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Breathing Into an Unrefined era

A fresh start to our last 'synchronicity' year

By BurnoutPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Breathing Into an Unrefined era
Photo by Eyasu Etsub on Unsplash

As someone who grew up amongst the post 9/11 youth I've found that the nicknames that have surrounded our oncoming generation to be as gimmicky as the Security corpocracy that has surrounded us with faith. I find disillusionment with this to be inevitable though and as me move more towards the 'Cyber victorian era' as I've coined towards my peers. Welcoming this demon into your mind can be distressing. Yet I hope these tips I can provide will help you stay lucid and not be left behind. For the corruption that parades our syncretic systems will continue to chew psychosis. All for present battles that will define even our youths, youth.

I try to start my mornings off as early as possible. though not always achievable I try to fit in this routine.

Having a ritual for coffee is a blessing to me so I slow brew my french press with the freshest beans I can afford. Fighting most bones in my body I eat a hearty breakfast too. Mastering the basic concepts of being a healthy adult is much on my to do list this year. Universal as this all is, I find adding some mantras from stoic philosophy to this equation breaths light into my soul. My favorite one to gloss over is from Book II of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations

"Say this to yourself each morning: Today I shall have to do with meddlers, with the ungrateful, with the insolent, with the crafty, with the envious and selfish. All these vices have beset them, because they know not what is good and what is evil. But I've considered the nature of good, and found it beautiful: I have beheld the nature of bad, and found it ugly. I also understand the nature of the evil-dooer, and know that he is my brother, not because he shares with me the same blood or the same seed, but because he is the partaker of the same mind and of the same portion of immortality..."

It's the first rule of this book and I try to harbor that rule into my aspect of being. As well as provide myself a liberal education throughout a course of multiple studies. Finding most inspiration from Friedrich Nietzsche's overman, especially Zarathustra's compilation of the last man.

"A little poision now and then: that maketh pleasant dreams. And much poison at last for a pleasant death

One still worketh, for work is a pastime. But one is careful lest the pastime should hurt one.

One no longer becometh poor or rich; both are too burdensome. who still wanteth to rule? who stili wanteth to obey? Both are too burdensome.

No shepherd and one herd! Everyone wanteth the same; everyone is equal: He who hath other sentiments goeth voluntarily into the madhouse.

"formally all the world was insane"-say the sublest of them, and blink thereby.

They are clever and know all hath happened: so there is no end to there raillery. People still fall out, but are soon reconciled--otherwise it spoileth their stomachs.

they have their little pleasures for the day, and their little pleasures for the night, but they have a regard for health.

"we have discovered happiness",--say the last men and blink thereby.--" - Zarathustra's Prologue (Nietzsche 12)

As I discover myself, contemplating what instilling my own values into the world would mean. Ive determined my academic foundations will range from philosophy, history, anatomy, organic chemistry, computer science and engineering. Once though my personal curriculum is developed and practiced throughly through this year. I find the conceptualized temple that these foundations will rest on, can walk me gracefully across the tightrope, of the truly endless abyss; I was born on the edge of.

A xerox of a xerox wilts between our brains and our future. Fear inspired the novel Snowcrash and that novel has inspired our collected fear. Between the 'metaverse' being in construction and its general take on the concept of information. Any quote from this novel could provide thematic restitution for my new years resolution. Impeding this with a night time routine though will provide greater constitution for these acts.

To sleep well each night I try to serve my individuality once a day, creating poetry, art or anything more sentimental than cooking.

Cooking is great though, any personal ritual has immense spiritual power within it, which is why I strongly recommend this activity before one sleeps. I find most of my reading time happens before bed, and if I don't fall asleep reading. I work meditation into my night. My meditative work is mostly towards finding balance, whether it be chakras; or me even praying to heal. Whilst I enjoy reading through a multitude of theology. I find the ritual is more important than any belief system itself. Personally though I find having an open heart towards these systems will work wonders.

Like every year I strive towards my mind, body and spirit. Im sure we all beat to that drum in our own way. Winding into reading the same affirming resolutions providing weary constitution; into the fog of humanity. Which Is why I've presented you a solution. Disillusion and dissolution; A head above the fog is a bed of clouds. Sleeping with your phone next to you is horrible for you. Same with our current infrastructure of social media in general. You may walk along Nietzsche's lastmen and their little pleasures or you can instill your own belief, our own future to this world. This is the year to do it buddy. This is the year to be free. Being self aware is the best place to be. Leaving you with this quote I present what I'm asking "He turns off all of the techno-shit in his goggles. All it does is confuse him; he stands there reading statistics about his own death even as it's happening to him.Very post-modern."- Snowcrash (Neal Stephenson 346)


About the Creator


Visceral Pop Surrealist


/ikˈsploit/ed-/ˈnerədiv/ A short three-part anthology where the reader's view is challenged, through multiple angles. Sacrificing lucidity to convey themes and meaning; in a variety of settings.

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