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Book of Magic

By Jordan G

By J GunzPublished 3 years ago 115 min read

The Book of Magic

Chapter One


Long ago a war between all magical beings, special beings such as wizards and witches. These two races were fighting over ancient relics that were created by a true magic god known as Polin divine. One of these amazing items was a book filled with all kinds of spells that this magic god created himself. This magic spell book contained ancient spells from eons ago and many sought for its power. After so many years of fighting over this great and ancient book, magic god Polin sealed it away.

Even after his death a bloodline of wizards and witches were reincarnated from Polin and only they knew of the location. At the end of the war a coven of witches wiped out this entire bloodline of wizards, so that no one could find this book, but the witches were unaware that this bloodline is what kept the magic council in charge and produced 75% of magic to every magic being. They also were unaware that a baby was placed far away and now that he has finally reached 13 years of age and the magic council can now return, and everyone can be supplied with more magic. This boy’s name is Zafu Levester.

Zafu is a young wizard with black hair and green eyes. He is not fully aware of how special he is, his magic is truly powerful. This boy has yet to master and hone his magical abilities. Although sadly his parents were both killed fighting in the war and after the war ended he was transported to the front door of the orphanage in a town called Melborn. Ever since that day he has been living in this orphanage all alone with no family or friends, only other children who were annoying and who were just simple mortals. For all of his life he has been struggling and barely knows any magic or where he comes from, but everything is about to start coming together. Somewhere far away in a magical realm the magic core begins to glow. All around the world magical beings good and bad start to get a boost of magic power. Then members from the magic council began to chant, “REST ITUO NOWITUS WESOINAETRO ITUS VIRGORATUS !!!”. They had restored the core.

One day Zafu was walking from school to his orphanage, it was just like any other day his life had been a constant repeat for 13 years, until out of nowhere a portal appeared “What is this” he asked. He begins getting pulled through by magical chains. When he gets up he stands before four magical beings. “Hello Zafu, welcome to the Magic Realm it’s an honor to meet you” said one of the voices. “I am Head Councilmen Master Magnus and we are the Magic Council”. “Why am I here and what do you want with me?” said Zafu. “For years the magic core was drained of power after your bloodline was wiped out and unable to protect it at the end of the war” said the Head Councilmen, “but we sensed you, and used that opportunity to restore some of its power, you are the last of the Levester bloodline”, “Now everyone will be supported with magic from the core again”. “I’m not understanding,” said Zafu. “There was a war, and what’s a magic core? what’s this bloodline you speak of”?

“About 1000 years ago a war that would last for 500 years begin between every magical being” he explained, “The two main parties in this war was wizards and witches”, “They were fighting over ancient relics such as the book of magic”, “This book contained all types of magic spells from spells that can bring peace and light to spells that would destroy and bring the world into darkness”, “It also could show you the location of the other ancient relics”. “Okay so why was the Levester bloodline so important?” asked Zafu. “They were the protectors of the core and their magic would shield it from those that tried to drain its power”, “The name of this core is the Eye of Lotus”. “Now that you are of age your magic is beginning to protect the core ,so it can regain its power”. “But it will take a lot of time before the magic realm is back at its full power”, “Then we will be able to find the ones who did this in the first place”.

“This is crazy!” said Zafu, “How can I be of any use?”. “I barely know any spells and I didn’t even know I had such abilities, so how can I be of any use at all ”. “We can help with that” said the Head witch (Javera Bennett) each member of the council sticks a hand out and three books appear. The first book is the book of basic charms, the second book is the book of basic defensive spells and the last book is the book of basic offensive spells. “Goodbye for now and beware of the Mystic core” said The Head of Witch. They wave their hands and Zafu is teleported to his orphanage. The books are teleported along with him. “That was a dream it had to be there is no way I have magic power” said Zafu. He turns his head and sees the books. “Or maybe it’s not a dream,” he said. Zafu begins looking inside all the books excited to learn his first spell, but all the spells have strange words that he couldn’t pronounce. “Hey! What you got there” said a voice. “Leave me alone Tommy! '' said Zafu. “What will you do if I don't?” said Tommy as he started punching and beating Zafu repeatedly. “Get off me!!!” Yelled Zafu. “MOTIS!!!” Zafu casts a spell that pushes Tommy off him into the wall.

All the other orphans scream. “He is a freak” they shouted. “Did I do that?” said Zafu. “You’re a magic freak” said one of the kids. The Headmistress comes and takes Zafu away from the other children. “I must call the guards” said Headmistress “What did I do?” said Zafu. The five soldiers come and take Zafu away to the castle dungeons. “So, you can do fancy magic huh, well magic can get you killed kid we will put you with the others” one of the guards said while bringing him to the castle. The guards take Zafu to the king’s dungeons and they throw Zafu into a cell, “Magic is banned from the city don’t even think about casting anymore spells or we get to kill you,” said the soldier, but Zafu is not in the cell alone there are two others.

“So, you’re a wizard too” said a voice in the corner. “Who are you?” said Zafu. “I am Luca, I am also a wizard”. “Shut up Luca, we don’t know him,” said another. “I’m not evil if that’s what you’re thinking,” said Zafu. “I believe you plus if you're lying I’ll show you pain worse than hell, but anyway I’m Lily by the way,” she said. “So how did you guys end up here?” asked Zafu. “We got caught doing magic just like you idiot how else, plus it’s not all that bad though,” said Lily, “Well I don’t plan on staying here” said Zafu. “Calm down fool most of the time the best defense and offense is waiting and listening before striking” said Lily

“What do you mean by that?” said Luca. “Just wait and see,” said Lily, “I just hope this kid will be able to help us escape” said Luca (In his head). An hour passes, and Lily explains the plan. “Okay are you guys ready?” said Lily. “Yeah, we've been ready,” said Luca. “Okay this is the plan for the last time,” said Lily “I will knock down the cell door and any guards that come you two will attack them.''

“Woah woah I’m not ready I barely know any spells,” said Zafu. “You better get ready then cause here we go” said Luca. “FALLAM QUARCA DAMINIGAN!!!!” Lily knocks down the cell door violently. Alarms go off and guards begin to come after them. “Oh no you don’t” said Luca. “SOMNUS!!!” Luca casts a spell that makes some of the guards fall asleep. They charge at Zafu and try to grab him. “Your fight is with me boys” said Lily. “STINGU INVISIBUS!!!!” Lily casts a spell that makes rocks levitate and then throws them at the guards. “Get your head in the game!” yelled Lily.

“Useless and I really didn’t want to use this spell, but everyone please come stand near me now!!” she yelled. Luca and Zafu stand very close to Lily. “ABEO EXORIOR!!!” A huge white mana sphere begins to surround them as they are all teleported to a cabin in the woods. “Is everyone okay?” asked Lily. “Yes, we're good,” answered Luca. “Zafu, why didn’t you help the guards?” asked Luca. “Like I said before I haven’t learned that many spells. I just got these spell books from the magic council yesterday” he answered. “The magic council!!!” Yelled Lily. “So, it’s true that’s why I had enough mana to cast that spell; it was because the council has come back”. “Very interesting”, Oh! And where are my manners my full name is Lily Bennett” said Lily. Lily is a witch with brown hair put into a ponytail and black eyes with freckles, “Oh, and my full name is Luca Maxwell” said Luca. Luca is a wizard with blonde hair and blue eyes.

“I am Zafu Levester,” he told Luca and Lily. Lily and Luca are shocked. “No way wait a minute that makes you the last breathing Levester of your bloodline” said Lily.

“From what I have heard all your bloodline was wiped out by a coven of witches”. “Also, that your bloodline is very special and immensely powerful”. Lily snaps her fingers and a book appears. “The ancient witches used a spell that linked your entire coven to the prime Levester then they killed him, and the rest died along with him,” she explained. “So how did you survive?”. “I have no idea” said Zafu, suddenly someone appears with a dark evil presence.

“Well this is a surprise,” said the stranger (Member of Mystic). “Who are you?” asked Lily? “Names are meaningless, you have more important things to be asking” he replied. “Things like how you will survive? I am here to take your friend over here” he says as he points at Zafu. “What do you want with me?” asked Zafu fearfully. Zafu then remembers being warned about a mysterious group. “You are part of the Mystic Lotus aren’t you!? The council warned me of you” said Zafu. “I guess the council knows about us,” said The Member (in his head).

“Well in that case now that you’re here I guess I can’t let you leave” said Lily as she smirks and glares at her spell book. “PHASMATOS VERAS NOS EX MALOM! TERRA MORA VANTIS QUO INCANDIS PER VASA QUO ERRUM SIGNOS!!!!” Lily casts a Bennett bloodline spell that makes a barrier around the area so that the stranger cannot leave. “So, you’re a Bennett witch,” said the stranger. I guess it’s my turn to show off my power. “TEEWAT LIGARA!!!” The stranger creates a massive tornado. “I got this,” said Luca. “SECRET ART OF WIND…. WIND CONTAINMENT!” Lucas' hands are surrounded with wind as he begins to guide the tornado into the sky.

“Very impressive kids,” said the stranger. Zafu starts looking through his spell book. The wind starts to blow through the pages and he finds a spell. “You guys, I found a perfect spell,” said Zafu. “Then use it idiot what are you waiting for” said Lily. “I’ll give you cover,” said Luca. “WIND MAGIC WIND FOG SCREEN!!!” Luca creates a smoke screen out of magic around the ground and in the air. “That was the rest of my magic, you guys,” said Luca. “Alright, here is my last spell,” said Lily. “AWAKATELO FOLIGETO!!!”, Lily casts a spell that makes all plants and trees around attack the stranger. The branches grab him. “Alright Zafu, I'm out now!!” Yelled Lily. “Right,” said Zafu. “GADYEN NAN BALANS, GADYEN NAN LA FOI SE POU NOU FE SA YO DWE FE!!!” Zafu struggles to pronounce the word. When the stranger heard Zafu starting to cast this spell he tried to stop him, but before he could stop it had already taken effect.

Zafu had casted an ancestral spell that was supposed to subdued the stranger and made him unconscious. “Is he dead” said Luca while poking him. “What are you doing idiot?” said Lily, she hit him on the head. “No, he’s not dead, but when he wakes he won’t have any magic power or at least that’s what it says” said Zafu. “Wait it says something about ancestral connection”. “Sadly, that’s what you think Levester” says the stranger as he slowly gets up. “Impossible,” said Zafu. “Levester you’re not connected with the ancestors of your bloodline that makes you super weak you and your friends, so that spell did nothing but make me mad” the stranger explains. “That’s why this barrier that the witch made will fall soon because she’s not connected with them either” he continued while laughing. “Dammit I don’t have any magic left” said Lily. Lily gets ready to reveal something as she’s about to rip her bracelet off, but before she could. “We aren’t done yet,” said Zafu as his eyes start bleeding. He has a flashback of Lily using her teleportation spell. “ABEO EXORIOR!!!” His eyes glow as he casts the spell and teleports both Luca, Lily and himself to an old shack miles away.

Zafu passes out from using too much magic. “ Woah how did he copy a witch spell? '' asked Lily. “I have no idea, but that was so cool!” said Luca. They carry Zafu into the old shack. “I will seal the door, but I need to channel your power Luca,” said Lily. “I don’t have much left, so I hope it’s enough,” answered Luca. She starts chanting while holding Lucas hand. “VIS PORTA!!!” She casts a spell that seals the room. “Thank you Luca this spell should hold,” said Lily, Lily walks over to Zafu and she slaps him. “What are you doing?” yelled Luca. “GET UP ZAFU YOU NEED TO TELL ME HOW YOU WERE ABLE TO DO THAT!!” Yelled Lily. Zafu gets up. “What happened?” he asked. “You passed out now explain how you copied my spell” said Lily. “I don’t know, something took over me” he answered. “Whatever, I'm going back to teach that guy a lesson,” said Lily as she got her spell book out. Suddenly there’s a huge crash outside. “You cannot escape the Mystic Lotus, ” said a voice. “Please don’t tell me he found us,” said Luca.

He attempts to walk into the shack, but the barrier spell stops him. “I’m guessing the one who made this boundary spell was you Bennett witch” said the stranger. “Your magic is always getting in the way I have had enough of it”. He puts his hand on the shack and starts draining the spell. “What is he doing?” said Zafu. “Oh, know you don’t, I won't let you,” said Lily as she aimed her hands at the doorway to keep the spell up.

“You’re not strong enough,” said Luca. The spell becomes undone. The man steps into the shack, “now let’s do something about that magic” he said. “MITHIL RATA DANS HOFOS MITHIL RATA DANS HOFOS. MITHIL RATA DANS HOFOS!!!”He starts chanting the spell and casts it on Lily. All the magic power that Lily had left disappears. Lily falls to the ground powerless. “You guys are next” said the stranger as he began to cast the spell again.

Suddenly a woman appears with a yellow aura. “You should really watch who you attack,these children are off limits,” said the voice. Zafu thinks to himself “isn’t that the women from the magic council”. “Who are you?” asked the stranger. “Stay back kids, you have done a good job thus far,” said the voice. This woman has brown hair like Lily. She wears tight jeans with a loose shirt that has a B marking in the middle of it and she has an all-white cape on it, says Bennett. “It's time to get some exercise. It's been awhile since I battled,” said the voice while cracking her hands.

Chapter Two

Making a Move

A mysterious woman appears and steps into the fight. “My name is Javera Bennett I am the Head of all witches” she said. “I am also a member of the magic council, now let’s begin”. “MERCUTA VERDITIS!!” She puts a hand up quickly casts a spell that shoots a yellow lighting beam at the member of mystic lotus. The stranger is pushed out of the house and a huge explosion follows. The man struggles to stand, but when he does he is left with one arm. Javera quickly walks over and casts a spell on Lily. “DONNEZ MOI FORTITUDO, APPORTE MOI POSTESTATEM!!!” She puts her hand on Lily’s head casting a spell that restores all of Lily’s magic. Lily gets up slowly and says, “I had it under control sister”. “Wait, a member of the council appears and She’s your sister?” said Luca with his mouth wide open. “Yes, she’s my sister idiot don’t you see the same color hair and the same last name on her cape gosh your dumb” answered Lily as she rolled her eyes.

