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Could RH negative blood be of extraterrestrial origin?

I believe that the images of extraterrestrials that we see in illustrations are actually the evolution of the human race in the future.. Currently, biologists recognize only one human race, but with two human subspecies. Yes, the genetics and taxonomy of humans suggest and propose that we are actually two subspecies of humans due to the Rh blood group.

By Georgenes MedeirosPublished 2 years ago 15 min read

I believe that the images of extraterrestrials that we see in illustrations are actually the evolution of the human race in the future..

Currently, biologists recognize only one human race, but with two human subspecies. Yes, the genetics and taxonomy of humans suggest and propose that we are actually two subspecies of humans due to the Rh blood group.

Through a DNA test it is possible to state with 99.9% accuracy the degree of kinship between people. In 1975, an article was published in the scientific journal Science in which a professor at the University of California and his student announced that human DNA would be 99% identical to that of a chimpanzee, a primate that is the closest relative of our species.

The two species of Homo Sapiens:

Currently, biologists recognize only one human race, but with two human subspecies. Yes, the genetics and taxonomy of humans suggest and propose that we are actually two subspecies of humans due to the Rh blood group.

This important blood group divides humans into Rh-positive bloodlines and Rh-negative bloodlines.

Currently, in the world, there are 612 species and subspecies of primates that are recognized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but none of them have the blood of the Rh-Negative subtype.

Only 15% of humans have Rh negative blood:

We are all familiar with the four common blood types, O, AB, B and A. The reason the blood types are different in the first place is because each of these types is entirely dependent on the proteins in the blood. found out that being RH negative could mean you have alien DNA.

As for why, studies have concluded that RH negative blood types lack the essential evolutionary rhesus monkey gene that most other humans already have.

That said, since we all essentially come from monkeys, why don't some of us have the rhesus monkey gene?

It is already known that blood factors are transmitted to offspring with greater precision than any other human trait. However, it is unknown what caused the RH negative blood, although some conspiracy theories argue that it may be the result of genetic experimentation around 5,000 years ago.

Most humans are RH positive, about 85 percent. This means that your red blood cells contain a substance called RH blood factor (Rhesus factor). That is, positive blood has a protein that can be linked to the rhesus monkey.

As mentioned earlier, other blood types have certain proteins in their blood, but RH negative blood types do not have any of these types of proteins.

RH negative blood types make up a sizable portion of the population, so scientists are scratching their heads with the question: where did this blood type originate? With some research, scientists have concluded that this specific blood type may be linked to certain tribes and groups.

To give you a broader view on which races have this blood type: Asian population (about 1%), African American population (about 3%) and Europeans, who have the highest percentage within the races that have this blood type specific.

Aside from the traits associated with this blood type, there isn't much scientists can do to uncover the truth behind these issues.

People who have this blood type are likely to have a higher IQ, green or blue eyes, red hair, sensitivity to heat, greater physical and emotional awareness, and much lower temperatures than others.

The complexity of this blood type gets even more intense when it comes to speculating pregnant women who have it. Women who have an RH negative blood type and become pregnant may have a very difficult time having a baby with an RH positive blood type.

This means that the mothers' bodies would naturally try to kill the fetuses. To ensure this does not happen, they are given a sterilization solution.

Leaving us with just one conclusion: aliens may or may not have visited Earth for some brief periods of time and given humans RH negative blood type in the process.

What is even more perplexing about this mystery is that all those who have claimed to have been abducted by aliens have RH negative blood type.

There's not much more we can do to unravel this mysterious biological mishap, other than believing that extraterrestrial life has given us something to really contemplate in the meantime. Who knows, there may still be a lot to learn from this specific blood type.

The highest concentration of RH negative is known to occur in the Basque peoples of northern Spain and southern France and in Eastern Europe and Eastern Jews. And although it is known that RH negative blood "O" is the purest blood known to mankind, the truth is that it is not known where this factor came from.

And taking into account what was said earlier, RH negative humans do not have protein bonds with said Rhesus monkey.

Blood type "O" is the most common, and when you separate the "O" into negative and positive, we find that less than 7% of the world's population has it. The curious thing is that at this moment it is already possible to clone the positive “O+”, but not the negative “O-“

What does it mean to not have the rhesus monkey factor?

