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God works in mysterious ways

By C.M.Published 3 years ago 27 min read

I see the mother crying, praying to God to let him live. Her little boy remains on the hospital bed, lifeless. The mother caresses her son’s cheek. “I love you, Sam,” She says in a breathless whisper. I yawn in pure boredom. Can humans be any more pathetic? Do they seriously believe if they pray to God, he will fulfill their wishes? I look at my watch, the time is ticking. It’s past 4:05, the boy should be dead by now. “How long does it take one person to die?!” I murmur. Running out of patience, I slowly walk over to the hospital bed, examining the pale, boy with sunken eyes. I tilt my head in amusement “You’re a stubborn lil human, aren’t you? Look at you, so desperately clinging onto this pathetic life.” His eyes stay closed. The annoying mother finally takes a step out of the room for fresh air. Curious, I place my hand above his forehead. This was my favorite part. When someone was near death and I placed my hand on their forehead I could relive their life temporarily. Their most significant happy and horrible memories come to me, and it’s as if I’m the person. I call them mini dreams. As sick as it may sound, this was my favorite part because when I did it, I felt emotions. No matter what the emotions were, pain, fear, happiness, or love, I craved for them. After feeling nothing and living in numbness for so long, you’d do anything to feel again. Within seconds, I am brought to flashbacks of the dying boy’s life. I was now the boy and reliving every pain, every happiness, every desire and sorrow he felt. I was at school standing by my locker, when a boy who I thought was my friend punched me, causing my nose to bleed. I watch around as all my friends laugh. I feel humiliated, betrayed and most of all sadness. I run away, trying to hold back the tears. I’m angry and want to punch someone. Then I’m in a room. I see two adults, who I assume are the kid’s parents. The dad breaks down crying. “I’m so sorry Andy.” I feel my heart sink. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. I promise to be a better father, but please… Don’t ever run away again. Your mother and I were worried sick.” The mother stands back, looking heartbroken. Then I run to them, sobbing. “I know. I’m sorry for running away. I’ll never do that ever again. I love you.” I begin to feel an overpowering emotion of sadness and guilt. Suddenly I’m entering the next flashback. I’m standing outside, by an oak tree in front of a pretty girl. “Can I kiss you?” She asks, her cheeks turning red. I nervously nod. I can tell this was his first time. She leans and we kiss. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Then I’m brought to a street with cars. I see my mom talking to a saleswoman on the sidewalk. I see my friend who has been ignoring my texts across the street. “Henry!” I shout. He doesn’t hear me. I sprint across the street to him, wanting an explanation, when suddenly I hear my mom scream behind me in bloody murder “Andy!”. The cars honk, and I see a truck coming at me full speed. I feel pure fear, as I stand there in shock and terror. My heart is racing. I attempt to run, but before I can move my foot I feel the truck plow into me at full force. I scream in immense and agonizing pain, and everything goes black… I’m brought back to the hospital. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. After every time I enter a mini dream, I feel weird at first. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, but it never lasts. I’m awoken from my trance when I hear someone talking. I look down and that’s when I see him. Andy Scott, the 10-year-old boy who was hit by a truck. He has two loving parents, and a nice house, money, but no money in the world could buy him a friend. His life lesson was acceptance.

”W-where am I?” The boy looks up at me in fear.

“You’re dead,” I say bluntly.

His eyes widened in shock. “What?! No! I can’t die.”

Andy begins to cry. I roll my eyes in annoyance. I was so sick of doing this job. It was exhausting and annoying having to re-explain everything to every dead human. The boy began to cry hysterically. “I want my mom!”

“You can’t see your mom. You’re dead. Now come with me like a good lil human so we can take you to your new home”.

“I don’t want a new home! I want my parents!” He pouts.

I sigh. “Trust me you don’t want to do that. Seeing your loved ones before crossing over is so much harder than just crossing over right away.”

Andy scowls at me.

“Ugh fine! If I take you to your mother dearest will you promise to obey and come with me to your new home?”

The boy slowly nods.

“Very well then..”

