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Doubt, Belief, Knowing

By Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual WarriorPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

There are three primary ways humans process and progress through spirituality into ascension. They must pass through three modalities. Throughout many lifetimes, we all progress through these systems. It might take millions of lifetimes to get from Doubt to Knowing, but we all are destined to do this just like we are all destined to ascend.

• Doubt (releasing ego)

• Belief (surrendering will)

• Knowing (embracing faith)


Doubt is where you are going to find atheists and others who value their own self perceived grasp of knowledge to be all encompassing. You will find some scientists and doctors here, but pretty much all atheists live here. There is a lot of ego and self-delusion here. Ironically, many atheists trust the scientific literature as strongly as evangelicals adhere to Biblical teachings. The irony is atheists are often as fervent in their belief in science, yet many have no idea how a scientific model is developed, who, how and what generated the scientific information. They blindly follow the “science” as fervently as a Bible thumper follows the Bible. They are one and the same in ego. There are a lot of angry intolerant people here. There is a tremendous amount of ego here with the insistence that they are right, and all others are fools.


Belief is where you find organized religion. Both the good aspects of religion and the bad aspects of organized religion. Think of a ying yang symbol where both dark and light are represented. Light always has a spot of darkness and darkness always has a spot of light. The overriding need to follow religious texts to the letter of the law without thinking or attempting to understand the stories, the meanings and archetypes of religious texts is here. This is where your “surrender” is tested. Where you learn to accept divine will and release human will. There can be a lot of ego involved here because followers are expected to accept whatever the leader says no matter how he might misconstrue scripture. This is a place where you can go dark or light. The “dark” will slide back to “Doubt”, self-righteousness (think TV evangelicals) and the “light” will progress to “Knowing.” This is where you make a big choice. God’s will or my own weak human will.


Knowing is the final step and is a form of spiritual download called clairsentience. It is a matter of just knowing in your heart what you are to do and what your path is. Some call it “knowing”, some call it clairsentience, some call it the holy spirit. I call it “god consciousness. This is where you embrace faith and trust yourself and the god consciousness within you.

These are stages and humans will go through all of these processes throughout their various lifetimes until they eventually get to the point where they “know.” And then they can ascend. When people are in the “doubting” mode, they have a lot of trouble being open minded and listening to other points of view and become very attached to their own earthly reality. As they progress into Belief, they either start to operate in fear and become overzealous with teaching only what they perceive as the accuracy of scriptures, and get bogged down in human interpretation of scriptures. However, many who endeavor the pathway of belief often find it a doorway into holy and cosmic knowledge which is the true way to ascension.

--Julie O'Hara 2023

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About the Creator

Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual Warrior

Thank you for reading my work. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts or if you want to chat. [email protected]

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  • Elle Vihman7 months ago

    Simple truth. Translated to Estonian <3

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