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Artificial Intelligence Technologies Trends to Watch in 2021

Artificial Intelligence technologies that will be a trend this year

By Saul GallegosPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Artificial Intelligence Technologies Trends to Watch in 2021
Photo by Gertrūda Valasevičiūtė on Unsplash

This year is no exception, as in the last couple of decades, artificial intelligence will follow an accelerated course. It is well known that artificial intelligence is divided into different disciplines, some of which are more important.

Not only will Artificial Intelligence play a massive role in structuring the ‘new way’ of life, but it will also give birth to technologies that prevent such outbreaks in the future. As a result, new jobs will also arise from Artificial Intelligence innovation.

Whilst the future and how our lives will be in the future is unknown; there is one certainty: it will be Artificial Intelligence directed. So, here’s a preview of the Artificial Intelligence technologies trends in 2021 that will shape our lives, change the way businesses operate, and advance civilization in ways unexpected.

The technologies are not in a specific order, they are all technologies that in recent years have been in constant growth, and for this, they will continue to do so.

Natural Language Generation

Generating a coherent and efficient speech is essential for human-machine communication. Saying the correct words in the correct sequence to create a clear message is very important.

Natural Language Generation is a sub-discipline of artificial intelligence and, it is also a technological trend that converts structured data into a native language.

Virtual Agents

Virtual Agents are computer-generated intelligence that provides online customer assistance.

They are a manifestation of a technology that aims to create an effective but digital impersonation of humans.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved using sound, digital visual elements, and other sensory stimuli delivered via technology.

It uses the existing environment and adds information to it to make a new artificial environment.

Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition is used to convert human speech into a comprehensive and useful format for computer applications to process.

It is presently used in interactive voice response systems and mobile applications.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation is configuring a robot to interpret, communicate and analyze data.

We need to remember that Artificial Intelligence is not meant to replace humans. But instead, it is to complement their abilities and reinforce human talent.

Decision Management

Decision Management helps companies make valid decisions by providing up-to-date and relevant information and by performing analytic functions.

Decision Management is widely used in the health care sector, financial sector, insurance sector, e-commerce, and many more.

Machine Learning

An important branch of Artificial Intelligence refers to machines being able to learn by themselves without being explicitly programmed.

Machine Learning is widely used for categorization and prediction.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that mimics the workings of the human brain in processing data.

It uses a hierarchical level of artificial neural networks for carrying out the process of Machine Learning.

Image Recognition

Image Recognition is the process of detecting an object or feature in a digital image or video.

Many social media platforms like Facebook use this technology to enhance image search and aid visually impaired users.

AI in Cybersecurity

AI-based cybersecurity systems can offer the latest knowledge of industry-specific and global threats to enable you to make critical prioritization decisions. These decisions are not only based on what could be used to attack your enterprise but what is likely to be used to attack your enterprise. Derived from AI analysis, prescriptive insights can help you configure and enhance controls as well as processes to improve your organization’s cyber resilience in the most effective way.


Those are some of the artificial intelligence technologies that will be very much in force throughout the year. If you liked any of them, you could research more about them to learn it.

I base myself on the following forums to create this list. If you are interested in the subject, each of the following sources has more technologies that will surely be a trend this year.

artificial intelligence

About the Creator

Saul Gallegos

Full-stack Web Developer.

CS Student.


Now Writer.

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