, the computer, indoor plumbing, cellphones, instant coffee, electric cars, Velcro, spandex, mini-malls, Viagra, and ocean liners the size of Minneapolis.

Antibiotics, Walmart, hairless cats, impossible burgers, cheese whiz, atom bombs, Atom Ant, microwave ovens, breast implants, butt implants, Botox, genetically modified reindeers and assorted other essentials throughout the years. All of which point to an underlying and unyielding desire to succeed.

This level of creativity and determination should not be ignored.

If peace, sustainability and political reason were elegantly programmed into Apps, YouTube, Tik Tok, multi-player video games and the like, and then rewarded with free shipping on Amazon, eBay, Alibaba and elsewhere, Mankind would be presented with the sort of proposition that has always motivated it in the past. To be number one.


About the Creator

Joe Luca

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