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Full Moon in Taurus

How to Create Abundance during Mercury retrograde in scorpio

By [email protected]Published 4 years ago 11 min read
Original photo: by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash, the design done by J.Luna

If you like this piece make sure to tip me! Also make sure to check out my Etsy shop "TheArtisan Tarot" or www.tarotbymoon.com for your free mini full moon guide. As well as the podcast The Mages Circle which is on Spotify! The full moon in Taurus is about the sector of life that deals with the second house. The second house is a ruler of the home life and material possessions. How we relate to our home life, how from there we recharge and find our time to go within more and learn about our selves, and more about our individual identity (as well as our spiritual identity) is our fundamental place where we learn how to exist as a part of society and where we have fun without individuality.

If you do not know where your natal moon is it would help to get an astrology reading with me. I do natal astrology charts on my Etsy shop. It is important to understand your moon sign because it shows you how you relate to the world around you emotionally. For those of you with your natal moon in Taurus or your second house is ruled by Taurus. The meaning of moon in Taurus this is going to be where you are ruled dominantly in your emotional body. Usually taurus energy in the moon, will let situations both good and bad linger a little bit when it comes to making decisions. To top this off we have a mercury retrograde in Scorpio. If you would. Like to read about how this will affect you click the link here: https://vocal.media/futurism/mercury-retrograde-in-scorpio

We also have sun in Scorpio and if you want to learn more about how that will affect your conciseness in the every day world you can also read about that here: https://vocal.media/futurism/sun-in-scorpio, as well as in my other works on my free vocal page. Now that you have read and understood what Scorpio’s job is this month you now have an understanding as to how this sign will affect the full moon in Taurus. As much as you want to manifest positive wealth and abundance. Whenever it comes to manifest in during retrograde this is where I advise my clients you’re going to want to manifest material abundance for yourself with the moon in retrograde on something that you maybe failed at in the past. This could be in anything like obtaining a promotion, getting a new home, maybe increasing your money flow, business, as well as bringing love into your home, and the energy of tranquility.

You have to understand this need to re-examine because Taurus energy is a laid-back energy. It likes to take its time and this is where it finds its emotional stability. This is why this sign is in the tarot is known as the card of the Knight of Pentacles, the slowest moving knight in the tarot deck but to this sign. Slow and steady wins the race, and for this sign, it brings grounded energy though practicality. Taurus is the person who waits till they have all of their ducks in a row and until they have everything ready and in place. Before they make a move, it is a bit disruptive to the fast-paced lifestyle that the modern era has grown accustomed to, but that being said it does serve a purpose. I always say and I can say this because I have a moon in Taurus placement myself. “Taurus waits forever and a day before it will make a move.”

You may ask me why would I say that about my own moon sign? Well I have learned that having a moon in Taurus is about gentility but also using decrement on when and how to act. If we look at the rulers who rule it they acted in myth by gentility and also impulsiveness. The existentialist have a saying, time is of the essence; this lesson becomes ever more clear when Taurus over waited for its time to strike. That is why this full moon is so special, because it is about manifesting through practical intentions while also building upon the themes of this full moon.

The best way to describe a Taurus moon energy for you during this retrograde in particular is you have to pretty much lay low and make it look like you’re losing the whole game of the retrograde. Think of it as if you are playing poker right? You’re at a poker table and you have to make it look like you’re losing to get Mercury's energy in Scorpio to bluff. Which Scorpio’s energy never bluffs so now you have to end up looking like you are losing when in fact you are becoming the winner of the big prize with this full moon. So how do we do that if we’re being told to lay low?

This is where Taurus energy typically takes a while to gather its self before it ever makes the decision. If you’ve been, since the Aries full moon, kind of laying low and you weren’t really sure why this is a key indicator as to why. You could feel that Taurus energy kind of being pushed to the side due to Mercury retrograde and Scorpio as well as all of the other planetary placements we’ve had in Scorpio. Also I’m going to write a separate piece on your Uranus retrograde in Taurus because for those of you who actually do have a Taurus sun, moon, rising, Venus or other major taurus placements.

If you feel like you’re very limited in your freedom and for those of you with other placements in taurus this moon is going to heavily affect those placements also. While Scorpio is taking a bigger president at this time. The retrograde in Scorpio is also going well, because it’s going to explain a lot on why Scorpio is kind of taking the shining spotlight away from Taurus right now with the moon. But just because the Scorpio is taking the spotlight doesn’t mean it’s not still necessarily sharing it because Taurus is actually the first fixed sign.

