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Clearing Energy Blocks

It’s not ‘the story’ you’re healing, but the energy behind it.

By Outer Inner SpacePublished 3 years ago 11 min read

To know if this article is for you, take a deep breath. If you feel a blockage anywhere, any area where your breath doesn’t go or there seems to be a constriction, you’ve likely got some stuck energy so perhaps it’ll be worth your time to read on.

Let’s kick off with the baseline of everything :

everything is energy,


energy is always in motion.


I’m not saying the following information will solve ALL your problems.

Also, I’m not an MD and this is subjective af.

What I am saying is that experience shows, if you give these blockages the attention they want, if you venture in with curiosity, and if you believe that knowing yourself and mastering your energy is a key to your happiness, and also related to the vibration you’re emitting then it’s certainly worth a look.

So, why are these blockages here?

Many reasons, but backing those reasons (again) is energy — a particular experience/feeling/trauma/pattern which wasn’t processed and it wants attention. You were probably small and or vulnerable at the time, and didn’t have the processing power to manage it, there is a lot of confusing messages in this world and this experience was one of them, so it got stored for later, and now it’s sending signals + flares so you can find it, acknowledge it, breath into it, understand it and disperse it so it can do what energy does and change form.

Energy wants to move.


It’s it’s nature.

It’s alchemy.

Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed.

If you’re doubtful,

consider this a VR (virtual reality) experience.

Just try for a dedicated five minutes and see

how many limiting beliefs you hold

(get it?, because they’re stored within)

start to break down, opening space for something better, and helping you feel lighter as a result.

It’s free, you don’t need anyone to help you, and you can totally ad-lib/ adjust the details/nuances to your specs.

It just takes a few minutes of focus.

First step:


Your body is made up of very many of these.

The outer blue rings represent the movement of energy, the central cluster is contained energy (blue+pink); like an idea — something defined, something which has shape, like ‘book’ or a complete sentence. Some as intangible as an idea.

The space around the cluster — the blue outer rings and the white space around them — are the hallways where energy can move, depending on the size of the hallway and the size of the cluster.

In these hallways, as it moves it bangs into other energy, journeying from one cluster to the next, always in a state of flow.

(Again, subjective af.

A visual, if you will)


With breath and focus, you can diffuse clusters*.

*ideas, formations, stored memories, blocked areas

Consider how:

You are made of energy. Many, many clusters bundled together. Much of it you don’t even know about, can’t consciously feel it, but that’s your composition — you’re a collection of energy.

(and energy is always in motion)

There’s also energy around you. Other clusters, some positioned near, some far, some dense, some spacious. Some of it is targeted at you, some breezes by. Some sticks around. Some goes.

Some you absorb.

Some you deflect.

Maintenance is required to determine:

a. what’s yours b. what isn’t c. what to hold on to

d. what to let go of

e. what you want more of

If you vibe with the idea that everything is energy and that if you hold certain ideas/re-enact thought-forms/have rhythmic patterns in how you operate, then you’re holding and thus expressing a certain energy, then the idea of maintenance shouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

Sporadic sessions — when you feel aligned and tuned in — dedicated to clearing out hallways, and redistributing the energy, sending breath to diffuse clusters or simply create space around an idea (cluster) so it can breathe and break apart on it’s own accord is a small but significant gesture of self love and also, self respect, which has reverberating effects beyond what its imaginable.

You will come to recognise the spaces in yourself which will require longer term effort, chipping away at the cluster bit by bit (for me it’s the sacral chakra (below navel), armpits, temples, elbows, back of neck (Reptilian brain) and breasts — yeah! I got those blocks).

Patience and softness for yourself is required as you go through the process.

Here’s the basic premise

To start,

Breathe in to expand/explore the hallways and razz up loose debris.

Make the exhale long.

Breathe in again, exploring hallways and feeling where you’re constricted. It could be numerous places.

Let the exhale be longer. (You don’t do anything on the exhale)

Let it be so long that the subsequent inhale is somewhat passive.

This lets your body decide where the air should go/wants to go. Your body is directing this.

If multiple sections light up, soften your connection with the floor or couch (wherever you’re sitting/stand) and breathe in again.

Wherever the air tries to go is the area to focus on that given session. You’ll be shown through sensation and possibly imagery.

Follow the channels where breath is being directed.

If you get stuck thinking…

Direct your mind to the areas of focus.

Notice the details.

This detail is kinda important, because it’s in these instances (when we don’t have control/are dealing with something vulnerable) where we most want control.

The frameworks of control have been strutured so well that we’ve assembled significant measures to deny access.

These structures are these blockages we’re meeting.

The whole idea is to release that level of resistance, and making the exhale longer helps dissolve that.

Trust yourself. You’ve got this.

It doesn’t have to take long, it’s more about presence. You can be totally focus and hone in right away, or it might be complex requiring you to work the edges. Breathe and be patient with the process. It is a natural experience and needs to evolve uniquely, each time you participate.

