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Are We Already Dominated by Artificial Intelligence? — The Future is Predictable

How your life is predicted and dictated by machines.

By MuangakiliPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Are We Already Dominated by Artificial Intelligence? — The Future is Predictable
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

We were all so wrong thinking about the future, we are wrong assuming that, Artificial Intelligence will dominate the future. We missed it, and fail to see our dependency on the machines.

A couple of days ago, I wrote an article on how I enjoy writing without being interrupted. I enjoy sharing my ideas as original as possible, it has been over two weeks now since I decided to write on medium. A lot of things started to reveal themselves very quickly. Before we dive deep into the topic, let us first find some grounds.

What is A.I — Artificial Intelligence?

By Possessed Photography on Unsplash

The acceptable definition of Artificial Intelligence is a simulated intelligence demonstrated by computers, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans or animals.

Where a computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

When does Natural Intelligence become Artificial Intelligence?

By NeONBRAND on Unsplash

A while ago, I wrote another article about the way we perceive artificial intelligence and our dependency on machines. I went on detailing when did we become artificial?, of course, our understanding is that Artificial intelligence only applies to machines, we never think that maybe Artificial Intelligence might start into someone’s mind before it is transferred into the machines?

We are so accustomed and used to the idea of ‘being trained’, we believe that a human mind is an empty space that needs to be fed information. Though this is a half-truth.

Education means, the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. While training means, the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior.

Natural intelligence becomes artificial intelligence whenever your thought patterns are trained to see things differently as they would naturally.

Just be ignorant for a bit for me, will you? My driving instructor led me on a hill, then he told me to ease on the accelerator, the vehicle was moving because of the slope,

the driving instructor asked me, “Why is the vehicle moving on its own?”,

I replied instinctively, “Because of the slope”.

Then he yelled, “No! it is because of gravity.”

Because he was ‘the driving instructor’ I decided to let it go. But here is a good example, that when we are trained we fail to see things naturally, we see the memory that was ingrained in our minds. The fact that the answer of the slope is more accurate, because gravity is everywhere, why wouldn’t the vehicle move on a leveled ground while the gravity is still present?

What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence Vs Natural Intelligence?

Just consider the following; look at all the successful people, like Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. What do they have in common?

  1. They are college dropouts.
  2. Their inventive minds were as natural as virgin oil, no one trained them how to be inventive.

According to Wikipedia, the word education is derived from the Latin word ēdūcō (“I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect”)

The original purpose of education was to bring out one’s creativity, by simply making someone question things, they would naturally arrive at a certain conclusion. This is natural intelligence. But education today has changed, they throttle you with information until that natural intelligence is overwhelmed.

You can see this clear today that, the decline of creativity results from the economical factors, where people are more concerned about their financial income more than the quality of life.

The Dominance of Artificial Intelligence

Now that you see where I am coming from, let’s explore the dominance of Artificial intelligence in our life and predictability.

Like I said earlier, when I started to write on medium, some things became apparent. The computer codes predict how we write on medium, though it is not for all medium writers, you will see a lot of writers are concerned about their articles being curated, and guess what curates the articles? a computer bot.

Here is a list of things that are controlled by artificial intelligence, that you have to abide by their rules to be able to use their services.

  • Almost all social media apps and sites, including TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, get the idea?
  • Search engines, Google, Bing, Duck duck go and yahoo.
  • Operating systems, Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, etc.
  • Electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, smartwatches, Tv, and many more.

The fact that you have to sacrifice your mental memory, time, and attention to learn how to use these devices and these services, you are slowly being dominated by artificial intelligence without knowing, because whatever you do, you must first abide by their rules to get a reward, “I want to make money on medium, therefore, I have to make sure my article is curated. And the fact that about 75% of human activities involve the use of machines, the future becomes clear and predictable.

Ask yourself, is it worth it? is it worth sacrificing your natural rhythms for a bowl of rice?


About the Creator


It is loud and clear that there are too many cracks in the Matrix, A whole lot of information is leaking. stay tuned. https://solo.to/muangakili

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