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Horoscope Reading May 29 - June 4

Your weekly taroscope from RS

By ConstancePublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Hello once more, my dear readers! As my last post seemed to do quite well, I'm quite excited at the prospect of - hopefully - welcoming some new recurring readers. I'm so excited to have you here with me, and I do hope you enjoy my posts enough to stick around! We are now squarely in Gemini season, a time of exploration, inquest and learning, so for the next few posts I'l be trying to make my posts a little bit more informative and educational than usual in the true curious spirit of the twins.

Prior to the reading proper, the usual few minutes are taken by me to sit, spread out my altar cloth, light some incense, and clear my cards. Every witch has their own method of doing this; clearing cards, and any energetic workings, really, are highly subjective. I find it's usually best practice to play around with different methods and see what feels right for you. My method of clearing my cards is as such; I begin by shuffling the cards for a bit, then I knock on the deck once, blow through the cards, hold them in the incense smoke - Mugwort, today - for a brief moment, and cut the deck. As I reshuffle the cards back together, I begin to think about the intent of the reading, so in this case, the coming week and the twelve signs of the zodiac, in the order of this reading.

The layout of the cards is such:

image ID: 12 tarot cards laid out face down on an altar cloth, with the symbols of the zodiac signs overlaid on them. The signs, left to right, are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

The signs are ordered by the cardinal, fixed, and mutable sign of each element in turn, and the cards placed on the corresponding quadrant of my altar cloth. This week, the cards themselves fell thus:

Image ID: the cards from the previous image, now face up. Left to right: death reversed, queen of pentacles reversed, three of swords, king of wands, ace of wands reversed, ace of pentacles, queen of cups reversed, the hierophant, 2 of swords, the sun, the lovers reversed, page of wands.

So now let's get to the interpretations.

Cancer ♋ (June 21 - July 22): Death (reversed)

Change is scary, and sometimes it's hard to let go of what was to make room for what can be. Are you afraid of the unknown? Are you afraid to turn the page for fear of what the next chapter may contain? Cancer, change is a vital part of growth. You wouldn't be where you are now, had you not let go of who you were before. This week, you may be put through a significant change that might irrevocably alter how you see yourself or the world around you. How will you take this change? Will you allow the loss to hurt you so badly you can't recover? Or will you look forward to the bright, open future ahead of you?

Scorpio ♏ (October 23 - November 21): Queen of Pentacles (reversed)

In all things there must be balance, and this week, Scorpio, you may find it hard to find the right balance between your home life and your work life. Are you focusing too much on work, neglecting your emotional and familial duties in favour of the materialistic side of life? Or, on the flipside, are you perhaps overdoing it a bit, smothering your loved ones or being too overprotective and controlling? I'd definitely advise taking this week to examine your work-life balance and see if there are any adjustments to be made.

Pisces ♓ (February 19 - March 20): Three of Swords

Listen, Pisces, I'm not going to mince words here; you've got a bad week ahead of you. The three of swords signals heartbreak, rejection, suffering and grief; it usually foretells a break-up of some sort, though not necessarily the romantic sort; it could also signify the end of a friendship, an intense falling-out between family, or the loss of a professional opportunity. I'd definitely recommend preparing yourself in any way you can; bookmark a comfort show or movie on Netflix, get all your softest blankets, and maybe stock up on ice cream or whatever your comfort food is.

Aries ♈ (March 21 - April 19): King of Wands

Leadership. Creativity. Passion. Entrepreneurial spirit. These are the traits that define you, Aries, and they're the traits that define the King of Wands. This week, you're going to be a powerhouse, forging a path forward, taking care of everyone around you, and generally achieving all the success you deserve. Be you this week, Aries, because this week, you is exactly who you need to be.

Leo ♌ (July 23 - August 22): Ace of Wands (reversed)

This week, Leo, you might find yourself wondering as the the point of what you're doing. Boredom, frustration, a general lack of motivation or passion for your work might creep up on you if you let them. There's something blocking your creative light, some kind of artist's block that's keeping you from shining as bright as you can; what is standing in your way? Try to take a proper look at your life and the world around you to see if you can't identify what is eclipsing you this week.

