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Address to the Citizens of Starship Planet Earth

A call to action: crowdsourcing civcraft. (Civilization craft)

By Alfonzo AliomarPublished 4 years ago 9 min read

Hello, citizens of Starship Planet Earth, I am Captain Alfonzo 'Oni' P. Aliomar.

This address is to bring more refined attention to the course and shape of the collective timeline, as well to seek collective solutions and thoughtful, informed action alike.

Our technical savvy, both external and internal, are a marvel by historical standards; however culturally, ethically and philisophically our civilization is in need of a greater sense of care regarding the course in which we steer the species; the means by which we have made ourselves caretakers of the world.

I ask you this: what is the true mark of a civilization's progress? Does it reside in a civilization's capability for mechanical technology and energy consumption, as the Kardashev Scale dictates? What of a civilizations behaviour and manner of conduct?

In this moment, at the collective level, we are akin to the children in William Goldings, The Lord of the Flies, but our island is a planet, our technology, knowledge and wisdom are far superior and our leadership of a more developed age, vaster wealth and greater insight; purposfully living apart from and intellectually removed from those who's interest they proclaim to hold at heart. Unlike those in the aforementioned book, whom at least underwent the same struggles for survival as those they lead; shoulder to shoulder. In both the book and objective reality, such individuals direct collective fates, engaging in and ordering the carrying out of actions and then proclaiming them to be "the will of the people."

We are not all engaging in the collective reality creation process; we instead, live according to anothers dreams, ambitions and parameters. Blindly accepting the terms and choices presented to us... inherited by us. We as well, fail to give due time and attention to the analysis of our course and potential for consiquences. So this has been and continues to be. It needn't be so, not in a consensus reality such as ours; not when we as both individuals and a collective, give consideration to and act in each others best interest. Of course we are still yet to know what that would look like on a mass scale with where we have progressed, but then again our ancestors could have scarcely foreseen our progressing as we have to this moment.

Our ethical and culturally based behaviours, our humanistic practices must gain pace, if not surpass our technical prowess. Our collective care and interests are in need of reassessment and adjustment, if we are to truly call ourselves, or truly arise to the title of "advanced civilization".

So what does an "advanced civilization" look like? That, for us, is yet to truly be answered, though we seem on our way there. There is much content and speculation to draw from in the historic, modern, fictional and hypothetical sense; we need only to slow our pace and give due analysis and consideration to our course. That said, we must practice such discernment, in our individual and collective reality and timeline crafting. As self aware, sentient beings, we must not believe these inherited responsibilities to be, nor treat them as passive processes to be deligated, lest there is no care for such matters; for some that is so, but even that perspective aides in collective creation. For those that do care, what is to be done about the circumstances we currently find ourselves in? What else, but to step into our potential with the tools, technologies, and collective knowledge and wisdom currently at our beckoning; how could we not step into our collective potential, lest there is not the care, capability or capacity to do so.

As time progresses the potentials of a global dictatorship fast works it's tendrils through out all that our livelihoods depend upon. Since the beginnings of the industrial revolution and long before, the collective consciousness and evolution of humanity has found it's course directed and dictated, not by and through informed consensus, inclusion nor cultivated interest, but rather, through monarchy, coersion, systemic and mental control, manufactured scarcity, resources restictions, as well individual greed and deception, on the part of the very systems, monarches and deligates we have been thus far engineered to depend upon and hold in high regard. I say engineered because a sentient, self determining being must be conditioned to feel and think itself powerless in order to willingly give up it's self determination and atonomy to external entities that as far as you are aware may not hold your or the collectives interests at heart, for ask yourself: who truly benifits from matters as they are, when the world as is is considered under historical and current context? There is no one leadership or leader that is capable of delivering the world from it's hardships. It falls on humanity as a whole, as individual creators, archetects, artists and engineers of both themselves and their surroundings to see through such a mission. After all, the world as is, is a work of all of our hands; past, present and future. At present however, I doubt the current context to be, what we all had envisioned.

For this reason, I am calling upon all hands to step up and assist in a more direct means of civilization craft, not by way of deligation but by way of overdue direct action. This is where the difficulties arise, for, to organize a whole planet's civilization, whom stand in disarray and hypnosis, is no small undertaking. We must all of us be willing to rise to the call, rise to the challenges that lay before us, for these decisions affect us all, sentient or not.