I raise my scythe and hit the tile with it. Andy looks at me curiously. We are transported outside the hospital, where the mom is talking on the phone.

“I can’t take it, John. He’s not doing good. I don’t know what I would do if something happens to him.” The mom says through tears.

“Listen I got to go, I need to check up on him now. Just get here as soon as you can. Thank you” She hangs up the phone and goes inside. I raise my scythe and hit the ground. We’re transported back to the hospital room. The doctors are working on Andy, attempting to revive him. The mom watches in horror. “What’s happening!?” She screams.

A nurse escorts her out of the room. “What’s happening. That’s my little boy in there!” She yells. I look at Andy. He’s crying. “Now are you happy? Do you want to continue this depressing outcome, or do you want me to take you home now?”

Andy finally agrees... “Y-yes… T-take me away from here.” He sobs.

I smile. “Good boy.” I grab his hand before he can change his mind, and we’re brought to the gates of heaven.

“Where are we?” He asks.

“You can’t tell? It’s hell.”

The boy widens his eyes in fear. “What!?”

I scoff “I’m just messing with you, we’re in heaven. Just go to the gates and they shall open for you.”

“Aren’t you going to come with?” Andy asks.

I snicker. “No. I’m the Grim Reaper, I’m not allowed in heaven.”

“So you go to hell!?” He gasps.

“No, I don’t go to heaven nor hell.” I protest.

“Then where do you belong?”

I scowl at him. “Unfortunately I belong with the stinky lil humans. Now if you excuse me I’d greatly appreciate it if you went to heaven so I can get on with my day.”

The boy furrows his eyebrows “You’re not very nice, are you?”

I roll my eyes “You try this job kid, then we’ll see how nice you are.”

Andy opens his mouth, beginning to ask another question, but before he can finish it, I raise my scythe and tap the ground, transporting me home.

You may think I’m cruel, but one of the attributes for doing this job as long as I have is blocking your feelings or letting your emotions cloud your judgment. There are 5 rules for the grim reaper...

Rule #1- Always take the life of the human on the list.

Rule #2- No living person can see or hear you. Your only job is to take the souls of the dead and guide them to heaven or hell.

Rule #3- You are destined to be alone for eternity, don’t get attached.

Rule #4- Don’t take the life of someone who’s not on the list

Rule #5- Only the water from the sea of death will resurrect, when this happens death will be no more.

My name is Anpu, I’m the Grim Reaper. I take the souls of the dead and bring them where they belong. I’ve been the Grim Reaper for 70 years. I hate it. I’m miserable spending my life like this, knowing the only thing I have to look forward to is the mini dreams of the people's souls I take, which aren’t even related to me. I have no recollection of memories from my old life. That’s one thing that comes along with being the Grim Reaper. That and no one can hear or see me unless they’re dead. I don’t really belong anywhere. Unlike everyone else who either goes to heaven or hell after they die, I just remain here on Earth. I don’t know why this is my life. Is this my punishment for doing something horrible in my human life? I don’t know. All I know is, I’ve been doing the same thing for 70 years. Sometimes I wonder if this is hell. Taking the lives of people, being the face of death. Having to be the one to break the news to those that died no matter how old or small. Repeating the same thing over and over again every day for years. It’s just torturous. I wish I could live, and experience things, or at least remember my old life so I have memories to keep me going, but I don’t even have that. This is my life, and sadly I don’t think it will ever get any better. I just have to learn to accept it. It was like any other miserable day, and the next person on my list was some old lady that’s going to choke on her hamburger at the coffee shop at the time 2:34. I appeared inside the coffee shop. Watching the mundane humans do their typical routines. Eating their fried garbage, looking at their moronic cell phones. The men checking out the woman like pigs, and the woman ordering their typical frappuccinos. It almost takes the guilt away knowing that I am the reason why they can’t continue this useless ritual. I mean seriously. I’d feel a tad more guilty if at least humans were decent and spent their time not doing something completely useless. I notice a Karen walk to the barista yelling and complaining that there's too much milk in her coffee. I sigh to myself “No wonder why God plans to take your kind out in the year 3032.” While I'm waiting I see a heavy set guy jump for joy claiming he won $20,000. He runs out of the shop, probably the fastest he's run his whole life. I roll my eyes. It always amuzed me how much humans liked money and most importantly what they would do to get it. Across the room, I spot a young girl with glasses writing in a little black Moleskine notebook, probably her diary where she writes about her insignificant events that has happened in her life. I look at my watch and check the time. It’s 2:32. I impatiently tap my fingers on the table. Just a couple more minutes. I see my victim sitting at a secluded table in the back munching on her hamburger. Finally, it’s 2:34. The old woman just finished her hamburger. I see her face twist in discomfort. Pain perhaps? I see her take a gasp. “This is it.” I think to myself “It’s time.” I walk over to her getting ready to take her when suddenly she burps. I scrunch my face in disgust. “Humans are disgusting creatures'' I stare at her confused. She’s very much alive. It’s 2:35 now and nothing happened. “Maybe God made a mistake,” I say. Then suddenly the old woman starts choking and passes out. People crowd to her in concern. A lady shouts out “Someone, call an ambulance. She stopped breathing!”

