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Destiny Over Matter

By REBELTHEGODDESS TAROTPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

My vision was hazy, but I could make out figures dancing from afar. I grabbed the control arm of the ship and made every effort to wiggle through the opening created by the crash. My breath became labored while sweat beaded off my forehead. Losing my grip was not an option because my fingers were the only thing holding me up.

“This is so ghetto!” If only The Pleiadians would teach me how to activate my Merkaba, this wouldn’t even be- The system’s modem started to go haywire due to an electromagnetic spark followed by a loud screech. Using all my force, I hit the ground with a hard thud, careful to avoid injury.

“Onward to the location coordinates,” Ivo said.

Conceptions emerged in the inner vortex of my mind. I headed south deeper into the jungle until I came up to what seemed like a dead end. The entrance was hidden from the naked eye but glowed like the sun the closer I edged to the opening. “Just keep moving! Overthinking will not help you now! You have to trust us!” Ivo’s voice rang out clearly in my mind.

He’s right! They have brought me this far and gotten me out of worse situations. So, I exhaled sharply and ducked down to avoid hitting my head on the entrance, crouching while stepping into the passage over broken logs covered in moss. Despite the fact it was slippery, I could stand—the veil set-in where light disappeared inside the damp crevice. Finally, my eyes adjusted to the dense area. A small glowing light pointed vertically through the room, indicating which direction I should move.

Click! An instant chill shot up my spine! There was a scurry, which indicated I was not alone. My inner vortex went to grid view and showed all the creatures in the upper-level of the cave. This energy didn’t resonate any more extensively than a bat. Relieved, I continued moving forward.

Bloody and sweating, my feet trudged closer to the dim-lit area. My eyes scanned the darkness for markers indicating clues to the entrance.“Ah, yes, there you are!” I exclaimed excitedly! Following the path to an inscription read “Fenestra, Vos Quaerere.” The window you seek was engraved into the wall many times. Running my fingers across the Latin translation, one could not help but marvel at the various dialects.

The ancestors made sure only their bloodline could access this information. So, I usually have to cut myself. Thanks to the unexpected crashing of the ship, there’s plenty. When I smeared lifeblood onto the entryway, it caused the gears to began shifting slowly. Row by row, the walls glided into the sides as if they were elevator doors.

“Once the blood of a descendant is given up as an offering to the vortex, the gates will unlock,” Ivo explained. “anyone who gives blood to the gateway which is not from the bloodline will not leave the site alive even if their offer comes from a direct descendant. “Fulfill the prophecy and bring true freedom to this planet known throughout this galaxy as Gaia!” Drawn down into a dark room, only seeing the glow of the blue beings. I heard them say very clearly, “You are meant to do something great!”

Shaking off the fog of the daydream in the not-so-distant past, a stairway appeared to descend onto an underground city. The houses resembled stoned metropolises. The middle of the town revealed a marvelous glow 100 times brighter than the low light seen above the city inside the cave. The fifth hidden tablet of the emerald collection that this world has not yet discovered! The Pleiadians led me right to it! Chills began to roll off my spine! Quickly, I drew my well-made leatherbound little black notebook. The parchment is the one item that the ancestors entrusted all of the secrets of alchemy. Careful as to not miss any imprinting of ancient knowledge and given the technological advances, one is safe to assume it’s not of this world.

As I tucked the magnificent book back into my pouch, the wind grew eerie. Visions quickly flashed through my mind beguiling a massive shadow dancing around the walls. There was a deep low growl echoing off the walls. Even though I already saw what was to come, my mind couldn’t process the figure in front of me.

A gargantuan saber tooth tiger lunged over a high hurdle barreling straight towards me! Putting weight on my right foot, I spun around to break into a sprint. Seconds felt like hours, and time began to move in slow motion. The beast mimicked my movements. Every step created deep paw-shaped craters in the stone.

Quickly I made an abrupt turn between the buildings. The massive creature slid, digging sharp taloned claws into the ground. It created very long and deep lacerations. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, putting as much space between me and the smilodon. I thought they were ext-. All of a sudden, I was knocked off my feet and went flying through the air.

Turning my body, I landed on my back while sliding. Instantly, I became pinned to the ground, entrapped between the unwavering surface. Sharp claws penetrated my flesh, piercing my chest. It was like being shot by five bullets simultaneously! A low growl followed by hot breath filled the air around me. There was no way I could run! My life force already felt depleted.

It all started with a flitter of light that showed very faint to the point I almost missed it. Then it turned into a flicker until gradual waves encircled my physical vessel. The immense energy swirled around, giving off rainbow-colored waves. The monstrous beast stood back with a smirk as if he were the mastermind behind the miraculous luminescent spectacle.

The blueprint of infinite galaxies intertwined, prepositioning copious multi-dimensional holograms layering one after another. The frequencies continued until I found myself grounded inside the one that matched the physical vibration of my current state. Once the room seized to spin, my mind began to wonder. “Did I just activate my Merkaba?” I was definitely at home in a state of extreme dehydration.

