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Gemini Szn

A sneak peak at what the cosmos have in store ...

By The Alchemist Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Gemini Szn
Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

May 21st marks the official start of Gemini season as the Sun joins Mercury and Venus, bringing the cosmic spotlight to YOU for your birthday season!

A time of transition, this mutable sign highlights the importance of allowing one season in our lives to end so that another may begin. This energy helps us walk away from the promise of new beginnings that spring symbolizes, and into the bustling warmth of summer. Full of social energy and constantly seeking intellectual stimulation, Gemini can be best described as the life of the party, enjoying every opportunity to display its intellectual prowess.

Whether it’s in the way we interact with others, or how we communicate in our relationships, the energy will be especially electric this year as we start off Gemini season with an eclipse and a series of retrogrades.

As the Sun, which rules our sense of identity, moves forward through the sign of Gemini, it will be providing you with better insight into the “I am” - however, you may begin to feel some challenges once Mercury goes retrograde and starts transiting backwards on the 31st of May.

This is because the retrograde interrupts Mercury’s transit through Gemini, one of the two signs it rules over and calls home. Since this planet also rules over mental processing, communication and perception, this retrograde may lead to some confusion around the “I think” and “I speak.”

Mercury retrogrades are known for the challenges they brings to communication, as well as the heightened potential for misunderstandings when we interact with others. You may find yourself struggling to put your thoughts into words, and for Gemini (usually known for being lightning quick with communication) this frustration can feel especially amplified.

Don’t worry though, because Mercury is only slowing you down to help you secure your footing. As the late Nipsey Hussle once said, sometimes you gotta take two steps back to move ten steps forward, and retrogrades slow us down in order to do just that.

Those who work with the energy in the air will be more successful than those that lock down and become rigid in their ways of being. This energy wants you to go over the ways you perceive yourself and the world around you, so that you can clear up any confusion and doubt.

Your perception of others will only be as clear as you see yourself, so remember to take the necessary time to check in with yourself before rushing to communicate with others. Because Gemini energy often serves as a mirror, you may begin to notice that a lot of your internal perceptions of yourself and the world will begin to reflect back in your external interactions. Remember that during this time, your mental agility is not being tested by you having to come up with new answers; rather by you going over your previous choices in retrospect, and reviewing the choices that brought you to this point.

The full moon eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius brings the potential for some radical changes around our thoughts and limiting beliefs, as well as our understanding of higher learning and the way we seek answers. Gemini energy might be left feeling especially restless, as the opposing Sagittarius moon heightens the desire to react to your emotions rather than sit with your feelings. If you are a student, this full moon may also lead to some changes in the way you learn, or you may need to mentally shift in order to accommodate new ways of learning.

There’s room for some flirty fun though as the Sun joins Venus, the planet of love and social interaction, in its journey through Gemini. You may begin to notice that your ability to attract new and interesting connections is significantly heightened. Venus transiting this sociable sign creates more opportunities for intellectually stimulating conversations that will leave you feeling satisfied.

However, the other side of this is that any interaction that leaves you unfulfilled will begin to feel like a drag - and eventually just outright annoying - and this is the energy of Venus in Gemini. This transit asks you what attracts you to a conversation, or creates value in a connection with someone. For those in unfulfilling relationships (romantic or otherwise), this time will be especially challenging as those areas will be especially highlighted. Any connection you have outgrown or no longer fits will make itself clear in this time.

Of course, the best way to see which areas of life you might be facing this specific changes will be to pull up your birth chart and see which house Gemini is in for you personally. However, given that we are all under the influence of Gemini season collectively, this is how some of the energies will be playing out for the collective over the next month.

Happy Birthday Gemini, and cheers to another solar return!

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About the Creator

The Alchemist

Making magic, one moment at a time ✨

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