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Death Hunter Saga

The Diamondus Prequel

By LUiS Wrote THiS StoryPublished 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

Room 606 Sector 53_D The Hunters of the Location: Vegaa Star System

Recap Synopsis: Alien Bounty Hunters put aside personal vendettas in order to survive a crash landing on an unknown planet.

#1 The Alliance Begins

It is the year 2123. "For centuries, aliens have masqueraded as both friends and foes among humans in the Earth's solar system. As time passed, history was truly made, and within a short period of time, a dual alliance was formed, and the humans and aliens conquered large portions of the entire solar system.

#2 The New Process Dawns: The Death Hunters Project

Over time, the top few elite soldiers were designated for secret missions and became known as the Death Hunters. One day, a Death Hunters ship assigned to explore the darkest corners of space discovered a strange metallic-looking planet rapidly rotating and circling a rogue group of gigantic abstract-shaped planets within its solar system.

#3 The Hunters of the Vegaa System System

It's the year 2123... The militant Death Hunter protocol is finally operational, and the resistance now requires an image that will cause every civilian to see the truth through it all. Soon, the resistance will be broadcast live on television. This Vegaaman poster represents unequivocal hope.

#4 The Hunters of the Vegaa System System Pt.II

Following the formation of the alliance, research began, with a strong emphasis on nanotechnology. This Nanotechnology, which can create a full body of armor, was heavily used in the second series of Death Hunters. The new system was developed and implemented in order to win every future war and exploration mission.

#5 The Search for the Stars...

The Death Hunters had been pre-selected and given a warship to primarily travel through space and find more bounties deep within the darkest depths of the dark matter invested solar system. After a few years of exploration, the Hunter's ship discovered an entirely new side of their system.

#6 Room 606: Sector 53_C

The Death Hunters arrived in search of a shattered space cruiser. A distress signal had been sent out somewhere on the surface of the new planet, with an even stranger sound in the background recording on the distress signal. Knowing the bounty that every Death Hunter would receive in exchange for this potential discovery, they decided to inspect it, unaware of the life-changing event that was about to occur.

#7 Forest Recon

The Death Hunters came across another unsuspecting cliff as they moved past the deserted ice kingdom. The scene was completely surreal. How could an aquifer-like environment be created on an entire planet where no life forms are visible? In the end, what the hunters had discovered went beyond reality itself.

#8 Warship of the Death Hunter Strange Encounter

"Not long after breaching the new planet's atmosphere, the Hunters were about to make a soft landing when a strange object aggressively began smashing its form into the warship." The UFO accelerated and made a U-turn to collide with the Death Hunter's warship, crashing into the planet's floor, which was made of diamonds and minerals, unnoticed by the Hunters."

#9 The Recovery Unit Arrives

When the recovery unit arrived on Planet X, it was clear that some Death Hunters had perished in the crash. A hoard of ancient spaceships was discovered by the Recovery Unit in a crater near the edge of a cliff near their ship. The use of nanotechnology was going to be absolutely critical to the success of the rescue mission.

#10 The Search Continues

"The Death Hunters are once again taken aback by the multi-layered surface of sand dunes, ferrofluid-infested waters, and even diamond rocks and mountain peaks. The Death Hunter Unit traveled deeper into the planet's own world, and more forest-rich areas began to appear."

#11 Gunning Through Planet X

As the Death Hunters continued marching through the forest, the idea finally tapping into their nanobot enhancements after gathering enough solar power energy to activate a massive mech suit of armor to get through the forest with haste.

#12 The Frozen Village of Diamondus

The Death Hunters discovered an entire village-like kingdom encased in ice that covered everything in sight within this exotic forest after entering a new section of the planet. The Death Hunters were astounded by the frozen tundra hidden deep within the planet's forest.

#13 The Beginning of the End

The Death Hunters came across another unsuspecting cliff as they moved past the deserted ice kingdom.The scene was completely surreal. How could an aquifer-like environment be created on an entire planet where no lifeforms are visible? In the end, what the hunters had discovered went beyond reality itself.

Copyright © 2018 LUiS Thompson

science fiction

About the Creator

LUiS Wrote THiS Story

When he's not designing or laying down brutalities in Mortal Kombat, LUiS Thompson is establishing a foundation the writing communities.

Link: https://6351bedfab123.site123.me/

Email: [email protected]

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