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Ad Astra Per Aspera 8

Welcomed Assistance Chapter 8

By Deon BurtonPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Unexpectedly, what Commander Baja wanted to talk about was not an apology and to try over from the start. But the demand for an explanation that she already received. So, trying to be nice, I go over my account again except this time I left out Hell and Satan. And as expected Satan had his two cents to add.

No credit where credit is due boy?

“No, that’s too much for her mind to wrap around right now.”

Come now. Is making deals with the Devil really that bad? Compared to God who has done more?

“It’s about 50/50 right now.”

Tch. Luck was on your side yesterday.


“Pre-installation 92% complete. 40 seconds to completion.” S.A.R.A.H announces out of nowhere.

“THE FUCK?” Commander Baja exclaims at this sudden announcement.

“THE HELL?” I exclaim at the exact same time.

That bastard. Satan mutters.

“Installation of planet Fact’s structure as follows: Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Liquid Mantle, Solid Core. Overall 99% match with Earth. Installation of Terrain and Biomes. Surface Terrain and Biomes are as follows: 26% Water, 30% Mountain and Forestation, 30% Desert, 7% Arctic, and 7% Swamp. High Nuclear Readings from the Swamp. Current readings are 8,812 millisievert. 74% of the planets water can be found underground, a numerous amount of water deposits are between 25 meters to 1 kilometer. In addi....”

“Whoa, whoa. Slow down S.A.R.A.H. This is a lot to take in.” I exclaim as she just continues to rattle off the planets resources. “How did you get this information?”

“Unknown. Data pack was received by an untraceable entity. The location of 25 remaining ships have also been included. Recommending a small scouting party to recon the closest one located 12 kilometers west. With the standard Individual Combat load, factoring in all current known factors and creatures, the risk of misinformation or a rogue unit, plus multiple unknown factors... The entire mission should take no longer than 22 hours.” She determines after running numerous amount of tests. Simply put. We were all baffled.

“That’s round trip correct?” I ask as a small teal blue woman materializes on my arm pad.

“Oh my. This new.” She states seemingly baffled looking at her hands.

“Since when could A.I’s do that?” Commander Baja asks amazed.

“Since now apparently.” S.A.R.A.H responds. “But yes. To answer your question 22 hours is a round trip including all known worst-case scenarios excluding complete wipe of the reconnaissance team.”

“That’s still kind of dangerous though. I had a hard enough time trying to recon the area alone.”

“Hull Tech I. As convincing as your stories seem to be, you are currently in possession of too much knowledge and technological advancement.” Commander Baja says out of nowhere, but I was to engrossed with S.A.R.A.H to bother with her.

“Correct, three people would have a significantly harder time, however. If the unit has for some reason gone rogue or traitorous, then it would be more beneficial to sacrifice one life and have 2 return then send one and never get a response or worse an ambushed laid for the rest of our crew.”

“That is wasting a life though.”

“1 life is insignificant when compared to the masses correct? Or would the whole ship getting pillaged okay?”

“Tch. That’s true.” I bitterly agree. It was significantly better to lose one life versus 28. “And you ma’am. I remember stating I do not work for you, nor care about your opinions. Now, I know the story is outrageous but that IS what happened whether you believe it or not. SO you now have 1 of 2 options. 1: Provide me with two scouts and assist me. Or 2: I go alone, and you all pray I return or have aide sent here.”

She clicks her tongue in either annoyance or anger before sitting down and crossing her arms just glaring at me as I simply glare back.

“Fuck it. I’m setting out tomorrow before sunrise. Get me your best two scouts please Commander. If you believe I’ll comeback that is.” I tell her walking away.

“Hull Tech I.” She says as I get to the door. “If what you’re A.I says is true... Then we may be able to get into communication with another fleet, or better yet return ourselves... I think the potential loss is worth the risk.”

The Commander timidly agrees with S.A.R.A.H, knowing full well what she was agreeing too.

“As I said. Tomorrow before sunrise.” I tell her again with a quick look over my shoulder and then I walk out.

“Why did I do that!? Oh my God he probably hates me now.” Commander Baja thinks angrily to herself.

