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Death of the Masses?

How corporations' interest in technology led to the death of main stream consensus and how to get it back.

By Freddy TPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by https://unsplash.com/@alexiby

A Shepard herds sheep much like a corporation does the masses... In a more modern perspective, one would ask what would musicians be without record labels? Or even imagining what would tech be without Apple or Microsoft? Corporations such as these have existed for decades without any real check on which way they may be shepherding the perceivable multitudes. Apps such as YouTube are propagated by the Mega entity Google and Instagram is kept alive by Facebook. What is to be said about these apps that engulf the user and more of their data?

The mainstream is no longer a culmination of agreement from ordinary people... It has been shortened and directed to individuals. Rarely do you see massive interest in topics that aren't founded or propagated on social media. Dead are the days children played outside devoid of phones but full of imagination. Subjectivity is the true product of today's world. Ask yourself if you've truly connected with media you've absorbed lately or was the subject matter just emotionally charged? When is the last time you consumed media that didn't have ads or an implied message trying to sell you a product? Nothing is objective any longer. There are no rules when at first there were, not even to relationships now that we have OnlyFans, Tinder, Bumble, Whisper, OkCupid, PlentyofFish etc...

Where is hope in all the personal absorption? There is something to be said about the human condition, that there is one...this constitutes continuities that cannot be transcended or altered. Mind-numbingly easy ways of disconnection are available yet no one takes them. A person could just turn the device off however the "itch" might start and mild panic will ensue because they have held a constitution with the device for so long that subconsciously it is a part of themselves. Try going a week without a phone, and it WILL be hard. Another form of disconnection would be nature however some may be so far from a true source of nature that it is a logistical nightmare to achieve. I can feel the disagreement you may have with this analysis. Gauge what you have read from my story and consider what device are you reading this on, either a laptop or phone most likely. Moreover, after reading this and two weeks have passed, you will probably be on that same phone on the same usual apps (communication apps) doing the same usual things. You also know that they are collecting every "like" and comment using it to profile you then sell your interests back to you via ads.

The only true advice that you can hope to get is to use the apps the way the companies use them. Do not use the apps for their supposed intended use i.e. entertainment or causal communication or everyday connection, use them for your business, your company, your hustle. Instagram is nothing but a new photo hub to place product and reach consumers. Facebook is nothing but an address book to connect directly with users and share your events, ideas and products for your conscious benefit. If you cannot beat them join them, maybe not in their conquest but in the pursuit of yours. This is how you return to the main stream, once you see through the eyes of the "creators" you will see what the companies true use is and use it to further your own agenda or further your own peace...

How could you use Tinder or any social app to obtain control over my life? Find other like-minded individuals to disconnect with, it's always easier with a buddy. Remember to tell the truth and always be upfront if you are using public apps it gets you further more quickly. Your singular interest must come first before the action of using tech. Another step to freedom is to check your app settings and see how many hours per day you look at your favorite media. Try and lessen this each day until it is you that search for what you want instead watching/listening to the platform's recommendations.

Continuing, don't mindlessly pick up your phone because you heard a buzz sound and or get an impulsive thought/feeling. Mental and physical discipline is also key in breaking away from the active influence of technology. Exercise and meditation will increase the mental fortitude needed to defeat your device. Collectively, this is the death of the main stream, we don't view technology as a topic of serious moral discussion anymore or acknowledge it is a tool and speak about how it makes us feel in the public headspace. We discuss how it makes us feel INSIDE the device even more so now due to COVID-19.

Finding creative ways to use this media is what you'll find the ORIGINAL creators wanted in the beginning. It is up to you to now find this creativity and utilize it to the best of your ability. This may garnish you peace, wellbeing, money, power, influence, friends, relationships, but always and forever let it be your decision that issued the change never another entity or business.

One day we will all awaken to find that we are at war with technology for its corruption of our minds and actions, or that mankind has purified its connection with tech and embraced a new evolution. Either option is truly terrifying.

social media

About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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