“There’s no time to chit chat with your boyfriend Lily” said Javera “we have an enemy in front of us”. “Javera! He's not my boyfriend” said Lily while blushing. “So, what if you're part of the magic council that’s just bad news for you because I have strict orders to kill any members of the council!” said the stranger while breathing hard. “Do you really believe you can take down a magical being that now has the magic power of 1000 witches?”. “My magic is this strong at 5% of my power”. “We will see if you can say that once you have been eliminated,” said the stranger. “VADOS!!” The stranger aims his hand at the children and casts an explosive spell. Javera moves quickly in front of the blast.

The spell makes an impact on a hard platform where the four of them are standing and a big explosion follows. The shack is destroyed, but when the dust clears there is a yellow glow from a yellow force field that surrounds them. “If you're done I think it’s time to put an end to this battle” said Javera. “That’s impossible,” said the stranger. “You have committed crimes against the magic realm and for that I sentence you with life in the magic prisons for treason” said Javera.

“You really think you can catch me,” said the stranger. “Try to escape,” she said. Javera closes her eyes and makes a boundary spell around the area. “It’s going to be a struggle taking you back to the council,” said Janet, so I’ll just get the information I need and have guardians transport you to prison”. “DIC MIHI HVA DU VET!!” She casts a spell shooting her astral projection into the stranger’s mind and searches for details about the members of the Mystic core. She finds out that their plan is to take Zafu and use his magic to create a map to the ancient book of all magic, but before she could find out anything else someone knocks here magic projection out of his head. “Dang it I was locked out,” said Javera.

The stranger laughs and says “well now you know some of our plans, that's not even the beginning of the end, but I’m afraid that is all you will learn”. The stranger starts screaming as he begins to turn into dust. “He is gone,” said Luca. “Let’s worry about this later,” said Javera as she waved her hand to make a portal. A portal appears to the Magic realm. “It’s time to go kids,” she said. “Where are we going?” asked Lily. As Javera puts the dust into a jar she says, “It's time I take you to the magic realm we have a lot to discuss”.

They all walk through the portal into the magical realm. The portal closes behind them, the magic realm is full of magic. It is where all magic beings come from and receive their magic. It was created by the first magical being. Some even live in this great place. When you are in the magic realm your magic power increases even more then its standard state in the natural realm. “Zafu you have already been here” said Javera, “but this is Lily’s and Lucas' first time”. “Not many who are at your age get to experience this until they are older”. “Now we are going to meet up with the other council members”. “Wait what! We're going to the magical council” Said Luca. “Oh, my Magnus, do you ever shut up, you talk too much, just shut up and follow directions,” said Lily. “That’s enough for you two,” said Javera.

So, the four of them walked to the magic center. This was the building where not only the magic council resides, but this was where they held the magic core at the top of the building. They arrive at the building, as soon as they walk through the doors they are already transported to the meeting room. The magic center magically moves its rooms around. “Well now that everyone is here let us begin” said Headmaster Magnus. “So was I correct?” said (Master Pace). This is Master Pace, another council member. He is the Head of the Monstrous beings. “Yes, your prediction was correct,” said Javera. “They wanted to capture Zafu, but their reason was…..”. “What is it!” yelled the entire council. Javera Bennett takes a deep breath, “Their plan is to use Zafus magic and to locate the Book of all Magic” explained Javera. Everyone gasps “we cannot let them get their hands on it” said Headmaster Magnus. “Any idea on who the leader is?” “Sadly, no sir” said Javera, “but I did get to fight one of them”

Javera Bennett fills the council in about the fight that went down before she got information on the Mystic core. “And that’s what happened if I hadn’t gotten there in time they would have already captured him” said Javera. “Wasn’t your sister there”? “If I recall, she’s a Bennett witch like you,” said (Master Judy, the third council member and Head of Vampires). “Is your sister too weak to protect herself and others?” She asked. “Would you like to say that again!” said Javera as her mana begins to glow yellow all around her and the ground starts to shake. “Incredible what’s this feeling?” asked Zafu.

“It’s called mana sense when someone releases a ton of power at once you begin to sense it and measure its level” explained Luca. “Javera Bennett is very strong. She wasn’t even using 10% of her power in that fight and I’m very good at sensing someone’s full power. She has a ton left that we couldn’t even imagine”. Master Judy laughs as her eyes glow red. “You want to go round,” said Master Judy. Suddenly someone with a bright purple magic aura makes the entire realm shake. “THAT’S ENOUGH” yelled Head council Magnus, “we have more important matters to think about”. Lily, Luca and Zafus mouths all drop after sensing this power. Everyone’s aura calms down. “Forgive us Head council” they both said as they bowed. “All three of them have potential and it surprises me that they have become this strong at such a young age” said the Head council. “I have made up my mind they will be assigned personal teachers since they cannot attend the Magic school until the age of 18”.

A man appears wearing all black and a black cape. “My name is Stretch, and I will be teaching you and it’s an honor,” he says. “Now we got a babysitter that’s just great,” said Zafu. “This is for your protection” said the Head council. “If you are captured and your magic finds the book and that book gets into their hands” he explains. “They will be able to do anything”. “So, go and learn to control your magic” he continues. “Your teachers are Professor Stretch and Head of witches Javera Bennett.

“So, wait, the Head of witches is going to be instructing us,” Zafu asked. “But I have so much work to do sir!,” said Javera. Headmaster Glares at Javera Bennett . “Fine,” said Javera. “This woman is crazy strong,” said Zafu (in his head). Lily smirks as she looks at her big sister. “That’s enough standing around, we are splitting Lily away from you guys so get ready” said Mr. Stretch. He waves his hand and pushes Zafu and Luca through a portal. Lily and Mrs. Bennett go through a different portal. “Zafu must be strong to fully recharge the core and protect himself or all is lost” said the Headmaster.

First up is Zafu and Luca. They are teleported to a land that was grass like where there was nothing to be seen for miles. “Wow, did you have to push us?” said Luca. “Yeah that kind of hurt,” said Zafu. “You two are a bunch of chumps we haven’t even started yet” said Mr. Stretch as he levitates in the air. “First lesson is to survive this first fight” he said, but first the basics of magic. “Magic is the energy within your body it surrounds you”. “When you cast a spell, you pull bits of that magic out”. “Witches and wizards refer to it differently just a little”. “Witches sometimes refer to it as mana and magic while wizards keep it as its present name”. “We also say the spells differently some wizards say it in the same language as witches, but it's only rare in certain bloodlines”. “Like that guy we fault Zafu” said Luca. “Some bloodlines like Maxwell or even the Levester”, but regular wizards like me just say it in English like this as he puts his palms together”. “SECRET ART OF THE WOOD, FOREST CREATION!!!” Mr. Stretch casts a spell that makes the ground shake and trees shoot into the air around Zafu and Luca. An entire forest is created for miles, “Woah, he created an entire forest” said Luca. “Imagine how much magic power that took”

“To pass you must go through this forest and find me but be warned there are many wizard dummy’s that are designed to kill you so good luck” said Mr. Stretch as he smiles and disappears. They begin walking through the forest. “So, I’m guessing your magic is the element wind, right?” asked Zafu. “That’s correct, but also” answered Luca, ``Suddenly a huge boulder heads towards Luca and Zafu. “Look out Zafu” said Luca as he pushed him out the way. A dummy that specializes in rock magic appears. “Of course, it had to be rock magic,” said Luca as he stood up. Zafu and Luca get their spell books out quickly and look through it.

The dummy continues to throw magical rocks at Zafu and Luca. “We can’t even look through our spell books,” said Zafu. “You want to do defense or offensive?” asked Luca. “Uhhhh I’ll leave Offensive to you” said Zafu while laughing. “Wow thanks for being the hero,” said Luca. “Well let’s do this”. “TEMPESTUS ERECTUM!!!” Luca casts a spell that pushes the dummy far back. The mage dummy endures the spell and counters with an advanced rock. “Oh no, he's about to destroy the ground,” said Zafu. Luca looks through his spell book and finds a wind spell to use. “WIND CREATION MAGIC, WIND HURRICANE”. The air around Zafu and Luca starts to form a hurricane and begins lifting them up.

While Zafu and Luca find themselves in a very difficult position, somewhere a few 1000 miles away from their exact spot. Two sisters begin to face off. “Well Lily shall we begin?” said Javera, “Let me just tell you how disappointed I am that you were not able to defend yourself against the enemy”. “You don’t think I tried my best sister?” said Lily. “You are much more powerful than you think sister, but enough talk time to start your training we are only using mana spells” said Javera. “ERADIKO!!” Lily shoots multiple mana beams at Javera without hesitation. She counters her spell by shielding herself with a yellow mana shield. “MAGNUS VOX!!!” Javera shoots a huge yellow mana beam that locks Lily in a mana bubble. “I guess this ends the first round little sister” said Javera. “Have you forgotten that I’m a Bennett witch too sister” said Lily as she smirks. “COMBIBO POTENTIA!!” Lily casts a spell from her mother’s book and drains the energy from the bubble.

As the bubble starts to disperse Javera starts to clap. “ Using one of mom's spells draining my magic not only frees you, but also replenishes your own magic” said Javera. “Although that was impressive you left your self-wide open” vines started growing from the ground and grabbing Lily’s entire body. “Dang it!” said Lily, she quickly summoned her book, but before she could cast anything her sister attacked. Javera puts her hands together “MEENA GOH!!” she creates a beam of intense heat and fires it at Lily. A big explosive occurs pushing Lily back. Lily lays down burned and her bracelet burned to ashes. “Oh no I think I overdid it,” said Javera, but as she started running towards her, Lily’s eyes started to glow white.

Lily starts to levitate, and her hair starts to grow as her entire body is glowing with a huge amount of white mana. All her wounds heal, all her clothes are covered in a thick coating of mana to the point where you can’t even see anything but pure mana. Back where Zafu, Luca and Mr. Stretch are, they begin sensing her aura. “What… is this power?” said Luca. “Someone is releasing all this magic power” said Zafu as he has a flashback of when the Headmaster and Javera did the same thing back in the magic realm, suddenly Mr. Stretch appears. “We need to go to this power. It is coming from the exact location of where Head Witch Bennett is” said Mr. Stretch. So, the three of them start going in that direction. “Use your magic to run fast. We need to get there quickly,” explained Mr. Stretch. Luca and Zafu focus they're magic into their feet and begin moving very fast.

Back at the Location of Javera and Lily the two of them look head to head.“Lily calm down” said Javera, “Damn it she’s transformed into a mana ancestral state” (In her head). Lily starts laughing at Javera. “I’ll show you just how strong I am,” said Lily (voice echoes of Bennett ancestors). She aims a finger at her sister and shoots a white mana blast. Javera attempts to block it with her yellow aura shield, but it breaks right on impact. Lily starts shooting a barrage of blast at her sister pushing Javera across the ground. Javera struggles to stand as her body is wounded everywhere. “PRESIDIUM!!” Javera Bennett creates a huge yellow mana dome around her, Lily laughs. “Maybe I should use ancestral magic,” said Lily’s ancestors as she smiled hard. “RELAXA RENA!!” Lily’s ancestors cast an ancestral spell that makes Javeras dome weak. Lily flies towards it and taps it.

The dome shatters. “Well that’s a wrap for you sister” said Lily’s ancestors. “AN ET NE VAN CA LE EU CHE CA LE AUN, AN ET NE VAN CA LE EU CHE CA LE AUN, ET NE VAN CA LE EU CHE CA LE AUN!” Lily’s ancestors cast a spell that grants Lily the power from the ancestral world. “It is done now, it's time to put an end to this battle,” said Lily’s ancestors.

Lily snaps her fingers, but suddenly wooden vines grab her hand. “Looks like you’re having some trouble,” said Mr. Stretch. “Is that Lily?!!” said Luca. The wooden vines melt from Lily’s hand as she slowly touches the ground. “Stay away from her,” said Javera. Lily looks at Luca and uses light speed to move directly in front of him. She grabs him with her hair and the mana burns him then she smashes him against the ground. “Stop it Lily!” yelled Zafu. Lily continues to smash Luca against the ground making him unconscious. Zafu's spell book turns to a page on its own. The book glows as Zafu stands in the direction of Lily and Luca. “I think that’s enough,” said the deep voices coming from Zafu. The voices were the Levester Ancestors.

“I SUMMON THE WEAPONS OF THE LEVESTER BLOODLINE” said The Levester Ancestors. A magic sword and shield appear in Zafu's hands. Zafu gets into a knight stance as his feet grip the ground. “So, the chickens finally appear,” said Lily’s ancestors, “well I’m afraid I can’t let you use those weapons”. Lily lets go of Luca and starts to fly up as Luca lays there badly wounded and unconscious, Zafu gets upset. “Let’s see how rusty you have gotten Levester” said Lily’s ancestors. “VITA” casts a spell that creates mana rock creatures. “Attack my creatures,” said Lily’s ancestors. “I don’t even have to take my sword out of its scabbard” said The Levester ancestors. Zafu starts running moving quickly across the field.

As he gets closer to three of the creatures, he creates a magic slash with his scabbard that splits all three of them in half. “LEVESTER SECRET ART THE DARKNESS SHIFT!!!” The entire sky turns dark and Zafu disappears. “What magic is this?” asked Javera. “This must be the power of the Levester”. Zafu begins attacking the creatures silently while Mr. Stretch tends to Javera Bennett. “Lady Bennett” said Mr. Stretch as he flew towards her. “WOOD MAGIC, WOOD RECUPERATION CHAMBER!!” Mr. Stretch casts a healing spell that puts Javera in a wood chamber to heal. Then he makes a wood arm that stretches over and grabs Luca, but suddenly a mana blast comes towards the direction of Luca while Mr. Stretch is moving him. Zafu throws his shield towards the blast, the shield then absorbs the blast and covers them all with protective charm. “All of your little creatures are gone” said The Levester ancestors. As he turns to her a huge explosion happens behind him where the creatures were. All the mana creatures had disappeared. “Bravo” said The Bennett witches while clapping and slowly descending to the ground.

