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How to learn palmistry

Can palmistry really tell the future?

By Sigma Published 3 years ago 10 min read
Source Image: istockphoto.com

Of all the practices, reading of hand lines, also known as palmistry, is considered to be the highest. Although its exact origin remains unknown, it is believed that palmistry began in ancient India, spanning China, Tibet, Persia, Egypt, and Greece across the Eurasian geomaphia. In fact, Aristotle read a detailed palmistry 2,500 years ago in his work De Historia Animalium (History of animals). It was his view that "lines are not written in human hands without reason."

Falling out of favor around the Middle Ages, palmistry led to a monumental revival in the 19th century, as interest grew. Chirological societies were established in the United Kingdom and the United States to promote and promote this practice; Dublin-born William John Warner, as palm readers, known by his pseudonym Cheiro, gained a global following. By the mid-1900s, palmistry was fully integrated within American pop culture.

But what exactly is palmistry? What does it reveal, and how does it work? Although all partitions require study and practice, caromomancy fundamentals are very easy to learn. If you know how to interpret it, then the future is really in the palm of your hand.


Simply put, palmistry is the art of analyzing the physical characteristics of the hands, interpreting personality characteristics and predicting future events. Just as our ancient ancestors stared into the night sky and created powerful correspondence between the movements of planets and events on Earth, how the features of the hand connect to more and more subjects. Bhoga traditions are based on the esoteric axiom "above, therefore below," and according to palmistry, the palm is accordingly viewed as a microcosm of the universe.

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How to start reading:

When beginning your analysis, it is best to start with big comments, turning your way into more nuances. Although opinions differ, many modern readers agree that it is important to analyze both the left and right hands: the non-dominant hand reveals natural personality and character, while the dominant hand suggests that these traits are characterized by behavior. How it has been realized in Together, they describe how a person is exercising their potential in this lifetime.

To begin with, take your time to do some silent observation with the silence entangled in yourself. What is the texture Is the palm rough? Are fingers manicured or dirty? Remember, cosmic warriors, nothing should be ignored in speculative practices. Everything has meaning, and when you combine your practice with intuition, you will basically make sense of the smallest detail.

Next, familiarize yourself with the hand shapes that correspond to the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. Having mastered the shapes of the hands and the elements associated with them, you can get to know the areas of the hands and feet, which correspond to the major areas of life as well as the lines and curves that make up a story about the future telling. Let's take a look at each of these.

Hands Type: Four Elements

There are four basic hand shapes within palmistry, each associated with a different element and its associated traits. Although the four elements are also inherent in astrology, your hand type may not correspond to your astrological profile. For example, although someone may be of a fiery Aries, their hand shape may be that of a water sign, revealing nuanced insights into the complexities of their personality.

Source Image: istockphoto.com

Earth element:

Prithivatattva's hands are identified with square palms and small fingers. These hands are often firm, solid and fleshy. Individuals with earth hands are considered practical, logical and grounded. While safe and reliable, they can consume too much with their immediate realities, which can eventually become a hindrance to long-term planning and achievement.

Fire element:

You can tell the hand of ignorance by your long palm and small fingers. These hands often have distinctive creases and defined mounds. People with fire hands are known to be passionate, confident and hardworking. They are motivated by their desires and on a bad day they may lack shrewdness and empathy.

Air element:

Hawaiian hands have square palms and long fingers and are often bony, with knuckles and fingers spread out. It depicts intellectually curious individuals with innate analytical abilities and communication skills having a hand type. A person with airy hands is easily distracted and, if not easily distracted, they can become anxious.

Water element hands:

The hands of the waters are distinguished by their long palms and long fingers. These hands are often soft to the touch and slightly narrower, with an overall narrow appearance. Those that they possess correspond to their feelings, intuition and mental capacity. Filled with compassion and imagination, these individuals are often creative. They are also highly sensitive and their feelings are easily hurt, leading to undesirable interpersonal tension.

After identifying the type of hand, begin observing the natural topography of the palm. The fleshy areas called mounts and plains belong to different life disciplines. Within astrology coincides with the seven classical planets: Apollo (Sun), Chandra, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Round, slightly elevated mounts reveal characteristics that are balanced and well-proportioned, while sunken mounts highlight the underdeveloped qualities of a person. Finally, extremely prominent mounts reveal key features that may be exaggerated.

Mount of Jupiter:

Located at the base of the index finger (and above the inner mountain), the Mount of Jupiter is a symbol of faith, ambition and leadership. It reveals the connection of the spiritual realm as well as the divine interests.

Mount of Saturn:

Shani Parvat is situated at the base of the middle finger. This field corresponds to knowledge, responsibility and luck. It reveals the integrity of a person, as well as their deep understanding of the ups and downs of life.

Mount of Apollo:

Found below the ring finger, the mountain of Apollo bears its name from the sun god of classical antiquity. Within palmistry, this area of the hand coincides with a person's optimism, vitality, and essence. Just as the zodiac signs illuminate the innate spirits of individuals, the mountains of Apollo reflect artistic leanings, joys and successes.