Well, it took long enough, but it’s times like these that make me restore my faith in humanity.

“Excuse me, your standing in my way.” I hear a man say from behind.

I turn around, dumbfounded. He must be talking to someone else I assume. I turn back around. “Excuse me, I was talking to you.” He says.

Gaining my complete attention, I turn around to face him. “A-are you talking to me?” I ask.

The man says in a sarcastic tune “No I’m talking to myself, of course, I’m talking to you!”

My eyes widened in complete shock. What was happening? Could he really see and understand me?

“You can see me?” I ask, puzzled.

He responds “Uhh… Yeah. If I couldn’t see you, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”

I gasped, almost choking. I wasn’t imagining it. This man. This human could actually see me. I stand there speechless.

“You know for someone who’s supposed to be impersonating the Grim Reaper, besides the apparel you really don’t fit the part.”

“I beg your pardon?” I say slightly offended.

The man shrugs “Well for starters, the Grim Reaper should have a deeper more intimidating voice, and a bigger hood so your face is barely showing, though I must say that’s one cool scythe. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was real.”

Dumbfounded I scoff “Well excuse me if I’m not dressed how you feeble humans imagine me to be, I didn’t realize I’d be bumping into anyone, let alone them actually seeing me. So apologies if I don’t have my Armani Grim Reaper suit on.”

The man laughs “You know what that’s actually good.”

I continue to stare at him, trying to figure him out.

“Well, I’d love to stay and chat to the..” He makes quotes with his fingers “Grimm Reaper, but I have a job interview to get to.”

I stand there speechless. Never in my whole existence have I interacted with another human before. How fascinating. Before walking off he froze. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He turned around, grabbing a piece of paper from his back pocket, and began writing something on the palm of his hand. He hands it to me “ I’m having a party tonight. Everyone who’s anyone will be there.” He gives me a wink, before walking off.

I stand there with my mouth open. I don’t think I’ve ever been this surprised or amused in a long time. I continue the day going through the list, and bringing souls to heaven and hell. It was getting late and I couldn’t stop thinking about this morning. I took the piece of paper out of my pocket and examined the address on it.

I sighed “What am I doing? I would be the laughing stock of history, if this ever got out, the Grim Reaper attending a frat party filled with the mundane.”

I swallowed my pride and hit my scythe on the floor, transporting me there. There were crowds of humans laughing, making out, getting drunk. Loud music was blasting. I looked up to the sky and sighed “Oh please don’t let me regret this.” As I entered the party people were doing idiotic things. Having drinking contests without using their hands, throwing darts at a board on the wall, and throwing each other into the outdoor pool. “What did I get myself into?”

Then suddenly a familiar voice startles me “Hey, you made it!”

I turn around. It was the man from the coffee shop this morning.

“I see you're still playing the role.” He says while pointing to my apparel.

I say nothing. “Let me introduce you to a few of my friends.” He says.

I immediately shake my head. “NO!” I shout.