“Shall we fight now?” They asked. “I am afraid not” answered The Levester, “we both know that if I touch you this entire body will turn into dust, but it’s time for the finale I’m going to put an end to this battle because Zafu's body cannot take this stress much longer”. “I will end this with this spell” said The Levester ancestors. “LEVESTER ANCESTRAL MAGIC, ABSOLUTE CORE”. As magic begins to swarm around Zafu and his eyes glow blue he lifts his sword up and points it at the Bennett ancestors. “SEAL!!!”

The spell hits Lily and the ancestors begin to disappear,/loio and she begins to go back to her normal form, the Levester Ancestors see the bracelet that went into ashes and they recreate it and place it back on her wrist with protective magic on it. The stored magic is within the Levester sword. The ancestors speak to Zafu. “Before we leave we want you to know that we will always be with you and that Lily is just fine. We didn't absorb her just the raging magic she processed. She needs to learn to control her magic just like you must control yours, but they were smart to knock the Maxwell kid out first. He is even more destructive, also your friends are okay. It was nice meeting you and farewell for now, they disappear.

Zafu takes back complete control of his body, the darkest spell wears off and daylight returns. The shield disappears, and Mr. Stretch comes out. “Zafu is that you” he asked. “Yes, it’s me we need to help Lily!”. Zafu runs towards Lily, but as he is running he passes out. “ZAFU!” yelled Mr. Stretch. Javera is healed. She bursts out of the chamber and runs towards Lily. She attempts to wake her up. “Lily wakes up,” said Javera, ``Lily slowly begins to awake. “Ouch that hurts, what happened big sis?” said Lily. “You lost control,” said Javera. Mr. Stretch puts Zafu in a wood chamber. Lily stands up and hugs her mother tight.

“I am so sorry for hurting you” she said as tears ran down her face. “It’s okay I kinda deserved it I pushed too hard” said Javera. “I sense no magic from Lily, what did Zafu do?” she said (In thoughts). Zafu gets up and steps out of the chamber. “Thank you Mr. Stretch you may take a break. I know you're tired,” said Zafu as he held his head. He sees Lily and starts running towards here “LILY!!” he yelled. “Zafu are you Okay?” asked Lily. “I’m fine,” answered Zafu, strangely he began to choke. “Zafu, what's wrong?” asked Mr. Stretch. A small white magic core comes out of his mouth, he holds it in his hand. “So, you have Lily’s magic,” said Javera. “KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME” yelled Lily as she ran towards Luca in his chamber. Zafu follows her and they both go inside the chamber. Luca slowly sits up and speaks “Wow you really got me good” said Luca as he laughs. “Luca I am so sorry,” said Lily. “It’s cool Lily you weren’t yourself” he says while still laughing. “I’m never using magic again,” said Lily.

“I can’t let you do that” said Luca “you made a promise to get stronger with me, don’t tell me you break your promises now” he continued. Lily starts crying on Luca. “Hey! Stop crying on me I am still injured you know” said Luca, they all laughed. “You will not go berserk again Lily, not while I’m here” said Zafu. He puts the core in Lily’s hands. Her eyes glow and a big light shoots into the air and her hands sparkle with magic. “I have more power than before,” said Lily. “That’s true, I have control over your seal. My ancestors put a charm on your bracelet that only my bloodline can undo. Not only that, but you are now connected with your ancestors,” said Zafu.

Meanwhile in a place that is known as the Mystic realm, Members of the Mystic Lotus gather. “It’s time to make a move. I'm sending you out Ricardo,” said a man with a dark and powerful aura. This is the leader of the Mystic core. His name is Nova. “I will do my best,” said Ricardo. “If you fail me you will deeply regret it, also let me warn you that the ones protecting the Levester are strong, and one of them are from the magic council” said Nova. “Don’t worry boss I know what to do”. Ricardo mediates and begins sensing strong magic levels. This energy is Lily’s and someone very familiar. “Ah, so I’ll be fighting my own blood,” said Ricardo. He locks on to this magic and disappears.

Back where Zafu and others had remained. “Mr. Stretch do you sense that evil presences approaching?” said Javera. “I do my lady and it's coming fast” answered Mr. Stretch. Ricardo arrives in front of Javera and Mr. Stretch. “Well this is a surprise I never thought it would be you of all people Javera I knew that magic felt familiar,” said Ricardo. “Head of witches, who is this guy?” asked Mr. Stretch. Javera started to shake, and tears ran down her eyes. Ricardo is in all white his hair is brown just like Mrs. Bennett and Lily’s and his pupils are black like theres.

Chapter Three

The Mystic Cores Secret Spell

A member of the Mystic core steps on the battlefield. “How are you alive?” asked Javera. Lily, Luca and Zafu come out of the wood chamber. “Is that who I think it is?” asked Lily. “I’m afraid so” answered Javera. “Can you quit the riddles already! Yelled Mr. Stretch. “Well since she will not say anything I will just introduce myself” said Ricardo, my name is Ricardo Bennett. Luca and Zafu are shocked. Lily walks next to her Javera and she starts crying. “You died a long time ago so how are you back?” asked Javera. “I have been brought back to the living” said Ricardo, “but I have a mission so that’s enough talking”. Ricardo puts one hand up and releases a ton of mana at once. “You guys need to watch out, he's been classified as being one of 12 magical saints that not even the headmaster could beat easily,'' said Javera. “So, he’s a bloodline saint?!” asked Mr. Stretch. Ricardo quickly teleports and reappears in front of Mr. Stretch.

“Your presence is no longer needed sir,regular beings aren’t allowed” said Ricardo. He kicks Mr. Stretch in the stomach, Mr. Stretch is blown away and falls on the ground unconscious. Javera tries to grab Ricardo with her mana, but Ricardo jumps into the air and turns upside down and fires a huge green mana blast. “CONTENGO!!!” Lily casts a spell that shields everyone from the blast. A huge crater is made beneath them, “You will not harm my friends or family,” said Lily as her eyes are glowing white and smoking. Ricardo laughs “Wow you're challenging me that’s a shocker, but you’re not strong enough,” said Ricardo. What Ricardo doesn’t yet realize is that his little sister is now connected with the ancestors.

“I love you dearly brother, and that’s the exact reason why I must take you down,” said Lily. “VITALIS ERUPTUM!!!” Lily casts a spell that makes vines come up from the ground super-fast and grabs Ricardo’s legs. Lily slams her hand to the ground making Ricardo be slammed to the ground. “Her magic level has increased so much,” said Javera. Ricardo slowly gets up, but as he is getting up brushing dust off himself a barrage of white mana projectiles are coming at him. The projectiles hit Ricardo and caused a huge explosion. Ricardo fly’s up out of the dust unharmed. “I didn’t know that he could fly without being in the mana ancestral state I haven’t seen that since mother and father” said Mrs. Bennett (In her head)

“Well done sister I guess you have gotten stronger,” said Ricardo. Lily begins running towards Ricardo, she jumps into the air and makes a huge mana fist. Ricardo creates the same shape with his mana, and they clash them together making a devastating wind. They battle trading blow for blow waiting for one to slip up. “There it is!!” said Ricardo as he sledgehammers Lily to ground. Lily kneels on the ground breathing heavily, “Wow brother you are truly strong?” she said. Javera and the others come running towards Lily, but she puts a hand out. “If any of you had any pride you would understand why I don’t want your help,” said Lily as she slowly gets up. “No matter how many times you may knock me down, you will never destroy my pride!”. “Lily, you don’t have to do this alone,” said Zafu. “We are right behind you now and forever,” said Luca.

Suddenly, a wood dragon appears and tail whips Ricardo. Lily and the others look to their right, and they see an injured Mr. Stretch with a hand aimed at Ricardo. Javera runs over to aid Mr. Stretch and she carefully lifts him up. Ricardo wipes blood from his nose, “how dare you touch me you peasant” He said as he aims his hand at them both. “look out!!” yelled Lily. Ricardo fires a green mana spell at them. Javera shields Mr. Stretch and tries to withstand the blast. A huge explosion happened as soon as it made an impact on Javera, when the dust clears Javera Bennett the Head of Witches is gone. “Nooooo Javera!” said Lily. “Where is Mrs. Bennett?” asked Luca. “Her mana is gone,” said Zafu. Lily begins to cry and ball her fist up. “Well sister guess our big sister is done for” said Ricardo “what will you do now?” “My spirit isn’t broken yet and I know what Javera would have wanted and it wouldnt be to give up” said Lily as she smirks.

“I didn’t want to use this spell, but you leave me no choice,” said Ricardo. Ricardo’s spell book appears, he begins chanting words repeatedly, “Oh no he’s using bloodline magic” said Luca, I recognize this spell. “What spell is it?” said Lily. (pause) “It’s not just a spell it’s also a law” said Luca, “This law was created by the Maxwell bloodline, once you use it on any two targets you have two choices, one you can induct death onto the magical being or two steal all their magic power there are more options but those are the main two” explained Luca.

“How can he even use a secret spell from a different bloodline?” said Zafu. “I have no idea, but only the same spell can cancel it out,” said Luca. “What do we do?” said Lily. Luca steps up in front of everyone and puts his hands together and starts chanting the same words backwards. The ground shakes and pieces of the ground began to break and start floating, an orb appears in both Luca and Ricardo’s hands.

“This is it, also I have studied this law for years before I died, so you may counter one of the blasts, but the other blast will hit my target because you’re not strong enough to create two orbs” said Ricardo as he laughs. “We shall see about that, grandmother please forgive me for using this spell too early” said Luca (In his head). “MAXWELL LAW!!!” Said Ricardo and Luca at the same time. A blue light is fired into the air, as they both fire the wind is so strong it pushes everyone back. The First target was Mr. Stretch. He wanted him to be hit by the inductive death curse, and the second target was Lily to steal all her magic. Luca counters the death inductively, Luca isn’t powerful enough to counter both the blasts, so he could only counter one. Luca aims at the one coming towards Mr. Stretch and cancels it out. The second blast approaches Lily, Luca quickly pushes her out of the way being that he’s the only one who can see the spell.

“Luca what are you doing?” said Lily. The blast hits Luca and the blue light shines brighter.

When the light begins to disappear, Luca is laying on the ground. “Luca!!” yelled Lily as she ran towards him. Luca has no magical power left, not even a drop of magic can be sensed from him. “You will pay for this brother, you can harm me, but when you harm my friends and family that’s a different story,” said Lily. “The ancestors have spoken and it’s time for judgement” She continued.

“What can the ancestors do to me, are you mad that your little boyfriend has no more magic?” said Ricardo. Lily’s white aura begins to shine brighter as she thinks about her mother and Luca. “PHASMATOS OSSOX!!!” Lily waves her hand and casts a spell that breaks Ricardo’s arms. “Ahhhhhh what did you do to me?” screamed Ricardo. “It seemed that mana spells did not work so I’m trying traditional magic” said Lily as she moved her hand again breaking his legs. Ricardo falls to the ground from the sky.

Lily walks over to him and leans down as the ancestors begin to speak through Lily. “I don’t know what darkness has taken over your body”, “but it's unforgivable what you did to Luca and my sister for that LEM DUREE MOHANA!!! Lily forces Ricardo to kneel. Ricardo begins to shake, having so much fear towards his ancestors. “I’m sending you away for good and to a prison even worse than oblivion, my final words to you are Enjoy this hell and this punishment” said the echoed voices. “SANGIEMA MEAM ET NOS MUNDO CARCEREMA!!!(3X)”. “I will be back sister,” said Ricardo. Lily uses the power of the ancestors to send Ricardo to a prison world where time resets every day, a huge light appears that swallows him up and takes him away. Zafu fears the power his dear friend processes.

Lily walks over to Luca exhausted, “Zafu brings Mr. Stretch over here quickly” said Lily while sweating and completely drained of magic. Zafu nods his head and runs and grabs Mr. Stretch. “Can you move sir?” asked Zafu. “I can't worry,” he answered as he stood. Zafu helps him over to Lily, “are you guys ready?” asked Lily, ``I am taking us back to the Magical realm”. “Lily, you should rest. I can handle it,” said Mr. Stretch as he opened a portal. They all walk through the portal, but before they go Lily sees her sisters cape. She runs and grabs it and then walks through the portal. They all arrive at the gate of the realm injured and drained of magic. Zafu helps Mr. Stretch and Lily is keeping Luca in a mana bubble. “Halt who goes there?” said the Magical guards. “Let us in” said Mr. Stretch softly.

They all pass out, “quickly get them to the magic council” said one of the guards. The guards rush them to the magic center to the medical room. As the council members are talking a guard bursts in. “What is the meaning of this interruption?” asked the Headmaster. “Mr. Stretch, Lily, Luca and Zafu have returned from training, but I bring terrible news,” said the guard. “What if someone died or something?” said Master Judy. The guard remains silent, “I am afraid that The Head of witches has been defeated in battle sirs and madams” said the guard. The entire council jumps from their chairs, “What did you just say?” said Master Judy, “my rival was defeated and by who”. “I don’t know, but everyone is terribly injured”. The Headmaster teleports the entire council to the medical room.

“How are they doing Macy?” asked the Head councilmen. “They will all be fine in a couple of days, but there is one more thing” said Macy (The magical doctor). “What is it?” said the Head councilmen. “It seems that Luca Maxwell no longer has any magical power in his body,” she explained. “I see, so I guess we will have to wait for them to wake up to see what happened.

Three days had passed and Zafu and the others were fully healed. They all meet with the magic council. “So, can you tell us what happened?” asked Master Pace. Zafu tells the story word for word, “We were training with Mr. Stretch when we sensed a huge amount of magic. “Was this magic the enemy?” asked Master Judy. “It was Lily, her power had gone crazy from her fight with Mrs. Bennett, so Luca, Mr. Stretch and I ran towards where they were, and we found Lily in some type of form where there was only……. As Zafu tells the story they were all shocked, some even angry and many were sad. “And That’s what happened,” said Zafu. “So, Javera was killed by her older brother, that's pathetic,” said Master Judy. Lily balls her fist up, “Lily calm down” Whispered Luca. “It seems they process a spell that brings back the dead and doesn’t just control them but enhances their magical abilities” said Councilwoman Hailey.