Located below the shortest fingerprint, the Mercury Mountains are associated with communication and intelligence. This field is associated with intelligence, adaptability and social skills, revealing a person's strategic mind and resourcefulness.

Named after the ancient Roman goddess who represented the moon, the lunar mountain is a symbol of imagination, intuition and mental powers. Situated on the underside of the palm, this area reveals the sympathy, compassion and imagination of a person. While the moon illuminates darkness, the mountain of the lunar mountain is associated with the insights found within the magick.

The Venus mountain at the base of the thumb is associated with love, sexuality and attraction. This area reflects the natural magnetism as well as the emotional connection of a person's romance. Sexuality, passion and indulgence are all under the aegis of this region.

In palmistry, Mars covers a lot of ground. Named for the Roman god of war, these three distinct sections represent aggression, resilience, and temperament, respectively. The Inner Mars, also known as the Lower Mars, is located above the thumb, and is a symbol of physical strength and bold tenacity. The outer Mars, or upper Mars, represents perseverance and emotional bravery. The floor of Mars occupies the lower center of the palm and shows how these two above qualities are balanced. Because the field of Mars is usually flat, its importance is determined by which line occupies this section.

The lines:

When you think of palmistry, the image of an eccentric mystery recognizing the mark of your hand in a dimly lit room probably comes to mind. While this "smoke and mirror" stereotype may be slightly dated, it is not completely grounded. The folds and creases of the palms, referred to as lines, are actually used to create narrative and to predict future events.

The meanings of the various lines are determined by analyzing their length, depth, and curvature. No two palms are unique, so remember that context is everything: note where each line begins and ends, which crosses it, and where the intersection decreases.

Brain line:

The mind plays an important role in shaping our destiny, and the brain line highlights our intellectual curiosities and discoveries. Located in the center of the palm, it also reveals the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. The complexity of a person's mental search corresponds to the depth of the line, while the length of the line shows how wide the subjects are. A wavy line denotes progressive thinking, while a straight line reveals a more traditional view. Breaks in the line may indicate mental conflict, or, more optimistically, monumental successes or adjectives.

Heart line:

Located above the head line, the highest horizontal line of the palm is the heart line. Also known as Prem Rekha, this crease controls all matters of the heart, including romance, friendship, sexuality, and commitment. After recognizing this, note whether it begins under the index finger or middle finger: if the heart line begins below the index finger, it reveals satisfaction in the relationship; If it begins below the middle finger, it reveals the possibility of restlessness.

The depth of the line reflects the importance of interpersonal relationships in a person's life, while the length corresponds to time (longer lines represent longer partnerships). Breaks or thorns in the heart line can suggest many lovers, transformational bonds or even infidelity.


It is very important to maintain ethical practices when reading someone's palm: unless you are a trained physician with specific expertise and you do not have consent, it is never appropriate to estimate mortality. Not only does it inspire fear and anxiety, it is actually wrong as far as lifelines go. This crease is used to measure your journey, not your death. Located below the brain line, it reveals your experiences, vitality and enthusiasm. The depth of the line suggests the richness of your experience, while the length reveals the influence of others on your personal path. That's right, Cosmic Warrior: A short lifeline is a symbol of freedom and autonomy.

fate line:

The fate line is a vertical crease in the center of the palm that reveals the degree to which a person's life will be affected by external circumstances that are beyond their control. Our palms develop naturally during our lives, but the fate line changes most often. Whenever you are experiencing a big innings, whether personal or professional, take a quick look at the fate line. Has it changed?

Sun line:

The sun line, or the line of Apollo, is the vertical crease towards the pink part of the palm, and it reveals public image, heritage and fame. The sun line varies greatly in length, depth, and position, and along with the fate line indicate when and how a person will achieve success. If the Sun Line and the Fate Line intersect or run parallel, they indicate that a person's prominence will be a byproduct of external events beyond his control. If the sun line and the fate line are not in proximity, they suggest that a person's inheritance will be more independently constructed from external influences.

Tying it all together:

Remember, cosmic warrior, palmistry is not a cut-and-dried practice that gives definitive answers. As you mold yourself into the meaning of hand shapes, mounts, plains, and lines, guide your intuition and begin to create your own patterns of interpretation. Keep in mind that both hands and people change over the course of a lifetime and we all have the opportunity to steer our destiny: at its best, palmistry is an opportunity to develop insights that illuminate the path ahead.

I have changed my future with palmistry and miracle method given below to a great extent

Generally, I use this 7 day miracle method in my life, which has led to many miracles in my life.

how to

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My Name is Ankit Bhatt .I’m an educator, Blogger and Writer. I blog on multi niche topics such as Personal Development, Motivation, Education,Technology . And I’m writer on Medium as well. I want to write life experiences on this platform.

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