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22 - December 21): Ace of Pentacles

Jackpot! You've got great opportunities heading your way this week, Sagittarius; this could mean you're about to get a windfall from an unexpected source, be presented with a brand new job opportunity, or make some home improvements. Whatever the case may be, just know that this week will be absolutely rife with opportunity for you, and if you can harness this fertile time properly, you will sow the seeds of true long-term prosperity and financial stability.

Libra ♎ (September 23 - October 22): Queen of Cups (reversed)

Humans are social creatures, Libras especially so, but when one becomes too reliant on others for one's sense of self-worth, it can do a pretty harsh number on one's emotional stability. Libra, you need to take a good long look at yourself and your relationships to others. Have you become too dependant on others for happiness and validation? Are you truly appreciating the people in your life, and moreover, are they truly appreciating you? This week, it's time to examine your view on and relationship to love, maybe work through some stuff you may have been pushing down, and begin the path to emotional healing.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20 - February 18): The Hierophant

You know what they say; if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sometimes, the way that things have always been done are, in fact, better; the fact that they have stayed in convention for so long might mean that they're tried and true, reliable methods. Having structure in your life might help you grow stronger, even if you yourself are not usually one for conformity, Aquarius. Consider a crawling plant, like ivy; it can't very well flourish without some kind of trellis, wall, or other structure upon which to grow, now can it?

Gemini ♊ (May 21 - June 20): Two of Swords

You've got a choice coming up this week, Gemini, some sort of big important decision that will decide the course that your life takes. There's nothing wrong with taking some time to carefully consider your options, instead of rushing your decision and making a choice you'll later regret. Sometimes being in a stalemate can be helpful; it gives you time to gather as much data as you can to make a fully informed decision, and that is what I advise you do this week, Gemini. Ask questions, collect information, get other peoples' opinions, and before too long, the better option will make itself clear to you.

Capricorn ♑ (December 22 - January 19): The Sun

You're about to have an absolutely fantastic week, Capricorn! The sun is the single most positive, joyful, and all around wonderful card in the tarot; it symbolises success, love, celebration and joy. After what I'm sure has been a difficult time for you, you're finally going to make it up, out, and into the warm light of the sun. Embrace these positive vibes!

Taurus ♉ (April 20 - May 20): The Lovers (reversed)

This week, Taurus, you may feel all out of whack; harmony is nowhere to be found, and unity is out the window. Is a relationship going sour? Are friendships or partnerships being disrupted by disagreements? Or is it internal, your inner sense of balance upset by something? I'd advise you to spend these coming days trying to get to the bottom of this shake-up; if you can identify the root cause, then you can work on restoring the harmony, both internal and external, that you're missing.

Virgo ♍ (August 23 - September 22): Page of Wands

Pages tend to bring messages, and that of the page of wands is one of inspiration, creativity, and optimism. This week, Virgo, you may find yourself in the possession of a fresh new idea, or a newfound inspiration that revs up that motor of yours and fills you with exuberance and joy! As daunting as the future can sometimes be, it can also be exciting, especially when your ideas for it start falling into place. This week, Virgo, don't hold back; express yourself, explore, and have fun!


Though I make no promises or guarantees (as stated in the disclaimers of my introductory post), I do hope that this reading is helpful to you in the coming week, and if it does turn out to be accurate, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out! I'd love to hear feedback.

A couple quick reminders; I do personal readings on fiverr, only $5-$15 per depending on the complexity of the spread, and I also have a patreon, if you enjoyed this blog and want to support it! You can also follow me on Tumblr or Instagram if you'd like to hear more from me, even though I don't really post all that much.

Thank you so much for reading, and I will be back with another post next week!


About the Creator


Hello all! My name is Constance, and I am a witch. I do weekly tarot horoscopes, published on Saturdays, and I do personal readings on fiverr, for $5-15 depending on the complexity of the spread.

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