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Alex The Inventor (Book 2 - Chapter 1)

Book 2 of an Illustrated Sci-Fi Trilogy

By G.F. BrynnPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
*** Read from Chapter 1 at:  www.deepskystories.com ***

Read Chapter 1 (Part 1) at: Deep Sky Stories

Chapter 1 (Part 1) - Of Lineage and Tokens of Manhood

When the boy and his large companion arrived on what became their new Homeworld, they had to learn to survive and adapt to the new environment as best as they could.The boy was fit and hardy though and he had the good sense to pack what provisions he thought were necessary before he began his lone journey from one planet to the other.He first saw his new Homeworld from afar only a year before - that being two of our years.His father, King T'eir of the Valley's southwestern shores, had taken him to the highest tower of his palace on a dark, clear night and pointed up at the tiny blue dot nestled among the stars.It did not appear to be very interesting to the boy at first - it was just a pale blue speck in the darkness and looked much too distant as well. Yet his father told him that that dot in the night sky was a very interesting place indeed. The blue dot was actually nearer to their Homeworld than even the brightest of the stars which turned in the black velvet dome high overhead.How could that be, the boy wondered. It was only a little blue dot in space. There was no other place which could possibly match the beauty and wonders of the boy's own Homeworld.The valley he lived in was a full, rich and wild country all by itself. It was the envy of the Plains People who roamed the cold and dusty steppe-lands beyond his home.In the Valley there were thick, carpets of Ground-Leaf and mosses of every kind grown with care by the Life-Givers of each village. And rich farmlands of the hard-working Tils Clan stretched in thin strips of fertile soil for hundreds of miles along the banks of the mighty River Styx.Then there were the Strand Villages which were clusters of mud huts that stood upon tall, erosion-carved sandstone pillars. The pillars were situated throughout the entire length of the endless river valley. The Valley did seem to be endless, so far did it stretch from East to West, from horizon to horizon.The village pillars all stood a full two miles above the thundering river. A boy, such as he, could run and explore from village to village for weeks on end because each was inter-connected, one to the other by a web of strong rope bridges.A boy could meet new and interesting people all along the way and would never go hungry because the food and bounty from the Valley floor was shared freely among the villagers.No, there was nothing, the boy was sure, which could possibly compare with the splendor of his Homeworld. True, there were a few worrying signs of troubles ahead which the boy often heard his Royal parents discussing with various diplomats and "High-War Moderators" during evening meetings.The meetings had something to do with "accidents" involving the "Moon-War" machines which were somehow reaching the surface of his world and causing serious problems, even fatalities at times, among the nomadic Plains People.But Halden, the son of King T'eir was not afraid of such problems as these. His father would make short work of those nasty little robot Flies, he was sure. No, there was no world as wonderful nor any people as powerful as his race, that was certain.

"Come, look upon the yonder distant Waterworld through the lens of my Aether-Glass", Halden's father said as they stood together atop the tower of the Royal Palace that cold, clear summer night.

Next: Chapter 1 (Part 2)

While young Halden works to complete his Manhood Challenge, his father prepares him for his journey and reveals wonders and terrible new secrets kept closely guarded by the Kings and Queens of the Valley. For there are awful dangers swiftly approaching Mars, their Homeworld, and their time as father and son will soon be but a memory, scattered by the Great Change.As of July 17, 2017, Alex The Inventor (Book 2)can be read at: Deepskystories.com

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About the Creator

G.F. Brynn

G. F. Brynn is a self-taught writer & illustrator whose sci-fi stories weave a rich blend of youthful adventurism with ancient myth-fantasy. The characters move in a world in which the divide between dream and reality is thinly shaded.

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    G.F. BrynnWritten by G.F. Brynn

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