“Hey S.A.R.A.H. This intel you’ve received and this form. Is it a trust worthy thing?” I ask looking down at her.

“Yes. I believe it is a sign from God. You do believe in him correct?” She says with a wink.

“I should have known.” I sigh dejectedly and place my hands over my eyes while looking down and shaking my head.

“Fear not. Outside of that knowledge, my sole capabilities and abilities are still that of an A.I.” She says wittily.

“Yaay.” I respond disgruntledly.

“Right? I’m excited as well.” She says happily as we walk back to my room.

Next morning rolls around relatively quickly. I don my gear and with my helmet under my arm I start heading for the rear bay door. Surprisingly I’m met by two lightly armored women. I couldn’t make out their faces due to their helmets, but I didn’t really care. I just needed to know if they were dead weight or not.

“Fireman 2nd Class Catalina Boro, Nice to meetcha Hull Tech I.” The closet to me say happily and extending her hand.

“Hull Tech I Spark Ozark. Nice to meet you too.” I return slightly confused by the amount of energy she seemed to have.

“Marksmen Grade III Tip Logi.” The other one introduces herself extending her hand as well. “We we’re assigned to you under the orders of Commander Baja. Please watch over us. Outside of training we have no experience in a field environment.”

“A little humble for a grunt.” I mumble as I open the door.

“Our success rate is currently 16% based off of the bridges calculations. However, I’ve seen you in action and have absolute faith in your abilities.” She rebukes me to my surprise since I didn’t think she would hear me.

“Exactly. Unlike our peers we understand the value of experience.” Boro adds as we walk down the ramp.

After we step off the ramp it automatically closes, and we begin our walk into the dark, silent forest in the direction of the closest unit.

“Hey, uh... Ozark... Is it true you’ve died twice?” Boro asks quietly as she effortlessly slides through the tree while we silently glide through the forest.

“Yeah. Not that y’all believe me.” I respond dryly, cleanly dodging a low hanging branch.

“I believe you at least.” Logi adds a few moments later, smoothly bobbing and weaving through the trees. She was the second least person I expected to hear say that.

“Me as well!” Boro excitedly adds. “Your entire upper chest was caved in. All your organs were also ruptured or squished.”

“Exactly. There should be no way your up and moving. Not this quickly at least.”

“Huh. Thanks.” I whisper to myself. However, I didn’t know that my mic still just barely caught it and both girls had a soft smile under their helmets.

We continue to move silently through the forest. Barely encountering any creatures. It seemed like the majority of creatures were diurnal and the few we did happen upon were either not interested in us or too busy doing whatever they were doing.

Once daylight hit it got slightly more dangerous. Thanks to my little abilities and S.A.R.A.H we managed to avoid any direct conflicts. Finally after roughly 8 or so hours our helmets pick up the emergency request signal. Soon after that we come upon what seemed to be a clearing. We all go prone and crawl our way to the edge. We look out at the wide open plain and roughly 500 or so meters away is another Huntsmen Gunship.

However, for some reason. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something seemed wrong. It had to be because even Satan wasn’t chipping in his two cents.

“I got a bad feeling about this.” Boro whispers slightly creeping back. “I think we should report it compromised.”

“Transponder code is a match for the PREDICTION. Emergency request code... Wait codes? Multiple codes are being relayed... Wait a minute... Let me decipher them.” S.A.R.A.H pips up giving us some intel before stopping.

“I agree Ozark. Let’s chalk it up to compromised.” Logi says as S.A.R.A.H pauses.

“Emergency codes relayed are: Tango, Romeo, Alpha, Papa....”

“... MOVE!” I yell.

That’s when I saw it. It all happened in a split second. There was a red flash. I shoved Logi as hard as I could and just as she rolled a boiling red beam burns through where she and my arm just was.

“AAAAAAAAAAHH!” I can’t help but scream as the burning pain in my arm seems to be the only thing I can feel. Then I realize that my elbow and below is gone.


About the Creator

Deon Burton

Marine turned aspiring author looking to find his niche in storytelling.

I also want to improve myself so some feedback would be wonderful.

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