This is Councilwoman Hailey The Head of Werewolves. “This could be trouble if they can resurrect someone with that much power and give them a spell from the Maxwell bloodline who’s next”. Someone comes walking down the hallway towards the council room. Everyone senses this magic, “oh no I knew she would come” said Headmaster. The person walks through the doors. “Magnus you better have a good reason for letting my grandson lose his magic!!!” yelled the voice. Luca gets scared and tries to sneak away. “Luca, I warned you about using Maxwell Law!!!” yelled the voice. “Hi grandmother,” said Luca.

“Anne it’s good to see you,” said Headmaster. “Magnus why weren't guards sent to protect these children? This is probably why you have lost a council member” said Grandmother Maxwell. Lily starts giving off tons of magic power. Everyone’s eyes grew wide at the amount of power she processes, “Enough talk of my sister she was brave and fierce if I hear one more bad comment” before Lily could finish Grandmother Maxwell taps her and makes her magic calm down. “Forgive me child, but your sister's death is the least of your problems, Luca will become a mortal if he doesn’t choose his new magic that’s why I’m here”said Grandmother Maxwell, everyone is confused. “What do you mean to choose a new power?” asked Luca. “My dear you are a Maxwell our bloodline specializes in magic switching, but you don’t have much time so hurry and choose” explained Grandmother Maxwell. “Alright” said Luca as he concentrated.

A spell book appears and floats in front of Luca. “The ancestors have given you a forgotten magic?” said Grandmother Maxwell, ``that's good dear, use it well now I must take my leave come visit grandma some time” she says as she grabs his ear. “This isn’t over Magnus you owe me”. Grandmother Maxwell teleports away. “Wow Luca you got your magic again” said Zafu. “I’m going to avenge my mother” said Lily, the mystic core must pay for what they did. I will slaughter every member. “That’s suicide your mother was wasn’t even able to defeat one member, so how will you defeat all of them without any intel” said Master Judy. “Why don’t you test me and find out?” said Lily. Master Judy stands, “you challenging the Head of Vampires?” asked Master Judy.

“That’s right,” answered Lily. “I’m guessing you have never fought a vampire” said Master Lily as she laughs, “but as you wish I accept your challenge”. “I’m guessing you forgot that you lost my sister,” said Lily. “Why you little brat?” said Master Judy. “I have to see this,” said Councilwoman Hailey. “Lily, you shouldn’t do this, just stop,” said Luca. “Yeah I think you are going too far I mean even though vampires don’t use magic they are crazy fast and strong and immortal basically made of magic I read about it in this book” said Zafu as he holds a book up. “The mystic lotus killed my sister and forced my brothers will” said Lily, ``that is unforgivable. I must bring honor back upon my family and anyone that wants to stand in my way can face me themselves”.

They all walk to a magic arena at the bottom of the magic center. The council members follow and sit in the bleachers. “You can give up now” said Master Judy as they stood head to head. “Enough talk” said Lily, she throws a mana projectile at Master Judy, but Master Judy quickly dodges it. Master Judy quickly punches Lily into the wall, then kicks her, blowing her breath away. Lily drops to her knees and coughs blood up, then she attempts to stand. “I feel bad that the little sister of Javeria is this weak,” said Master Judy. “Judy I wouldn’t mock her if I was you” said the Headmaster. Lily stands up and as she gets ready to say a spell Master Judy grabs her by her neck and lifts her into the air before she has the chance to utter a word. “I’m supposed to fear this child?” said Master Judy, “Don’t make me Laugh”.

She starts slapping Lily over and over violently. “Judy, that is enough!” said the Headmaster. “MOTIS!!” Lily casts a gravity spell that pushes Master Judy away across the arena. Master Judy gets up and starts running towards Lily. She grabs Lily by the neck and her eyes begin to glow red in a devilish style. “A CIERTA!!” Lily quickly swifts her hand in a circle and snaps Master Judy’s neck. Master Judy falls to the ground, everyone’s mouths become wide open. As Lily is turned towards the crowd Master Judy slowly gets up. Lily turns around “You want some more?” she asked as she put her mother’s cape on. “You passed,” said Master Judy, even though I had to hold back, but I can’t let any of you go to the mystic realm. “I am going either way,” said Lily. “You have no choice,” said Master Judy as she threw a punch at Lily. A levester sword appears in front of Lily stopping Master Judy’s punch. “This magic is Zafus” said Lily (In her head). “Lily isn’t alone” said Zafu, “I will protect my friends at any cost”. “I have seen enough,” said the Headmaster. “I will allow them to enter the Mystic realm”. Everyone gasps at Headmaster decree

While things are wrapping up in the Magical realm. Meanwhile in the Mystic Realm. “So, Ricardo was defeated, what a shame” said Nova, “at least he left with honor by bringing you to me”. “How are you?” asked Nova, “I haven’t seen you since the war Javera”. Javera Bennett sits in a chair tied up bleeding. “I never would have guessed it was you” said Javera, “After all these years you were the one who drained the core”. “Yes, I used its power to create this realm” said Nova, “This realm is a little different from the Magical realm, I am the core of this realm and no outside magic can be sensed”.

“So why do you need to find the Book of Magic?” asked Javera as she began silently mouthing a spell. “Well since you're about to die I guess I’ll tell you,” said Nova. “There is a spell in this book that will make a single being reborn into a god” He explained, we all know that everyone has various types of magic, but divine magic can only be achieved with this book. “As you already know the book also processes many locations of many things”. “Like the ancient relics, right?” said Javera. “That is correct,” said Nova. Javera Bennett sends a letter to Lily.

Meanwhile back at the magic center the Headmaster makes a deal with Zafu and the others. “Alright so I will allow the three of you to go, but there’s a catch,” said Headmaster. “What would that be?” said Luca. The Head council takes a deep breath and puts one hand out. He casts a protection spell on Lily, Zafu and Luca. “This spell is designed to teleport you all as soon as you say the phrase Magnus” explained Headmaster. “Wait,” said Lily as she started choking. “Lily, what's wrong?” asked Zafu. Lily continues to choke and then throws up a piece of paper. “This magic is very familiar,” said Headmaster as he picks up the paper. “The Head of the Witches is alive!!” yelled the Headmaster, “We must trace this and go immediately to rescue her and forget sending the kids,” he said. As soon as the Headmaster turned around to tell Zafu and others what the plan was gonna be, they had already left.

“Dang it they already left,” said Master Pace. Lily and the others run to the gate. “We must hurry and get to the Mystic realm,” said Lily. “Shouldn’t we wait for back up?” asked Zafu. “NO!! I will rescue my sister myself” answered Lily. They reach the gate, but guards await them. “Halt” said one of the guards. “You guards are in my way” said Lily as her eyes glow. “FACIO GRAVIS!!!” Lily smacks her hand on the ground making all the guards fall to their knees using the force of gravity.

They continue moving forward and they go through the portal into the mortal realm. The council members catch up to the scene., “We were too late” said Headmaster. The Headmaster snaps his fingers undoing Lily’s spell. “Where did they go guards?” asked Master Judy. “They went to the mortal realm,” said one of the guards. “Dang it they knew we couldn’t follow them,” said Master Pace. “Well I’ll have to send one of our best guys after them”. He claps his hands and a boy appears. “It’s up to you Collin,” said the Headmaster. This is Collin Magnus the headmaster’s grandchild. He specializes in light, healing, teleportation and disenchanting magic.


Chapter four

Nova’s Darkness

Zafu and the others finally reach the mortal realm. “Alright are you guys ready to go?” asked Lily. “More than ever,” answered Luca. “I really don’t think we should go,” said Zafu. “Zafu If you want to stay here you can. I know it’s dangerous for you to come since they are looking for you”. “Ughhh I have to come to keep you guys in check plus I want to see Lucas new magic” said Zafu. “Then it settled off to the Mystic realm,” said Luca. “

We haven’t found it yet” said Lily as she sits and makes her spell book appear. “I took a book spell from the magic center's library. I think I can trace my Javeras magic”. Lily searches through the spell book and sees a ritual locator spell. “I have never done a ritual spell before,” she said. “It says If you are related to the person the spell becomes stronger”. Lily puts the book down and creates a map and puts the cape on it. Then she cuts her hand and starts to drip blood on the map.

While she is dripping blood on the map she begins to chant a spell. “Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem” 5X. While she casts the spell, her blood begins to move across the map. “It’s working,” said Zafu. The blood finally stops moving. Lily points at the location, “That’s where my sister is located,” she said. “Let’s go,” said Luca. “Hold it right there,” said Zafu. “What is it?” asked Lily. “This is a rescue mission and nothing more we are not going to war with them that’s all” said Zafu,

“You may have forgotten that me being alive is the key to every magical being having power, but I haven’t”. “He does have a point, Lily,” said Luca. Lily smacks her head, “Dang it fine we will get my sister and hurry out” said Lily, “Let’s just hurry and go”. They stand in a circle and Lily starts chanting Lucas and Zafus magic. “ABEO EXORIOR!!” Lily’s white mana surrounds them, then they teleport to the sewers of the Mystic realm.

They arrive at the Mystic realm.``Ew this is disgusting,” said Luca. “Stop your complaining and be quiet” said Lily, “Surpass your magic or we will get caught guys' '. Lily’s eyes glow as she leads the way to her mother. They find their way to castle hallways, but there are many others. “What do we do?” asked Zafu, “Just stay quiet” said Lily. Suddenly someone with a strange aura and smell turns around and starts sniffing near the sewers. “Hey guys I smell something funny coming from these sewers' ' said the voice. “I guess someone has entered the castle without permission” said one of the Mystic Castle guards. “BEAST MAGIC MASSIVE ARM!!!!!” This mystical stranger casts a spell that makes his arm grow and then punches a hole in the wall. Zafu and the others come out of hiding and stand before this person with a high magic level. This person who seems to use beast magic is another member of the Mystic core and his name is Weman the Beast.

“So, three kids sneaked into the castle” said Weman. Zafu, Lily and Luca look at this beast head on. “Guys do you feel that” said Luca. “Damn it there’s no way we can take this guy” said Lily (In her head). “Wait I know who you kids are now” said Weman. “Zafu Levester I was just assigned to capture you, well at least I don’t have to search for you now” said Weman. “Oh crap” said Zafu, “Uhhh sorry to disappoint you Mr., but that’s not happening”. “It’s not your choice kid Master

Nova has spoken, and you will be ours' ' said Weman as he throws his giant fist at them, but before it could make an impact Luca stops it with his bare hands. “He stopped it with his hands' ' said Lily. “It must be his new magic” said Zafu. “ No time to watch you guys go ahead I'll handle this guy” said Luca. “Luca you don’t have to,” said Lily. “Just go!!” yelled Luca. Lily and Zafu start running up the hall, but as they are running Weman attacks. “Oh no you don’t” he said as he threw a second punch at them.

Lucas feet and fist begin to glow green. He runs in front of the fist and punches it. A huge amount of wind is created as they clash fists. Zafu and Lily continue to run up the hall. “I can’t let them get away,” said Weman. “Your fight is with me,” said Luca. “MELEE TECHNIQUE ENHANCED MOVEMENTS!!!” Luca enhances his speed and movements. This was his new forgotten magic, The Secret Art of Melee Techniques. “BEAST MAGIC SPEED OF THE CHEETAH!!” Weman gets down on all fours as his legs turn into that of a cheetah.

Weman begins moving quietly and quickly towards Luca, but Luca can easily read his movements and dashes towards him. They clash head to head and begin trading punches for punches and kicks for kicks at an amazing speed. Weman strikes Luca into the wall and Luca begins to take a huge amount of damage. “It’s over for you I can clearly see that you’re not good at controlling your magic” said Weman.

While Luca is in a very horrible position Lily and Zafu continue to go towards where Javera is located. “This way Zafu” said Lily. They approach a corner where a guard is sitting in a chair guarding the door where Javera Bennett is being held. “What do we do?” said Zafu. Lily comes out of hiding and stands in front of the guard. “Hey, you’re not supposed to be here,” said the guard. “No, but you're about to wish you weren't supposed to be either,” said Lily. “BADICKINIS METALURGICA!!!”. Lily casts a spell that rips the pipes out of the ground and wraps them around the guard’s entire body and mouth. “Javera are you there?” yelled Lily, Lily received no response from her sister. The door was sealed with a dark barrier. “Zafu come help me open this door,” said Lily. Zafu walks over to the door cowardly looking around to see if anyone is coming.

He then opens his spell book flipping through spells. “Here is a neat spell,” said Zafu, “but it’s a witch spell so I have to enchant witch magic. It's very draining”. “I don’t care, just take my hand,” said Lily as she grabbed Zafu's hand. “Phasmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos” (3X). Lily joins Zafu in chanting the spell. The spell on the door begins to break, but before they could break it completely they are transported and separated. Lily is transported into a cell next to her sister with a magic seal on both of their cells preventing them from using magic. Zafu is transported before the leader of The Mystic Lotus. “So, we finally met,” said Nova. “Hello Zafu, my name is Nova.'' Zafu stands up and looks at Nova. “So, you’re the one who drained the power from the core that day?” asked Zafu.

“That’s right as I told Janet I used the power from the core to create this realm and its own core” said Nova, “I am the core”. “That means that not only do I supply everyone in this realm with magic, but I get stronger everyday”. “Now you want to get the information on the ancient relics to become some type of god, right?” said Zafu. “Well it’s not happening not while I am still alive”. “I may be only 13 years old, but I’m not alone. I have generations of Levester behind me,” he continued. “Well let’s see what you got,” said Nova.

