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Could Grogu Hold The DNA That Creates Force-Sensitive Clones?

What Are Midi-Chlorians?

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

When we first learn of Grogu, all we knew was that there was a bounty that the Imperial Remnant desperately desired. Din Djarin, The Mandalorian, took on the task of finding him. The identity of Grogu was not known at this time until he was found. Grogu was a bounty with a direct commission for the Guild’s bounty hunter. Din Djarin went to meet with the individual who had the information on the bounty. Din Djarin only knew it was referred to as the ‘asset’; it was 50 years old, its location, and worth beskar steel, the highest bounty on the market.

Dr. Pershing, who was later observed conducting tests on Grogu for his DNA, was also at the meeting to provide the tracking fob for the location of the asset. Dr. Pershing emphasized that the asset must be returned to them alive. Later, as season 1 of The Mandalorian progressed, the asset was known as the child.

RELATED: Why R2-D2 Is The Only Character Who Could Have Saved Grogu.

The scientific testing of Grogu did not leave much for viewers to determine, but only in later episodes, it was learned that Grogu was strong with the Force. The Imperial Remnant wanted Grogu because of his Force powers and tried to test him to collect samples of his DNA. Now we learn that Grogu’s DNA can create false midichlorians. This means that Grogu helps explain Snoke’s origin story. The fanbase had no idea where Snoke originated from, and there were many questions and searches and guesses as for the answer. But until now, the fanbase had no idea.

Snoke was a life form engineered through a cloning process known as strand-casting. Strand-casting was popular with the Sith Eternal, a cult that served reborn Darth Sidious and created various strand-casts on the planet of Exegol, such as Supreme Leader Snoke. Snoke possessed a powerful connection with the Force. This strand-casting process was a version of cloning. Genes from other specimens were added to the base template, altering the original host’s genetic code producing non-identical modified clones, known as strand-casts. Interesting enough, the strand-casts are still able to exercise their own free will.

Since Snoke was engineered through this strand-casting process, this tells us that Grogu’s DNA was used to create Snoke, if Grogu’s DNA was used to develop Force-sensitive clones. The theory is that Snoke was created from Palpatine’s DNA and Grogu’s DNA, making Snoke a host for Palpatine’s spirit, the return of Palpatine. This explains why Moff Gideon was out hunting for Grogu. Moff Gideon was the commanding officer for the Remnant forces and in command of the cloning project. This was made known to the fanbase when Din Djarin observed a hologram of Moff Gideon inside a Remnant science facility.

Moff Gideon’s desperation in finding Grogu to obtain his DNA samples stemmed from Gideon having to answer to more powerful commanders of the Empire such as Grand Admiral Thrawn or possibly Palpatine. This leads the fanbase to believe that Moff Gideon wants Grogu for his inherent association with the Force and his DNA. The Remnant still has samples of Grogu’s DNA, and they will use these samples to strand-cast such clones as Snoke. One question remains; were there not enough of Grogu’s DNA causing Snoke to be less of a leader for Palpatine.

Grogu is a unique figure in the Star Wars saga because of his powerful connection to the Force, making him the perfect character for tying The Mandalorian and the sequel films together. The fanbase will have to wait and see what will become of Grogu’s DNA samples. We know that Snoke is dead and appears to be a failure to Palpatine. Grogu is currently roaming the Star Wars universe with Din Djarin, and it will be interesting to see where those adventures lead within the Star Wars saga timeline allowing for the connection between The Mandalorian and the sequel films.

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READ NEXT: Comparing The Fan Reception To Grogu Vs. Boba Fett

Written by Charles Cunha

Source(s): CBR, Wookiepedia

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