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How AI is Changing the Future of Food

Insights about the future of AI

By Greg RSPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How AI is Changing the Future of Food
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

What makes food delicious? Taste, texture, smell, etc. These five senses play a vital role in our perception of good food. But did you know that artificial intelligence (AI) can also detect those same elements in food? How does it work? What are the implications for us?

The answer to these questions lies in a new field called 'food science'. It combines both computer sciences and biology. In recent years, scientists have developed algorithms capable of identifying the sensory characteristics found in foods using deep learning. Some examples include detecting whether a food has gone rancid or distinguishing between fresh and frozen vegetables.

This approach has huge potential for improving our relationship with food. For instance, it can allow manufacturers to create new foods without having to rely on costly testing equipment. And consumers will no longer have to wait days before they see the results of their purchase. The future of food is bright indeed.

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) has begun to revolutionize how we think about food. From creating personalized diets based on our genetics, to enhancing nutritional values through advanced breeding techniques, AI is rapidly changing the way that food is grown, raised, processed, distributed, and eaten. By 2030, over 40% of all food produced worldwide is expected to use artificial inputs, but what does this mean for consumers? How might these changes impact your diet? This session explores the future of food through two case studies-the meat industry and dairy farming. You’ll explore how AI can help farmers better manage their herds and improve animal welfare. We’ll look at how AI is being used to analyze the genomes of individual animals and identify traits that could lead to improved health, yield, and longevity. Finally, we’ll discuss some of the ethical challenges surrounding these technologies.

2. In this second case study, it dives into the world of dairy production. Dairy cows are among the highest cost assets in the US agriculture sector. Today, farmers spend $6 billion dollars per year managing their heifers, feeding them, housing their calves, treating mastitis, and preventing diseases like brucellosis. One emerging technology, bovine somatotropin (bST), stimulates milk production while increasing the incidence of other diseases. While bST is effective at boosting lactation and milk production, it comes with significant costs including increased risk of reproductive problems, lameness, arthritis, and other conditions. A recent study indicated that bST may cause cancer and infertility. This session reviews the current state of research and policy regarding bST, and discusses how the advent of AI can change the future of dairy production.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can now detect and identify foods that are not safe for consumption. This technology has the potential to save lives by identifying dangerous pathogens and detecting food safety hazards like E-Coli or Salmonella contamination. The future of AI may even help us determine whether our food should be organic or GMO.

4. AI has been used in agriculture since the 1960s. However, the recent advances in the field have allowed the machines to perform complex tasks without human intervention. These advancements include autonomous vehicles, robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and other automated systems.

5. The agricultural industry is facing a big challenge. As farming practices become more industrialized, many small farmers find themselves displaced from their lands due to rising costs and low profit margins. Many rural communities have also found themselves abandoned after losing access to fertile land. In order to maintain global food supplies, we need to ensure that enough farms remain productive while protecting our natural resources.

And above are the valueable insights I got that I want to share with you guys in order to prepare our future because AI is really a thing that we have to know, learn, and prepare.


About the Creator

Greg RS

I write about self-development, business, and more. I also share some worthy insights :)

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