Sluggishly, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. My destination felt like miles away, trudging through a desert, and at that moment, I could’ve drunk a lake! “Water only has to be wet to drink it.”, hearing my father’s voice as I grabbed a fresh gallon of high-quality H20. I popped the seal and threw my head back. Instantly, my mouth was a cool oasis. So, I drank the whole gallon within five minutes!

“We have been watching you!” said a man’s voice coming from the shadows. The hairs on my neck stood at attention! Frozen in my tracks, I listened to the figure breathe. “You’re very interesting. We have your whole place surrounded, but yet you’re in here! Not only did you not trip any alarms, but it is as if you materialized out of thin air!” Inhaling sharply, he says, “I’m going to need you to come with me.”

As I attempted to match a face to a voice, the weight shifting from my right foot to my left must have indicated my movements. “Don’t turn around! I’m going to tell you how this is going to go. You’re going to put your hands on your head, lay down flat on the ground; if you do not cooperate, we’ll storm the house, and I will not hesitate to shoot you. Do you understand?”

The inner vortex hastily came to the notion to activate the Merkaba! I clenched my jaw and squeezed my fist, but nothing happened. If only I knew how to do it at any given moment! All of a sudden, the television blared out loud music. “Run!” Ivo’s voice distinctly professed. I felt evil energy permeating in his direction, making a mad dash to the stairs, hopping over the banister, and sprinting towards the top. A rain of gunfire commenced painting the walls transforming them into swiss cheese.

My eyes frantically searched for the escape route. The laundry chute started to become clear while bullets riddled the halls grazing my arm. They were giving my already exhausted but lightly refreshed body fresh wounds. I crammed my body into the confined area and slid down to the basement. Moonlight shown through the window gave subtle clues of the room. Under the rug lay an undetectable hatch. I climbed down the manhole-style ladder. My feet hit metal with a clang. Sprinting down the passageway, I dashed towards the impenetrable barn.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, sending a shockwave to my cerebral cortex, considering the pulsating thump of my heart beating in my head caused me to recenter myself. Taking a deep breath, I hoisted myself above ground.

Creeping around the tank-like pick-up, I made my way to my father’s old gun-metal grey truck. It was easier to slide in on the passenger side since there was no space between the grill and the massive entryway. My hands started to shake like a naked cat in a snowstorm!

Sheesh! The struggle was real, and my sweaty palms made the keys slip right through my fingers. Once they were in, the turnover glided smoothly, and the engine started to rev! Pushing the gas, B.E.T.S.Y. came to life! Mustering up all the strength there was to manage, I threw her into gear and demolished the impregnable gate.

Situations outside were nothing short of hostile. Their idea of a warm welcome looked like a barrage of gunshots! Vicious Military-style ambushes were set up everywhere! Wave after wave of attacks continued until seemingly all control was lost. B.E.T.S.Y flipped and landed in the massive lake on the property. The impact triggered the decoy bomb to go off. BOOM! B.E.T.S.Y thrusting forward, a black duffle bag appeared from under the seat. “Grab it!” Reaching out. I flung it on my back. Her tail end was still sticking out above the water halfway emerged. An inferno ensued, spreading across the top of the surface. I swam farther down towards the bottom of the lagoon.

“You won’t get away that easily. Set up the electrodes and turn the voltage to the highest setting.” the shadowy figure ordered. The men did as they were instructed and threw in multiple devices. One of them flipped the switch sending a reverberating bombshell to the area charring the edges around the water. Smoke filled the air.

Have you ever seen aurora borealis? The beautiful lights were reflecting like dancing spirits in the night sky. My lungs were longing to give way. Just then, a portal appeared on the floor. It gave me my second wind! My fingers grasped at the water with all my might and vigor. I was making quick strides towards the way they guided me to go.

Once I pushed through to the other side, the portal revealed a magical paradise behind a waterfall. The shoreline was barely visible through the water in my eyes. Gasping, crawling, and exhausted, I collapsed on my back while my chest heaved. Everything went black!

“Wake up,” The angelic voice rang out in my mind. Beginning as a tremble, my soul ricocheting as if a bullet was playing the maracas. Jolts of energy sent shockwaves through each chakra. Feeling my body transmute my fears of death into the love of life. I came back to life. What’s that? Something black washed upon the edge of the bank? My mind flashed back to the truck.

On the slippery bank, I hurriedly rushed towards the lump halfway buried in the sand, jumping up, stumbling, and falling. I felt my way to the soaked and wet bag. Flipping it over hurriedly, tearing it at the seams, it ripped through the zipper. The sack contained elegant rolls of twenty-dollar bills no less than $20,000!



About the Creator


I am a new writer, who's always had a passion for creating poetry and music. In addition, the passion to create children's books and various series and stories for my own personal pleasure.

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