The man looks at me, taken aback by the tone in my voice. “Okay… I see you're antisocial. No problem we can still have fun. Follow me.”

I follow him upstairs to a secluded room with some weird table. “What’s this?” I ask.

The man’s mouth drops open. “Don’t tell me you never played air hockey before?!”

“NO,” I say disinterested.

“Well that’s about to change”

He explained what to do and taught me how to play.

“This is a worse punishment than hell,” I thought. But after minutes, I was actually getting into it. I was doing pretty good, beating him every time.

“Okay, that’s enough of kicking my butt” He sighs.

“You don’t want to play one more round?” I say, shocking even me by my interest.

He shrugs “Nah man, you’ve beaten my ass enough times today.” He laughs.

I laugh too and for the first time, it’s genuine. A week passes and we spend more time together. I was actually beginning to look forward to hanging out with him. I was shocked at how much time I was spending with him. Never in my life did I think I would actually enjoy the company of a human. Soon a month passed, and Ezra was slowly becoming my friend. I never realized what I was missing out on my whole life, or how lonely I really was. Ezra was becoming my friend, my guilty pleasure that I kept secret. When God would give me assignments, I think he would notice a change in me because he started acting suspiciously. Ezra invited me to his house to watch something he called the Super Bowl. We drank beer and watched the game. A commercial came on the TV. Ezra took this opportunity to get to know me.

He turns around “So, Anpu. Where are you from?”

I stutter “I-I’m from Arizona.” I lie.

“Arizona? Interesting. My aunt lives there. What made you come here?”

I shrugged “Good food.”

Ezra laughs. “Seriously. Every time I ask you something slightly more serious you avoid it or make it into a joke.”

I don’t respond.

Ezra says “We’ve known each other for what? 2 months, and I still barely know anything about you other than you being a Grim Reaper impersonator and your name is Anpu.”

“I guess I’m a private person,” I mutter.

Ezra studies me for a moment. “Yeah me too, not that I wanted to, but my parents were killed in a car crash a year ago. I have some friends, but we aren’t close. Hell, I’ve known you for only a couple of months and you're a better friend than any of them were.”

Something sticks out to me. “Wait your parents were killed in a car crash?”

Ezra nods “Yeah, one year ago, right on Creeks Lake. Some bastard crashed into their car, and drove off not even calling the cops.”

I frown. I remember that incident. Barbara and Wyatt. They were nice people. I remember them begging me to take them to see their son one last time. They were supposed to go to his wedding but never made it. Me being an ass, I didn’t even give them that chance. I was so miserable and just took them to heaven straight away. I didn’t even let them say goodbye...

Ezra continues talking “Yeah, they missed my wedding. When I found out, I canceled the wedding. I was in no state to get married after what had happened to them.”

“I-I’m sorry,” I say.

Ezra half-smiles at me “Nah, it’s not your fault.”

I look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

“So now that I told you my tragic story, tell me yours.”

“Oh... I don’t have one.” I lie.

Ezra raises one eyebrow “Oh, I know that’s not true. Come on, at least tell me one thing. And it can’t be your favorite color. I’m serious, tell me something about you.”

I sigh. “I was in an accident. I don’t remember anything from my old life. I’m kind of invisible to people. I don’t have any friends or family.”

Ezra looks at me with pity “Doesn’t that bother you?”

I shrug “I do bad things in my job. I guess it makes sense not to get close to anyone, and I guess I deserve the loneliness.”

Ezra shakes his head “No way. No one deserves to feel that way, and you’re a good person. I can tell. You mentioned your job. I get it must be bad, and I won’t ask what it is, but if it’s so bad why do you do it?”

I look to the side in thought. “I guess that’s my only purpose,” I answer.

Ezra sighs “No that’s not your only purpose. You're meant to meet people and make friends and live your life.”

“It’s not that easy,” I argue.

Ezra sighs “Yes it is. I’m sure you can have a great life if you just put yourself out there."

“You don’t understand. That’s not in God’s plan for me” I stammer.

Ezra looks at me “Then what is? To be alone? You have a bigger purpose and you know it.”