While Zafu and Nova are about to face off, back at where Luca is fighting one of the members of the Mystic core. “Are you tired yet?” asked Women, “come on I still want to play some more”. “Dang it I’m almost out of magic I don’t know how long I can stay sharp, I’m still not used to this new magic” said Luca (In his head). “Let’s put an end to this,” said Weman. Weman charges at Luca at full speed, but in 3 seconds Luca dodges it and moves so fast that he teleports behind him.

“What that’s…… it’s impossible how could you get so fast?” said Weman. Luca opens his spell book that glows red, “This is it I have my friends who need me” said Luca as he jumps in the air with one of his legs lifting high. “MELEE TECHNIQUE, HEAVEN AXE KICK OF PAIN!!!!”. Luca uses a technique that makes magic surround his foot and he slams it down on Weman making the ground crumble. The entire castle shakes from the amazing blow. Weman lies on the ground unconscious, Luca runs up the hall. As he is running he senses four different energies, “It’s faint I can barely sense them” he said. “MELEE TECHNIQUE ENHANCED SENSES!!!!” Luca casts a technique that makes his senses stronger. “Now those two on the right are Javera and Lily and the two on the left are Zafu and……... Oh my Magnus this magic level there’s no end to it” said Luca, “Sorry Zafu It’s all up to you”. He runs towards Lily and Javera.

Back at what is known as the throne room Zafu and Nova face off. “This should be interesting. It's been a while since I fought a Levester” said Nova. Zafu looks through his spell book and then closes his eyes. “I call upon the aid of the Levester ancestors to guide me” said Zafu (In his head). “Zafu It’s an honor to meet you. my name is Lin Levester” said Levester Lin, “I’m glad you’re learning to call on us in a time of need, but why are you fighting such a powerful enemy”? “This person wants to find the ancient relics. I ask that you grant me some of your power sir” said Zafu. “Hmmm very well I will have to discuss this with the others, if someone seeks the relics we must stop them” said Levester Lin. “Wait how many others are there?'' asked Zafu.

“I’ll explain later my child you are about to be attacked,” said Levester Lin. Nova’s hand starts to glow black as he throws a punch. Zafu ducks and quickly backs up. Zafu concentrates and puts his hands together, “ANCESTRAL MAGIC, KATANA OF LIN LEVESTER”. A katana appears in Zafus's hand as it begins floating in front of him. This katana can only be commanded by the wielder's mind. Nova quickly summons a dark sword and charges at Zafu, the sword moves towards Nova and starts attacking him, but Nova defends himself perfectly. Their swords connect over and over. Zafu's sword begins making copies of more swords and fires them at Nova, but Nova easily deflects them all. “Not bad for a brat” said Nova, “but if this is all you can muster up then this battle is about to end”.

“Why does every evil person always say that”? said Zafu, “Just shut up and fight”. The sword returns to Zafus's hand. Zafu uses the rest of his magic to take in the knowledge of Lin Levester. Zafu quickly moves forward and strikes Nova who then blocks the attack. “Impressive you’re getting better” said Nova, “Let’s see how long you can keep that up.'' “DARKNESS MAGIC, DARKNESS SLASH!!!!”

Nova creates a dark slash with his sword that pushes Zafu through the castle wall, blowing him outside the castle. Zafu air jumps and starts rapidly attacking Nova, but Nova continues to dodge every single one of Zafu's attacks. Nova kicks Zafu in the stomach and into the ground. Zafu lays on the ground spitting up bleeding from his mouth, but he still stands. Nova jumps down on the ground and walks slowly to Zafu,

“Come on, don't tell me you're done already,” said Nova. LEVESTER KATANA AIR SLICE!!!! Zafu makes a slash with his katana that pushes Nova across the ground into the castle wall. Nova stands and walks towards Zafu without a scratch, “That’s impossible, how could he still be….”. Nova walks through the dust wiping of the dust, “that was kind of good you caught me by surprise,” said Nova, “I can’t kill you so that’s enough for today”. Castle guards jump down next to Nova, “Grab him he’s almost out of magic”.

Meanwhile Luca finally manages to track Lily and Mrs. Bennett down. He walks into the dungeons where it is heavily guarded. “MELEE TECHNIQUE, ADVANCED MELEE BARRAGE!!!!”. Lucas' hands glow yellow as he begins running towards every guard punching and knocking them unconscious. “Luca is that you” said Lily, “Yeah I’m here” said Luca, “Is Mrs. Bennett okay”? “She’s badly injured we must get her out of here” said Lily, “Where is Zafu”? “He is fighting someone crazy strong” explained Luca,

“I was going to head over there after rescuing you guys”. “Dang it he must be fighting the leader, we must hurry” said Lily, “Get us out of here Luca now!!”. Luca touches the cell and immediately all his spells are turned off. “This cell is enchanted. I don’t have the correct magic or tools to free you guys,” said Luca, suddenly a voice on the side casts a spell. “UNIVERSA RUINA UNIVERSA RUINA IN TENEBRAS RA DAMIS INFINITUM. DE LON DEM EX NAHAL DA SIX. TENEBRAS RA DAMIS INFINITUM. DE LON DEM EX NHAL DA SIX!!!” The voice casts a spell that breaks the seals on the cells.

“Good I finally found you guys” said the voice, “Who are you?” said Luca. “My name is Collin Magnus” said Collin, “let me heal Lady Bennett”. “Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala” (3x) Collin chants a spell that reduces Javaeras pain. Javera Bennett slowly gets up, “Lily what are you doing here,” she said. “Javera, you're awake, how do you feel?” said Lily as she hugs her. “Zafu is in trouble!” said Luca “we have to go help him now”. They all start going towards Zafu and Nova, but while they are moving in his direction Zafu is surrounded. Luca punches through the wall “You guys go ahead I'll help Zafu” said Luca as he jumps very high into the air. “What will you do now young Levester” said Nova, “There’s nothing you can do so just surrender”.

“As long as I have my will there is always a chance” said Zafu, “You underestimate me and my bloodline”. The guards run towards Zafu, but right on time Luca arrives. “MELEE TECHNIQUE, EARTH SHATTERING PUNCH” Luca comes flying down and punches the ground causing all the guards to be blown away. “Looks like you need some help,” said Luca, “I didn’t think you would make it,took you long enough” said Zafu while holding on to his left shoulder. “Well Lily and the others are getting ready to return to the magic realm” said Luca, “I can’t believe you're fighting this guy Zafu, his magic is making my legs tremble but let me test him out”.

“Be careful he isn’t no joke” said Zafu while holding his arm. Luca charges towards Nova and attempts to punch him, but Nova easily stops his jab with his hand. “Wow so this is your backup little Levester” said Nova, “Let’s play then”. Nova quickly punches Luca in the face causing him to be pushed through the dirt. “Oh no Luca!!!!” said Zafu as he ran towards Luca. “DARKNESS MAGIC, DARKNESS ORB!!!!''.Nova creates a dark orb and fires it at them both.

Suddenly a light with a magic shield appears in front of Zafu and Luca and blocks the dark orb fired by Nova. “Why do these bugs just keep coming?” said Nova, “And who might you be”? “You shouldn’t worry about who I am, also I can’t let you hurt these two” said Collin. “I’m glad you came in time, but where is Lily and Mrs. Bennett” said Luca. “They are already back in the magic realm. It's time for us to join them. I have a duty to protect them” said Collin. “I can’t let you do that,” said Nova as he began walking in their direction. “MAGNUS ART, THE ART OF A 1000 MAGICAL ARROWS!!!!” Collin conjures 1000 arrows made of magic and begins firing them at a rapid speed. Nova’s dark katana appears, and he begins deflecting them while walking. Zafu's book appears as he searches for a spell. “Oh no you don’t” said Nova, “SECRET ART OF MYSTIC MAGIC, MYSTIC CORE MAXIMA!!!!”. Nova casts a spell that makes all the magic in the realm absorb into his body.

Nova’s eyes begin to glow dark as he takes in as much magic as he can. The magic stops coming, and he stands in one spot staring at Zafu and the others. Nova disappears in seconds and comes smashing down in their exact spot with a darkness punch. Zafu and Collin dodge quickly while Luca begins fighting him hand to hand combat, but Luca struggles to land a single blow. Luca backs away quickly to avoid taking heavy damage. “His movements have gotten sharper,” said Luca (In his head). Nova charges towards Zafu and Collin. “LIGHT MAGIC, LIGHT ENHANCED BULLETS!!” Collin fires light bullets at Nova pushing him away into the castle. “Here’s my chance,” said Zafu as he ran towards Nova with the katana of Lin Levester. “ANCESTRAL SECRET ART, LIN LEVESTERS DESTRUCTIVE SLASH!!!” Zafu creates a magical ancestral slash at point range of Nova.

Chapter Five

The Art of Magic

Zafu uses an ancient spell used by Levester Lin that he aims at Nova. Nova dodges the strike easily, but the entire castle is cut in half and a massive explosion follows. “Wow you destroyed my entire base if I would have been hit by that it would have been over” said Nova, “but I suppose it’s my turn”. “DARKNESS MAGIC SECRET ART, DARKNESS SPEAR!!!!!”. Nova puts one finger up focusing a massive amount of dark magic on the tip. He then attempts to stab Zafu, but Zafu blocks it with his katana causing his katana to break and him being pushed back intensively.

“Oh yeah that’s right Headmaster said all we have to do is say his last name and we would be teleported” said Luca. “That’s right let’s go then,” said Zafu(breathing heavily). All of them get together and say Magnus at the same time. Zafu, Luca and Collin are teleported inside the magic center.

Zafu and the others are teleported to the medical center where Lily and Javera are awaiting. All the council members arrive surrounding Head Of Witches Javera Bennett, “It’s good to see you,” said Councilwoman Hailey, “you gave us a scare”. Javera gets up with no hesitation. “It’s not good for you to move yet,” said Lily. “I am just fine now,” said Javera, “but it’s time to make a counter attack”. “Now Javera, let's not be hasty,” said Master Pace. “They held me captive and almost got Zafu, they must be taken down now!!!”.

“The core is nowhere near ready for something as big as a war” said Master Judy. Suddenly Zafu's eyes begin to glow bright and a woman's voice speaks through Zafu, “Hello Magic council my name is Mavis Levester, but some of you already know,” said Mavis.

“Anyway, I am here to tell you all that we are ready to begin helping the core regain some more of its power”. “That’s fantastic news,” said Headmaster, “but the catch is that this will completely drain Zafu of magic” said Mavis. “How will doing this drain him completely?” asked Lily. “He will need two other Levester to help him in the ritual,” said Mavis. “The levester bloodline is gone so how can he find two others?” asked Javera. “The forbidden magic of the levester bloodline” said Mavis. Zafu regains control over his consciousness, “woah what just happened” said Zafu.

“Follow me to the ancient library of the levester” said Mrs. Bennett, “If the book with that kind of magic is anywhere it's there”. “Absolutely not, he is not ready to go there!” yelled the Headmaster. “Who are you to say he’s not ready” said Javera, “I’m taking him, you can try to stop me if you want”. Javera quickly grabs Zafu and uses a teleportation spell. “Dang it there gone” said Master Judy, “We must send guards after them.'' “That will not be necessary, Master Judy” said Head councilmen, “They will never be able to get into that place”. Zafu and Javera Bennett are teleported to a strange place far from the magic realm. Javera throws Zafu off her, “this is ridiculous a mere child is the hope of the magic realm” said Javera, “We shall see.'' “This is the ancient library grounds of the Levester bloodline Now follow me”.

As the two are walking to the doors of the library they see how all the plants are dead and how ashes are all around the building. “There is a barrier around the library to protect all the knowledge that these books contain” said Javera. “Then how do we get in?” asked Zafu. “Take my hand” said Mrs. Bennett, “Let me show you”. Zafu grabs Javeras hand as she begins chanting a spell. “Destruccive glas stav enfala, Destruccive glas stav enfala” (2x), Zafu joins her. The ashes that are circled around the building begin to blow away, but suddenly the circle reforms quickly and the wind starts to blow.

A huge golem jumps down from the top of the building in front of Javera Bennett and Zafu. “Halt, you may not enter” said The Golem, “identify yourself or be destroyed”. “I am Head of witches’ council member Javera Bennett” she said. “And I am Zafu Levester,” said Zafu. “I am aware who you are Zafu” said The Golem, but I have to reject your entrance to the library. “Why?” asked Zafu. “You are not strong enough to enter” said The Golem, “only those who have exceeded their Levester limits can enter”. “Oh, great Golem I beg of you to allow passage into the Library” said Javera, “There is a spell we need desperately”. “I cannot allow you to pass please leave” said The Golem. “That's a shame on you,” said Javera as she takes her gloves off.

The Head Of witches hands start to glow yellow as she unclips her cape. She quickly jumps up and throws a punch at the golem, but the golem stops it with his hand causing a powerful wind to blow from the impact. “Zafu stay out this fight i'll handle this,” she said. Zafu sighs “Do we have to use violence?” asked Zafu. “MERCUTA VERDITIS!!!”Javera t casts a spell that creates yellow mana electricity and fires it at the golem, the golem isn’t fazed at all by the spell. “I guess we do,” said Zafu.

“Will you continue to resist” said The Golem, “I have better things to do then play with a witch that only fires empty spells”. “MAGNUS VOX!!!” Javera creates a huge yellow mana beam and fires it at the golem putting him into a big mana bubble. The Golem punches the ground breaking the mana bubble, he then runs towards Javera and grabs her. “Oh no!!” yelled Zafu, “I must do something” (In his head). Zafu sits down on the ground and focuses trying to connect to the ancestors. “I call upon the aid of the ancestors” said Zafu (inside his conscious). A girl with long black hair and a red dress appears. This is Mavis Levester. “What child do you want child can’t you see I’m trying to rest?” said Mavis. “I need help. I am at the Ancient Library of the Levester bloodline” explained Zafu. “Let me guess the guardian is giving you trouble,” said Mavis while laughing, “I use to destroy them just for fun, anyway you can’t kill them, but you can destroy them temporarily”.