The truth is that there is still no solid, scientific explanation. For now it is assumed that it could be a mutation... Coincidence or not people with negative RH factor are characterized by having higher IQ, sensitive eyesight, low body temperature, sensitivity to heat and sunlight, psychic power, ability to stop clocks and turn off electrical appliances and have extra vertebrae.

Negative RH factor:

A solid alternative case can be extended to the conclusion that Rh negative blood is NOT a mutation, but possibly the original blood group of the human race. That is, that there would be a group of “pure” human beings, not directly related to evolutionary processes on Earth, is a distinct possibility. This reasoning would suggest that the original humans on our planet, those who were not directly related to the apes (Rhesus), but who at some point were "MADE" (manufactured), i.e. "genetically modified" by "someone".

So when someone with "O" RH negative needs to receive blood, they must first receive the same type, i.e. "O" RH negative, and only then can they take "O" RH positive.

But is all this really true or is RH negative just a mere random mutation? The truth is that it will still take a long time to discover the true origin of negative RH and why it cannot be cloned.

Extraterrestrial blood:

If blood type is one of the least mutable human characteristics, where does Rh negative come from? This question has puzzled scientists for years. There is some evidence to suggest that the Rh negative blood group may have appeared around 35,000 years ago. And the appearance was regional and seemed, initially, to be linked to certain groups - tribes of people.

Northern Spain and southern France are where you can find some of the highest concentrations of the Rh negative factor coming from the Basque people. Another original group were the Eastern/Eastern Jews. In general, about 40-45% of Europeans are Rh negative. Only about 3% of African descent and about 1% of Asian or Native American descent are Rh negative. Due to the greater number of Europeans, it's a safe bet that this is where it was introduced into the human genetic code. It is the introduction of the Caucasians related to the Rh factor of the blood.

If the Rh negative factor is a 'normal' blood presentation then why is there a problem when the Rh negative blood group mother gives birth to a Rh positive blood group baby. This hemolytic disease is actually an allergic reaction that can cause death when the two different blood groups are mixed together during pregnancy. When antigenic substances attack negative blood group, they can destroy blood cells. So why does the human body produce antigens for this blood type? Could it be one of the strange blood group?

The only other time this occurs in the wild is when donkeys and horses are crossed to produce mules. This is not 'natural' as alone in the wild these animals never mate. Only with intervention could this happen.

Was there a cross between two similar but genetically different humans?

People with Rh negative blood group have certain characteristics that seem to be uncommon among most.

Here is a brief list of the most common ones:

1- Extra Vertebra;

2- IQ above average;

3- More sensitive vision and other senses;

4- Different temperatures in the lower part of the body;

5- Higher blood pressure;

6- The increasing occurrence of intuitive psychic abilities;

7- Predominantly blue, green or hazel eyes;

8- Red or red hair;

9- Has greater sensitivity to heat and sunlight;

10- Cannot be cloned.

A higher percentage of Rh negative people claim to have been abducted by aliens than people who claim the same and are Rh positive.

So what does that mean? What can you conclude?

The appearance of Rh negative blood did not follow the usual path.

This would give credit that the negative Rh factor was introduced from an external source. Could it be the source of humans like from another planet? Or perhaps they are not so strange, for we are the product of their manipulation and interference. Could they have come here and manipulated forms already present on earth to create modern man?

And created man in his image. Man saw them as gods, living long lives and performing miracles. Flying in the sky. Man saw how these gods created beautiful cities for themselves. From the point of view of primitive man, they were gods. But that was from the point of view of primitive man.

American Indians had a tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they were worthy. Could this have been for a reason? Could they really verify that they were blood brothers (blood of the same type)? The agglutination that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. It could have been said, by your ancestors, that your blood was different from the rest of humanity, except your brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered across the land. Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem is truly a family genealogy.

Why all this concern with genealogy among the different peoples spread across the country? No other animal on earth has such a concern for ancestry. Where does this tradition come from?

People scattered across the land, who have not had contact with each other simultaneously, have a desire to trace the family tree. Why?

How important could this have been for early cavemen? Struggling to survive, to trace your genealogy? They lacked the understanding of modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy? Were they told by ancient astronauts to preserve their heritage until a future date, when they would return and all would be understood? Until a time, like now, when your descendants could understand the message?

Who were these evolved beings?Ancient stories tell us a lot about them. They obviously had advanced technology capable of space and air travel. They knew about aviation metallurgy, the universe, cosmic progression, medicine and, of course, genetics. They knew about atomic energy and weapons and used them.