I shake my head “No, my only purpose is... My job, and that’s it. I’m not meant to have friends or family. That’s just not in God’s plan for me. God has a plan for everyone and everyone is destined for different things.”

“Are you forgetting something? We’re friends. You believe in destiny and God, then why did I bump into you in the coffee shop? If God controls everyone's plans, and you say you weren't meant to have any friends then why did you meet me?”

I pause, not really knowing the answer myself “I-I...I don’t know.” I say puzzled.

Ezra smiles “Well I do. He put you in my path so I can make a friend and he put me in your path for the same reason. We clearly have both been alone for a long time. Maybe that’s why God put us in each other's path because he knew we needed each other.”

For the first time in my life, I feel hope. Maybe Ezra’s right, maybe I wasn’t destined to be alone.

After watching the Super Bowl, I left and went home. The next day I woke up actually happy, and dare I say eager? For the first time, I had a purpose other than taking the souls of the dead. When I look at my list, I skim the page, reading the names. My heart drops. I lost all awareness of my surroundings. I grip the paper hard, shaking. I had to be wrong. I made a mistake. I looked at the list again, refusing to believe my eyes. I hoped if I looked at it long enough the name would change, but it didn’t. It remained. The next name on the list was Ezra Meyer. When reality hit me I screamed. I screamed at myself for being so stupid, I was screaming at the universe for hating me, and I screamed at God for doing this to me. How could life be so cruel? “WHY!?” I scream punching a hole in my wall. I began destroying everything in sight. What was I going to do?. I knew what I had to do, and I hated myself for it. I was angry at the world, which is why I didn’t give any of the souls a chance to see their loved ones before crossing over that day. I took them straight to heaven or hell. I wanted them to feel the same pain I did. I know it was wrong, they were innocent, but at that moment I was too angry. Filled with too much rage to care. Then before I knew it, I only had one more person left on the list. The person I was dreading to take. I didn’t even read how he'd die, because I didn’t want to admit to myself it was going to happen. I gathered my courage and looked at the paper. It says at 5:55 he would die from a random drive-by shooting at a 7-11. I ripped the paper up to shreds. They couldn’t even give him a proper death. Why not die peacefully in his sleep, or die a hero, but no. He had to die for something so pointless, and meaningless. The time was ticking. Soon the clock struck 5:25. It was almost time. I gathered all my strength and went to Ezra’s house. He could tell I was upset by how I was reacting when he answered the door, but he didn’t ask, because he knew me by now. Ezra’s laughing and smiling. He’s talking about his girlfriend, who is going to have his baby in a couple of months. He was so happy. It broke whatever heart I had left knowing by tonight, he would be dead. Ezra would never have the chance to hold his baby. I was his friend. I wish I could warn him, but it’s against the rules. Before I knew it, it was 5:45. I was sweating bullets and felt like I was going to puke. I was feeling all these emotions that I didn’t know were possible. When we finished talking Ezra yawned. “Well it was nice talking to you, but I got to go to 7-11 and pick up something to eat for Kathy. Do you want anything?”

I feel the life drain from my face. I wanted to puke. Wanted to cry. Wanted to kill somebody. Wanted to say something, but all I do is shrug “No I’m fine, thanks.”

He smiles, before closing the door behind him and leaving. I finally break down, collapsing to the floor. In less than an hour, Ezra would be dead. Then something came over me. Something I’ve never felt before. Compassion. I knew what I was about to do would have major consequences, I knew I would be in deep trouble, but I didn’t care, so I made my scythe appear, and tapped the floor hard, transporting myself to the 7-11. I saw Ezra in the store by the counter, getting ready to checkout. Then from behind him, I spotted a nervous man, looking like he was about to do something. I figured he must be the shooter, so I transported in the 7-11 behind Ezra. Ezra must have felt the change in the atmosphere because he turned around. “Anpu? What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re stalking me now.” He snorted. I opened my mouth, trying to find the right words to say when the cashier yelled at Ezra “Uh hello sir, you’re holding up the line.”

Ezra rolled his eyes “Sorry, I was just talking to my friend.”