“ Just switch places with me and I’ll handle the rest gosh” said Mavis. Zafu and Mavis switch places. “Hey! Head of witches I suggest you move it’s about to get very loud and destructive” said Mavis. “Oh no that voice I know what that means” said Javera while covering her ears. “LEVESTER ART, MAVIS SONIC SCREAM!!!”. Mavis clears Zafus throat and starts sucking magic into her mouth, then she lets out a loud scream that creates a sonic wave that heads towards the golem. Javera manages to get out of the golem's hand by phasing through his hand and moves out of the way. The sonic wave hits and destroys the golem and then breaks open the circle around the Library. “Alright you can thank me later and feel free to use that spell whenever you want but be careful it could cause a sore throat” said Mavis as she switches back with Zafu. “Thank you, Ms. Mavis,” said Zafu, “alright let’s go Javera before the circle reforms”.

Zafu and Mrs. Bennett run into the library and the circle reforms. As they start walking they see tons of books on each shelf. There are tons of books on each shelf. “Which section contains the forbidden spells?” said Zafu. “I have no idea, but it has to be locked up somewhere,” said Mrs. Bennett. As Zafu walks the floor begins to glow and a path forms. “What is this?” said Zafu, “a path is forming”.

“Follow it Zafu it might lead to somewhere,” said Mrs. Bennett, “I’ll stay here and see if I can find anything. Zafu follows the path down the aisle, but while he goes to see where this passageway leads, intruders arrive at the entrance of the library. “Alright soldiers we are here to find information about the location of the book of magic” said this strange but feminine voice.

While Mrs. Bennett and Zafu are inside the Library a foe approaches the entrance. The one who is leading about 25 soldiers is the right hand of the dark wizard Nova, her name is Vernice Nuras. “My lady there seems to be an ancient barrier around the library” said one of the guards. “Move peasant I will destroy the barrier” said Vernice, “must I do everything”. Vernice lifts one hand and aims it at the barrier. “ANTI MAGIC ART, REVERSE ANCIENT MAGIC!!!” Vernice casts a spell on the barrier making it weaker. Then she jumps up and kicks it causing it to break. “Alright men begin searching” said Vernice. Javera senses their magic as soon as they walk in. “Someone is here and one of them has a bigger power than the rest of them” said Mrs. Bennett, “I must warn Zafu, but first I need to keep them from this area of the Library ''. “APNE SA MENE!!!” Mrs. Bennett casts a spell that puts a barrier that only allows her and Zafu to move in and out of and then suppresses her magic.

Meanwhile Zafu finds a room that looks very dry with no magic energy. He notices a ritual circle with markings all around it in the middle of the room. Zafu walks in the middle of the ritual circle, his eyes begin to glow bright blue. The room begins to spin in reverse, suddenly Zafu is in a cave where two people are fighting. “Where am I?” said Zafu. “Honestly you would think he would be a bit smarter,” said Mavis as she appeared. “Be quiet Mavis! Let’s just explain it to him” said Master Lin as he appears. “Can both of you just explain what’s going on?” said Zafu.

“Fine this is the battle that decided what bloodline would be the safe keeper of the book of magic the end” said Mavis. “Mavis there is more to it than that” said Levester Lin, “okay Zafu allow me to explain what’s going on”. “Those two right there are the strongest in their bloodline, the one on the right is our strongest man with silver hair and blue eyes Yang Levester”. “The one on the left is Sophia Magnus, a blonde with knight armor on with gold eyes of the Magnus bloodline”. “Wait did you just say Magnus?” asked Zafu. “Yes, she was a Magnus she is from the same coven that the headmaster is from” said Mavis, “now can we please watch cause my favorite part is coming up.'' The two strongest of their bloodlines begin their battle. “You can’t defeat me Yang just give up now” said Sophia Magnus.

“Your coven only wants to find the relics for their own personal gain and that is why you do not deserve to become the chosen bloodline” said Yang, “also my bloodline is a more peaceful coven we will protect the relics from those who only want to use its power for selfish purposes”. “Enough talk you don’t know what you’re saying,” said Sophia Magnus, “we will settle this in this battle”. “I SUMMON THE WEAPON OF THE MAGNUS BLOODLINE”, Sophia summons a legendary magnus bow and arrow. “MAGNUS SECRET ART, ONE MILLION ARROWS”, magic arrows appear all around Sophia adding up to one million magical arrows. “Try to dodge these,” said Sophia, as she takes her aim, Yang levester begins to glow bright blue. “LEVSTER BLOODLINE MAGIC, KNIGHT ARMOR”, every part of Yang’s body flashes as the armor begins to appear on him. “Take your best shot” said Yang, “I SUMMON THE LEVESTER SPEAR”.

A spear forms between Yang levesters hands. Sophia takes aim and fires all the arrows at Yang, “ how will he defend himself against all of those?” asked Zafu. “Just wait and see do you really think an attack like that will faze him” said Mavis. Yang begins to spin his spear around deflecting the arrows one by one, deflecting every last one. Sophia teleports behind Yang and hits him with a magic hammer, Yang is pushed into a wall, but Yang quickly jumps from the wall and starts slicing barrage attacks with his spear. Sophia is hit by every attack and pushed back, but she tricks Yang. “MAGNUS ART, MAGICAL ENERGY BEAM”, Sophia puts her hands together and forms a blast and fires quickly at Yang, but he counters by stabbing the beam with his spear, the spear weakens and begins to disappear. “Not bad at all,” said Yang.

Yang closes his eyes and remembers the spell that Sophia just casted. “MAGNUS ART, MAGICAL ENERGY BEAM”, Yang puts his hands together and begins forming the same blast as Sophia did. “Here is my chance,” said Sophia (in her head) as she begins forming another blast. They both fire their beams and they clash causing devastating winds around them, but Sophia starts to overpower Yang. The blast that Yang created backfires on him causing a massive explosion. “Wait what just happened” said Zafu, “I thought the levester won this battle”. “We did Zafu just wait and see for yourself” said Levester Lin. The dust clears, and Yang’s armor is gone, and he is badly wounded. “Well I guess the great Yang Levester isn’t as strong as people made it seem” said Sophia while laughing. Yang smirks “You are very cocky for a magnus” he said. “Let’s end this. I'm tired of looking at your pitiful face,” said Sophia.

Sophia puts one finger in the air; clouds begin to form around them and thunder echoes in the sky. The tip of Sophia’s finger begins to glow and magic forms around it, until finally a bolt from the sky drops down and hits the tip of her finger. “So much magic power concentrated in her finger,” said Zafu. “Just wait for it Zafu” said Levester Lin, “It isn’t over yet”. Sophia points her finger at Yang. “MAGNUS ANCESTRAL ART, MAGNUS DESTRUCTIVE BOLT” she casts a spell that shoots a magic bolt faster than lighting. A huge glow appears as the bolt approaches Yang, but before the bolt could connect Yang puts his two hands together. “I didn’t want to use this spell, but ANCIENT LEVESTER MAGIC, LEVESTER CLONE SUMMONINGS”. Yang started to glow bright blue as his magic began to split into two beings that looked just like him, two clones appear and form a shield that blocks the bolt.

“This is the spell that you need to use” said Mavis, “but now that we have seen it there is nothing more to see it is time to go back”. Mavis snaps her fingers and the room begins to spin backwards to the present time. When Zafu opens his eyes, they glow bright, the entire room begins to glow. Magic from Zafu begins to go through the Library causing the building to power up. The entire area begins to be restored, all the flowers and many other things that had no magic power begin to furnish again. “What Is Zafu doing?” wondered Javera, “Dammit now the enemy will know that we are here”. All the books begin to glow, and the floors clean themselves as if nobody had deserted it. The entire library is reborn into a brand-new building.

As the enemy is roaming around in a different part of the library they see that the whole building is changing. “What is this magic that is all over the library? Others must be here, men spread out and find the source of this magic, I guess this place isn’t abandoned” said Vernice. “Yes, my lady” said the soldiers while beginning to spread out. “They are on the move. No doubt that if they find my barrier the one with that huge magic level will break it, either way I must find Zafu before they find him first” said Javera . Javera starts running towards Zafus energy, but while running some of her mana leaks and causes Vernice to sense her mana. “Ohhhhhh this is interesting , it seems Bennett is here, well let me go and introduce myself” said Vernice.

Javera runs through the pathway that Zafu had gone through and it leads her to what is now known as the ritual room. There lies Zafu in the middle of the circle. Zafu slowly gets up on his feet, “Javera, did you find the book, I think I know what spell we need, but the type of magic is Ancient magic,” said Zafu. “Now isn’t the time we must leave now there are intruders here” said Javera as she grabs Zafu. They start running the way they came, but then Javera senses Vernice getting closer to her barrier. “We can’t leave without the spell and if there are intruders we must stop them from obtaining the levesters secrets” said Zafu. Vernice approaches Javeras barrier. “Well looks like someone doesn’t want me to go into this area of the library, but sadly I don’t do well with restrictions. Anti-reversal magic doesn’t work on ancient barrier spells so let’s try brute force” said Vernice. Javera and Zafu hear banging coming from where the barrier is placed.

“I think I know where the spell is. If Yang Levester was the creator of the spell, then it must be somewhere near his statue” said Zafu. “Wait how do you know where the statue is if this is your first time coming to the library?” asked Javera. “After going in the past and activating the library a map has been inputted into my brain” explained Zafu. “Wait you went into the past!!!” asked Javera. “That’s not important, let's get moving before they get here,” said Zafu. He starts running towards the room of statues and Javera follows, but then Vernice kicks the barrier causing Javera’s barrier breaks.

“Zafu, we must hurry, they have broken my barrier,” said Javera. They run through a doorway that has a heading that says Ancient Levester Statues, but after Zafu runs through the doorway Javera tries to follow but is pushed back by a barrier.

“Zafu I can’t get through it must be some protective charm that only allows levesters to pass through” said Javera. “I'll come back as quickly as I can just stay here,” said Zafu as he ran towards the statue room. “I must hide myself before I’m spotted” said Javera (In her head). “Invisique” Mrs. Bennett casts a spell that cloaks her invisible. Vernice walks down the aisle where Zafu and Mrs. Bennett had just run passed towards the Ancient statue’s doorway. “Well I wonder if someone is hiding themselves around here. Let’s see who’s hiding shall we” said Vernice. She puts her hands together preparing to cast a spell, “ANTI MAGIC ART, DISENCHANTMENT SPHERE”, Vernice casts a spell that forms a magical sphere around her body. “What is she up to and what is that magic she’s using? Wait a minute that face looks familiar.” said Javera (In head)

Vernice releases a wave of anti-magic making Javera’s cloak disappear revealing her location. “Well I guess I was right about that magic I sensed earlier, so it was you Javera or should I say Head of witches” said Vernice. “Now I know who you are……... you were there when the witches overthrew the Levester bloodline” said Javera. “That’s right I was there, but enough of the past it's time to end what we started. You escaped my master alive. That's very impressive, let's see how rusty you have gotten Head of witches” said Vernice. Javera quickly throws a mana projectile at Vernice, but Vernice blocks it with one hand. Javera quickly starts running towards Vernice and side kicks her pushing her across the ground into a wall. Vernice stands up, “Now that’s more like it,” she said.

Meanwhile somewhere deep inside the statue chamber Zafu has made his way towards the ancient statues. Zafu looks around trying to find Yang Levesters Statue, he looks around looking at each statue but has no luck. “Where is this dumb statue I can’t find it anywhere” said Zafu. He stops in front of a statue with a familiar face. It was a stone statue of Lin Levester holding his katana blade with an inscription at the bottom that says a true Levester swordsman's. All around Zafu are thousands of statues, but Yang Levesters statue was not in sight. “All of these statues are from the same bloodline as me, but now they are all gone.

All of you I understand that you may think I’m not ready and that I am moving very fast, but I am the only Levester left so please help me restore the magical realm” said Zafu. The room begins to shake, and the eyes of every statue begins to glow. A book with a symbol of the solar eclipse on the front comes floating down. Zafu takes the book and attempts to open it, but the book would not open. “The day and night the moon and sun combine is the time for evil to be left behind,” said all the statues.

Chapter Six

The Plan for Restoration

Zafu has received a book and has also heard a message from his ancestors, but he is confused on when this event will take place. Zafu quickly starts back running towards the location of Javera, as he runs with the book tucked under his arm he senses another magical being with a dark magic sense “Who is this I sense near Javera, I’ll have to lower my magic level so they can’t see me coming,” said Zafu (In his head). Back at the aisle where Javera and Vernice are having their battle it seems Vernice is tiring out Javera. “Come on at the beginning of our battle you were able to keep up, but now your attacks are getting sloppy and I haven’t even used my anti magic yet. Oh well I guess the fun ends here let's just get this over with” said Vernice. “INTERDAMOTO LABORATOR” Javera casts a spell that shoots a yellow mana blast combined with pure heat and magic. Vernice creates a gray shield of magic that absorbs the blast.

She then moves quickly in front of Javera and grabs her by her neck absorbing her mana and magic supply. “Come on Javera, this can't be it, show me that power that you used to kill my brother!!!” yelled Vernice. “It wasn’t my fault that you all were trying to overthrow the realm and find the book of magic. The book isn’t meant to belong to anyone but the levesters” said Mrs. Bennett while choking. “You don't get to decide who gets the book, that book was created to be used,” said Vernice as she tightens her grip on Mrs. Bennett’s neck. Suddenly Zafu arrives, “LEVESTER ART SONIC SCREAM” Zafu takes a deep breath in and lets out a sonic scream towards Vernice. Vernice lets go of Javera Bennett to cover her ears but begins to absorb the wave. Javera quickly moves away and stands next to Zafu.

Vernice slowly uncovers her ears, “So you’re the last living Levester right? Well it’s an honor to meet you. Wait, that book you have in your hand looks very familiar” said Vernice while slowly walking towards Zafu and Javera. “Stay back!!!” said Javera, “CREE LE FEU!!” Javera surrounds Vernice in a circle of flames. “None of you belong in this library,” said Zafu.

“Let’s go Zafu before it’s too late, we don’t have time to force them out,” said Javera. “THIS IS A SACRED PLACE AND YOUR NOT WELCOMED HERE!!!!” said echoes of Levester ancestor voices coming from all over the library.

