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♊︎ Gemini Season

☉ Sun transiting Gemini

By Bobbi PerfectionPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

Sun enters Gemini at 12:37pm today 5/20/21.

The Gemini energy has been circulating for some time now starting back in March with Mars passing through, then Venus & Mercury. Now, the Sun will be making its way through, enlivening the day to day interactions/functioning of the world, the curiosities within us & our need for conversation & connection. It your time Gemini (Sun & Rising)! Show up & show out!

Gemini is mutable 🜁 air, it's the warm breeze in the day, cold chill at night we feel as Spring transitions to Summer. Ever-changing, social & full of insights, Gemini season allows us to mix up our crowds, tap into various networks/information & finesse any situation/setting. Especially during the first few days as the Sun makes pushy, motivating connections with Jupiter & the Moon. We are definitely shifting out of the slow & steady Taurus vibes into wild, whimsical, mercurial vibes.

Exploration is the biggest theme of this season - into your style, habits, appearance, ideas, body etc.. Open to your curiosities and let them take you to new &/or old places mentally/physically/spiritually/emotionally. Anything is possible/can happen now so it's also important to be a bit more flexible. At the end of May Mercury will begin its retrograde in Gemini turning our exploration & discovery inward, forcing us to slow down a bit and re-evaluate our exchanges, the information we take in & the things/people familiar to us.

The energy present is made for stimulating your mind, connecting, learning & trade of all sorts. As you move through this season embody your air qualities - light, mental & ever-flowing. Communicate, play, rationalize, negotiate, share & don't allow any heaviness to weigh you down. With the connections to Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces we can make sense of any issues and transform them into useful tools within our journeys.

The other sides of the Gemini energy can be very impressionable, unorganized, nosey & flighty - remember and practice the lessons from Taurus season when necessary by staying grounded & sure within yourself & tending to you own grass before/instead of snooping into others. This will keep you out of mess and focused on your own pursuits and growth while in connection with others.

Overall this will feel much more freeing and connective, be open & exercise your versatility in receiving whatever comes for the best results.♡


About the Creator

Bobbi Perfection

Astrologer, Teacher, Community Visionary, Massage Therapist, Movement Instructor & More. <3♡

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