The fixed nature is due to its nature as the first fixed sign of the zodiac and Taurus energy in particular always kind of reminds me of Ferdinand the bull. It is the first sign that is ruled by Venus and her energy. This earth sign with Venus here ruling it is the first mother Earth fertile energy that we have in the zodiac before we get the water signs. This is extremely important that we understand that these two signs Scorpio and Taurus are actually sister signs. They work together to mirror each other so well during the retrograde in our conscious mind. This is taking a lot of energy on the subconscious mind we have the moon giving her influence from Venus.

Now for me, this sign in particular in the field is not just ruled solely by Venus but also by Jupiter. It depends on which type of energy you are as well if you’re masculine or feminine. If you’re more masculine you’ll be ruled more by the Jupiter aspect of himself during this full moon. If you are more feminine then you will be ruled by more of Venus as the moon passes through Taurus. Here we are going to examine the two rulers of this sign. As well as I am sharing a link to my free mini guide for the moon in Taurus, that will have a free video also explaining all of these concepts more in depth. That I am about to touch on.

For those who are more ruled by their masculine side, I want you to examine the myth of when Zeus took off with Europa. This is going to be a moon that for you will touch on the urge to be impulsive in your love life yes while also relocating for your job. Now that myth has outdated concepts on love and marriage but it does serve a purpose. You may end up getting whisked away in the moment of feeling love for another but during this retrograde do not do what Zeus did to europa. Instead if you are feeling love for another be passionate yes, make your intentions know in a loving safe way, but this is where you want to start to ask yourself for long term, do you see your self with your partner for the rest of your life or do you see them as only an in the now type of relationship? Are you willing to give and share your money flow though your home life and abundance? Are you willing to share your possessions with your partner if they were to lose everything tomorrow? Are you wanting a happy healthy stable home with this person? Remember your answers illuminate where you are as a gauge for your relationship and overall love life right now that you have the power to change at any time for the positive if you feel as though you are on rocky territory. These questions are a road map to guide you as how to best navigate thought these emotions.

If you’re more Venus embodiment then you’re going to want to research the store of when Venus fell in love with a human man named Anchises. You need to ask yourselves, is the love you ware willing to give right now deep real true love or is it inflation that misleads you? Are you dating more than one person to find your self in unfulfilled relationships? What is it about the other person that makes you consider them as a lover, is it there physicality, their intimacy in the bedroom? Is there any depth to the emotional attachment and if so in what ways do you feel this love? Do you feel a strong pull to this person soul wise or is it on chemistry that leads to sexual tension? Could you definitely say in all wholeness within your soul that you would more than willing to express your love to this persona and feel at home with them and comfortable with in your self in sharing home with this person? Is this the person that despite their flaws you would would proud of having a relationship with them and later on having their offspring? Remember your answers illuminate where you are as a gauge for your relationship and overall love life right now that you have the power to change at any time for the positive. These questions are a road map to guide you as how to best navigate thought these emotions.

For those of you born with placements in sun in Scorpio, moon in Scorpio, or Scorpio rising, you need to check out in your natal chart or get a reading with me. Where we can look at your Taurus placement is and how these two signs will affect you in that are for the next six months. The same also apply’s to those born under Taurus, or have placements in moon in Taurus, and Taurus rising. This next full moon is setting both of those signs up for the six months. The set up is for you to be able to manifest on anything that you really want to plant down into true reality that will bring you positive wealth, abundance, happiness.

This is the time where during a mercury retrograde in Scorpio. You look into the mystery of where things went wrong in those past endeavors and you use the moon in Taurus with this retrograde to really harnessed those ideas down. You transition them from thought space and then down into reality. Now for those of you who are not aware that those concepts go hand-in-hand with this sign of Taurus, that’s typically what the two myths that I spoke of rule over. They rule over him creation and also fertility with the land.

If you notice the sun in Scorpio is mirroring the aspects of death, renewal, and fertility, these go with the themes as well that comes after being renewed from the life lived after transmutation, and transformation through the ending of cycles. Taurus is an energy that is creation that brings a counterbalance to all of the heavy themes of Scorpio. It works without renewal energy to bring us fully forward towards Pisces consciousness or what I like to call 5D love and 5D living. So this is why Taurus and Scorpio also mirror each other and why they are sister signs but they are both fixed in their nature.

Thank you for joining me today!


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  • Chrishabout a year ago

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