“You can’t ban me from the Library. All of you are powerless all you can do is pout and complain” said Vernice while looking around. “THAT MAY BE TRUE, BUT WE WILL GRANT THE POWER TO THE BENNETT WITCH TO HELP US, BUT ONLY IF SHE IS READY!!!” said the echoed voices. “Who me?” said Javera. “Do it Javera” said Zafu. “I….I accept,” said Javera confused. “VERY WELL THEN” said the echoed voices. A giant blue ray of light flashes down on Javera causing her to float.

A huge flash of light from Javera shines brightly like a neutron star all around the library and Javera's body and eyes glow bright yellow as her magic is restored to full capacity. The light slowly begins to fade, and her magic begins to calm and settle. Javera stands overflowed with power at the same level she was during the 500 years’ war. “So, they restored my power to its full capacity. These Levesters sure have some talent” said Javera (In her head) while clutching her fists. Javera begins releasing a ton of mana that causes winds to form pushing Zafu and Vernice back.

Vernice stands her ground and doesn’t move another inch, nothing but her hair is blown by Javera’s power. “Now that’s more like it, now let’s see what you got” said Vernice. Javera’s hands begin to glow yellow as she starts walking slowly towards Vernice. Vernice quickly runs behind Javera and throws a side kick, but Javera forms a yellow mana shield blocking Vernice’s kick. Zafu backs up slowly keeping his grip on the Eclipse book. Javera shots multiple beams that grabs Vernice’s arms and legs, but Vernice quickly uses her anti magic to absorb it. Mrs. Bennett punches Vernice intensively in the face with her mana fist causing Vernice to fly across the library through three different aisles. “I forgot how powerful I used to be,” said Javera.

Vernice jumps up from all the rumble rubbing her face and floating in the air. Javera shifts above Vernice slamming her down into the ground. “Way a go, Javera” said Zafu. “ She’s an anti magic user so using magic is pointless. Melee is my only bet unless I use” before Javera could finish her sentence'' Vernice punches Javera across the library into a pillar causing a bunch of rocks to fall on top of her. “Javera!!” yelled Zafu, but suddenly the entire building began to shake.

The rocks on top of Javera began to float off . Javera begins to levitate in the air with yellow mana surrounding her body and eyes beginning to glow yellow. Javera’s body begins to become covered in thick yellow mana and her hair turns yellow and becomes longer her clothes are covered all over that the naked eye can’t even see without mana sense, her hair floats in all directions. Devastating winds form pushing everything in her range away. “That form….. It’s the same form that Lily went into, but the magic level is beyond even that” said Zafu. “She finally goes all out huh, well let's see what you got” said Vernice. Javera smirks and then suddenly disappears and instantly reappears in front of Vernice. She slowly puts her hand up towards Venice's face and fires a mana blast so quick that Vernice is unable to absorb it. A big explosion follows.

Vernice becomes unconscious and falls in front of ancestral state Javera. Zafu's mouth is wide open, shocked by Javera’s devastating power. “I didn’t kill her but she won't be waking up anytime soon,” said Javera as she puts her in a mana bubble. The other guards surround Javera, but each one of them are trembling in their armor boots. Javera snaps her fingers putting each soldier in a mana bubble. “It's time to go Zafu” said Javera as she opened a portal to the magic realm. “Alright let's go and thank you so much ancestors” said Zafu as he walked through the portal. Javera follows Zafu guiding the bubbles through the portal. They all arrive at the magic center, as they walk through the halls everyone senses Javera Bennett’s magic level. “This magic power is…..” said Master Judy. “Who ever this is they are near Zafu come on

Luca” said Lily. “Now wait a minute, you two lets not do anything risky, just wait here,” said the Head councilmen.

Javera and Zafu walk to the door of the magic centers library where everyone is waiting. “Here they come” said Master Judy as she begins to get in her fighting stance .Everyone else in the room gets prepared as the door opens. Master Judy quickly throws a powerful punch at Javera, but Javera stops it with a finger burning Master Judy’s hand. “Oucccccch” screamed Master Judy. “ Everyone don’t be alarmed it's just Javera Bennett in her ancestral state!!” yelled Zafu quickly. Everyone grows a surprised look on their face and looks closely at Javera. “Javera how did you reach your full capacity again?” asked Head councilmen. “I will explain that later for now we need to put these prisoners in the dungeons” said Javera. Javera and the other council members walk out to take the prisoners, but Zafu, Luca and Lily stay in the Library. “So what happened Zafu?” asked Luca. “Yeah I would like to know as well” said Lily.

“Well I don’t know where to start honestly. We reached the library, but had trouble getting in, so I used a spell to force our way in and then members from the mystic lotus showed up” said Zafu. “How did they even find the ancient library?” asked Lily. “I have no idea, but the one leading the soldiers was a witch who used anti magic” explained Zafu. “ Woah so how did you guys fight her if she can cancel out all magic?” asked Luca. “Well she couldn’t cancel it all. It seemed that only magic that was too fast for her to absorb I didn’t fight her at all, but Javera did and also said she was someone from the war days” Zafu continued. “Wow so how did my sister get so much magic?” asked Lily. “My ancestors gave her power so that she could get rid of all of the intruders, but I had no idea Javera had this much power” said Zafu.

Meanwhile down in the magic centers dungeons the council hold the prisoners in their cells. “So this one is an anti magic witch correct Javera?” asked the Headmaster. “That is correct sir,” said Javera. Javera takes a deep breath and then calms down her mana returning to her normal form. “What I should do is go and end this entire thing by defeating Nova with the power the Levester ancestors gave me” said Javera. “Now Janet, let's not get cocky now that you have received all your power back” said Master Judy. “You all would try to stop me?” asked Javera. As the council all stare at Javera fearfully knowing how devastating she can be now that she has regained her maximum power.

Zafu and the others try to find info on this Eclipse spell book. “So wait, what was the magic phrase that was spoken by Zafu?” asked Lily. “When the sun and moon come together and finally become one for eight straight minutes” said Zafu. “That’s a solar eclipse Zafu!!!” said Lily.

“ I know, but I have no idea what it means,” said Zafu. “A solar eclipse is one of many celestial events; it's also one of the most powerful ones of all,” explained Lily. “The book will not open until this celestial event occurs then” said Zafu. “So when is this so called solar eclipse?” asked Luca. “That I do not know, but I plan to find out,” said Zafu. “How do you plan to do that?” asked Luca. “I’m glad you asked,we are going back into the Levester Library now that it's fully restored,” said Zafu.

“Wait how?” asked Lily. “The Library belongs to the Levesters. So that means I can go there whenever I please now that I have gained entrance” said Zafu. “ Well let's hurry and go before the council notices because ever since you and Javera left they have been keeping a close eye on us,” said Luca. Zafu grabs their hands and concentrates, his eyes begin to glow blue and everything around them begins to shift as they are teleported to the Library.

Back at the bottom of the dungeons Javera stares eye to eye at the other council members. “ This is madness. I will not accept this behavior! What makes you think you can take us all Janet?” said the Headmaster. Javera goes back into her ancestral state pushing all the other council members away. “I will end this by killing Nova, his power is too great if he gets any stronger then we will not be able to stop him,” said Javera.

“Javera we must wait until we all have gotten out full power back, we are in no condition for a war. Nova has a full army and a full power core we don’t stand a chance” said Councilwoman Hailey. “I will defeat them all!!!” said Javera. “If this is how you lead then maybe I should rethink making you the next in line to rule this realm” said Headmaster. Everyone is speechless and turns and looks at Headmaster Magnus. Javera goes back to her normal state and begins walking away. The council begins to question the prisoners about Nova’s intentions.

Zafu and the others finally reached the Library. “So this is the Library of the Levesters huh I wonder how many secrets are here” said Lily. The Guardian Golem jumps down from the top of the library, the same one that Mrs. Bennett and Zafu had fought before. “This time you won't be so lucky Zafu” said The Golem. “Lily, Luca meet the guardian of the Library, he guards it from intruders” said Zafu. “I don't think he is going to let us pass so easily Zafu” said Luca. “I suggest you guys cover your ears” said Zafu as he takes a deep breath in. “LEVESTER ART SONIC SCREAM” Zafu lets out a massive sonic scream at the golem. Lily and Luca cover their ears in pain. The Golem flicks the wave away into a nearby field on the right.

“What? How was he able to deflect it so easily this time” said Zafu. “Now that the Library has been reborned I am no longer as weak as I use to be, so that spell will not work” said The Golem. Lily's eyes begin to glow as she builds up mana, meanwhile Luca begins to run towards the golem. “Here's our chance to show Zafu our new combo move Lily” said Luca, “MELEE TECHNIQUES, MELEE ENHANCED STRENGTH”. Lucas hands begin to glow blue as he jumps up in front of the golem and punches him. The golem is pushed back, but stands up quickly. The Golem slaps Luca across the battlefield. Luca gets up and runs towards the golem getting beneath him and punching him upward. “Do it now Lily!” said Luca. “Here we go!” said Lily, “TEMPESTUS IMPAETUS” clouds begin to form above the golem. Lily casts a spell that shoots a lighting bolt down on the golem. The golem crashes down into the ground creating a huge crater in the ground. “Did we do it?” said Luca, “I think so” said Lily. “NO! He's not done yet watch out guys” yelled Zafu. The golem climbs out of the crater slowly with not a single scratch on him.

“As the guardian of this Forbidden Levester Library I can not let outsiders or low level Levesters inside” explained the golem. The ground begins to shake and the golem begins to glow as he slowly shrinks down. “What happened Zafu?” asked Lily, “He seems to be changing,” said Zafu. The golem's magic level begins to increase and his body shape begins to shape into that of a human form. The golem has transformed into a full sized knight. Three names appear on the Golems back. “This is taking too long!” yelled Luca as he ran towards the golem. “No Luca don't be stupid” said Lily. Luca throws a punch at the golem, but something different happens. The name on the golem begins to glow red causing the golem to counter with the exact same movement.

“Hmph try to stop this” said Luca while building up magic in his fist. “MELEE TECHNIQUES, EARTHLY SHATTERING PUNCH” Luca charges up his punch and then throws it at the golem. The golem charges up magic in his fist and throws it at Luca punching through Lucas punch punching him in his face into the ground. “Did he just use Lucas spell against him?” said Lily, “this is bad” said Zafu as he begins running towards the golem. “I SUMMON THE KATANA OF LIN LEVESTER”, Zafu summons Lin Levesters katana and attacks the golem. The golems back glows again, he summons the same katana as Zafu and strikes his katana causing devastating winds. “ERADIKO” Lily fires multiple mana beams grabbing the golem. The last name on the golems back begins to glow as the golems eyes glow white. “Hey you guys! I see names on his back” yelled Zafu. Luca jumps up and gets behind the golem. “There are three names on his back. It looks like Maxwell, Bennett and Levester” said Luca. “OF COURSE HE'S USING THE POWER OF OUR BLOODLINES AGAINST US” yelled Lily. Zafu and Lily quickly back away from the golem. “Let me try something” said Lily(in her head). “Alright everyone fire a spell at the golem” said Lily, “but he will just counter with the same attack” said Luca. “Don't talk back just hurry and do it!” yelled Lily. “LEVESTER ART, KATANA SLASH” Zafu uses his katana and makes a magical slash and fires it towards the golem. “MELEE TECHNIQUES, MELEE AIR PUNCH” Luca focuses magic power into his fist and punches an air blast at the golem. Lily fires a white mana projectitle at the golem. Finally all three spells make impact. All three names on the golems back begin to glow. A huge explosion happens as the spells hit the golem.

As the dust clear Zafu and the others see a white mana shield surrounding the golem. “Here's my chance” said Lily(in her head), “FABECIO KAI”. Her hands began to glow as she casts a spell that begins to make the golem melt and silk into the ground. The golem shuts down completely and the gates to the Library open. “It about time” said Lily as she stands up breathing heavily. “Zafu please tell me there aren't anymore cause just one was hard to defeat,” said Luca.

“I think we are good for now Luca no need to worry, but we must hurry before he regenerates” said Zafu. As the three walk through the entrance a hologram appears, he is dressed in a suit and has nerd-like glasses on. “Hello I am Carol the Librarian of this building,” he said. “Nice to meet you Carol, my name is” before Zafu could finish Carol cuts him off. “I know who you are, young levester” said Carol. “Then you should also know why I am here,” replied Zafu. “Well with the upcoming eclipse I guess you have questions,” said Carol. “Wait so the eclipse is coming!?” asked Zafu. “Well yeah on the 10th day of June,” said Carol.

“The day that the solar eclipse happens Is the day that almost every magical being loses 85% of their magic” explained Carol. “Wait what!? Your joking right?” asked Lily. “I'm a librarian, do I look like someone to tell you jokes,” answered Carol. “Except the Levesters I'm guessing,” said Zafu. “That's correct when a Levester performs the ritual to obtain the power of the solar eclipse they will have infinite power through the entire 8 minutes that it lasts and during that time they can do almost anything, but they must be very powerful and focused enough or the solar rays from the moon and sun will destroy them” explained Carol. “How does a Levester get stronger?” asked Luca. “Years of training and learning to control the use of their magic power, but an easier way is through cultivation and meditating” explained Carol.

Suddenly soldiers march to the entrance of the building. “Luca do you sense that?” asked Zafu. “Yeah it's him alright seems he really wants to know more about the Levesters” replied Luca. “I will protect the librarian you guys go ” said Lily. Zafu and Luca walk outside the Library and the librarian summons golems to defend the library. “You have some nerve coming here Nova,” said Zafu. Nova stands in front of his army of a 1000 soldiers in a black armor suit. “I didn't expect you all to be here,” said Nova shocked. “Please leave now you have no business on Levester territory” said Zafu. “Soldiers attack and find the Librarian and bring that boy to me!!” yelled Nova. Soldiers begin to charge at the library, but they end up bumping into a barrier. “Of course there is a barrier, but I have done my research that it is only as strong depending on the number of levesters alive” said Nova as he jumps towards the barrier. “DARK MAGIC, DARK DISENCHANTMENT” Nova casts a spell by placing his hand on the barrier beginning to break the barrier.

