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Domino: The Awakening - Final Chapter

Saving Selena

By Dominick PiaquadioPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

Looking through the City's camera feed at the park, Pyropolarnite saw the events unfolded upon Domino's true awakening and felt she lost her love, "How could Domino betray me? After all I sacrificed to be with him, he turns on me like this?!" Wrath builds up within her core, "Fine, he can die with the rest of his so-called friends! I cannot be with someone who'd rather side with his killer than with the one who loved him." She turned to one of her Undead servants, "From now on, you will be my new General. See to it that they all die, except for Domino. I want to see him suffer in horror while he watches all those he cares about expire. He will know what it means to lose something precious to him."

The new Undead General led his troops into the City. The zombies conscribed as many soldiers as they could by infecting any innocent person who happened to walk down Broadway. From the park, Domino, Seto, and Fuegonon intercepted the Shadow Army before they could advance towards the Commercial district. Domino realized there were too many Innocents in the way and needed to clear them off the streets. "Seto, can you create an Ice Barrier and find a safe place for the Uninfected?"

"Sure thing, Domino!" Seto raised an Ice Barrier and guided those not infected with the Satanic virus into the nearest Community Center. During the evacuation, Fuegonon continued to fight off the Undead while Domino tried to devise a plan that would eradicate them once and for all. "Domino, I could use some help here!"

"I have an idea. Fuegonon, get behind me!" Domino stood before the zombies and raised his left hand. "DARK CONSUMPTION!" He devoured the Darkness of the Zombies. Since they were newly Undead, he was able to revive Pyropolarnite's victims with their souls intact. "Fuegonon, you can stand down, now. It seems I've saved all these people. I didn't even know I could do that."

"I'm glad you could save them all! Now, let's take out the Empress!"

"Amen!" A few moments later, Seto returned.

"The Innocents are safe. Now, to take down Pyropolarnite!" Seto, Domino, and Fuegonon continued onward to Pyropolarnite's lair.

The Divine Trio were met with the Super-demonic Empress of the Shadow Empire. "So, the Betrayer returns with his mates! Too bad you chose Seto over me. We could have ruled this City together, Domino. Now watch it burn to the ground!"

"Oh, Pyropolarnite. Do you honestly think that you'll be able to rule anything? You only possess your powers for one reason, Destruction. Lucifer wants you to do what he couldn't, and that is to take out Humanity. He will kill you when it's all said and done," Domino replied. "We will stop you before you get that chance. Seto! Fuegonon! Let's take down this demon!" The three fought Pyropolarnite with their powers, but every attack was countered with their weaknesses. Fuegonon and Seto began to weaken from mental and physical exhaustion.

"I don't know how much more we can take, Domino. She keeps countering our attacks," said Fuegonon.

"Domino and Fuegonon, let's try syncronizing our attacks. One of our attacks must work, even if she cancels out two of our blows."

Both of them answered, "good idea, Seto!" Unfortunately, none of their powers worked. The three were weakened while Pyropolarnite remained unscathed. Pyropolarnite watched as the Divine Trio fell to their knees. She then turned to Domino, "I've always fancied you since the moment our paths collided ages ago. However, you broke my heart siding with the Witch and her Fiery ally." She stole Fuegonon's scimitars and thrust them into the hearts of Seto and Fugeonon, "now I want you to feel my pain, Domino!"

Domino watched as the lives faded from their eyes. "What have you done? They were Defenders of the Innocent." Rage boiled in his blood, "Pyropolarnite, I will bathe in your blood!" The anger brewing in his veins awakened the Canis Nocturnum gene hidden deep in his DNA. He transformed into the Legendary Werewolf of Benedicimus Domino.

"Yes, Domino! Feel the anger, let the rage consume you! Attack me!" With his razor-sharp claws, he charged in her direction. "Come on, feed the beast inside you! Don't hold back!" As he attempted another attack, she countered with amusement. "You're too weak even in your Werewolf form! Why don't you call on your God!"

This triggered something in Domino to reclaim his senses and calm the fires of his anger. He smiled at her, "Pyropolarnite, how did you raise me from the dead exactly?"

"Regretfully, with my Dark magic. It doesn't matter because you're no fun to me anymore. You can die now!"

"On the contrary, I'm renewed!" Domino conjured all the Darkness in his body and added the Light within his heart, "In the name of God, I revive the souls of the Fallen. DIVINE RESURRECTION!" With all his energy, he brought Fuegonon and Seto back to life. Back from the dead in their original state, he asked to take part in a Fusion ritual. They agreed and the three fused together as one. "Now we end this!" In sync, they were able to weaken Pyropolarnite to the brink of Death.

Pyropolarnite on her knees, she spoke, "Domino, what have I done to deserve your betrayal? I brought you back because I truly loved you. That's why I made the deal with Lucifer. He told me that if I serve him, he would give me the ability to bring you back. I spent centuries trying to perfect the Ritual of Renewal so you would stand beside me."

"You'd let the world burn to have me? This whole thing was so you and I could be together? Why didn't you just stop? Why do you serve the Beast?"

"I thought I would've been satisfied once you came back. There was an inner desire to dominate I haven't been able to satisfy."

As Domino prepared to deliver the final blow, something held him back. He realized that her Campaign wasn't her doing, and that the reserved British girl was still within her. Inside himself, Fuegonon and Seto tried to convince Domino into killing her, but failed. Domino fell to his knees in tears, calling to God for salvation. He couldn't bring himself to destroy the organic machine over a corrupted operating system. The skies darkened, but a Divine light beamed from the sky and a sword descended from the Heavens. Looking at the sword, he realized this was the Umbra Celeste used by St. Michael to cast out Lucifer after the War in Heaven. Knowing of its history combined with his Intuition, he knew to use this on her. "Selena Cambridge, I will save you!"

"Selena Cambridge is dead, Pyropolarnite exists now!"

"Not anymore. Lucifer, I cast you back into the Lake of Fire and Sulphur!" With a slash of this sword, Lucifer was separated from Selena's body. Since the sword uses Divine magic, Selena was unharmed. Upon the exorcism's completion, Domino separated Fuegonon and Seto from his body and thanked them for their strengths. Selena ran to Domino and hugged him. "I'm so sorry for the devastation I've caused. All I wanted was you, I've always wanted you, Domino. Please forgive me!"

As the tears dropped like rain from her beautiful brown eyes, Domino held her in his embrace, "You are forgiven, Selena. Also, you're mine. I'm so sorry you had to watch me die in the first place. Before you blame Seto, just know it wasn't her fault either. The Blind Prophet who came to her was the same Devil whom which you made the deal. Anyway, I have one more thing to do." Domino raised his left hand, "I now remove the Darkness from this plane of existence. DARK CONSUMPTION!" All the zombies were returned to normal humans. Once the deed was done, he turned to Selena, "there can be only one Dark-Bearer, and that's me." Domino and Selena kissed with raw emotion and the two were finally united as lovers. Fugeonon returned home to his family, and Seto blended once more into the Shadows of New Burgundy, protecting the innocent from harm and healing the sick. Thanks to the Divine Trio and the Umbra Celeste, the City was safe once again... for now.

The End


About the Creator

Dominick Piaquadio

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