Evidence of this can be found on Earth. They knew about agriculture and how to create more nutritious grains and other foods. All the basic grains that humans depend on for food were determined and all appeared at the same time, spanning a period of about 10,000 years. A very short time, geologically speaking. And no new grains have been developed since.

Our ancient texts tell us that they began to take human beings as their spouses. They had children, many children. But not all humans were the result of interbreeding. Early humans were not a product of interbreeding. But small portions of humans are the result of this cross, and their blood type can support it.

In the first part of this article, we described for you what happens when two similar but genetically different species interbreed. They produce hybrids. The example I gave was about horses, donkeys and mules. Mules are hybrids, the product of the union between a horse and a donkey. However, mules are born sterile because there is no genetic relationship between the horse and the donkey.

When modern humans were created, they were the product of two genetically similar but unrelated species. The combination of the DNA of the original men and the gods was "artificially" produced in a laboratory. If the gods have the technology to create a new species, they may have had no problem overcoming the sterile hybrid problem. Genetic manipulation would no longer be a problem.

Three human prototypes were created. Each successively more advanced. Two types of drawings and the last one happens to be "Neanderthal" Man is not suspected of being a humanoid created by evolved beings, but "Cro Magnon" was definitely a product of his intervention. The next type is what we call prehuman and then we have modern man. Modern man was the result of the cross between these evolved beings and pre-humans. This cross for the most part created no problems in the resulting offspring, except for one line that inherited, from their parents descended from these beings, the Rh negative blood type.

This is supported by the fact that these humans did not inherit the protein found in the blood that is directly linked to that of the rhesus monkey. They didn't inherit it because one of their parents didn't have the monkey protein. This protein is only present by combining the DNA of “Cro Magnon” with the DNA of the gods.


So, in conclusion, I believe that modern man is a creation of a race of highly technological beings that visited Earth.

However, the fact that Rh positive blood types still exist today demonstrates that the original man is still alive it's on Earth with its DNA intact.

These advanced beings are still with us today and are still very active in the affairs of man. To what end, we can only make assumptions.

We'd love to have proof that Rh blood is linked to the highest rate of all of the above, but it's certainly a mysterious blood type (which also poses a big problem for pregnancy).

Here's a science perspective on Rh in the blood. (The interesting part is that no solid science exists for an emphatic explanation of how or why Rh blood came about. Some assume it's the result of a random mutation.)

Rh negative blood type is said to be of unknown origin. There is no scientist who can give a single reason for its existence other than a mutation that occurred tens of thousands of years ago. I gathered many pseudo theories and studies.

But there is also no known reason for this other than a mutation.

Some theories are that he was genetically manipulated by the old gods. One of them was the scientist "Enkigodlike", possibly alien. This theory was written by a scientist after reading the Sumerian texts.

Another strange phenomenon is the references to this blood type in sci-fi movies like "Invasion", where a woman with "AB" negative blood should have been a natural host for the newly arrived extraterrestrials. Other movies talk about this blood type as an alien in many science fiction movies and also on television shows.

A genetic scientist replied that type "O" positive was the oldest blood type.

Rh-negative has been an issue worthy of attention for pregnant Rh-negative mothers who are carrying an Rh-positive child and that their own antibodies can kill the fetus. However, this scenario has led to various speculations around the world about its origin.

Rh negative blood is also not capable of being duplicated or cloned. Research and experimentation is being done on these blood types to improve or find new vaccines and other medical benefits or help beyond blood donations and needs.

Rh-negative individuals today complain of certain unique and related characteristics of blood with Rh factor.

- Has anyone heard that Rh negative people are a different species?

“Parts Magazine” describes Rh negative blood as 'blood of the gods'.

Now, the reality of the matter is this:

1. Regarding Rh Negative Blood, scientists say its origins are unknown and cannot be traced back to primates;

2. There are and some people have a vertical slit in one eye and the other eye has a rounded pupil;

3. Possession cases have been proven in people with Rh negative blood type.

It would have the symbolism of the 144,000 sealed that the bible tells us that this would be the people chosen by the true creator.

Fantastic story, don't you think?

My blood is RH Positive, but what about yours?

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Until the next story....

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Georgenes Medeiros

53 years old, divorced, graduated in Business Administration, writer, translator, available for new challenges.

Despite everything still in search of a soul mate.

If it's you call me....

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  • Jennifer Clearyabout a year ago

    Yes. We could be.👌

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