As any thought forms occur or as visions appear/memories ignite — Focus, be a witness. It’s about exploring the nature of the blockage and what it’s trying to tell you. It could be a very simple thing. The key is not to avoid it, but be present with it. Feeling it. Breathing through the sensations as they happen through and around you. Being like a tree in a windstorm — rooted, letting the wind move you around. The energy is moving, but your essence remains.

Intend to let go of any energy no longer required. It might take time to be ready for that.

Staying with yourself throughout the whole experience, and making a conscious effort not to abandon yourself after by jumping into an active task/distracting from the experience is essential. Breathe if you feel yourself cloud up with though. Soften corresponding areas in the body which illuminate for attention and create space there too.

The more you focus, the more you penetrate the nucleus of the cluster.

After a mere 1 minute of this exercise, consider how oxygenated your brain is compared to when you hold your breath (swallow everything + stagnate hallways/sit in a vibration of resistance).

Imagine how much better you could operate if you had an oxygenated brain once in a while.

A lot of these explorations can be done in your own energy, in your own space, and for the most part you’ll be able to handle the process, but some stuff, you might require a guide for prompting.

As mentioned before, there are residual effects of stirring up stored emotions/experiences — there’s bound to be.

Some zones may require the help of a professional.

Getting the words out, any words carrying a vibrational representation of the stored junk is enough to move the around, disrupting the pattern, even if just the outer layer. You can revisit later in your own space, in my own way to find out what this particular detail is trying to illuminate for you.

I think that’s the healing, that you just don’t tire yourself out thinking the same thing about it over and over and over, and also, don’t let it control you anymore.The space creates space for more information to meet the matter, and change the perception, even just a little, and that relief is significant.

Trust me, you’re worth the investment.

These experiences are our greatest teachers. And, if you think about it, the energy surrounding the original situation has completely changed. The astrology is different, the atmosphere is different, and so many of your cells have been replaced by new ones so, it’s not ‘going back’ to the same experience as you were, it’s going through as you are now, surrounded by different, supportive energy.

You can also use this method to ‘do Inception’ on clusters.

For example, if you breathe in now and think about work, you’ll probably notice several energy clusters throughout your body.

Some areas might pulse with passion. Others might be blocked with stress.

Whatever it is, with awareness, you can activate and disperse the energy in these areas and once there’s a clear zone, you can also plant specific ideas in there.

New thoughts like:

I enjoy the experience of no arbitrary deadlines. There’s space and time to tend to the work like it’s a garden, leaving the fruits on the vine until it’s the right time. (And so I plant that idea directly in the area of the body where time constraints are felt most — for me, it’s armpits/chest — like most people, I hold my breath when I’m stressed, which is why I’m stressed ♾ ).

Another one could be:

I receive creative inspiration and I trust that the energy to act will come with the ideas. I sit in stillness, creating space for inspiration to enter, and it’s clear when it’s time to move. (This idea is placed in the solar plexus — above belly, below heart (willpower centre), and also in the throat (self-expression)).

Another one could be:

There’s actually way less ‘work’ to do. It’s just about finding a different pace, my pace. ( And I plant this in my hips and throat, where I hold shame for past failures)

Whatever it is for you, you’ll know.

Locate the ideal you want to actualise, locate the counter-thought in the bod by feeling where you feel blocked when you think of that ideal, and intend the energy there, breathing, creating space as you do.

Let the energy circulate as long as possible creating even the smallest degree of airflow (Again, it doesn’t have to take long — say it with me — as long as it’s done with focus + presence to the sensations) then relax into the idea, envisioning details of it and keeping that space in your body as clear in focus as possible, bringing as much breath as possible. Let yourself know it’s natural for you to tune to this new vibration.

Tweak this to suit your own process/preferences/location/timing/protocol and see what happens.

Do note:

You might feel light-headed, tingly, or experience residual emotions following clearing sessions. Days later weird memories may arise, or memories from a different perspective. Breathe through these experiences. They are residual energetic waves.

They may or may not be linked to the original trigger — it might be some other siutation/feeling/memory stored in that same area of the body.

Drinking water helps flush the energy. You could even get some body work to add another layer of cleansing. Sometimes I get a massage after these sessions, and let the energy circulate, directing it to my heart to transmute (since it’s all- powerful). I then drink a lot of water and fast for as long as required, intending to release and creating space for new inspiration.

Also, consciously absorbing sun rays (use your own discernment) for as long as is comfortable for you can bring light to the space where the old energy was. Energy is a vacuum ♾. Breathe in the warmth like you’re breathing in new information (because you are).

It’s in the subsequent days that you start to notice the results of these moments.

Be easy about it. Some days you’ll only manage like 3 minutes, some days you won’t even be able to go there. Some days, it’ll be a whole session with lots of tears which will take 3 days to fully recover from.

Some sessions change everything, subtly but significantly.

It’s a personal variable, as you can understand.

But energy management is worth the investment.

You can’t really know unless you have the experience.

As ever, it’s your call!

how to

About the Creator

Outer Inner Space

Star Enthusiast. Dreamer. Astrology Notetaker.


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