Food and shelter are the resources that lie at the basis of a civilizations survival and the forefront each individuals experience in the heirarchy of needs. These are the simplest and easiest needs to meet, were there not midigating factors that require our addressing and answering, such as man's law, current economic structures, cultural practices and beliefs and so on. Brothers and sisters in form and cosmic substance, we must surpass, rise together, go beyond and stand for and with one another!

Some among us say we must abandon our technological progress for the good of our home world, for those who reside upon it and are forced to share in our choices. They believe we should return to a more nature-centric lifestyle, which I do not disagree with. I see the merit in such a course, I disgree with the necessity to abolish our progress thus. Our world is just as natural as that which arises through trial and error of natural processes. The only difference between natural technology and man manifested tech, is the concept that biologically evolved tech is intended to address environmental challenges and does not harm that which is has arisen from, while tech created through ideas is manifested and intended to address humanities contemporary challenges, but has yet to reach an ideal symbiosis with it's surroundings, though the niche is ever present. Technology needn't be abolished, but rather thoughtfully and ethically integrated into that which proceeds it, that the additions are of service to the evironment and it's inhabitants, rather than a hinderance and at worse a detriment to the lifestreams continuation.

The world and very cosmos, the time and lifestream that is the reason for our existence, should at all times be at the forefront of all considerations for our actions, for our environment is no less than our outter body. To poison willingly poison your body to bring ruin to the self, but to poison the environment upon which all life depends; in which you live and depend upon, is to be responsible for dooming all of existence upon this planet; is suicide that extends beyond the self. Our progress need not end, but we must restore our outter body to it's rightful health, in a time and manner that only we can; we cannot wait for time to reestablished what we have destroyed, unless we stop our current actions all together and indeed return to the balance we once respected. But alchemy is on our side if we but properly exercise it.

As previously stated, to organize a whole planets so divided is no easy undertaking, but one we are more than capable of undertaking at this juncture. Through technology, through a better utilized social media, through the care that each of us is capable of generating, a better world can be made manifest, through the time and love of our attention. What are some solutions to our collective plight? Food must be freely grown and accessible, especially within cities and other areas where humans dwell, regardless of profit. We have no shortage of space, only ambition and action. Apartment complexs, street curbs, parks, the outter regions of cities are perfect for food cultivation. Shelter is another fundamental in need of addressing. As far as I know, the number of empty homes far outweigh the population of current and so where there are unmanned homes, so should they freely be resided in, independant of financial status. Where evictions are concerned, neighbors protect your communities, lest such evictions hold a higher purpose than financial interests. Allow no banks or external entities to hold such influence over communities where they hold no direct and empowering involvement. If we cannot do away with money as a means of access to our needs, than we must supplement this weakpoint in our system with some form of a basic income! Our chosen systems are no reason for any to have to suffer at such systems being in place, whether one can contribute or not. Nature makes no such distinctions, save ones own personal ability and neither should we. Nature provided for our needs long before civilization came, and so should be allowed to continue to do so. Civilization at this point, should only serve as a means to supplement what is already in place.

We are stewards of the planet, hat was our intended niche. Stand with and by one another, for civilizations depend on the presence of each and every individuals ideas and participation; we are all, each of us important to our civilizations ebb and flow. The potential solutions I have touched on are the basics upon which we all depend on for survival, as such home and stomach are the beginnings and likely the root of our collective ills.

So then citizens of Starship Planet Earth, for now I'll leave you with these words: we have a long and arduous journey ahead of us and there are many potentialities there in, where each individual action, each stone cast into the flow of time, each intention set forth within the matrix of shared space and experience ripples out into infinitum and cosmos alike. We are the directors of our collective fates and so the guardians and archetects of our collective futures; we are the authors of both our progress and undoing, be it by action or inaction alike. That which you cares for ultimately generates the course of your individual experience. So than, what ripples will you cast into the tapestry that is the lifestream? I cannot iterate this enough, the course of this planet and collective experience depends on us, on you and the choices you make in the course of constant self creation.

I stand with and for you, may our collective efforts be both benevolent and benificial to all of existence, macro and micro alike; may our awareness be ever present, that we may continue to do and be so. The future is ever aware, and is counting on our decisions. I emplore you all to have these important conversations and brainstoming sessions amongst each other, I emplore you to post your ideas and questions and engage one other in creating together, Earth is, after all, a colaborative process in the passive and active sense.

Stay golden fellow crew members!

Hack the planet!

Alfonzo 'Oni' P. Aliomar


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