“Luca if the fight gets too dangerous then leave and take Lily” said Zafu. “Lily would kill me if I did that Zafu you are our main priority, so I'll stand by you and fight to the end” said Luca. “LEVESTER SECRET ART, LIN LEVESTER KATANA” Zafu summons Lin levesters katana. “MELEE TECHNIQUES, ENHANCED SPEEDS” Luca focuses his magic in his feet and hands.More Golems begin to come up from the ground they are smaller, but even stronger in number. The Golems begin to attack the soldiers. “We can handle the soldiers you go after Nova” said one of The Golems. Nova summons two dark swords and begins slowly walking towards Zafu and Luca. Luca charges quickly at Nova and tries to kick him, but Nova counters with an even faster kick knocking Luca into the library. “LEVESTER ART, AIR SLASH” Zafu quickly casts a spell that creates a magical air slash and launches it at Nova,but Nova quickly swipes his sword in the air cancelling it out.

“If that's the best you can pull off then”, he quickly moves behind Zafu striking him with his sword. “Oh no Zafu!” yelled Luca as he began to run to his aid. Nova kicks Luca to the ground preventing him from stepping in and interfering. Zafu and Luca are drained of any magic they may have had left. Nova grabs Zafu by his head and lifts him into the air. “This is pitiful, the greatest bloodline can barely put up a fight, has no magical control or endurance this is just sad” said Nova.

Chapter Seven

Declaration Of War

After Nova and his soldiers had arrived to invade the Ancient Levester Library Zafu and Luca faced off against Nova himself, but it seems that the tables have turned in their favor, suddenly a big purple and yellow light comes crashing down from the sky separating Zafu and Nova. Javera Bennett flashes forward kicking Nova far across the battlefield. Nova blocks the intense kick and stands up slowly “That kinda stung a little Javera ” said Nova while laughing and getting up. On the left side of Javera with a very angry face was Headmaster Magnus. “So the big man finally shows his face. It's about time you stopped sitting at a desk master” said Nova. “I am no longer your master and this is unacceptable, it's time to put this to an end ,” said The Headmaster. Javera takes Zafu and Luca inside the Library where Lily and the Librarian are waiting.

“From the day I met you I knew that your dark magic would be bad that's why I took you under my wing because I knew that light could overcome your darkness”, said The Headmaster while having flashbacks. “Well even you know that where there is light, darkness shall always seep in,” said Nova as he draws his sword. “I once taught you that and also a number of things, but one thing I forgot to mention is that light keeps darkness balanced and without light darkness will bring corruption” explained Headmaster Magnus as his magic power begins to rise causing the ground to quake. “MAGNUS ARTILLERY, MAGNUS BOW” The Headmaster summons a bow from his bloodline. Nova charges at The Headmaster and attempts to strike him, but The Headmaster quickly fires arrows at Nova pushing him across the ground. Nova quickly moves towards the Headmaster with a dark magical ball in his hand. Magnus focuses magic power in his palm and clashes it against Nova's dark magical ball.

A huge explosion occurs upon impact. Headmaster Magnus puts two fingers up towards the sky making clouds form. “MAGNUS SECRET ART, MAGNUS MAGICAL BOLTS” Headmaster casts a secret spell that directs his magic based on the movements of his fingers. The Headmaster stabs Nova with his fingers causing a magical marking to form. Nova quickly retreats backwards fearful of what the spell does. The Headmaster snaps his fingers causing the sky to react and purple lighting bolts forming with support from his magic power. “What did you do old man?” said Nova. Lighting bolts quickly begin to strike Nova at a rapid and continuous rate. Nova screams in tremendous pain while all 25 bolts strike him. “You're not laughing now are you Nova” said Headmaster as he deactivated the spell with a wave of his hand.

Suddenly Nova begins to laugh evilly and stand up. “That would have packed a punch if I didn't have the support of magic from an entire realm” said Nova while smirking. “ ANCIENT DARK MAGIC, DARK CORE” Nova creates a ton of magic energy and then begins to absorb it back into his body. “Leave it to you to break even more forbidden rules, but I'm afraid I shall put an end to this before you have a chance to show off that power ” said Headmaster. The Headmaster creates an L symbol with his hand and begins to focus an enormous amount of magic into his hand.

“This is it Nova, let's finish this,” said the Headmaster. “ANCESTRAL MAGNUS MAGIC, MAGNUS DESTROYER LIGHT”, The Headmaster casts one of three of his most powerful spells, this spell is known to shine light down on an enemy or army that the caster sees as a threat. It is impossible to block or dodge it then completely wipes the enemy from existence. A magical light circle forms around the entire library grounds and the Headmaster puts his hands together to control it. “What is this magic? What do you plan to do old man” asked Nova. The ground begins to shake intensively, “For so long I knew how evil you were and how much more you would become, but when I had the power to stop you I didn't, but I shall correct my mistake” said The Headmaster. The light shines down on Nova and his entire army and begins to shine brighter and brighter.

After 15 seconds of a big shining the light begins to fade away, after it fades completely Nova's army is gone, but what seemed to be Nova was nothing but a clone as the Headmaster stands over a puddle of dark plasma. “So he sent a clone instead of coming himself, you have always been a coward Nova” said The Headmaster. Meanwhile inside the Library Javera,Lily and the others are all talking to the Librarian about the solar eclipse. “Once the eclipse comes Zafus' power will increase enough for him to open the book. The Levester secret spell to create clones is very intense on the body, so until it's time you need to meditate and learn to control your magic power better or the only time you will be able to use the spell is during the eclipse which only comes once every 1000 years” explained Carol. “Wait so how many spells can I learn during the eclipse?” asked Zafu. “No Levester has ever learned more than two spells from the book, except for Yin Levester he learned three, but if you try to gain knowledge above your limit the book could destroy your magic supply completely,” said Carol.

The Headmaster enters the Library and goes into the room where everyone else is talking about the eclipse. “You only need one spell Zafu we can't put that at risk” said The Headmaster. “Magnus!!! How did the battle go against Nova'' asked Javera. “There aren't any more intruders, but Nova sent a clone it wasnt really him,” said The Headmaster. “Wait, that clone was almost as powerful as Nova, how did you defeat him?” asked Lily. “He used one of his Magnus rules. It's a lining of spells that each have a huge power scale” explained Javera. “Enough it's time to return to the magic realm, I'm certain Nova has declared war and that this was just a warning or even a distraction,” said The Headmaster.

The Headmaster opens a portal to the Magical realm. “Carol, will it be okay for you to come along? Your knowledge will be very useful,” said Zafu. “Fine just this once, but only until it's time for the eclipse” answered Carol. “I think it's time we split up guys,” said Lily. “Wait why?” asked Luca, “If we are going to take part in this war, we must get stronger and in order to do that we must train our magic, so I will go with my sister to train and Zafu and Luca will go and train and we will meet up two days before the eclipse to prepare” said Lily. “It's settled for the next month we shall train and then meet at the core two days before the eclipse” said Zafu. Luca and Zafu go through the portal that leads back to the magical realm while Lily and Javera Bennett go through their own portal.

Meanwhile back at Novas hideout the sinister leader puts his plans in action. “Now that I have gathered enough magic it's time to deploy this army and take the Magical realm and Zafu Levester” said Nova. Standing beside Nova are four Generals with a high magic power and in front of Nova is an army of 5000 soldiers. “It will take us a month to get into the magical realm, so let's begin”

The soldiers begin to march outward towards the route that leads to the magical realm. Zafu and Luca arrive in the magical realm. “So where are we going to go for training?” asked Luca. “Well there is one place we could go, but it's in a different dimension then the magical realm” said Carol. “Is this place some type of training world or something?” asked Zafu. “Precisely Zafu, it will help you have better magic control and endurance, so when you open the book the power from it doesn't completely destroy your magic supply,'' said Carol. “That sounds amazing!! Can Luca come too, asked Zafu? “Well you don't expect to fight me do you” asked Carol. The librarian summons a door for Luca and Zafu to enter. “Before you all go just wanted to let you know that now we are in the endgame and Zafu your magic is what we have to rely on in order to win this war said The Headmaster. “I know sir don't worry I have a plan” said Zafu while smiling and going through the door. As Carol, Luca and Zafu walk through the door it flies into the air.

The Headmaster heads back towards the council to report what had happened and that war had been declared, meanwhile Head Of Witches Javera and Lily Bennett finally arrive at their destination. “Lily, welcome to the Mana Realm,” said Javera. “The mana realm?” said Lily in confusion. “This is where our bloodline witches are from, as you can sense all the mana here, this is where our power is pushed to its maxed” explained Javera. The two begin walking through the realm, everywhere around there are witches flying around and communicating with one another. Many witches begin to stare at Lily as she walks down the path to the Bennett palace. “You haven't been here since you were a baby, not many your age get to come back here” said Javera. “So why am I able to come here now” she asked? “We are special within the Bennett bloodline; you could say we are royalty here,” Javera explained.

Javera and Lily reach the Bennett palace, the gates open for them as they walk near them. “I have so many questions to ask,” said Lily, “Why was I sent to the mortal realm and what happened to our brother, why is he so corrupted”. “Only our mother can explain all this, just be patient,” said Javera. As the two walk through the palace many of the other royals whisper about Lilie's return. Javera and Lily finally make it to the queen's throne room doors.

Javera covers her hand in mana and knocks on the door. After five seconds of an echo of the knock a voice answers. “You have permission to enter,” said the voice. The throne room doors disappear and Javera and Lily approach the queen who levitates over her throne in her ancestral state. “Javera you have returned, it's about time” said the queen. The Queen of The Mana Witches has her back turned and does not notice that Lily is beside Javera, she appears to be in an ancestral state that's different from Javera and Lilys. Her Ancestral state is black with white stars and her hair,hands, feet and eyes glow white, but her state includes a mystical crown on top of her head. Javera bows and makes Lily bow as well, “A war has started and we need the support of the mana realm to win” said Javera. “You know that the mana realm has always stayed neutral when it came to magical realm affairs” said The Queen.

“Mother the ones who threaten war are looking for the book of all. . . . . “ Before Javera could finish her sentence the entire room transforms into space itself. “The book of all magic can not be found unless there is a breathing Levester alive and in this case my grandmother killed them all” explained The Queen. “I have not forgotten mother, but one did survive,” said Javera. “So what I sensed earlier is true the boy who lived” said The Queen, “Is this true Lillian” she asked as she turned around? “How did you know I was here” asked Lily? “You are my daughter I sensed you the moment you and Javera entered the realm” said The Queen, “I am glad you have returned my daughter”.The room turns back to normal as The Queen begins to walk towards Lily. “I didn't expect to see you again till you were older, but you are truly special,” said the Queen. “Mother, will you help us please? Zafu Levester is my friend and I want to protect him, `` cried Lily. “Mother listen to us if Zafu is taken the book will be found and used for dangerous purposes,” explained Javera. “I am well aware of the situation and it can easily be fixed if we just kill the boy” said The Queen.

The Queen of the mana realm suggests that killing Zafu Levester can fix everything. Lily's heart drops as she hears the words come out of her mother's mouth. Lily clenches her fist, “if you even think of laying a hand on him youll have to go through me first!” yelled Lily. Javera steps back as she prepares for Lily to go off on their mother. “ERADIKO” Lily casts a spell that puts The Queen in a white mana bubble. The Queen smirks and then blows causing the bubble to be blown off her. “I understand you are angry, but we must protect all the realms Lillian” said The Queen. “Zafu keeps the magic realm's power in balance; nobody will allow you to carelesy kill him. I can not stand by and let you even if you are my mother,” said Lily.

Lily's power begins to explode and increase as she looks angrily at her mother. “I don't think you wanna do this Lily” said The Queen. “I am quite sure that I do mother!” said Lily. “Facio Gravis” Lily casts a spell that makes the gravity in the room 10x heavier. The Queen is not affected at all by Lily's attack. “What she isn't affected at all by my spell” said Lily within her self conscious. The Queen swiftly moves behind Lily while she is distracted and whips her with her mana hair pushing her outside the castle. Lily falls down before being caught by Javera at the base of the Bennett castle. “Lily that's enough! you can't beat mother” said a worried Javera. The Queen slowly floats through the massive hole which Lily was pushed through and lifts a hand in the air. “I don't recall asking you to interfere with Javera!” shouted The Queen. The Queen shoots an invisible black mana projectile at Javera pushing Javera across the mana realm through a taco shop. Lily quickly fires a white mana beam at her mother, but The Queen stops it without so much as moving a fingernail and begins to blow on the mana freezing it. The Queen shoots the frozen mana at intense speed. Lily shields herself in a mana shield blocking it. The Queen lands on the ground and slowly hovers towards Lily. The Queen grabs Lily's wrist and lifts her in the air, “This magic I sense from your wrist must be the levesters energy hm? Said the Queen. The Queen snaps her fingers making the seal on the magical bracelet open.

Lily begins to float in the air as her eyes begin to glow white. “ NO! I REFUSE TO USE THIS POWER” yelled Lily. The Queen goes in the air and lifts one hand, “Mana Ancestral Magic, Max Zone”. The Queen casts a spell that focuses pure mana from the mana realm into her palm. “Without your ancestral form you will not be able to defend yourself lillian” said The Queen. Lily focuses on her self consciousness and then explodes her mana sense making the ancestral state awaken. A bright white light shines over the palace not affecting The Queen one bit. A few moments later after the light has ceased standing above The Queen upset down is Lily Bennett within her ancestral state form. “Now the fun will finally begin” said The Queen. Javera quickly goes into her ancestral state and shifts closer to the Bennett Palace. The Queen quickly drops down to the ground and then fires her spell, but Lily not in control of her body uses her mana hair to absorb the beam enhancing all her attributes. Lily in half a second moves towards her mother pushing her into the ground. The Queen stops the strike with the palm of her hand and then kicks Lily back up into the air.


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