The cashier gave him a confused look. “What are you talking about? No one’s there.”

Ezra laughs “What do you mean? This is my friend, Anpu.” He points to me. The cashier looks at him like he’s crazy. “I’m sorry sir there’s no one there. Now please pay for your items. You’re holding up the line.”

Ezra turns around, his eyes locking with mine. His eyes widen in fear as the realization hits him. He was afraid of me. “Wait… Y-you..you’re real.” He stutters, his hands shaking. I hated this look. I didn’t mind it so much from strangers, but I never wanted Ezra to look at me this way.

I sigh. “Yes, but.” Ezra drops his stuff and runs out of the store terrified. “Ezra!” I yell. He doesn’t listen. He continues to run, until boom. Gunshots are fired. From the window, I see Ezra fall to the pavement. My heart stops. I completely forgot about the whole reason I was here in the first place! I immediately transport outside, but it was too late. Ezra was now lying in a pool of blood, choking on his blood. “No, no no!” I scream. I hold him in my arms. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!” I yell. “Ezra, talk to me!” But I knew that look all too well. It was too late, he was already dying. “I’m sorry… I was supposed to stop this. I-I’m sorry Ezra” I break down. Wet, hot liquid starts forming from my eyes, streaming down from my face onto his lifeless face. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. Was I crying? I never cry. That was a human emotion. It was impossible. Then suddenly Ezra wakes up, gasping for air. He starts coughing. “Y-you’re alive!” I exclaim.

Ezra says weakly “It’s gonna take more than a bullet to get me down” He jokes.

Relief fills my heart. I was overjoyed, but I didn’t understand. None of this made sense, only humans cried. Then suddenly everything pauses. Ezra freezes. “Ezra?!” I yell.

Then a bright light shines on us from above. “He can’t hear you Anpu”.

I look up puzzled “G-god!? What’s happening?”

“Anpu, you’ve completed your duty.”

I squinted my eyes from the brightness “I don’t understand.”

God replies back “The 5th rule. Your tears were the key to his resurrection, and since you were able to possess such a powerful emotion you are no longer the grim reaper.”

I sat there in shock. “But who will guide the souls to heaven or hell now?” I ask.

“I’ll find someone unless you want to still do it.?”

I shake my head viciously “NO!”

“Very well, you will live a mortal life. You learned your lesson, you will now live with the humans”. “Goodbye Anpu. You were of great service.”

Before God leaves I yell “Wait! What was my lesson to learn?”

God stays silent for a few moments. Then he finally answers “Compassion.”.

The light fades away and everything around me begins to start up again. The noises and sounds all coming back at once. Ezra was still on the ground in blood “W-What happened Anpu?” He asks.

Trying to process everything I finally answered “A guy shot you.”

Ezra groans “Humans, huh?”

I laugh “You have no idea.”

Anpu brought Ezra to the hospital, where they were able to give him stitches and save him. Ezra and Anpu stayed lifelong friends. Ezra lived a long life and was able to see his baby and have his wedding. Anpu didn’t know exactly what happened that night, but he was grateful. People could finally see and hear Anpu now. He was no longer invisible to humans. Anpu eventually started making friends and started to feel something he never felt before. Love. He wasn’t alone anymore. Luckily Ezra didn’t remember Anpu being the grim reaper or why he ran off in the first place, so his little secret was safe. God would choose another human who lacked compassion and erases their memories, give them a new name and make them the next grim reaper like he did with Anpu. Being the Grim Reaper isn’t a punishment, it’s a lesson. It wasn’t God’s fault it took Anpu 70 years to finally gain compassion. In fact, he even pushed the process along by allowing Ezra to see Anpu, thinking that would help him. Yes, that was God’s work. Remember we aren’t brought here to be happy, but to learn and experience. Everything you learn in life is a lesson, so be careful how you treat people, because that just may very well decide your fate. Depending on what lesson you need to learn, you will experience something entirely different than someone else. Let’s just hope your lesson isn’t compassion, because who knows... Maybe God will choose you next.


About the Creator


Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my stories! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them! Please heart my stories if you like them. Your support means so much to me!

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